Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Most Beautiful Sight ❯ Moving on... 2 yrs later ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or its characters; they are just being used to keep the creativity flowing till I get bored and leave it alone for good. (TWO YEARS LATER)

"But Naruto-kun…" He watched her play with her index fingers in her trademark way. A blush stained her pale cheeks as her pearl eyes gazed up at him shyly but lovingly. She pursed her lips in apparently gathering her thoughts.

"I haven't hurt you yet, Hinata." He reached his hand out to touch her face. Immediately she leaned her face against his hand as his thumb caressed the path the red had taken on her face.

"I know…" She whispered as he leaned in to plant a soft kiss on her soft lips now red from her pursing them in a moment before. "I know you never will." She whispered against his lips as he boldly wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to him. He felt her body pushing him back until his knees buckled before his back hit the bed.
"Hinata…" He groaned out softly feeling her knees curl up at his sides as she grinded her rapidly warming up core against the hardening tool. His hands moved to unzip the sweater that was worn by her teammates. He grinned looking at the nothingness that was underneath. His calloused palms reached for her soft orbs. First just holding them in his training beat hands wanting mold them in any shape he wants. She moaned softly against his lips as he brought his fingers to pinch her quickly stiffening nipples.

"Naruto-kun…" She moans softly as his hips pushed upwards against her heat. The dry humping between them both sped up. He could hear her breath speed up into pants with her moans underlying them all. "Naruto-kun I…" She never finished because the warning came late, and a moan tore from her throat in a passionate cry of released tension. His whole body shuddered hearing her pleasure gave him pleasure.
"Hinata… I…" He groaned before he suddenly felt like he was being plunged into the ocean in the middle of a snowy day.

"AHHHHHH!!!!" He screamed sitting up as water trailed from his now matted blonde hair down him face. He looked at the source of intrusion and shook his head. "Morning Mom…" He looked at the woman who had the bucket resting on her hip.

"Morning, brat…" She smirked at him as he returned the smirk. "Hot dream again?" She asked as he lay back down in the puddle of cold water. She looked at him knowing in the back of her mind it was of the girl who had sent him in depression for nearly two months three years ago. Seemingly it was the only way he could deal with her death but…. 'Living in dreams is hurtful when reality hits…' She thought. "Breakfast is ready…" She smiled tenderly at him watching his eyes slide shut.

"You're leaving for the hospital already?"

"Yes, Hanabi injured Honohamaru's arm cutting of chakra circulation… again." She spoke to him. "And Neji… over did his training wore his eyes out, remember? I have to see if they're usable again."
"It comes with the job of being a medic Hokage." He spoke.

"You're bored without any missions aren't you?" Her fingers touched the chuunin jacket on the chair nearby.

"Not so much as bored, but it leaves time for me to regret the wasted time. I know it's bad to live in the past, but for her I try my hardest in everything I do now." He got up and shook his hair all over the place.

"That's good…" Tsunade touched his face. "I'm sure a mission or two will surface soon." She turned to leave.

"Right…" He smiled after her as she left. Immediately opening his window hoping the spring air will dry his bed by nightfall. Once outside of the home he now shared with his "Mother" and saw Neji waiting for him as always. And as always Naruto smashed his breakfast together to make it portable so Neji wouldn't complain about his being late. This morning he currently was eating a rice ball he cut open and put in the ham that had also been made with some jelly and closed it like a sandwich.

"How can you eat breakfast like that?" He handed the boy a small jug of water.

"Watch me…" Naruto held up the makeshift sandwich and brought to his mouth chomping down. Neji frowned at him.

"And you made it to chuunin with eating habits like that?" Neji eyes the jacket shaking his head.

"You could've made it if you tried…" Naruto pointed out.

"You know why I didn't even try." Neji said and Naruto stopped a looked at him. Apparently angry for even bringing up the first time they all took the test.

"You should've… despite the fact that you had your differences with her you were family to her and she would've been happy to see you succeed. She knew you were the better fighter and she still fought you that day. Hell she didn't even hate you after you tried to kill her." He said pushing him. "She's gone now and to be honest I don't think she'd want you to move on and be yourself again."

"How would you know what she wanted?!?!" Neji snapped. "You hadn't realized her feelings for you until someone spelled it out on the day of her ceremony. From what I could tell you barely paid her any real attention since that Haruno girl was on your mind and she didn't even like you!!"

"Yeah well you knew even less about her for being family. You knew she wasn't heiress since Hanabi had defeated her for that, and you knew she was part of the main house. Not once did you ever think that she never cared about being heiress, or the differences between the main house and the branch house. She never had an interest for that. While you were fighting on hatred for the main house she was fighting to prove her strength to not only herself but to everyone else. Even if she knew it was hopeless. I knew that much about her, hell I knew that she was deadly if she only had the right encouragement." Naruto paused. "So I didn't know her feelings for anything, but she was a nice girl who wouldn't wish anything bad on anyone, not even the family that tried to kill her."

"I know…" Neji said as Naruto finished his breakfast. "That's what irks me the most… I never made up for the pain inflicted on her." Neji went back into pity mode. It seems that he's pitied himself for the past three years, and since her feelings had lied within the Kyubi boy, he had hoped to see what she saw in him, and he had which serve to hurt him more.

"Neji…" Naruto dusted his hands off. Neji then turned his pupil-less eyes to him and a fist came in contact with his face. The boy sprawled out on his back looked at the blonde in awe. A slow smile came to his face.

"You're right…" He stood up and cracked his neck. "Maybe being a Hyuuga was more painful for her then anything else since all the training she did wouldn't help with her lack of confidence in it all." Neji rubbed the bruising cheek

"I know that…" Neji said walking off with his new friend.

She stayed still with a blindfold over her face. Her chakra was like a thick fog surrounding her person. She waited… waited…and continued to wait until she moved and swung her leg in a perfect roundhouse kick breaking the intrusion on her personal space. But there were more entering the space behind her as she soon found herself moving her hands to break it in half. She continued to dodge the obstacles and found herself on the run and what seemed to be a big rolling boulder chased her. She found herself on a set path with opponents in front of her. She continued running until she stopped abruptly. Her chakra cloud in front dipped deeply in fronts as if rounding a vertical corner. She felt the cloud of chakra behind her rumbling with the boulder coming.

"Nice ending, Hinata… Remind me to his you for this one." She knelt feeling the weights on her ankle weigh her down. She pulled frantically at them but time wasn't on her side. "Please let my legs have gotten stronger." She whimpered jumping in the air hitting her left ankle on the rolling rock but landing on the other side anyway. She winced at putting pressure on the ankle before sound echoed and the creaking of door hinges was heard.

"You still fail you know…" Hinata's voice came out taunting like.

"Oh shut up… I'll try it out again in three weeks." Ayumi shook her head. "…Before the week of removal."

"Think that ankle will be good by then?" Hinata asked facing in the direction Ayumi's voice was coming from… since her eye mask prevented her vision.

"Well enough to work on my jumps…" Ayumi giggled. "So, have you come up with a routine for this month's Week of Removal?"

"Not really, think I'll slip into Ray's routine."

"His are always so risqué, Hinata."

"I know…" She said before the two giggled. "Hopefully I'll be his partner this time around!!" The two girls continued walking and giggling like sisters would.