Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Motherhen Kyuubi ❯ Motherhen Kyuubi ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Gah, I don't own nuttin!


Anything For Love

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Three

The yellow and orange flames crackled in the cold air, the smoke rising into the starry sky as the skewered fish roasted in the heat. Saying that it had been a long day for him was nothing but an over exaggerated understatement as his violet eyes stared softly at the girly laying on the other side of the fire. He didn’t know what to expect earlier after coming across her unmoving bloodied form and at first he believed her to be dead like the young boy he had barely finished burying before hand.

Although it surprised him nonetheless to see a pair of fluttering eyelashes and for a moment he had gazed upon those clouded gems of cerulean before thick lashes hid those dazzling orbs from him again. He didn’t understand why he was so caught up with her, the silky softness of her hair, and the baby smooth texture of her skin against his fingertips. Why was this wounded girl so appealing, so exotic, and entrancing that for the briefest of moments he forgot what he had been originally searching for. His teeth worried angrily on his lower lip as he thought, more or less dwelled, on this creature sleeping peacefully merely a few arm lengths away.

How had she ended up on the cliff side? What had been going on between her and some outside being? Who was the young boy to her, a son or brother perhaps? So many answerless questions raced throughout his mind, circling around his brain like bloodthirsty buzzards and demons. Who was this girl, this woman and why was there this invisible force calling for him, urging him to come closer beneath the surface?

A heavy sigh escaped his lips as he pulled the skewered fish from their dace with the flames, blowing on the cooked meat before tearing the tasty treat and closing his mouth to chew the spoils. His stomach growled in appreciation and he found himself ravenous as he continued devouring the small fish he caught from the riverside; it was absolutely delicious. He closed his eyes in pleasure for a moment, voicing his satisfaction with the meal only to realize that he wasn’t the only one voicing something.

The girl moved slowly, another soft moan passing by her lips, her brows scrunching together and her clenched fists sliding up her form near her face and he could only stare, his mouth slightly ajar at the scene in front of him. Long strands of ebony hair were sprawled out all around her like a halo, the pale alabaster skin of her neck and chest slinking out from under the shirt he had clothed her with; the neck flap opening just slightly exposing the rosy bud of her right nipple. He felt his throat constrict and the air evaporate from his lungs as he watched her, an alien feeling beginning to swell in his abdomen.

Pounding on his chest, he roughly coughed up the fish meat that had found its way lodged in his throat until it uneasily slid down, tears prickling at the backs of his eyes and obscuring this maidenly vision right in front of him. Gathering his bearings as best he could, he went to her and kneeled, his fingers trembling ridiculously as he moved the shirt to recover her exposed form. His calloused fingers brushed with a feather’s touch over the now taut bud and he tried his hardest to swallow the enormous lump growing in his throat.

She was just so beautiful, so remarkable sleeping there with an air of innocence and he didn’t even stop to think what had compelled him to help her. Sure, he may not have been the nicest of people, or the most considerate, not ignoring the face of being extremely bitter over his current and past situations, but he couldn’t have left her there. Something inside told him that it would have been impossible to do so; not to mention more cruel than he was said to be. Sighing heavily, he sat back and focused his energy on watching the fire blazing in front of him, he had to stay awake and keep watch for any lingering dangers.

There was something in the air that he didn’t like; the slight paranoia feeling that there was an avid watcher somewhere out in the shadows waiting for the right moment. Just sitting there waiting with cold eyes and an evil aura and he didn’t like the feeling, not at all. Violet eyes were entranced, hypnotized by an old memory dancing in the brilliant flames and he felt his heart constrict painfully thinking about a first kiss and undying love. He knew that those thoughts only added to the bitterness, deepening his angry thirst and dragging him deeper into self-hatred, but how could he not think about it?

How could he not when at one point in his miserable life he had experienced what his father had said to be love? An emotion that was hard to find, even harder for it to be reciprocated, only to have everything come crumbling down around him and stealing away a part of him he never knew could be stolen in the first place.

All he knew was it didn’t matter how long it took him because he wouldn’t stop until he found her and took back everything she took from him and more. Then he’d be free from his curse and the cursed existence in which he lived with day to day. He wanted to be free from it all and become what he always dreamed about since he could remember, stronger. Stronger to keep from falling into the same trap he had fallen into before, stronger so he could protect the ones he wanted, and stronger to face all those who stood in his way.

How could you do this to me? He mentally berated. All I wanted was to be with you and love you, why did you betray me?

“S-” A soft husky voice tore him from his bitter thoughts and onto the girl in front of him, “S-souta?”

Subconsciously he scooted closer to her fluttering eyes, his hand gingerly touching her and brushing the tangled hair from her face. A worried frown marred his own features as her eyes connected with his. There was confusion, pain, and fear swirling in her eyes and he had the sudden urge to pull her into his strong embrace and never let her go, but against his impulsive judgment, he stuck with looming over her.

“How are ya’ feeling?” he asked softly helping her sit up and wrapping another one of his shirts around her slender shoulders. It wasn’t as if he really needed them anyway, she needed them to stave off the night chill, and he didn’t.

Her eyes darted around the small campsite, open wide and almost unseeing, yet frantically searching for something. He assumed it was for the little boy he buried, who she probably knew as Souta; and despite knowing better, he didn’t want to tell her. Holding his breath, he carefully reached for the other skewered fish from its hold and placed the edge of the stick onto the girl’s hand, curling her fingers around it.

“You should eat something,” he said softly before getting to his feet and going over to where he had originally been. He couldn’t be so gentle with her, so understanding and helpful when she was only hindering his journey. She would slow him down, distract him, and that wasn’t what he wanted. He didn’t want the responsibility of protecting and taking care of another human girl, he didn’t have the time or the patience for it.

Pulling his bag to his side, he dug around aimlessly inside, searching for something that he knew didn’t exist anymore, but doing so to ease the tension he felt building rapidly in the pits of his stomach. He tossed it aside after a few moments of rummaging before tossing a few more small and long sticks into the fire; he needed to keep it burning in order to keep her warm. It wasn’t that he didn’t care about the girl, because he did a little at least, he was concerned, interested, and secretly stuck in awe about her very appearance.

“How did I get here?” her voice was small, traces of fear and anxiety catching his ears and forcing his eyes to meet hers.

The urge to sigh was overpowering and tearing his eyes away from hers, he clenched his jaw. Suddenly he was irritated, not with her, but by everything else that occurred. The horse that ran off and trapped him in this mess, the little boy who was buried somewhere a mile or two away from where they sat, and the look of her face as she watched him. She looked so familiar and he hadn’t realized it until she spoke.

“I carried you here,” he cursed mentally seeing her flinch as his sharp tone. “I found you in the forest and couldn’t leave you for the crows ya’ know.”

He fell back on what he knew, what he could control and acted coldly as he picked up his poor excuse for food and took a bite, his appetite now non-existent. He listened carefully to her shaky breath, her silent sniffle, and immediately could feel the guilt settling in; he hadn’t meant to upset her to the point of tears. Tossing what was left of his food into the fire, he let loose the sigh he was holding back and ran his fingers roughly through his hair, his fingers curling around the strands and tugging on it to try to relieve some of the pressure.

“I just didn’t want to leave you out there to die okay,” it was more or less a confession, but one that he would never admit. “So no crying alright? I may be an ass but I’m not a monster that’s going to eat you.”

“T-thank you,” her eyes fell to the fish in her hands and slowly she took a small bite, silent tears slipping down her face and falling onto the material of the shirt covering half of her thighs.

Alarms went off in his head as he sat there watching her cry and he felt his heart skip a beat. He practically scrambled to his feet and over to where she sat, his hands gripping her shoulders tightly as she sat there looking absolutely defeated. He didn’t know how to react, how to keep her from shedding any more crystal droplets of water and it was making him extremely nervous. The skewered fish dropped onto the dirt, small hands trembling as ebony hair fell over her shoulders, the long bangs covering her eyes.

He could handle just about anything from building a fire and giving first aid to strategies and striking down massive demons; however, seeing a women crying was like asking him to fly, he wasn’t equipped with the knowledge or the effective tools of keeping any women from crying and it made him feel powerless.

“Everything’s going to be okay,” he said desperately trying to stop the fall of tears. “P-please, stop crying. I hate to see women cry, you’ll make your face all red and puffy. I-”

Skinny and long arms wrapped around his waist and ebony hair brushed against his face as she threw herself into his body, her sobs growing louder as she continued crying. His eyes were wide and his arms stood out as he stared down at her shuddering back, her body laying arched over on his lap. He was lost for word. A moment or two passed by before his heart started beating again and when the initial shock wore off his tense body relaxed, his hands resting softly on her back and rubbing it as soothingly as he knew how. Tonight, he guessed, he would let her cry her eyes out until she felt better and tomorrow; well that would have to be dealt with later.

Morning had come sooner than he expected, the soft melody of songbirds pulling him from the most comfortable and warm sleep he had experienced in many, many years. At first he didn’t understand why he was laying back, his arms wrapped around a warm sleeping body, the hot air from her slightly parted mouth waxing and waning across his neck. He could feel the heat spreading throughout his body, it was relaxing and he found himself smiling a little as he watched her sleep.

For him it was an indescribable feeling just laying there with her curled up beside him, her thin fingers sprawled out on his naked chest. This stranger, this girl he had never met before; hadn’t even had a coherent conversation with fit perfectly in his embrace and despite how weird and alien it should have been he was content. More or less at peace with himself. It shouldn’t have been that way, it was wrong in so many ways and his mind screamed for him to move away, but he didn’t want to.

It would have been great if it were nothing more than a dream and he would wake up alone, his horse a few feet away lazily grazing on the green grass, yet that wasn’t how things worked out; he wasn’t dreaming. Yawning tiredly, he carefully inched onto his side trying to escape from the intimate position the two of them were in, his lower back popping loudly along with his hip. He had hissed in displeasure at the popping joins, his hip forcing unwanted pressure and inability to move as quickly as he would have liked. His eyebrows scrunched together for a moment as he tried maneuvering his arm from underneath the sleeping beauty and for the most part he was successful until she moved onto her back, her blue eyes opening and staring directly at him, almost staring right through him and he felt his heart skip a beat like before.

“Good morning,” it was barely a whisper, but he couldn’t help but stare at her lips as she spoke. “Who are you?”

His brain went blank as he stared at her dumbly, his mouth opening and closing like a floundering fish. His body was over reacting, the sensitive flesh tingling on the arm where her fingers touched. It was ironic that the moment he wanted to say something the most his voice refused to cooperate, leaving him voiceless.

“InuYasha,” it had come out sounding completely breathless despite him trying to sound composed.

She licked her lips innocently and he felt his stomach surge forward, he was losing all the self control that he had left watching her so closely. “InuYasha…”

The way that she said his name drove him to the edge and before he knew what he was doing he was inches away from those teasing, slightly parted lips, the heat of her breath hot against his own and making the coils in his abdomen wind up tighter than before. He wanted her, wanted her so badly that it was almost excruciatingly painful for him. His heart was racing and the moment her blue eyes drifted close, he knew that it was all over.

Their lips met gently, the feel bringing nostalgia to his frantically pounding heart and efficiently shutting off his brain. InuYasha cupped her jaw and claimed her lips again in a demanding kiss, feeling the electricity flowing through his body like a torrent stream.

Her fingers brushed against his sensitive nipples and he couldn’t contain his groan as the gooseflesh ran up his spine. It was a blistering heat as his hair curtained the two of them from the outside world, her kiss-bruised lips parting, hoping for air only for him to hear her gasp as he plundered her mouth, his tongue tasting the essence of her and drinking it in greedily. Nails dug into the flesh of his shoulder as he pressed himself firmly against her yielding body, awakening things that he had never before realized was there in the first place.

InuYasha pulled away from her, his breathing uneven and his eyes sliding open to stare at her in surprise. He hadn’t meant to kiss her, to take advantage, but there was a growing need festering inside of him craving to touch her again; to kiss her silly until the feeling went away.

“I-I’m sorry,” his voice was a few octaves lower than normal and he tried clearing his throat.

“Kagome,” he realized that it was her name and he opened his mouth to say something else when her lips slanted over his and once again his mind clouded over and he was lost in his instincts, releasing the beast inside.

E/N: lol I thought the last bit was a little funny, but maybe that's just me. Well thanks to everyone who has taken the time to leave a review for this newborn baby of mine... I greatly appreciate it, mucho mucho! I'm working on the next part as I speak, and I've got about 1/4th of it done. Hopeing to have the next chapter by the end of the weekend maybe, and hopefully a new chapter to "Getting to know you", cuz I love that story too! lol

Until next time, -Krystal-