Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Love for You ❯ Reflection ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 7
Hinata clamped her eyes shut as the tears flowed freely and she grasped her stomach in pain. She her shoulders shook and her throat began to feel sore but she couldn't help it. She couldn't stop.
She just could not stop laughing. (Ha got ya didn't I)The princess was as equally thrilled as Hinata. They had been sitting in the princesses room telling stories of their homes and reminiscing about the old days. Hinata was especially happy to hear about the princesses home life back in Ireland. Hinata learned that Kumiko was a princess in her homeland too and that was how she was betrothed to her husband.
In turn Hinata told Kumiko about her days at the academy and her long time crush on Naruto. How after he left she vowed to train her hardest just like him to gain every ones respect just as he had. She also told her of her father and how cruel he was toward her. And naturally when Kumiko her this she was angered and told Hinata she felt her pain because her father was just like that and that is why she was glad to come to Japan and marry her husband.
"I only wish Naruto felt the same for me so we could live our happily ever after, like you did princess." Hinata said looking down at her hands which sat clasped in her lap.
Kumiko smiled and layed her hands on top of Hinata's. "Hinata, I have a feeling your wish just might come true." Hinata looked up at her with a watery smile and nodded her head.
"So not long until the baby arrives huh? Have you thought of any names yet?" Hinata said changing the subject. Kumiko placed a finger to her chin in musing. Tapping the appendix in steady rhythm she said, "Well I think if it's a girl I might name her Hanae or Michiko, and if it's a boy Harue or Ichiro." Hinata sipped her tea and nodded her head. "I like them. Very pretty, but I think I would go with Hanae and Ichiro."
Kumiko nodded and said "Well we'll just have to wait and see I guess."
After that they continued telling stories about their past and dreams about their future well into the sunset.
With the princess gone to bed Hinata couldn't sleep. The events of the past week still buzzing in her mind. She walked out into the large garden and sat by the coy pond. She stared at her reflection in the water and thought to herself, "Oh princess. If what you say is true then why is it so hard for him to see that I love him so? And why is it so hard for me to tell him my feelings for him?" The full moon shown brightly down apon her Illuminating the flowers and stones around her with a purple hue.
She almost looked as if she was in some kind of fairy garden and she the queen.
She let her fingers dance across the water as she started to sing softly, the words coming from her very soul and merging with the air around her. Her voice was soft as air and sweet as honey suckle. So sweet that even the insects and animal had stopped to listen.
Look at meYou may think you seeWho I really amBut you'll never know meEvery dayIt's as if I play a partNow I seeIf I wear a maskI can fool the worldBut I cannot fool my heart
Naruto had finished his patrol long ago and couldn't sleep. So he decided to do his patrol one or maybe even three more times. He was so bored he was just waiting for some action, just waiting for someone to try some kind of assault so he would have something to do. But he guessed he had already scared everybody off already.
Suddenly as he went to patrol the garden he paused when he herd soft singing. He walked stealthily so as not to be herd. He crept along steadily hearing the voice become louder and louder.
Who is that girl I seeStaring straight back at me?When will my reflection showWho I am inside?
He made it to the middle of the garden successfully without being caught. He jumped in to the nearest tree as quietly as possible, never even rustling a leaf. He looked down over the koi pond and his heart pounded at the site before him.
I am nowIn a world where IHave to hide my heartAnd what I believe inBut somehowI will show the worldWhat's inside my heartAnd be loved for who I am
The she was. Hinata. The girl who, for last month and a half, had been haunting his thoughts and dreams of every second of every day. But what was she singing about. He shifted on the branch and listened intently to the girls song, trying to find the hidden meaning.
Who is that girl I seeStaring straight back at me?Why is my reflectionSomeone I don't know?Must I pretend that I'mSomeone else for all time?When will my reflection showWho I am inside?
Hinata felt the prickling sensation of being watched, but she ingnored it and continued with her song. The little koi fish nipping playfully at her fingers. She felt a brush of fur against her leg and turned to see Aiko who had come out to find her adopted mother. Aiko snuggled into Hinata's side as she continued to sing now stroking the kit's fur.
There's a heart that must beFree to flyThat burns with a need to knowThe reason why
Naruto watched her intently. His heart swelling with each word. For the last month he had been speculating his feelings for Hinata and his past crush Sakura. He had thought he loved Sakura, but as he thought more and more about Hinata, he was beginning to feel otherwise. With Hinata, he could think of so many reasons why he would love her, but with Sakura all he could come up with was that she was pretty and strong.
He had finally solved his dilemma when he had a rather embarrassing conversation with the princess while it was Hinata's turn to patrol the castle. He had told her of his confusion and she smiled and patted his head saying 'Why that's called love, Naruto. I can see it plain on your face you love Hinata.' He smiled now knowing what she had said was true he did indeed love Hinata but he was worried. Would she except him if she knew about his secret?
He had asked the princess about it but he didn't elaborated on his 'secret'. She only smiled and said 'If she truly loves you, she won't care and will love you no matter what.'
Why must we all concealWhat we think, how we feel?Must there be a secret meI'm forced to hide?I won't pretend that I'mSomeone else for all timeWhen will my reflection showWho I am inside?When will my reflection showWho I am inside?
He smiled as he herd Hinata finish her song. And with her finsh came new found strength and passion he had not felt in a long time. He jumped out of the tree and proceeded to make his way towards Hinata.
Yes, he would confess his love for her.
And he prayed.
That she would return his feelings of love.
Oh how he prayed she would.
Ok sorry to leave it their but I'm really tired. Next Naruto CONFESSES! YAY!
Let me know what you think. Also I'v decided I will draw this scene with Hinata and Aiko. I'll let you know when it is up.