Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Music Box ❯ Hidden Elements ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Alex:*walks in with an inhumanly large stack of naruto mangas in her arms and drops them on Meg's desk* Anything else, your majesty?

Meg:*stops trying to teach Chibi how to use a katana properly and turns to Alex* Sure, I'll have a large Shirley Temple and some crab rolls, arigato, nee-san! *goes back to Chibi's katana lessons*

Alex:grr.... I WAS KIDDING!!!!

Meg:I know *suddenly notices readers* OH! *tosses her katana behind her head, which falls dangerously close to Tori, who is sleeping on the couch* Gomen nasi and welcome to the first chapter of Music Box!

Alex:*flops down in a chair* and you wonder why I cann you a baka?

Meg:Shut up, Alex. Anyway! Intoductions! I'm Megpie the Great, but friends just call me Meg! *points to Alex, who is flipping through a Yu-Gi-Oh manga* that's my big sister, Alex, my cross-over expert. *points to Chibi, who has busied herself playing with one of the many animals runng around the room* That's Chibi, my neice Sere's, well, chibi ^_^ she can't decide if I'm her mom, or Sere is.

Alex:*looks across the room at the sleeping Tori* That's Tori, or TearsOFFallenAngel, one of Meg's best friend and fellow authoresses, she's around a lot, usually making wise-cracks about Naruto and Sasuke. Another friend of hers is Panda, or Piscese Panda, but she seems to be on another planet right now

Meg:Anyway, now that you've been introduced, we should probably get along with the story, shouldn't we?

Naruto:That'd be nice!!!!

Sasuke:Shut up, dobe


Vega:Megpie the Great does not own Naruto, me and my relatives belong to her and Sere. Any songs mentioned are the property of their respective band/recording company/etc.

Meg:*sweatdrop* general mayhem, anyway, yeah, on with the show!!!

~*~Music Box Chapter 1: Hidden Element Village~*~

Naruto was jarred awake by an almost deafening bang. He sat straight and looked around, rubbing his head. He was in a completely dark room, save a sliver of light coming from a window on the wall to his left. It took him a moment to think, then it registed: He didn't know where he was!

"Decided to finally rejoin the world of the living, have you?"a calm voice mused from the darkness. A hand emerged from the shadows and came to rest on Naruto's forehead. "Well, your fever's gone. How do you feel?"

"Sore."Naruto muttered.

The owner of the hand laughed. "I'm not surprised. The last fool who feel down
that waterfall cracked his skull open."

Naruto blinked. "I fell down a waterfall?"

"Hai, right into my fishing net. I would have dumped you onto the grill with the fish if my cousin hadn't pointed you out to me."

Naruto rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. 'Oh yeah! We were walking back over Tazuna's bridge, and that jerk Sasuke tried to punch me! I fell off the bridge and hit my head!' "Where am I?"

"You're just outside of the Hidden Element Village, on the edge of the Kohaku River." Naruto jumped as another bang shook the room, which received another short laugh from his caretaker. "You'd think you've never heard thunder before, Kyuubi."

Naruto felt himself blushing in the darkness. Suddenly a lightning bolt lit up the room and Naruto caught his first glimps of the voice's owner. She had long hair, blue or black, Naruto couldn't quite tell, that hung limply in her face and down her back and slightly pale skin. Her eyes were covered by a white piece of cloth tied aroudn her head.

"Do I really look that scary to you?"she suddenly laughed.

Without realizing it, Naruto had pulled out a kunai from God knows where. He quickly put the kunai away and thanked whatever higher power that was listening for the darkness.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Uzumaki Naruto."

Naruto jumped again. "How do you know my name?"

"I know a lot of things,"she said calmly, then took hold of naruto's wrist. "C'mon, let's get into the light, this room's giving me the creeps."

Naruto followed her into a small kitchen and sat down at a table. In the light he could clearly see that his caretaker's hair was blue and seemed to drag on the floor behind her. After a minute she set a bowl of instant ramen down in front of him, then sat down across the table with her own.

"I take it you're not from around here,"she finally said.

Naruto shook his head, then remembered that the girl across from him brobably couldn't see him. "No."

She grinned. "I figured as much. Where are you from?"

"The Hidden Leaf Village!"Naruto said proudly as he slurped down some of his ramen.

"And what exactly are you doing all the way out here? Konoha is hundreds of miles away."

"A mission."was the only thing you could make out over Naruto's slurping.

Naruto slapped his bowl down on the table. "Now how do you know my name?!"

"I read your mind."she replied bluntly. Naruto blinked, thinking she must have been joking. "I'm not joking, Kyuubi, your mind's an open book when you're sleeping."

Naruto, not wanting to be confused any further, changed the subject. "So, what's your name?"

"Vega Raywing Arume."she grinned as a thunder clap shook the house. "That idiot never misses a cue."


Naruto and Vega's bowls suddenly flew off the table and landed in the sink, then began washing themselves. Vega grinned. "My cousin, Raikin, controls lightning. He's trying to prove he's actually capable of catching something more than a cold." She stopped momentarily. "And he's not having much luck, either."

Naruto blinked, now completely lost. Vega apparently sensed this.

"That's the power of the people in my village,"she explained. "we have the ability to control various elements. For Rai, it's ligtning." Naruto nodded. This soudned interesting. "If I was allowed to, I would take you into the village to meet some of the more talented shinobis."

"Why can't you?"Naruto whined.

"Outsiders aren't welcome in our village,"Vega explained. "We've been hidden from the rest of the world for so long, everyone thinks outsiders are completely evil. The only outsiders who have ever set foot in the village and lived to tell the tale were the fourth hokage of your village and my father."


"Yeah. It's been ten years since an outsider was last seen near here. You'd be killed on sight if someone found out of about you." She stopped as another lightning bolt added to the room's light. "Rai's having fun."


"His aura,"Vega explained. "he's happy about something. I can sense it from here."


"My element,"Vega explained. "I'm a psychic, so I can easily sense his spirit from here. I've got some mild telepathy, which allows me to hear a person's thoughts and, if they trust me enough, even enter their mind, but my main skill is telekenesis, or the ability to move things with my mind." To prove her point a shuriken suddenly flew across the room and landed in the palm of her hand. "Your mind was like a maze, some things very easy to find, others next to impossible. It was fun, really." She stopped and grinned. "But that fox demon scared me at first. He was throwing a fit because there was a strange girl near his prison."

Naruto's face fell. How could she possibly accept him if she knew about the fox demon inside of him? Especially if she learned its reputation....

Vega shook her head. "I can accept you, Kyuubi, because you're not like the demon fox. You're deffinately too nice be actually be him." Naruto smiled. "Either way, just because he's evil doesn't mean he can't be useful. He's already saved you once."

She stood up and walked over to the window. "You're like me, a victim of circumstance. Having the fox demon sealed inside you wasn't your choice, just like having a wicked element wasn't mine. I couldn't hate someone who knows the pain I've felt at the hand of the villagers." She stopped and turned back to Naruto. "You'd better get some sleep, I'm going to take you to meet my teacher tomorrow morning. She'll figure something out."

"VEGA-CHAN!!!! RAYWING!!!!!! "

Naruto jumped several feet in the air and fell out of his bed. He rubbed his eyes and walked over to the window. It took him a moment to register that he was about a hudred feel in the air, and even longer to realize that he was in a tre house. The yelling was coming from the ground just below what he guessed was Vega's window.

Vega's voice rang through the house. "Shut up, Rai! I hear you!"

"Hurry up!! Ishtar and Aya are waiting for us!"

Vega's voice suddenly entered Naruto's mind. /You heard the man, Kyuubi, get moving!/

Naruto jumped several feet in the air and looked around wildly. "What the?"

/Psychic, Naruto, psychic. Now, I want you in the kitchen in five minutes. Move it!/

By the time Naruto arrived in the kitchen, Vega was sitting on the table,her hair no longer hanging limpy in her face, but pulled back into a braid with her bangs hanging down at her waist. Next to her, a boy with long black hair and lightning bolt gold bangs was looking over a map on the table.

"Bout time."Vega grumbled. She elbowed the boy next to her in the ribs. "Kyuubi, this is my cousin, Raikin." The boy turned around. Much to Naruto's surprise, he had starburst purple eyes. "Rai, this is Naruto."

"You mean the idiot you pulled out of the river?"Raikin asked.

Naruto growled.

"Don't start picking fights you can't win, Rai,"Vega advised. "Besides, we need to
get going."

Raikin shrugged. "Sorry if I woke you, Naruto, Vega-chan sleeps like a rock sometimes."

Vega rolled up the map and hit Raikin over the head with it. "Enough small talk, we've gotta--"She was cut off by a loud, ear splitting scream.

Vega and Raikin looked at eachother and sighed exasperatedly. "Ishtar."

~*~End Chapter 1~*~

Meg:Finally, done!! *looks at the nearest clock* whoa, that took longer than I thought.

Alex:Just get to the point, Meg, we're tired

Meg:Ok, ok, Naruto!! Can do you the preview of the next chapter?

Naruto:Sure!! Next chapter I get to meet the rest of V-kun's family. The bishonen Ishtar, V-kun's lifetime best friend, Aya, her crystal element aunt, adoptive mother, and teacher, and Faust, Ishtar's eccentric father. I also get to learn the secret behind why V-kun's always wearing that bandana! But now what's going on? Someone's dead? And why's V-kun looking so sad?