Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Love for You ❯ Intruder ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 4: Intruder
Naruto walked down the castle hallway with Aiko following close behind. It had been a week now since they had started guarding the princess Kumiko. So far there had been no assassination attempts or any intruders whatsoever. It made him uneasy, like something was going to happen soon. He was constantly on alert just waiting for something to happen. But no matter how uncomfortable he felt about the situation, he still tried his best not to show it too much around Hinata or the princess.
He also noticed a change of sort from Hinata. She didn't stutter as often now, she was also more open around him. Not the usual hiding her face from his view or the whispery voice, sure it still held a soft tone to it but at least he didn't have to strain to hear her any more. She had also been spending a lot of time with the princess talking when he was out of the room or quietly where he couldn't hear what they were saying.
He suspected that was what caused her sudden change but he wasn't complaining. He was rather glad to see Hinata more happy now. When they first started guarding the princess, he noticed that while he stood watch when they were in the garden or something, Hinata and the princess would sit and chat or gossip as women are ought to do. But he noticed they would steal glances his way and giggle. Then continue whispering, giggling ever so often. At first in annoyed him to no end because he would sit in his room after his watch and just wonder what the hell they were laughing at.
Then one day in the garden during one of their little chats,Naruto turned angrily to confront the two gossipers only to freeze mid-step when he saw the look of pure happiness on Hinata's face. She was laughing and leaned forward to whisper something in the princesses ear then they both leaned back and giggled behind their hands. He felt his heartbeat quicken as he stared at her glowing features, then the princess turned toward him with a knowing smile and winked. Hinata turned wondering at what had caught the princesses attention then blushed when she caught Naruto staring at her. Naruto felt like his heart was going to jump out of his chest. He blushed furiously and started babbling like an idiot. "!" He shouted embarrassed then turned around quickly to continue his watch.
A small smile grazed Hinata's lips before she turned and continued her conversation with the princess. It wasn't long before he herd the incessant giggling. Even so he smiled and the gossiping never bothered him again.
He was on watch again today and was currently walking towards the garden where Hinata and the princess were located. He had just finished patrolling the castle grounds and was heading back to watch over the princess. He walked into the garden's sitting area where Hinata and the princess were seated having tea and gossipping as usual. He walked up to the princess and with a short bow proceeded to report his patrol. "Castle grounds are clea..." He paused when he herd a rustle from the bushes and turned to look for Aiko and found her cuddling in Hinata's arms. Then quick as lightening he whipped out a kunai and threw it into the bushes.
He turned and said "Hinata!" She nodded and stood clasping her hands in front of her "Byakugan!" She yelled activating her blood limit. She looked around scaning the area for the intruders. She turned and yelled to Naruto "there are three of them. There, there, and there." She pointed to the hiding positions.
Naruto nodded and made a hand sign "Shadow clone jutsu!" Suddenly there was a puff of smoke and two Naruto clones had appeared. Each surrounded the princess alongside Hinata while the real Naruto stayed in his place. "Come out now or we will force you out!" he yelled. A kunai was thrown at the princess in response. One of the clones blocked it easily. Naruto charged in to the bushes when the kunai appeared from. There were sounds of a struggle before there was an eerie silence. Suddenly the man was thrown out of the trees and on the ground in front of Hinata. Without hesitation she bent down and placed a kunai at the mans neck to keep him in place. The man groaned and glared up at Hinata before passing out. Naruto came walking out of the bushes and stood ready.
"Anyone else wanna try that?!" he yelled agrily into the trees.
Hinata looked around once more. "They have fled." She said to Naruto. Naruto nodded and walked over to the princess who was shaking slightly, her hands holding her swollen abdomen. "Are you alright princess?" He asked her. She nodded and smiled up at him. "Yes I'm alright, just alittle shaken." she said attempting to stand. "I think I'll go inside for a bit." Naruto helped her stand then walked over to Hinata. He placed a kunai against the mans neck and Hinata stood to help the princess inside.
Once the Hinata had helped the princess inside and positioned castle guards at her bedroom doors she returned to the garden to help Naruto. Naruto was there waiting for her while still watching over the intruder whom he had tied to a chair his weapons sitting on the table. She walked up to him and sat down. "He is a ninja from the village hidden in the rain." He said handing her the headband he found on the rain ninja. She looked at it and layed it on the table. "Find anything else?" she asked looking at him. Naruto shook his head at her "No I suspect he was just hired to assassinate her and the child." Hinata glared at the man. "How could somebody do that!?" She said clenching her fists. "It's his job he has no choice. But still I see your point, who would hire someone to do that? We'll just have to wait for him to wake up before we can find out." She nodded her head and relaxed into her seat crossing her legs and propping her head on her hand.
Naruto watched as she absently stroked Aiko's fur. Then he too settled down and began inspecting the man's weapons while together they waited for him to awaken.
Naruto smiled smugly, he better not wake up too soon, Hinata's going to be pissed and we'll both want some answers he better pray to whatever god he worships because he's probably going to need it. He thought to himself. He spared one more glance Hinata's way who was once again glaring at the poor man before her. He smiled to himself once more before thinking oh yes he's going to need it.
Well what did you think? let me know. I thought that last bit was funny. If you have any ideas about the next chapter please let me know. hope you like it so far.