Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Money ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Authors Note: Hey, it's me again. I had planned this chapter out, but decided to redo it because of an interesting suggestion I received. At first I had trouble, but then it all sorta just came together, heh. I can't believe I'm already at the fourth chapter, wow. Also, thanks to RayWolf for the reviews, they keep me writing. Lately, I've noticed that I only write my stories at around midnight, I don't know why but I guess I just write better around then. Well, enjoy the ficc.
Disclaimer: I don't own it. Stop asking
Haku opened his eyes, vision bleary. Getting up out of bed, he walked to the bathroom to brush his hair, brush his teeth, etc. He would go looking for jobs today, but it would be hard. He couldn't use any of his real strength or powers, as that would make it far to obvious that he wasn't the girl he had chosen to pose as. Stepping in front of his mirror, Haku formed some select katas, transforming back into the cute, busty girl he had the day before (same outfit), and walked towards the door. If he had any luck whatsoever, Zabuza would not be back for another week or so, though Haku couldn't count on it.
Back at the marketplace, Haku looked into the wanted adds of a newspaper. They needed help in a construction sight, job description said he had to be strong. Haku could, but it was too risky. After a few fruitless minuets searching through the paper, he gave in and decided to look for work on his own.
Walking into the main section of the market, he headed towards a prosperous looking fruit stand. “Hi, how may I help you miss?” the man who owned the booth asked. “Umm, I was wondering if you had any work I could do?” asked Haku hopefully, adding a hint of plea to his voice, for good measure. “I need field workers, but that's much to hard for a pretty little thing like you. Try the café off to the left there, with the violet curtains, I hear they're lookin' for a new waitress,” He said, gesturing off to the side. Haku thanked him, then walked off the opposite direction, cursing his feminine disguise, field jobs paid well. A waitress job was his last resort, he didn't like the sound of serving complete strangers, strangers who might be shinobi. Also, he still had at least some dignity, and didn't want to stoop to that
Haku went searching throughout the market, but the planting season was almost over, and work was scarce. He could have taken up fishing, but by the looks of it, there wasn't much fish or money to be found in that area. Eventually, Haku gave up for the day and went home. He hung his head in shame at what he would have to do tomorrow, and went to sleep, deciding to not eat dinner for lack of food.
The next morning, Haku woke up, and, as usual, went to brush his hair and teeth etc. When he was about to walk out, Haku looked back, noticing something amiss. Searching the room, he found a scarlet bird pecking at one of the windows. Opening it, the bird flew in, stumbling onto the table, and dropped a messily written letter. It's job done, the bird quickly jumped back out the window, flying back the way it had come. Haku recognized the messy handwriting, and crumpled untidiness of the letter immediately; it was from Zabuza.
I must talk to you about the details of a new assassination request. Meet me at a small café in the market today at about noon, wear your usual disguise. I will be at the third table, window seat. Be sure to burn this note after you read it,
Haku gaped at the note. He needed the waitress job there, but if Zabuza showed up there, he'd have to explain his foolishness. Haku sighed, and left for the market place, in hopes that things would work out somehow. Walking towards market, he ran into another pretty girl, about his age he guessed. “Hey, where ya' going?” He asked casually, looking in her general direction. “Oh, I'm going to a little café in the market, I just got the last waitress job there, lucky huh? Though if I don't get there on time, they say they'll give it away to someone else, so I've got to hurry,” she replied, grinning happily. “Is that so,” Haku replied, smirking.
Haku walked into the café, girlish smile plastered on. “Hello, I'm here to apply for the waitress job, my friend got the last one, but at the last minuet told me to go instead, she's come down with… uhh… the flu! Yes, that's right, the flu,” Haku said quickly. “Okay, just get on this apron, and go to the kitchen to get food and take orders,” replied a kind looking woman at the door. Haku walked in, putting on the deep green colored apron he was handed.
Walking into the kitchen, he heard one of the employees call out an order. “Hey, you're the new waitress aren't you, thank goodness. Take this to table 3 and hurry up, they've been waiting for quite a while,” said a girl, handing Haku a plate with several dishes on it. Haku quickly took it and left the kitchen, searching the tables out of the corner of his eye. No sign of Zabuza for now, but he had bigger things to worry about. Like an excuse.
Haku found the table he had been directed to, set down the dishes politely, and looked up to see who was sitting there, immediately regretting it. It was none other than Souba, finishing a phone call with someone, it sounded like it was his sister. Haku tried quickly to hide his face, to no avail. “Hey waitress, it's about time- wait, you're that girl from the market the other day! How are you?” Haku looked for an excuse to escape, and decided to go with the `work comes first' attitude. “I'm sorry, I have to get back to work, can we talk maybe after my shift is over?” He asked, dearly hoping Souba would take the bait. “Don't worry, my mother owns this place. She wanted me to take over the business, but I wanted something more exciting. I never found out, what's your name?” he asked, looking Haku up and down.
Haku's mind raced, he needed a name, and quick. He glanced over, and noticed a young man with short brown hair staring at him from a table next to the window, Zabuza. “uhh, my name is Momomi, it's nice to see you again, but I think the man over there at the window table is ready to order, and I really should see to him. I'll meet you during my break in a couple hours outside the café if you want,” Haku said quickly, trying to get away. “Alright, I'll see you then I guess,” Souba replied slightly disappointed.
Haku walked over to the table where Zabuza was sitting, and asked him what he would like to order. “Haku, what are you doing here?” Zabuza said quickly in a hushed, but annoyed manner. “Well, uhh, I started working here because many shinobi like to come here, lots of information gathers here,” Haku quickly replied, praying Zabuza would believe him.
A/N: I gotta stop here. Man, this chapter was long! It's about 2:00 in the morning, and I'm getting tired. Now that I'm out of school, I'll be able to update more often, yay! Please review! Right now, I have 2 reviews, both from the same person, I'm hoping for 1 more, hopefully from someone else. Well, goodnight, I'll try to write more soon!