Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Money ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Author's Note: Hi! Its me again, with the third chapter. I cant believe it, I got my first review for this storie, thanks a lot! I'll be able to write a lot more probably since school is getting out in a few days. Lol, I'm so glad summer is finally here. Well, on with the fic! Oh, and this chappie is a bit longer than my others, enjoy! ^.~
Disclaimer: If I owned Naruto, don't you think I would just make this into the manga as a side storie or sumthin?
Haku walked casually through the market, watching the other ninja through the corner of his eye. Now, as you may know, it is not a very good idea to walk forward while looking behind you. Haku turned to look in front of himself just in time to see himself fall into a stand of some sort of fruit. Tumbling over, he got up, brushed himself off, and tried to act casual. Luckily, not many people noticed, not even the shinobi. He breathed a sigh of relief, side stepping to keep out of the way of other sellers, and thought of what he needed to buy first. But something wasn't right, Haku could sense there was something that he had not noticed that wasn't in his favor. Haku looked about, trying to think of what it was that was amiss. He scratched his head in frustration, then noticed that he had up his right hand. The hand that had, moments before, had held a medium sized handbag. A medium sized handbag that, among other things, had held all of the money, money that was needed to purchase food. Food which was desperately needed.
Haku swerved around, to see the thief speeding away through the street. He was good for a common thief, but Haku was a shinobi. He began to form a kata with his one of his hands, then stopped, feeling a pair of eyes following his movements. One of the shinobi was watching him, Haku could tell. He had to think fast, what would a cute preppy girl do if her bag was stolen? The answer was obvious, and Haku immediately let out a high pitched shriek. “THIEF!!!” the girl yelled at the top of her lungs, pointing to a man running the opposite direction. Haku hoped that someone would help him, and to his amazement, one of the shinobi in the corner got up, and sped after the thief. In a matter of moments, he had apprehended the thief, and was walking back towards Haku.
“I believe that this is yours miss,” he said, handing the bag to Haku. “Uhh… thank you very much, its very kind of you,” Haku said, trying with all his might to sound as though he meant it. “I always try to help out people, especially the cute ones like you,” he replied, winking. `What is he thinking?' Haku thought to himself, trying to read the shinobi's movements. Obviously, he didn't suspect Haku in the least. The second shinobi who was hanging out with the first, began walking towards them. Haku gulped, this one didn't seem quite as laid back as the first.
“Come on Souba, quit flirting. We have to go,” The second shinobi said, looking Haku in the eyes. “And you, miss, be more careful, we don't have time for ditzy girls like you,” he added, in a slightly more harsh tone. “Don't listen to him, if you need help just call,” Souba said, as the second shinobi dragged him off.
Wait… flirting?! No way, no how, never would Haku even think about going out with him. It wasn't that he was mean, or bad looking. Actually, by your average girl's standards, he was pretty hot. But for god's sake, they were both guys! Haku admitted that he was a bit more feminine than some others, but he would never go so low as to seduce another man, a shinobi no less, for any reason what so ever.
Haku decided to ignore the whole incident until he could figure out what to do. “At least one good thing has come out of this,” Haku sighed, as he reached into his purse to pull out the money. The money that wasn't there. Haku cursed under his breath, the thief had already emptied the purse by the time he had gotten in back. Without any money, there was no need to even be here. Haku slipped a persimmon into his purse, and started to trudge back. “What a waste of time,” Haku told himself later. Slipping unnoticed into an alley, he formed the katas to take him back to the hide out.
Haku paced about, back to his regular form, as he ate the persimmon. He needed money, but how could he get it? He could resort to stealing, but with the shinobi there, that would cause to much of a scene. Haku growled in frustration, deciding on the only possible thing left. He had to get a job.
A/N: The plot thickens! Heh, im outa ideas for now, but I'll try to update soon. My goal is 1 more review, though I'll still right more without it. Also, I was really hungery when I thought up the first shinobis name, `Souba,' like soba noodles, lol.