Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Motherhen Kyuubi ❯ Motherhen Kyuubi ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

None of the characters below belongs to me…
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Naruto: 5 years old
Sasuke: 6 years old
Itachi: 13 years old
Chapter 3
by: c7bi_kyuubi
Previous Chapter:
Sasuke stared at Naruto. “Ta-chan, where did you get that fox? He looks funny…” Naruto let out an indignant yip and glared at Sasuke. He does not look funny. Well, he does have nine tails and normal fox only have one… He changed into his human form with a `poof', giving poor Itachi a near heart attack when he found out that he was holding a boy instead of a fox. Everyone present dropped their jaw as Sasuke yelled “YOU!!!” and struck a dramatic pose, pointing a finger a Naruto. Naruto crossed his arms in midair as he is still held by Itachi under his arms and smirked smugly at the shocked black haired boy. Then he did the most surprising thing. He pulled his mouth open sideways, stuck out his tongue, went crossed eyed and “Nyeeehhhh…”ed at Sasuke. Everyone present sweatdropped at his childish actions.
Itachi held the fox turned boy away arms length. `What the fuck is going on here?!?!' He thought, looking from a glaring and flushed Sasuke who was pointing at a still in midair, smug looking and grinning Naruto. Vaguely he supposed he was still dreaming… Maybe…
Uchiha Itachi was still holding onto Naruto, dangling the 5 year old blond bundle of sunshine in midair. The Uchihas, considered the genius clan of Konoha, were staring at the boy open mouthed. Sasuke and Naruto continued making faces at each other and yelling insults. Itachi stared in horror at the scene unfolding before him. `I will never ever bring back a stranded baby animal that doesn't look even remotely normal ever again.'
Naruto squealed angrily at Sasuke, legs kicking in mid air trying to squirm out of Itachi's grasp to get at Sasuke who was smirking at Naruto in his practiced `I'm cooler than thou' pose. This of course made Naruto madder and his wriggling increased. Itachi sighed and tucked Naruto under one arm and grabbed the smug Sasuke under the other. Yes, being so much older than these two is an advantage in itself. Now he had two squirming, wriggling and pissed off cute chibi kids under his arms.
Naruto stopped and went poofed again, changing into his nine tailed fox form. He wriggled out of Itachi's grip and dropped to the floor. Then he stuck his tongue out at them all before he took of running… the wrong way and deeper into the Uchiha mansion. Itachi sweatdropped. “Kono gaki… honto ni baka mitai…” (1) [Kakakakaka!!! I've never seen a fox stick it's tongue out before at anyone…]
Sasuke stared at the flick of the nine tailed fox before taking advantage of the moment and slipped out of Itachi's grip and ran after the fox. Itachi thought of going after them but decided against it. They wouldn't be able to leave the compound anyway without deactivating the jutsu around the Uchiha lands. Straightening, he was about to walk off when he heard the shout, “GET “EM!!!” and the horde of Uchihas rushing after the departing fox and chibi Sasuke-chan.
Itachi sweatdropped. `I guess Naruto's not the only kid around here…' He sidestepped, dodged and finally clung to the ceiling to avoid getting trampled by the stampeding Uchihas who were running after the two kids. He hung onto the ceiling for a few more moments to make sure the coast is clear before dropping to the ground gracefully without a sound. (sigh) Now to get some sleep… And then, he headed towards his room and setting traps along the corridor heading towards his room to make sure he wouldn't be interrupted.
He did set a barrage of shuriken and kunai traps on his door and a fire jutsu that would automatically activate itself if anyone stepped within the radius of a foot around his door area. `Maybe it was too much… Nah…' He did set up warning signs along the corridor, and he doubt that anyone could miss the bright neon signs littering the hallway and corridor. Well, if they missed the warning signs, they deserved to get hit… Itachi is a cool and cold and calculating man. He is also a little mad, moody and maniac-ish. (sweatdrop)
Outside in the compound and surrounding land and inside the Uchiha mansion, Naruto was running and hiding here and there having the time of his life, Sasuke was chasing after him also having the time of his life. In that moment, the two reached an understanding and a bond was formed. The two became pranksters and rivals as well as best friends. The Uchihas chasing after the two did not have a good day as the legendary pranksters of Konoha that was formed that very day teamed up and… needless to say, it was a bad day for the Uchihas.
Three hours later, Itachi woke up from a sound sleep (he did a sound barrier and reinforced his room top, bottom, and the surrounding four walls with chakra. Ya never know what is going to happen in a ninja filled village where the occurrence of an explosion is as frequent as someone farting during the day… Which is quite often…) to find the hallway outside his door littered with kunais, shurikens and scorch marks. Oh yeah and a few pinned to the wall bodies of various Uchiha members who were unconscious.
Itachi sighed. And they had the Sharingan but still got hit. Were they blind not to notice the flashing blinking and hanging from everywhere warning signs that this area was rigged with bombs and traps? He ignored the moaning and twitching bodies to head out to the garden to meditate. Everyone should be tired out already by now… Peace… BUT! Not for long with me as the author! The power is in my hands and thus do I wreck havoc and destruction within- ahem… Getting off topic here…
And so, Itachi went out to the backyard, sat down cross-legged on the porch, and started to meditate accompanied by the bamboo water fountain and its calming sounds. Then, he felt someone creep closer and closer to him. Warily, he braced himself as he already knew who it was. No Uchiha would dare approach this close to him when he was meditating. The last person who did had recovered from his coma and would always let out a girlish high pitched scream; which is the Uchiha trademark of fear / shock / startled (when they do show it albeit rarely - almost never); and run away whenever he saw Itachi. That man was older than him by at least three times his age and is an ANBU captain.
Rank doesn't mean anything when it comes to Itachi and his peace. Beware… But apparently, this little kid didn't stay away from him. He pounced on him instead. To be specific, Naruto pounced onto Itachi's lap and started tugging and braiding his hair. Now, Itachi does not let anyone know this but he like (love deeply obsessively freakishly) his hair very much. Even more than the Hyuugas actually. This is why his hair is soft silky and able to gently fly and soar in the air with the minutest wind. And now, there was a nine tailed fox currently lying upside down on his lap while he was meditating, with its four legs in the air, play batting at his soft silky hair with its nine tails waving in the air.
Itachi sighed. He was about to inflict serious damage on the kit when his eyes met with innocent clear wide blue orbs that were filled to the brim with happiness and innocent joy… Unwillingly, Itachi felt his killer intent and murderous chakra fade away. The relieved sigh from around him announced to him that ALL UCHIHAS AVAILABLE were around them. They had felt the killer intent. Only one person had this killer intent and that was Uchiha Itachi.
And the feel and taste of this type of killer intent and murderous chakra was felt only when someone dared to come near to Itachi when he was meditating or his hair was involved. Apparently, this time it was both. To say that the Uchihas were shocked when the person who did it was not harmed in anyway convinced them more that Naruto is the bringer of miracles. They had started to prepare for a funeral but instead, get to see Itachi smile. Again for a second time in a day. IT'S A FUCKIN' MIRACLE!!!
(1) This kid… he's really an idiot…
And this is the best I can do. Lost of ideas but to switch in the computer to actually type… (sigh) troublesome. Shikamaru's got a point ya know. That lazy genius… (yawn) Anyway, read and review… Thankx… Going to work on the other stories now…