Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Name is Sakura ❯ With Sasori - 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I held her still as she shook convulsively. I put my arm around her shoulders as I stood with her and tried to move her towards the bathroom. The stench of vomit was everywhere. I could taste it.

Sakura couldn't move on her own very well, so I moved her back over to the bed. She was shaking but sweat was pouring off her forehead. She claimed to be cold so I wrapped her up in a blanket. What was going to happen? Was she going to die on me? I only had her for a few minutes.

She looked like she was going to vomit again and I backed off a little. My black cotton robe was already stained with Sakura's last meal. She tried to get up but I pulled her against me trying to keep her warm. She was in no fit state to be walking on her own.

I could feel her heartbeat against my chest. Soon she stopped shaking and I looked down to see that she had fallen back to sleep. Poor girl, I thought as I placed her back properly on the bed.

Now I had to get her out of the nice new pink dress she was wearing. It wasn't nice anymore - it was completely ruined. It was ragged and messy. The pure pink silk stained in milk, mushy and mashed making you sick yourself just thinking it was once a drink.

I looked in the wardrobe and pulled out a little black dress. It was very similar to the one she had on. Certainly no stains would show and she would have a cute little witch look about her. I took off Sakura's pink dress and threw that down to the side. I placed the black dress on as delicately as before, sliding her slender arms through - tossing and turning her so I could zip the back. To match, I found some black and white striped stockings so I slipped those over her feet, fed them over her calves and then slid them up Sakura's curvaceous thighs, pulling her black skirt down over the top.

I placed little black shoes onto her little feet and there she was - perfect once again. I put the blanket over the top of her, hoping she wouldn't be too cold while she slept off the reaming effects of the poison. But there was something deep down inside of me thinking what would she really think of my little toy factory. I hoped she would be impressed, why would she be? I had it done up especially for her.

I changed my clothes, had a shower and then put on something a bit more casual. I didn't need any gear for any combat. This was just a bit of play after all. I dried off and walked back into the bedroom just as Sakura awoke.

Her breathing was still a little fast and she did still look a little ill.

"Water" she cried.

I quickly raced back into the bathroom, ran the water and filled a small glass. I brought it back to her and she grabbed it off me and gulped it all down before even looking at me. I thought it was a bit rude. I coughed to get her attention.

Sakura looked at me, confused at first. She didn't recognize me at all. She then looked around at her surroundings, all of which she didn't recognize. She must have wondered what had happened. She put her hand on her neck and felt the small prick I gave her with the poison dart. A small part of memory came flooding back.

"What did you do to me? Where am I?"

-Sorry, you didn't give me a lot of choice. I just gave you something to help you sleep and so you wouldn't scream or struggle.

"You kidnapped me?"

-Kidnapping is the wrong word, it is too negative in this day and age. I'm just a collector. I only collect the finest from around the world and you are the finest I've ever seen.

Sakura opened her eyes wider.

"You're some crazy madman, aren't you?"

She coughed.

"What was that stuff you used on me?"

-Just a simple sleep serum. I didn't think it would have a very powerful effect other than giving you an extended nap.

Sakura coughed again and then a third time.

"Don't you ever do that again! Don't you ever try and drug me or use backhanded methods of keeping me here. You can't keep me prisoner here."

-But you're not my prisoner here. You're my guest.

"Clearly you're an idiot because if you keep using those poison darts to induce sleep you're just going to kill me. Is that what you want? Is that why you brought me here?"

I could see in her eye. She knew something about what I wanted to achieve. I don't know how, but she knew I wouldn't kill her, at least not intentionally and she wasn't afraid. Her green eyes looked right through me and wiped me clean. She was a smart girl, all right.

Sakura then tried to get to her feet but I got up faster than her and stopped her. She struggled against me but I held her strong. She was a lot easier to contain than she was before. I sat her down in my lap, wrapping my arms around her, restraining them.

"Let me go! Why are you doing this? Are you still planning to kill me?"

-Look around you, Miss Haruno - you see the dolls?

"How do you know my name?"

-I know everything about you. I've been studying your every move for months now. I knew you were the one to make me happy.

"You're just a sicko. Let me go, you pervert!"

-I'm not a pervert - I'm an artist. Look at my sculptures.

Sakura's eyes surveyed the wall and looked at all the wooden carvings. The figurines leaving a lasting memory of a love that I once had. I relaxed my grip on her as she stood and took a closer inspection at some of the dolls. She took one off the shelf and caressed it in her hand. The female figurine must have brought back some memories for Sakura too.

"Is this what I am to you?"

-Yes, but so much more. You are living.

"I'm not some stupid doll!"

She threw the doll at me in violence and anger. She started crying and I came near her to calm her down. I hugged her as she beat her fists against my chest. Her attempts to push herself away from me were easily muted.

-Time for you to become my perfect little doll, Sakura.


I opened my hand and focused all my energy. Out of my hand sprang white cord that shot out and wrapped itself around Sakura's wrists. I focused harder and suddenly my eyes went red.

-You are my puppet now.

She tried to look away but she couldn't resist. There was no way to fight it.

She nodded slowly. I had her under my control.

I twirled and moved her, manipulated her. I could feel my power transfer into her body in a way I had never experienced before. She was doing everything that I wanted and her mind had no will or power to stop me anymore.

I yanked the cord and pulled her close. I looked into her deep green eyes again. This was how my perfect girl should be, no struggle, just love. I kissed her passionately. I picked her up and placed her on the table to admire her again.

Suddenly I felt myself drained of energy and my eyes went back to their normal colour. I fell to my knees. Sakura snapped out of her mind-control and looked around.

"What was that?"

I realised then that my power had a limit and I would only be able to enjoy Sakura in small doses, at least to begin with.

-I hoped you enjoyed my demonstration of power.

Sakura said nothing but came up to me and kneed me in the groin. It was without doubt the most pain I had ever been in but just as she was about to make off I managed to grab her ankle and drag her to the floor. I tied her squirming ankles together and then to the bed post, leaving to recover from my most unfortunate injury.

She may have been perfect but yhat bitch had to pay for that