Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Music Box ❯ Arume Bloodline ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

meg:Well, I'm back and better than ever!

Alex:God have mercy on our souls.

Yuki:It's about time you updated Meg no baka!

Meg:-_-;; Love ya to, Yuki-kun.

Sasuke:For those of you who are wondering, Yuki is another one of Meg's aggrivating friends.

Meg:^_^ Yuki-kun's also the only boy my age who's shorter than me ^_^

Yuki:-_- Didn't we just have a discussion about you being nicer to people?


Tori:Oh brother

Naruto:Can we get to the story already?!

Sasuke:Are all blondes impatient or is it just the ones I know?

Yuki:They all are


Meg:*returns the Frying Pan of Doom (thunder crashes in the background) to Lyserg* Care to say that again, Yuki-kun?

Yuki:Oowie..... You're supposed to be nice! Not hit people with the Frying Pan of Doom *thunder crashes in the background*

Lyserg:Am I the only one who notices the thunder?

Ryu:*latches onto Lyserg* No my dear Lyserg-chan, i--

Yuna:*grabs Ryu by the ear and drags him off* I've already got one pedofile to deal with, I don't need another one. Lys-kun, you really should put the frying pan *small thunder crash* -_-;; to use more often.

Yuki:*sweatdrop*I think you need to work on your Shaman King fic, Meg

Meg:*watching Yuna and Hao yell at Ryu* You may be right. You know things are getting out of hand when Hao starts lecturing people.



Meg:*throws her hands in the air* Fine! Lyserg, since you're here, could you please do the damn disclaimer and get this over with?

Lyserg:Meg-kun doesn't own Naruto. Vega, her family, and the Hidden Elements Village belong to her imagination. Any songs mentioned are property of their respective recording company. How was that?


~*~Quote of the Chapter~*~ I forgot this last time, didn't I?

Well, I decided I'd do a Gundam Wing quote this time, but I couldn't decide which one I wanted, so I'll do more than one ^_^

"I'll kill you."-I can't count how many times Heero Yuy has said this.

"I came here so I could kill you... I haven't gotten around to figuring out an escape plan yet."-Heero Yuy to Duo Maxwell. He spends half the series saying he'll kill Duo, but he never does it. I swear he's just a little over-obsessed with Duo, killing him or otherwise.

"I've been counting on your skills right from the start."-Now guess who Heero said this to? If you said Duo, give yourself a treat.

"Excuse me for being a mere mortal!"-Duo says this to Heero during the beginning of the series. The interaction between these two is one of the best forms of entertainment.

~*~Music Box Chapter 2: Arume Bloodline~*~

Naruto found himself chasing the two elemental ninjas through a dense forest, completely clueless as to where they were going. When Vega and Raikin finally did stop, it was so suddenly that Naruo crashed into Vega's back.

"Watch it!"Vega hissed.

Naruto peered around her back and spotted the backs of two large men. They appeared to be stading over something, but he couldn't quite see what.

"I thought we got rid of these goons,"Raikin muttered.

"Oh well,"Vega whispered, pulling two shurikin out of her pocket. "More target practice for me." She placed one of the shurikin in the palm of her left hand and held it up. "Hey! Uglies!" The shurikin began to spin as the men turned around. "Keep your hands off my best friend!" it shot from her hand and flew through the first man's skull, then returned to it's place in her pocket.

"Wha...what are you?!"the second man stuttered, backing away.

"I'm giving you to the count of three to get out of my forest,"Vega snarled, holding up the second shurikin. "One," he turned and began to run. "Two." he reached the tree line. "Three." There was a loud scream and a derranged smile crossed Vega's face. "Tsk tsk. Should have gone the other way."

A few seconds later a young woman emerged from the trees cleaning off a large crystal blade that seemed to be attached to her hand. The blade suddenly melted into her skin and she turned to smile at Vega and Raikin.

"You know you were supposed to kill him,"she scolded, brushing a strang of aqua blue hair away from her face.

"Don't lecture me, Aya,"Vega said as she walk over to where the two men had been standing. "I've got more important things to do."

The men had been standing over a young girl with long green hair. She was sitting with her back against a tree, trying to wipe the first man's blood off her face.

"What have I told you about coming out here unarmed, Ishtar-chan?"Vega asked as she knelt down in front of the girl. "You're completely hopeless."

"I know,"Ishtar said with a giggle. "but it's fun to make you worry."

"I worry enough about you as is,"Vega hissed. "Don't make it worse for me."

"You ok, Ishtar-chan?"Aya asked.

"the damn idiot was never in trouble in the first place,"Vega grumbled. "Now get up before I use that pretty hair of yours to pick you up."

Ishtar clutched her hair protectively and scrambled to her feet. Aya nodded, then turned and focused a pair of sharp amethyst eyes on Naruto.

"And who's this?"

"That,"Vega said offhandedly. "is Uzumaki Naruto. I pulled him out of the river the other day. Kyuubi, that's my aunt, Aya Yuy, and this useless slab of meat,"she poked Ishtar in the chest with her thumb. "is my dingy cousin, Ishtar. Don't let the sweet face fool you, he's a royal pain in the ass when he wants to be."

"You're a boy?!"Naruto yelped, staring at Ishtar. "But...but..."

"That's one of our family's many quirks,"Raikin snorted. "Every other guy in this family looks like a chick. His father's the same way. If you pay enough attention you'll also notice that everyone in our family, excluding Vega-chan,has purple eyes. I don't know what color her eyes are."

Naruto blinked. "This is gonna get confusing."

"Not really, most of the family's dead so you don't have to worry about getting confused."Vega said so nonchalantly that even Ishtar looked concerned. "Don't look at me that way, Ishtar-chan."

"So, what did you call us here for, anyway?"Raikin asked, turning back to Aya.

"The council has finally set a date for your final exams,"Aya said calmly.

"It's about time!"Raikin shouted, punching his fist in the air.


"The three of us were made Genins almost a year ago, but we never got the chance to take our final exams, so we couldn't take any missions outside the village yet,"Ishtar explained. "the council controls the exams, and they're reluctant to let us take the exams because of Vega. They've got a severe problem with psychics."

"Uh huh." Naruto was lost, again.

"They have good reason to worry though,"Aya explained darkly. "Vega's powers are dangerous when she's angry or upset, and you might as well put a kunai through your heart if she takes that bandana off."

"Why?"Naruto asked, inching away from Vega.

Aya closed her eyes and shook her head. "You know what the advanced bloodlines are, right?"


"Vega's father had a powerful advanced bloodline and it mixed with her mother's elemental blood,"Ishtar explained. "for her brothers it wasn't that bad, but Vega got the worst of it. Only one person ever survived looking Vega in the eyes, and that was her father. Only other advanced bloodlines are immune to her's."

"Basically, if I were to look you in the eyes right now,"Vega said tiredly. "you'd be dead before you hit the ground." Naruto took another step back. "Calm down, Kyuubi. As long as I'm wearing my bandana you're safe."

"Why do we not find that reassuring?"Raikin muttered. Ishtar slapped hin in the back of the head. "Ow!"

A loud, high pitched whistle suddenly filled the forest, causing Vega, Ishtar, Aya, and Raikin to freeze.

"What's going on?"Naruto asked, looking around wildly.

"Someone's been killed,"Vega muttered. "Someone important."

Aya suddenly took off into the forest, closely followed by Raikin and Ishtar.

"I'd take that head protector off if I were you,"Vega advised.

"Why?"Naruto asked, but obeyed nonetheless.

"Because I'm taking you into the village,"she grabbed Naruto's wrist and bolted into the forest.

They eventually left the forest and reached a large village that seemed to be built into the trees and the face of a cliff. Vega led Naruto into a large crystal dome in the center of the village. Hundred of people were sitting on a large set of stone steps that went all the way around the inside of the dome, and everyone was looking down at the center of the room where a group of men were sitting at a table and talking. They sat down on the very last step with Raikin and Ishtar, who were already talking to a group of older ninjas.

"I heard that a group of Hidden Leaf ninjas were prowling around the edge of the forest,"someone behind Naruto muttered.

"Two Genins and a Jounin, I saw them!"another whispered.

Vega leaned over to whisper in Naruto's ear. "Friends of yours?"

"I think so,"Naruto replied.

At that moment a blur or aqua green tackled Vega and almost sent her crashing into the ninjas behind her. the small girl buried her face in Vega's shirt.

"What's going on, Nee-chan? What happened?"the girl asked.

Vega put her hand on the child's head. "I don't know, Angel. Sit still and we'll find out soon enough, I promise."

Angel curled up on Vega's lap and was almost asleep when the dome went into a sudden hush. Everyone turned to the entrance of the dome where two ninjas were standing. One was Aya and the other was a young woman, or possibly a man if it was one of Vega's relatives, with blonde hair just long enough to be held back by a hair tie. He or she was clutching a dead body in their arms.

A small gasp escaped Vega and she quickly hid Angel's face. Raikin and Ishtar also looked very stunned and sad.

"V-kun?"Naruto asked uncertainly as the blonde carried the dead man's body down the steps and cet him on the table in the center of the room.

Vega was staring at Aya expectantly. The aqua-haired woman sat down near the top of the steps and gave Vega a reassuring nod. The blonde walked back and stopped in front of Vega.

"What happened, Faust?"Vega whispered.

"I'm not quite sure,"the man replied. "Heero-kun was half dead by the time I found him. He couldn't talk at all. Is Angel alright?"

Vega ran her fingers through the small girl's hair. "As good as can be expected."

Faust nodded and went to the top of the stone steps.

"Heero was Aya's husband,"Vega explained quietly. "he was also a very powerful shinobi and well loved through the village. You chose a bad time to show up, Kyuubi."

The group of men in the center of the room suddenly stood up and the whole room went quiet.

"As many of you know,"the oldest of the men stated. "this man is Heero Yuy, my son, and one of the greatest shinobis in the history of our village. It would take a very dangerous and skilled ninja to kill him. In light of this fact the council and I have decided that no one is to venture outside the village into this man is caught. Aya, that also means your students will have to postpone their final exams for a while longer."

There was an immediate uproar. Vega, Raikin, and Ishtar were all shouting, including several other teens scattered around the dome and a few adults. Vega was swearing so loudly that many people were backing away from her.

"We've waited way too long as is!"

"This isn't fair!"

And so on....

The council members looked startled by the reaction. They moved together to discuss the matter.

"As if today couldn't get any worse,"Vega growled.

The dome went silent again as the council parted.

"As you wish. Aya Yuy's ten students will take their final exam in the black caves tonight. We will monitor throughout the cave to protect the students. Is this alright with you, Aya?"

Aya nodded.

"Good. Aya's ten students are then dismissed, along with thier parents, to prepair for their final exam. Faust, I need you to stay. I'm sure your son can take care of himself."

The blonde jounin nodded solemnly. Ishtar and Vega looked ready to protest, but decided against it.

Vega, Naruto, Ishtar, and Raikin made their way out of the dome.

"Well, where to now?"Ishtar asked.

"Might as well head back to Vega-chan's place,"Raikin said, putting his hands behind his head. "My parents are dead and Ishtar-chan's parents are in the council meeting."

By the time they reached Vega's treehouse the sun was beginning to set. Vega and Ishtar immediately curled up in a large loveseat and Raikin stretched out on the floor next to Vega's bizzare fireplace. Naruto flopped down on her couch.

"We've got about two hours till we have to head for the caves,"Vega mused as Ishtar put his head on her shoulder. "what do we do till then."

"Sleeping sounds good to me,"Raikin said with a yawn.

"How about not,"Ishtar grunted.

"We could go find your friends,"Vega saud, turning to Naruto. "They're bound to be around here somewhere."

"Too late,"Ishtar said, pointing to Vega's window. "They're already here."

Naruto sat up and followed Ishtar's gaze. He could see Kakashi, Sakura, and Sasuke sitting on a tree branch not to far away. All they had to do was turn around to see Naruto.

"Your teacher's an idiot,"Vega snickered as she pulled a small bead out of her pocket. She placed it on the palm of her hand and flicked it at the back of Kakashi's head.

Kakashi rubbed the back of his head and turned around. Naruto waved sheepishly at him. Kakashi went wide-eyed and suddenly leapt at Naruto. Too bad the window was closed and he struck it with a sickening crack.

"Absolute moron,"Vega muttered as she crossed the room to allowed Sasuke and Sakura to enter through the window.

"You're telling me we spent the last three days looking for you and you've been here the whole time?!"Sakura shouted as soon as they'd pulled the dazed Kakashi in the window.

"She spent the entire first day crying and saying it was her fault,"Sasuke said tiredly. "But she's right."

"Oowiiiee!"Kakashi whined.

"Quite a team you've got here,"Raikin mused. "A whiny pink-haired brat, a stubborn jerk with an advanced bloodline, and a perverted nitwit for a teacher. No wonder you got pushed off a bridge."

"He started it!"Sakura defended angrily.

"So, who are these three?"Kakashi asked, coming back to his senses.

"I'm Vega Arume,"Vega explained. She poked Ishtar's head, which was still rested on her shoulder. "This is my dingy cousin, Ishtar, and the lightning head is my other cousin, Raikin."

"Then I was right,"Kakashi mused. "We are in the Hidden Elements Village."

Vega nodded. "I would ask you how you found out, but we don't have time. Rai, Ishtar-chan, and I need to get to our final exams."

~*~End Chapter~*~

Meg:Phew, that was long *glances around the room*

Everyone besides Ishtar*ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz

Meg:*sweatdrop* Ishtar, do the preview so we can go to bed

Ishtar:Ok. Next time Vega-kun, Rai-kun, and I get to take our final exams, which should be easy. But since when is anything ever easy? When I'm brought and inch from death my a strange and powerful psychic, Vega and Raikin find themselves in a desperate fight to survive while our friends and family (would Sasuke-sempai count as a friend?) can only sit by and pray for a miracle. But what chance do we have against a powerful white psychic when Vega's powers have been completely drained and Raikin and I are too busy running to attack?