Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Love for You ❯ Thunderstorms ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hinata sighed a shuddering sigh and heaved herself off the floor. She walked over and grabbed her bag, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand as she left the room. She trudged down the hallway while never making a sound. Lucky for her, her father was in the courtyard training with her sister Hanabi so she didn't have to see him when she left.
She was just about to walk out the door when a voice stopped her in her tracks. "Hinata" she turned and saw her cousin Neji standing there. He smiled warmly and said "good luck". She smiled back politly and nodded her head at him. "Thank you, Neji" she said before turning and walking out the door.
She raced to the village gates as fast as she could. She was already late and she was sure Naruto would be angry with her for it. She was so worried that tears had started to trim the edges of her eyes. She wiped them away furiously as she saw him standing up ahead with his arms crossed. But to her surprise he didn't appear to be angry, in fact if she didn't know any better she would almost assume her looked worried. She land softly in front of him and he looked up suprised at her sudden appearence. Then he smiled his trademark grin and Hinata felt the blood rush to her face and her heartbeat quicken. "Hinata, where have you been? It's not like you to be late." She looked down sadly and she pushed her two index fingers together in a nervous habit she had never been able to get rid of. "I...I'm sorry...N...Naruto...I...I". She stopped as she felt the tears gathering behind her eyes and felt the familar lump grow in her throat.
Naruto frowned when her eyes water and decided not to push her on it. He smiled and grabbed her hand bringing her quickly out of her dazed state of mind and hurling her back into reality with a vivid blush that would make a tomato jealous.
"Well it doesn't matter anymore anyway, your here now so lets get going." Still blushing she allowed him to pull her along with him a small smile plastered to her face.
They had been walking for a couple of hours now, running occasionally. It was nearing sunset and there were heavy rainclouds over head that looked as though they were ready to just open up and crash down upon them at any moment. Naruto looked up at the sky in pure disappointment. He had hoped they could have kept going for a while but if they didn't find shelter soon they were going to get drenched.
He turned and looked back at Hinata, but as her did her managed to miss the vary large rock in the road causing himself to plummet face-first in to the dirt. Hinata gasped and knelt down beside him. "N...Naruto are alright?" He grunted and picked his smudged face out of the dirt to look behind himself while murmering "what did I trip over." He then turned to Hinata and grinned sitting up. "Yeah I'm OK. Just tripped is all." He said grinning sheepishly and rubbing the back of his head.
But Hinata gasped again when she saw his bloody chin. "What?" He asked her. "Y...Your chin." She stuttered pointing a finger to his chin. He place a finger on his chin and felt blood on his fingertip. He grinned and rubbed the back of his head in a attempt to look somewhat bright and not like a complete idiot. "Hey, it could be worse." He said foolishly. At that precise moment the sky decided to open up and allow a waterfall of water pour down apon them both. Naruto smacked his forehead and Hinata shook her head at their misfortunes of the day.
Naruto stood and looked around desperatly for some sort of shelter. Finally he spotted a cave not too far off. He turned to her and pointed to the destinated area while yelling over the roaring of the rain and thunder, "There's a cave over there!" She nodded and together they ran. When they arrived apon said destination they were soaked to the bone and shivering with the cold of the rain.
Naruto found some dried logs in the back of the cave and started a fire. When the fire was good and going they removed their Jackets', Pants', Shirts' and shoes. Hinata sat in front of the fire in her fishnet shirt, black bra and boy shorts underwhere blushing so much that her face pratically glowed in the dark. She set hers and Naruto's clothes on a rock to dry and went over to a bag to fetch a couple of blankets for them both. She pratically lit up the cave with her blush when she handed a blanket to Naruto who was sitting in only his boxer shorts, then turned and quickly returned to her seat across from him.
“Hey, Hinata, are you hungry?” He said looking up at her. She nodded and he got two ramen cups, some bread and cheese out of his pack. He also grabbed a pot and set it outside to let the raid collect in it. He broke off a chunk of bread and cheese off for Hinata and himself, then went to retrieve the pot from outside. He smiled at Hinata when he came back. She was chewing quietly on her food and he had to admit to himself on how cute she looked. He froze mid-step and thought to himself, “wait, where did that come from? I like Sakura, don’t I? I shouldn’t be thinking such things about Hinata.” But when he looked at her sitting there with the fires glow framing her perfect face and the small hint of a blush on her cheeks he felt his heart skip a beat.
Hinata looked at him and blushed. He was staring at her, nothing else just standing there and staring at her. She cocked her head to the side and looked at him with a confused look. “what’s wrong N…Naruto?” Her voice seemed to snap him out of his trance and grinned stupidly at her and brought his hand to the back of his neck. “oh…Nothing Hinata, I was just thinking is all.”
He quickly walked back to his seat and started boiling the ramen. When it was done he handed Hinata her share and started slurping down his own. Hinata giggled alittle at him but stopped when she saw the cut on his chin from where he fell. She set her ramen down and Naruto looked at her confused. “what’s wrong?” He asked her. “ Y…Your chin is still bleeding.” She said as she got up and went to her bag to grab some of her medical salv and some bandages. She sat down in front of him and and pick up
a hankey. She dabbed it into the leftover warm water from their ramen. She lifted it to his chin and started wiping the blood away. “thanks Hinata.” He said smiling down at her. She blushed and smiled back at him. She applied the salv and put a bandage on his chin. When she finished she got up and proceded to eat her ramen. Naruto continued to stare at her a moment longer then finished his ramen.
Hinata finished her ramen and got up. She looked over at Naruto who was staring into the fire apparently lost in thought. “Well I’m g…going to b…bed now. Goodnight N…Naruto.” He looked up suddenly snapped out of his thoughts and smiled at her. “Oh, Goodnight Hinata.” She turned and walked over to her sleeping bag and lay down. Within minutes she was asleep.
Naruto continued to stare at her for a long time then touched his chin and smiled. Her soft hands tending to his wound had made him feel so warm inside. She was always so kind to him. He remembered right before the Chuunin exams he had felt so unconfident in himself. Then he saw her hinding he told her about his problems and she encouraged him. Helped him believe in himself again. She was always so kind and encouraging towards him, but then he frowned. But then again how would she act if she knew about Kyuubi? Would she turn against him like so many have before. He didn’t think so. Hinata was too kind. But because of his own fear of rejection he still wouldn’t tell her. He looked at her sleeping form one last time before going to lie in his sleeping bag a few feet away from hers. He lay there a while before exaustion finally took over him.
well that's it for now... i have to quit right now seeing as it is 2:28am. But I promise I start on chapter 3 soon. in the next chapter Naruto and Hinata arrive at the castle and meet the beautiful princess.
And i would like to personally thank Aangsgirl for being my first reviewer. Thank you very much! :)
Please continue to R&R