Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Most Beautiful Sight ❯ Forgotten ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or its characters; they are just being used to keep the creativity flowing till I get bored and leave it alone for good.

He couldn't understand the reasoning for it all. Most of the village had come to the ceremony, mostly out of respect. He may be thick headed sometimes, but he was more aware of things than anyone could have ever guessed. Most of the town despised the Hyuuga clan. They spoke of how they thought they were better than everyone. To be honest many blamed the Hyuuga clan for the fire, until they found Konohomaru sitting safely outside of the fire range crying his eyes out staring at a cliff. The boy felt so guilty and depressed he outright named the boys who were with him that night and told in detail what had happened. Immediately a ceremony had been set for the loss parents and servants.

When wind of Hinata saving his life and falling over the cliff reached Neji's ears he disappeared for a few days, leaving Hanabi behind. When he had returned, his whole looked crushed and broken as he collapsed clutching a leaf village forehead protector in his hands. That had been the only clue to the girl's death. Looking at Neji now, he seemed hollow. Hanabi was just as hollow as her cousin. That had been the confusing part to him. The girls never really had gotten to know each other, and she seemingly hated her parents.

"No, it's wrong to assume things." He told himself looked at his hands that were now red from his constant wringing of them. Pursing his lips inward he trembled slightly. "Maybe they had that relationship that grows off of hate… but Hinata seemed incapable of hating."
"Naruto…" Sakura looked at him.

"You know, she was always so nice to me. Even during the exams she was cheering me on… on the inside because I was fighting her teammates, but she always gave me that look saying "You could do it… I know you could."

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing… I'm being stupid…" Naruto said as the crowd started to break up.

"It's amazing how once they're gone you notice the little things that didn't seem important when they were here, right?" Naruto turned and found himself staring at the remnants of team eight; Aburame Shino, Inuzuka Kiba, and Yuuhi Kurenai. None of them was looking even remotely calm and collected. "Right…?" Kiba asked the blonde.

"Uhh…. Huh??" Naruto gave the boy an odd stare.

"Walk with us…" Shino said simply as he and Kiba walked off with the blonde trailing behind.

"It's so sad though..." Sakura looked at Hanabi and Neji. "Suddenly they are the last of the Hyuuga clan."

"At least they tolerate each other." Sasuke said.

"Listen, Naruto, despite how much we couldn't figure her reasons until after we seen you fight I have to say… Hinata felt deeply for you." Shino spoke up first.

"She felt deeply?"

"It's amazing to not notice, but we think she may have even loved you, even though you're strung up on Sakura." Kiba said as Naruto froze.

"Hinata… L-l-l…." He stopped to take a deep breath. "She loved me?!?!" His heart suddenly felt heavy with hurt.

"Yeah… She slipped up the day of the fire. She had for some time now." Kiba said with Akamaru barking in agreement.
"Even if we had our suspicions before then..." Shino added. Naruto then found himself watching the two boys walk off.

"She… loved… me?" He asked suddenly feeling like he was ready to cry. "Hinata…"

For the first time since he found out about her death he let the tears fall. He had known the Hyuuga girl for sometime now. He really never thought much of her since she was always red when he spoke to her, and those times had been little. But not once had he ever thought that she had been in love him. All this time he thought no one cared to notice him. No one seemed to care for him. He had been trying to push for a relationship between him and Sakura Haruno because they saw each other frequently and he thought she was pretty. But Hinata… It's all clear to him now. Hinata had given him the healing herbs after the fight because she cared; she wanted to help him cheat on the exam because she cared. Every little thing she had done for him was because she cared. Probably the only person who cared since Hinata was strung up on Sasuke, the pervert senin was off writing his books now and Kakashi never quite knew how to tolerate his loud actions.

"Naruto, are you okay?" Tsunade's voice came from behind him. He didn't even bother wiping his tears from his eyes.

"She's really gone…" Naruto looked at her. "The only person to care about me in the slightest way is gone."

"Naruto, what are you talking about?" Tsunade looked at the boy before oof erupted from her body as he clutched her, his head just below her chest.

"Hinata, the only person who loved me is gone and I not once acknowledged her feelings for me at all." He sobbed as guilt and sadness wracked his body. Tsunade held him, letting his tears fall.

"Ouch!!" She groaned feeling a pinch in her side.

"So you're awake…" A gentle female voice reached her young ears. "Sorry about the pain, but you needed stitches badly."

"Where am I??" She asked moving.

"Stay still!" The female warned. She then opted for opening her eyes. At first the woman's face was blurry but when things clarified she could see the girl had long white hair and a soft shaped face giving her a kind look… but her eyes were blindfolded.

"What happened to your eyes?" She asked making the woman giggle.

"Nothing, I don't think of it anymore… but I can take off the mask if you wish." She moved as the sun caught her forehead protector. She winced and looked at the image engraved on the protector… it was an eye??

"You don't have to…" She said. "But how did you care for the wound…?"

"I rely on my Chakra for sight…" The woman reached for the blindfold and removed the black band. Her eyes were amber. "Seems as if someone tried to kill you, but don't worry. I cleared those clogged passages of Chakra. Your life is in no danger now."

"Is she awake yet, Ayumi??" A different voice reached her ears.

"Yes…" The white haired girl looked to see an elderly male walk into the room.

"Good…" he knelt. "Sweet child… We found your body floating in the river a few days back."

"River??" She asked softly.
"What village are you from? I am sure your family misses you." He asked.
"Family??" She closed her eyes as if trying to remember something distant… but all she could remember was flames… and a big home collapsing. She briefly caught flashes of a boy with long hair and pearl white eyes looking at her, they separated and she saw more flames. "I… I don't think I have a family anymore."

"Excuse me?" Ayumi spoke up.

"I remember a fire… a big fire. The person I was following had gotten separated from me." Her eyes widened. "I was rolling outside and… that's all."

"Grandfather…" Ayumi gripped his hand.

"Do you even remember your name?" The man asked again.

"I…" She moved and vaguely remembered a memory of a boy with what appeared to be whiskers on his face. "You can do it Hinata!!" She paused feeling her heart skip. "Hinata… That is the extent my memory…" She suddenly began crying. "What if my family died in the fire I couldn't go back and bear it...please, don't make me go back!" She cried sobbing to herself.

"But we are a Sight Village. We rely on sight as a last resort… and you may have already become a Genin of some other village because of you Byakugan…" Ayumi said as the old man's hand clamped over her mouth.

"Ayumi, come… I wish to speak with you." The elderly man said.

"You say that girl is in the possession of the Byakugan?"

"Yes, I see it with my own eyes Grandfather… My mask startled her so I took it off for her. Her eyes are pure white. When she had awoken it had been activated, whether she knew she had or hadn't. Why??"

"Nothing of your concern Ayumi…" He spoke to the fifteen year old female. "I think we will care for her… as a Sight villager, until someone comes searching for her."

"Uh… okay…" The teenager thought nothing of her grandfather's antics and went back to tell the sobbing girl she could stay till her memory returned or someone comes searching for her. This made the white eyed girl grin.