Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Love for You ❯ Interrogation ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 6
Hinata sat in her chair rather stiffly, her leg bouncing with impatience. It had been an hour now and the man had yet to wake up. She was beginning to think he was dead and would have believed it too had it not been for his chest rising and collapsing with each breath he took. Oh what she wouldn't give to ram an elbow right in his ribcage and give him a quick jolt awake. But she knew Naruto would never allow something so demented.
So instead she opted to sit and vexatiously wait for the man to wake. Hinata nearly jumped out of the chair when the man began to stir causing her earlier irritation to disappear only to be replaced with her on-growing anger.
The man stirred slightly before opening his eyes in wonder at his tight bondage's. He opened his eyes full when he realized he had been captured and was now tied to a chair staring in the face of his captors. Anger was replaced with blinding fear as he saw the raven haired beauty glaring at him with the look of pure hatred. If looks could kill he would have been dead at least ten times over.
He then turned to the man sitting next to her who had and equally frightening expression.
Hinata started to speak but Naruto beat her to it. "What is your name? Who do you work for?"
The man's voice trembled a bit as he spoke. "I'll n...never tell you ... you'll have to f...force it out of me!"
At this Hinata rush forward and swung her self around the chair so that she was facing the man's back and placed a kunai to his neck. She leaned down and whispered in her ear which only made him tremble more. "If that is truly what you want, then I see no problem with granting your wish. But you do have a choice, we can do this the easy way or," she pressed the kunai to his throat drawing a rick of blood. "the hard way." she finished. Naruto was sure the man was going to wet his pants and could tell he hasn't been a ninja long. In fact he was probably still just a genin.
"O..Ok I'll tell you, I'll tell you!" Hinata smiled triumphantly and removed the kunai. She resumed her place in her seat and waited patiently.
Naruto glanced over at her and thought 'man Hinata can be as scary as Sakura sometimes.'
He turned toward the man and said in a stern voice, "Talk!"
The man sighed defeated and started talking. "My name is Deimos Kunaku and I am a ninja from the village hidden in the rain. I was hired by the lady of Sugaku castle to assassinate the Princess Kumiko."
"What were your reasons?" Hinata asked.
"She gave none. It was just an assassination order. Her reasons were unclear."
Hinata glowered angrily at the man 'why would someone order someone to be killed without giving a reason? Even if it was a lie? It makes no sense."
Naruto stared at for a while longer until finally he spoke. "You will be sent back to the lady of Sugaku castle without you weapons. And should you try to return for a second attempt to kill the princess you will be killed on the spot understood?" The man nodded his head vigorously.
They untied him and handcuffed his hands. They led him to the outskirts of the village and let him go. Before leaving he bowed in gratitude and left as if the devil himself was chasing him.
They then turned and went back to the castle.
Hinata went back to the princesses room to assure her everything was safe while Naruto patrolled the grounds once more to be safe.
When they were finished they both retired to their rooms for some well deserved rest.
Well thats it for chapter 6 chapter 7 will be up tomarrow.
Tell me what you think.