Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Money ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Authors Note: Hello it's me again, sorry for taking so long to update. Anyhow, I'm about to start a fullmetal alchemist fic, so I will be pretty busy. Please review, and no flamez, this is my first naruto fanfic so give me a break. Now, with all due respect, on with the fic!
Disclaimer: I do not own naruto, and never will. If I did, Gai would be burned at the stake, Haku would never have died, and Kakashi would be the next Hokage.
Haku was never one to brag, but he had to admit that he had done a pretty good job with his ninjutsu. He chose to disguise himself as a girl this time, he was better at that, and though he did not like to admit it, had a feminine side, and could play the part perfectly. He looked in the mirror, checking that he looked nothing like his regular self, and walked down the hall towards the door. He grabbed his money, stuffed it into the purse he carried as part of his disguise, and walked out the door.
The market was as busy as any day, shop vendors advertised what they had to sell, people crowded around different shops and stalls, and luckily for Haku, it was crowded. Down the middle of the street walked a girl, in her teens. She held a small blue fashionable flower-printed purse, and was breathtakingly pretty. She had long black hair, tied at the end and reaching all the way down to her waist. She had deep brown eyes that you could almost lose yourself in, and long thick eyelashes to partly cover them. Seeming almost swan like in her grace, she straitened plain, yet silky purple blouse, and sped up a bit. Haku quickened his pace, deciding that he had made the skirt a bit to short. He could feel the eyes following him, and silently berated himself for making such a flashy disguise.
Searching the market, Haku quickly picked out the first few places he had to go. Number one on the to buy list was miso, followed by rice, fish, salt, and tofu. He would have liked to buy more soba or curry, but, on their limited budget, he could only afford the necessities. Haku turned to go to the miso stall, when something caught his eye.
In a corner of the market, a small, almost unnoticeable group of people stood, talking about something Haku couldn't make it out. The thing that he noticed was when two of the four formed a few difficult katas, and disappeared in a small poof of smoke. They were either shinobi gone shopping, or shinobi hunters, though Haku couldn't tell for sure. Whoever they were, it spelled out trouble for him, and lots of it if he wasn't careful.
A/U: Yay, cliffhangers are fun. I'm hoping to get one review by the start of the next chapter, though I'll still write it even if I don't. Anyhow, sorry for making the chappie so short, but it's 2:00 in the morning about, so I'm going to sleep, goodnight!