Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Love for You ❯ Princess ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 3: Princess
Hinata awoke first that morning. Slowly she raised out of her sleeping bag and stretched. She looked over at Naruto and laughed silently to herself. He was sprawled out over his sleeping bag with one hand on his stomach and the other arm flung out beside him. His legs were spread apart and half covered by his blanket. While his mouth hung open as he snored away.
Hinata got up and dressed herself. She went over careful not to wake Naruto and folded her sleeping bag up and placed it in her bag. Stretching one last time she looked at Naruto sleeping peacefully and walked outside. She stepped out into the rain-washed air and breathed in deeply. She decided she’d have a short walk before Naruto woke up and they had to leave.
Naruto slowly opened his eyes and yawned loudly as he stretched. He looked around and noticed Hinata was nowhere to be seen. He shrugged and figured she went to the bathroom or something. He got up and dressed himself then put his sleeping bag away then turned and walked toward the cave entrance to try and find Hinata so they could get going. He stepped outside and winced at the sun's glare. As his eyes adjusted to the bright light, he looked up to see Hinata across the field and bent down in front of a hollow tree, as if she was inspecting something. Curious as to what she was doing, he walked toward her. "Hey Hinata! What are you looking at?" Surprised at the sudden sound of his voice she jerked her head around, a bright smile plastered to her angelic features.
Naruto stopped dead in his tracks as his breath clung in his throat and his heartbeat quickened. He stared at her there knelt down with sunlight reflecting off her cherubic features and creating a god-like glow around her petite form. Her hair flew out like wings when the cool morning breeze swept around her making her appear to be floating instead of kneeling. And even as her facial features turned from happiness to worry, he still stood transfixed by her beauty. "N...Naruto what's wrong?" She asked straightening as if to stand. At the sound of her voice he broke out of his bewitched stated felt a light blush tinge his cheeks. He smiled sheepishly at her and was relieved to see her own smile returning to it's rightful place. "So ... uh ...What are you looking at Hinata?" He asked again. Still smiling she motioned him towards her. He approached her and knelt down to her level. She pointed a finger towards the inside of the hollowed out tree and he peered inside.
His eyes widened in surprise at the sight before him. Inside the tree was a baby kit curled up and sleeping softly. He reached inside to pet it but was stopped suddenly when Hinata's own hand grasped his lightly. He looked at her questionably. "S...Sorry N...Naruto but you mustn't touch it...i...if you do...t...the mother might abandon it." She said timidly. He nodded in understanding and they both blushed when they realized they were still holding each others hands.
Hinata quickly released his hand and looked down embarrassed. Naruto rubbed the back of his head and said "well maybe we should get going now." She nodded and they stood to retrieve there packs from the cave. They both stepped into the cave each avoiding eye contact as much as possible. Finally after what seemed like an eternity they had all there belongings together and were exiting the cave once more.
As they stepped out into the sunlight they turned suddenly as they heard a rustle in the bushes. Thinking it was intruder they pulled out their kunai preparing for an attack. What they got was certainly not what they expected. Limping out of the bushes came the mother fox. She was severely injured and her pelt was a bloody mess. It looked as though she had been into a fight. They lowered their weapons and Hinata felt the tears gather in her eyes as Naruto stood saddened by the sight before him. They watched helplessly as the mother fox hobbled over to her waking kit. The kit nestled up to it's mother and mewled worried and obviously aware of it's mother's injuries. Hinata felt the tears fall as the mother fox licked it's baby's nose in a final farewell then collapsed on it's side.
Gasping Hinata ran towards the fallen fox and crouched down beside it, patting it's fur in mourning. She then reached toward the young kit and wasn't surprised when it reared back and growled at her. Showing no fear she continued to reach for the kit whispering soothing words in hopes to calm it down. The kit backed into a corner and from the instinct and fear it felt towards her, rushed forward and bit into the soft flesh of her index finger growling slightly. Hinata winced from the sharp pain but did not jerk away but instead continued to whisper soothing word of comfort to the animal. "Ssshh it's OK, no one's going to hurt you. Your safe now. Ssshh that's right..."
Naruto watched in fascination as the kit calmed and released its grip on Hinata's finger and licked the blood away. Hinata smiled softly and picked the kit up binging it to her chest. The kit nestled itself into the crook of her neck and mewled softly as if crying for it's lost mother. Naruto walked up behind Hinata as she stood and turned towards him. "Wow Hinata I never knew you were so good with animals." She smiled and wiped the tears from her eyes. She then frowned and turned towards the mother fox. "N...Naruto we c...can't just leave her hear." He followed her gaze and nodded in agreement.
Together they dug a grave for the poor mother and said a prayer. Then they turned and left the little kit nestled in Hinata's arms.
For the next few hours toward the castle Hinata played with the little kit whom they found was a girl. Hinata named her Aiko meaning 'little loved one'.
It nearing nightfall when they finally reached the castle. They were given separate rooms and told they would meet the princess in the morning in the sitting room. Nodding their heads they retired to their rooms.
The next morning they dressed and met each other in the hallway. Then they were led by a rather giggly house maid who continuously petted little Aiko. Still cooing on how cute the kit was she led them into the sitting room. They sat on the floor awaiting the princess's arrival. Naruto crossed his arms and Hinata played with Aiko. "Hmm I wonder what the princess will be like?" Naruto wondered out loud. " Hinata was about to reply when they herd a noise outside of the room. Then the door opened to reveal the most beautiful woman Naruto and Hinata had ever seen. she had long straight red hair that reached about mid thigh.Above her right ear was a jeweled floral hair-pin holding her long hair out of her face. Her bangs were long and almost covered her left eye. Her eyes were a bright piercing green that seemed to laugh silently when she smiled at them. She wore a long forest green kimono with gold trimmings and a gold crane in mid flight on the back with flowers surrounding it. The woman looked to be very pregnant at about 8 months. She looked to be about 20 with pale flawless skin.
"Malady please, let me help you lest you hurt your self and the unborn infant." begged the poor maid obviously distressed over her mistresses well-being. She turned and placed a delicate hand on the woman's shoulder. "I am quite alright Midori. I am not completely useless after all." She laughed and the woman who looked to be about 25. The woman now know as Midori ceased her rambling but did not look pleased with her mistress being up and about when she should be resting. The princess then turned towards the two leaf ninja.
She bowed her head to them and said "Welcome, my name is Princess Kumiko. And who would you two be?" Naruto was the first to speak up. "My name is Naruto Uzumaki." He said thrusting a finger in his chest to emphasize his point. Next was Hinata who was a little more timid. "And I...I am Hinata Hyuuga. We are ninja from the village hidden in the leaves." The princess smiled and pointed to the kit nestled in Hinata's lap. "And who's your friend there?" Hinata smiled and patted Aiko's head lovingly. "This is Aiko, we found her when her mother died so we took her with us." She said with a bit of worry in her voice thinking the princess would not let the kit stay with them in the castle. As if reading her mind the princess nodded her head and smiled. "She is quite adorable and is also welcome in my castle."
The princess then gave out the orders in a stern but kind way. "Well seeing as you two will be with us for a while, here are your orders and a few side things you should know. You are to accompany me when I go on any strolls around the castle, and when the baby is born one of you is to be with me and the other with the baby at all times. Your rooms of course will be next to mine in case of any intruders. Breakfast is at 8:00 in the morning, Lunch at noon and dinner at 6:00. " she finished and waited patiently for any questions. "Why do you need ninja body guards?" Naruto asked. She smiled at him. "Well for the past 3 yrs ever since my husband and I have been married, rival lords have been trying to overthrow my husband saying he is not fit to rule as lord of the land. They claim he is too soft. As well as they do not like me for I am of Irish heritage. My husband left for a meeting with the lords to try and make a peace offering. But until he returns my baby and myself are not safe. For they wish to terminate me and any heirs I may produce."
Hinata sat there fuming, who would kill and infant just because of it's heritage to her it sounded utterly ridiculous. Naruto just sat in a daze. "That's stupid. It's ridiculous how people can hate other people for what they are." He ground out his voice angry. The woman smiled for she knew she could trust these two just by the expressions on their faces and how they reacted. "Well it's good to know your not against me. Well shall we?" She said turning and walking out the door. The two of them snapped out of their reverie and followed to do their duty as ninja.
OK well that's it for now. I'll update soon so read and review.