Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Life as Hinata Hyuga ❯ Chapter 7

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

“The plan is…” Sasuke said. Mayu leaned in to hear well. “Listen closely, this is important.” Mayu nodded her head, impatiently waiting to hear what Sasuke was about to tell her. “The plan is… for you to go and… hide.” Mayu practically fell out of the tree.
“YOU WANT ME TO WHAT?” she yelled. Sasuke shushed her and looked at Garra to see if he had discovered their hiding spot; luckily he hadn't.
“You are going to hide while I fight with Gaara,” Sasuke explained. Needless to say, Mayu didn't like that plan.
“I don't like that plan,” she said bluntly.
“Well, you're going to have to deal with that plan,” Sasuke said “because that's what going to happen!”
“Screw that plan and think of another one!” Mayu said. “I'm not about to let one of my friends die!”
“You don't have to worry about that. I won't kill him,” Sasuke said making Mayu frown.
“Very funny, but I was talking about you,” she said making Sasuke give her the
-.- look.
“You have no faith in me whatsoever, do you?” he questioned.
“Just… I just don't want you to do this alone,” Mayu said. “You're not Gaara-kun, but… you're precious to me, too.” Sasuke face turned a little red at that statement, but Mayu didn't see because she turned her back to him. “I don't want any of my friends to get hurt, Sasuke. Can't we just wait a little while?”
“I'm sorry, but I can't wait around for him to find us,” and then he jumped away leaving Mayu standing on the tree trunk… pissed.
“I can't believe I just said all that! And he didn't listen!” she thought. “That's the last time I say mushy crap like that to anyone! ... Well, except Gaara-kun.”
“There you are!” Mayu heard Gaara yelled; she looked and saw that Gaara thrust his demon arm at Sasuke, who was in mid-air! It nailed him right in his side and threw him aside like he was a rag doll! Mayu's stomach felt like it had just rode a roller coaster and ate something horrible before returning to her body.
Sasuke…!” she thought; fortunately, Sasuke's body turned into a log. Mayu sighed in relief when she realized that it was only a substitution jutsu technique.
“Over here!” Sasuke voice made Mayu look up and see him holding three kunai in each hand. Mayu put her hand to her head; she was shaking her head in disbelief.
No he is not about to giveGaara-kun sharp pointy things!” she thought sighing.“Just stick a note on yourself saying `Kill me, I'm stupid!'” Sasuke threw the weapons at Gaara, who in turn caught him with his demonic arm. “He should already know that ordinary kunai won't work on Gaara!” Mayu watched as the kunai sunk in Gaara's demonic arm. “Well, that can't be good.”
“Here, I'll give them back,” Gaara grinned and then the kunai shot back out straight towards Sasuke, but this time they looked as if they were on fire! They cut right through a tree branch! Sasuke braced himself for the attack, but it looked as if the kunai went right through him as well; he then disappeared.
A replication…” Gaara thought. Meanwhile, Sasuke stood next to Mayu panting like a dog.
“That guy…” he muttered.
“What did I tell you!?” Mayu scolded Sasuke like he was younger than her… well, he actually was younger than her, but you know what I mean!
"Shut up," Sasuke said; Mayu didn't do that.
"I thought you knew that weapons don't work on him!" she said. "What you did was careless and stupid! What if you hadn't thought of that replication? Then you'd be rolling around in pain! Or worse!"
"Just be quiet!" Sasuke yelled quietly as he sat down on the branch.
"Why do you not attack me?" Gaara's voice reached their ears.
"Even idiots have their smart moments," Mayu muttered. Sasuke whacked her over the head.
“Shut up!” he hissed.
“Why do you run?” Gaara continued. Suddenly, Gaara started yelling.
“Oh snap! Now he's hollering!” Mayu said. “I… I think he needs a hug.”
“Would you just your trap!?” Sasuke asked. “This is a serious situation.”
“You're not getting away… Uchiha Sasuke!” Gaara yelled; he started destroying the trees in search of Sasuke.
“Now you're in for it!” Mayu muttered. “I just knew you shouldn't have thrown those kunai at him!”
“Are you afraid of me?” Gaara asked looking everywhere to see if Sasuke had come out of hiding.
He's too strong…” Sasuke thought.
“Uchiha Sasuke, are you afraid of my… existence?!” Gaara asked.
Sasuke… he's scared…?” Mayu thought looking at her ninja friend; the look on his face told her that he was thinking about something, maybe something that happened in the past. “I wonder what it could be.”
Mayu looked Gaara's way to see him still searching for the Uchiha boy. “I have to do something… maybe I could calm him down…” she bit her lip.“Maybe Gaara-kun's too far gone to save him at--what am I thinking?! I'd do anything for Gaara-kun! I can't let that monster stop me from helping my friend!”
“What's wrong?!” Gaara's yell got the attention of both Sasuke and Mayu. “Uchiha Sasuke! Are you afraid of me?! Did your hate and murderous intent cower because of fear? Is your existence that weak?”
I wish that Gaara-kun would stop taunting Sasuke like this,” Mayu thought looking at the glare that was now fixed on Sasuke's face.
“Fight me and confirm it!” Gaara yelled. “Your value and existence, that is! Experiment if you want an answer! Fight me!” he continued making several crows fly away in total fear.
Sasuke continued to sit, but then suddenly stood up looking at the ground. “Sasuke… you're not serious going to…!” Mayu started, but Sasuke looked at her causing her to stop.
“I have to…” he said. “He kept me alive. Just me, alone.” Mayu knew exactly who `he' was. Sasuke started to perform the hand signs for Kakashi's attack, Chidori.
“Sasuke…” was the only thing Mayu could say.
“Mayu, go away,” he said; the chakra started forming in his hand.
“But…!” Mayu started.
“I said go!” Sasuke yelled causing Gaara to look in their direction. Mayu took a step back and bit her lip again.
“Please… try to be careful,” she said before disappearing. Sasuke looked over to Gaara, who was looking at him and laughing.
“Let me have my fun… Uchiha Sasuke!” he shouted.
“I finish you off in one strike!” Sasuke said and so began the face off.

Mayu's POV

I jumped beside Temari; I figured that it was the safest place to be at this point. “What are you doing here?” she asked.
“That stupid bird brain told me that I couldn't help,” I answered. “Like that has ever stopped me before…!” I finished in thought.
“But why are you by me? Don't you know that I am your enemy?” Temari asked.
“I'm well aware… but I don't care,” I said. “You're still my favorite female ninja. That's the way it will always be.”
Temari was silent for a few moments while she stared at me. “You're very… strange,” she finally said.
“Uh… thank you…?” I said uncertain if that was a compliment or an insult. Gaara-kun had called me different and Sasuke had called me… idiot, but we're still friends. Maybe this is a start of a beautiful friendship! Suddenly, I heard the sound of Sasuke Chidori growing louder! I looked over to the two fighters and saw that they were about to collide in mid air.
Sasuke's Chidori ran smack dab into Gaara-kun's demonic arm and then went right through! Gaara-kun yelled in pain causing me to jump slightly. “Oh-no, Gaara-kun!” I couldn't help but mutter.
“Gaara-kun…?” Temari said. I think her brother said the exact same thing. “Listen girl, how…”
“Mayu!” I said interrupted her.
“How do you know Gaara?” she asked.
“Oh, we go way back!” I said. I looked back towards the fight to see that Gaara-kun and Sasuke were on opposite branches; Sasuke was looking back at the collapsed sand nin. Gaara-kun didn't move for some time and then I heard laughing. “He's okay!” I thought smiling a little. Yeah, sure I was worried about Sasuke, but hello! It's Gaara-kun!
“I see… I see now!” Gaara said standing.
“That can't be… He countered Gaara's attack when Gaara is in that form?” Temari said looking at Sasuke.
I looked at the Uchiha boy to see that his Sharingan was deactivated. “Why this is so exciting? I finally understand,” Gaara-kun said making me direct my attention back to him. “This pain… By defeating a guy that can hurt me, and taking away everything he possesses… it will give me a stronger sensation of life!”
That's right… Gaara-kun has never been hurt physically,” I thought. “And yet Sasuke has managed to hurt him twice so far…” I notice that in the corner of my eye, Temari clasped her hands together tightly and her eyes were closed. “She's that afraid of the demon inside Gaara-kun?”
“More! More!” Gaara-kun's voice rang in my ear.
“What?” Sasuke said standing. I looked at Gaara-kun to see that sand was coming from the gourd; it looked as if he was forming into a tail.
This is bad! If he transforms all the way, then… Sasuke's life is…” I couldn't even finish that thought. "Please don't do anything too reckless!" Gaara-kun had clung to the branch below him with his demon arm and tail, and then he flung himself at Sasuke!“He used that branch like a trampoline!” I thought watching as he sped towards Sasuke. “Stop GAWKING and get out of there!” I yelled.
Sasuke had jumped up just in time; Gaara-kun had gone straight through the branch that Sasuke had been standing on. Sasuke was now clinging to another branch upside down; Gaara-kun had grabbed on to the tree branch and then flung himself back at Sasuke. “Oh crap…! Do something Sasuke!” I thought watching Sasuke perform a couple of hand signs.
“FIRE ELEMENT: BLAZING FIREBALL JUTSU!” he yelled; Gaara-kun was suddenly engulfed in flames! But when the flames subsided, Gaara-kun was okay and was still coming at Sasuke at full speed.
So a fire attack isn't enough?” I thought.
“DIE!” Gaara-kun yelled fully intending to kill Sasuke!
But Sasuke didn't get out of the way like he was supposed to! He took the blow and because of that he was knocked back breaking a couple of weak branches until he came to a stop. “SASUKE…!” I thought; I could actually feel my insides doing flips and loops! “Get up, Sasuke! Please get up…” I whispered when I saw that he didn't move. I wanted to rush over to him to see if he was all right, but I couldn't move. My body would not respond.
“What's wrong?” Gaara-kun called. “Is this all your existence worth? Let me make this clear… You are weak! You are too soft… Because your hatred is weak! The power of hatred is the power of murderous intent. The power of murderous intent is the power of revenge! Your hatred is weaker than mine!”
“Man, Gaara-kun is started to sound like a certified bad guy!” I thought watching to see what Sasuke would do.
“Shut up,” I somehow heard Sasuke mutter.
“Do you know what this means?” Gaara-kun asked.
“SHUT UP!” Sasuke yelled.
“It means you're weaker than me!” Gaara-kun taunted. Sasuke stood up; I just knew that something big was about to happen now. Sasuke was using the Chidori again!
How many times can he use that thing?” I thought.
I saw that he had activated his Sharingan again, too! Sasuke raced at Gaara-kun and Gaara-kun did the same, but Sasuke… I saw that his Chidori went down. “What could that mean?” The two collided with each other causing a bright light to appear! I had to shield my eyes. When I knew that it was all right to open my eyes, I saw that Gaara-kun and Sasuke were standing on different branches. That's when it happened…! Gaara-kun's demon arm seemed to just dissolve into nothing revealing his real arm! “Sasuke got him?” I thought uncertain.
I looked back at Sasuke to see that his Chidori had seemed to have grown! I looked closer to see that something was on the back of Sasuke neck! “Oh-no…! It's the curse seal!” I thought as Sasuke just collapsed! I looked back at Gaara-kun; his other arm had turned demonic! “Sasuke's not going to move any time soon either!” I heard Gaara-kun laughing; he was going to kill Sasuke right then and there! "I have to do something!" I thought, this time my body moved without my brain telling it what to do! My body is a traitor!
Before Gaara-kun could get within three feet of Sasuke... I sorta tackled him. Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking! 'Why didn't she just attack?' Well, for one... IT'S GAARA-KUN! Second, do you really think I could take him on in his current state? I didn't think so! I felt Gaara-kun grab on to something leaving us hanging; I guess he was shocked. "Girl!" he shouted. "How dare you--" I cut him off.
"You... don't have to prove your existence anymore!" I said clinging to Gaara-kun's neck afraid that I might fall.
"Wha...?" he said; he jumped on a branch. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Naruto looking at us and Sakura over by Sasuke's body.
"Listen to me, Gaara-kun... you don't have to kill to prove your existence," I said. "For purpose isn't killing... I know that its not! No one may know your purpose, not even you, but you have a friend that will help you find it, okay... You don't have to fight. Please... no more."
"Mayu... san...?" Gaara-kun mumbled; I looked at his face, demon side, too. "There is a monster inside me... a demon. You've seen it, you know what I am... Why do you still want to...?" I noticed that he was clutching his head with his human arm. "Why do you not hate me?"
I slowly pulled his hand away from his head and then put my own hand on his head; I rubbed it fondly. "Gaara-kun, no matter what any of my best friends do... I can't even imagine hating them... ever! And it that makes me a traitor..." I said and then smiled. "So be it," I finished and then kissed his love tattoo. Gaara-kun looked at me in surprise and to my surprise his face returned to normal and so did his arm!"OMG! I just did the impossible!" I thought as my smile grew wider."And I didn't even have to fight him to get it in his head!"
"NO, SAKURA, DON'T!" I suddenly heard Sasuke yell.
Before I could turn around to see what the problem was, I felt sharp pointy things lodge into my back. I coughed up blood in my hand. Why... I mean what the heck just...? I could feel myself falling; my hair hit me in my face countless times as I fell. It hurt so much that I closed my eyes to try to dull the pain, but that didn't work at all. "Sasuke-kun, what are you doing?" I somehow heard the frantic cry of Sakura; I tried to open my eyes to see what she was screaming about, but my tears were in the way. That's right, Ishikari Mayu is crying; the pain is just too much!
"M-Mayu... please, open your eyes!" and somehow I did force my eyes open. What I saw was Sasuke falling, too! His hand was outstretched to me; his cursed sealed face looked scared. Scared of what I wonder... "Mayu, grab my hand!" he yelled to me. I slowly reached out to him, I felt our fingers touch, but that's it. "No!" I heard Sasuke say and then I felt him grab my wrist! He had me, but I could feel something was about to happen.
My eyes became blurry, maybe it was the tears... maybe it was from the lack of blood running through my veins. I didn't really know for sure. Suddenly, my heart skipped a beat making me gasp loudly as I opened my eyes. But I didn't see Sasuke anymore, he wasn't holding on to me! Instead I was looking into the blue eyes of Uzumaki Naruto. "Hinata-chan! Hinata-chan, what's wrong?" his voice sounded frantic.
"N-Naruto-kun...?" Hinata answered. I thought I heard growling and then high pitched scream… it sounded like Sakura had screamed. “Hehehe… that's what she gets for stabbing me in the back!”I thought and then everything just went black. “I'm so evil…”

HAHAHAHAHA!! IT FEELS SOOOOO GOOD TO UPDATE… and leave a cliffhanger, too! Please review! please PLEASE PLEASE!!