Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My ninja way ❯ two's plenty. four's unbearable ( Chapter 3 )

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Disclaimer: I do not own naruto. All credit goes to Masashi Kishimoto.
This chapter is dedicated to yer lil demon for being my first reviewer!
And busheybrow1113 for being my second! You two rock my naruto world!
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Last time: After getting in trouble for beating a virgin to the brink of death. Marie leaves the Hokage tower to find some peace. She runs into hinata and catches up on old times and soon realizes it's great to be a ninja and not bound to any rules. Thinking everything will be fun if she follows her own rules she finds a mysterious person following her at night
“You really do have a short temper. Every little thing bothers you.”
Marie turned around on reflex. No one was there. Being really scared and alone she took the fast way home and used a teleportation jutsu to appear in her room inside the Takemina mansion. She quickly stripped into her pj's and went to bed with Lil' brother at the bottom of the bed.
“Who said those words earlier? Was someone watching me the whole time?'
Deciding not to think about it too much she went to sleep. Not knowing that someone was watching her outside her window.
Today on My Ninja Way: Two's plenty. Four's unbearable!
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It's a sunny morning in The Village Hidden in the Leaves. The sun shone through the window to Marie's room. Indicating that it's morning, she sat up to stretch and accidentally kicked Lil brother off the foot of her bed. Lil brother barked angrily at her saying that she did it every morning on purpose. Marie grabbed some doggie treats from the night stand next to her bed and gave it to him to keep him busy while she tried to sneak out without anybody seeing her.
`Going out the front door without anyone seeing will be too risky…going out the window will be more fun and quick!' She smiled proudly at herself for being clever.
She quickly changed out of her nightgown and into her ninja gear with her Chakra pole on her back.
(I don't know when she'll mention it to anybody, but her charka pole is a family heirloom that's been passed down to chunin and jonins in the Takemina family. It starts out a regular arm length pole until she adds her amount of charka to increase the size of it. It can reject most ninja's outside of the Takemina family or those who aren't skilled enough to hold it. `Kay? I just wanted to bring that up. Sorry to slow you down)
She opened her window and jumped to the nearest roof and ran across it to get to the outside walls of her family mansion. She smirked when she got passed the guards.
“Who needs fancy food that tastes like cardboard and wear clothes that you can't breathe in? I like training better.” She said as she jumped from a tall tree onto a building then onto a nearby fence, ran across it until she bumped into Naruto.
“So, they finally let you out of happy town, huh? Want to go get some ramen?”
Marie jumped down from the fence and shook her head. “Not right now. I'm on a very important life staking mission.”
Hearing how good it sounds naruto was all ears and ready to go. “Really?! What kind of important life staking mission?! Can I come with you?!”
She scratches the back of her head unsurely. “I dunno…I don't think it's the kind of mission you're thinking about. I'm trying to find this stalker that's been haunting me since last night and I'm thinking of a way to convince Lady Hokage to let me go on a mission. It's been a whole year since I've been on one. I really want to get back out there and protect the village, ya know.”
Naruto nodded and puts one hand on his chin. “I don't know about the stalker part…but I can convince Granny Tsunade to let you go on a mission.”
Marie smiled brightly. “You can do that? Honestly?”
Naruto gave her a thumbs up. “Sure! No problem! I can convince Granny Tsunade to do anything! Believe it!”
She gave him a thumbs up. “I believe it! Thanks! You'll go to Lady Hokage to find me a `C' ranked mission and make sure Hinata's allowed to go too! I'll go tell Hinata!”
Naruto salutes proudly. “Got it! You can count on me!”
And with that he ran off to the hokage tower leaving Marie to do her part.
Seeing Naruto out of sight I looked up at the sky and did a birdcall whistle. In no time a Black Raven descended on my head and screeched.
“Rav. I need a birds eye view to find Hinata Hyuuga. Can you help?”
Rav spread her wings and took off several feet into the air. Her head looked left and right then screeched again before taking off into the forest. I followed after her with quick speed.
After 20 minutes of jumping from tree to stinking tree I came into unfamiliar area, but I trust Rav to guide me in and out of these kinds of situations. I heard Rav screech and came to a stop near and open area near a river. When I caught I caught up to her she sat on my head again. I peered through the leaves and I'm pretty sure I see hinata next to a grown woman and two boys fighting with each other. I could faintly see a boy wearing a coat and a fur hood with a small dog following his moves. On the other side I could see a boy with a high collar shirt and dark glasses. They both pause for a moment before moving at a high speed again. `They're moving so fast that I'm getting a headache.'
Shino disappeared into the forest to gain an advantage over kiba. Kiba did the same with akamaru. I didn't know what was going on until the kunai knifes and shuriken started flying in my direction! I ducked down for cover while Rav disappeared to who knows where.
“Shino! Kiba! That's enough you both can stop now.”
Both of them nodded and went to their sensei and Hinata who were sitting under the same tree and I was sitting in. That dog was sniffing the air and I think he caught my scent because Kiba threw two kunai aimed at me. One missed and the other hit by booty!
“OW!!!! HOLY HOKAGE!!!! THAT HURTS!!” I fell forward to fell out of the tree and into shino's awaited strong arms. Everyone gathered around me to get a closer look.
*~ Normal POV*~
Kiba poked her head. “Who's this girl? Was she spying on us or something?”
Hinata gasped slightly. “Ah. Marie. What were you doing in that tree?”
Marie ignored all their questions and focused on trying to pull the kunai out of her butt.
“OW! Geez! What kind of idiot throws dangerous things like this around at people, huh?” She looks to her left to see hinata. “Yo, Hinata fancy meeting you here.”
Hinata nodded in acknowledgement. (That's a big word for me!)
Kurenai came into view. “You're the heiress of the Takemina clan aren't you? Marie Takemina. You shouldn't be out here all alone like this.”
Marie ignored her and turned to shino who was still holding her. “Excuse me kind…mysterious…sir, but would you mind putting me down? This is a little uncomfortable…” `More like heaven! Mr. Tall dark and handsome has got it going on!'
After the word uncomfortable shino dropped her on her butt. “You could have put me down gently.” Shino turned away from her. Kiba hovered over her. “Was that necessary, shino? You shouldn't treat a girl like that.”
Marie poked kiba with the kunai. “You should talk dog-boy. Was it necessary to throw a kunai knife at my butt?”
“Dog-boy?! Why you little-“
Kurenai “that's enough! Marie would you kindly tell me why you're here unsupervised? If you're lost we can guide you back home.”
Marie stood up. “I don't need a baby-sitter or a guide. I'm a lone chunin. I'm here to ask hinata if she'll join me on a mission that naruto's setting up for me. How `bout it?”
Hinata turned red instantly. `N-naruto…will be there?”
Marie blinked “Why are you turning red?” `Does she have a thing for naruto?'
Kurenai “I wasn't informed of any mission.”
Kiba snorted. “That's because she made the whole thing up.” Akamaru barked. “See? Even akamaru thinks so. You better go home, now.”
“Look here dog-boy! I didn't make it up! Naruto's at the hokage tower asking lady hokage to set up a mission for me! Why? Because I'm sick and tired of playing the perfect little princess for my mom and dad! Once in a while I would like to go on a mission to help someone! So get off my case and stay out of it Dog-boy!” She poked him in the chest to prove her point.
Kiba points his finger at her. “Yeah. Whatever! What does that have to do with us?”
Shino adjusted his glasses. “She just said that she came here for hinata. You really should listen instead of flirting.”
Kiba shook his fist at him. “Stay out of this bug freak!”
Marie gave shino a questioning gaze. “Uh…bug freak?”
Shino turned away even more. `There are already too many people who think I'm weird. Why add her to the list? I don't want her to be afraid of me, too'
“Marie!! There you are!! I got great news!!”
Everyone looked into the trees and saw naruto jump down to greet them.
Hinata blushed. “H-hi. Naruto.” Naruto turns in her direction and waves. “Hey.”
Marie walks up to naruto. “Well? What did she say? Can I go?”
Naruto hands her a scroll. “Yup! You're A-okay to go on a `c' ranked mission to the land of waves! Hinata can go too!”
Marie hugs the scroll and jumps up and down. “YAY! I can go on a mission! Wahoo! In your face dog-boy! BELIEVE AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE! This is going to be the best mission ever! So, when do we start?”
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3 long hours later. Outside the Village gate.
Marie was squatting on the ground drawling circles in the dirt with a dark cloud hanging over her head. “This is going to be the worst mission ever…”
Shino looked at her. He was standing against the gateway waiting for naruto, hinata, and neji… Yup…much to their surprise Neji Hyuuga was assigned to go on the mission with them. It was a last minute decision to look after both heiresses and according to the hokage he is very skilled. Shino had to go to look after his teammate hinata and to make sure naruto doesn't screw up.
Marie yelled in frustration. “GAH! How unfair! Why does that boring stick in the mud neji have to come along?! The mission is already boring enough to have to bring an old geezer back to his home because he `somehow got lost while shopping', when he actually ran away from his wife, but to bring neji!? That's cruel punishment! I know my mom and dad has something to do with this.”
Shino seem slightly interested in her rant. “Why would you think that?”
She turned her head to face him. “Don't you remember yesterday? That who finding a husband and wife thing at the hokage tower?”
He nods. `She must have noticed me after all.'
She continues “My mom and dad are desperate for me to find a boyfriend who I can keep long enough to become my future husband and have many little kids running around and learning how to be the perfect heir to the clan. My clan keeps the suitable children who earn the right to be head of the clan when they're older. Others are dumped to the other side of the family. Lately as I've grown older and more independent and harder to control my parents go through any means to find me a husband. That means cutting my mission and free time. It sucks. I bet they're trying to get me with neji. Now way am I going to have children that look like him. I'm not dating until I'm 30!”
Shino raised an eye brow “Why 30?”
Marie turned her head forward. She had a dark evil smirk on her face.
“Because when I'm 30 my parents will be long dead and I won't have to worry about anything. Heheheh.”
Shino `that's a cruel thing to say about her parents. Then again my mom is the exact same way.'
Naruto, Hinata, Neji, and an old man came through the gate.
Marie stood up and dusted herself off. “What took you guys so long? Did that old guy slow you down?”
Old Man. “Yes! That lad with the pony pail wouldn't pick up the speed! I was doing 20mph. while he was doing10! Hahaha!”
Marie and naruto laughed with him. “That old geezer has you figured out, neji!”
Neji had a vein popping out of his head from their annoyance. “Enough of this! If we don't leave now we'll have to campout over night.”
Naruto “Fine! Just follow me and we'll get there in no time flat!”
Marie held the map to his face. “Follow you? I'd rather follow a donkey. We're following the map.”
Old man “Huh? A map? I know who to get home. Why use a map?”
Marie gave the map to hinata. “If we let boys lead the way then we'll get lost and then we'll have to ask for directions and men hate to ask for directions. *sigh* it's just one of those macho things you guys do.”
Naruto. “Aw! Come on don't be like that! We're ninja's and I've been to the land of waves before.” He puts his hands together in a begging way, but she wasn't convinced.
Shino spoke up. “Why don't we let naruto lead the way and if we do get lost we'll ask for directions.”
Everyone nods in agreement and began walking down the road to the land of waves.
(……35 agonizing minutes later…. Marie's POV)
The old man from the land of waves was currently drunk because he drank a lot of sake which we all thought was water. Naruto was chasing him up a tree and hinata tried to get him down. Shino was minding his own business while neji and I were monitoring the situation.
Naruto “Neji! Why don't you try putting him to sleep? That way we can move on!”
Neji shrugged his shoulders. “That's too much effort and I don't feel like carrying him.”
Naruto “WHAT?!”
Everyone senses went on high alert. Unfamiliar chakra was surrounding them. Naruto grabbed the old man's leg and hid him in the leaves. Hinata hid behind the tree. Neji, shino and I stood back to back in a triangle formation and had our weapons ready.
All was quiet. I looked in the direction that we came from and saw a cloud of dust moving towards us. Neji and shino saw it too.
Naruto “What do you think it is?” hinata hid further behind the tree.
Neji activated his byakugan and saw that someone was indeed coming towards them.
“I think it's some kind of lunatic. Stay on guard!”
Whoever was in that dust cloud approached them in such speed that as soon as they stopped the dust surrounded them. They shielded their faces from the dust.
The dust died down and revealed the mysterious person. It looked like a man no older than 17. He has long shoulder length black hair. He wore a white yukata and under it was a armor top. To me he seems like a cross dresser. He has his yukata top worn on his left side and the right legged side of his yukata was rolled up to show his leg. He has lip gloss on his lip and red paint streaks on his eyes.
“Ah. My love. I finally caught up to you. I've been tracking you down since last night.”
He or she clasped my hands into his or hers. “You shouldn't run away from me.”
I had a vain pop on my head. “Who ever the heck you are… take a long hike back to the village and get some air cause I have no idea who you are!”
He or she placed one finger on my lips. “Shh. Don't talk when your eyes can talk for you.” That was the last straw for me. I opened my mouth and bit his finger. He recoiled away from me and I hid behind shino and neji to spits out that guys horrible taste that was in my mouth. Naruto jumped from out of the tree with the old man and hinata came out of hiding to join us.
The cross dresser was kissing his finger. “I shall always remember your bite of love.”
I grabbed my chakra pole. “Go away you psycho! I don't know you so go away!”
“Who are you? What do you want with Marie?” asked a curious shino.
I fell down behind him. “I just told him to go away! Don't make him stay loner!”
The mysterious cross dresser bowed. “Greetings everyone. I'm Shoga morimoto. Marie's new fiancé. It was destiny ever since last night with the fireflies dancing around us.”
Neji turned to me. “Is that true? Does he sound familiar to you?”
I gave neji a disgusted face. “What do you think?! You can tell that dude is living a fairytale! I've never seen him before in my life!”
Shoga pouted. “My, my. You really have a short temper. Every little thing bothers you.”
I gasped. “That was you? You were the one stalking me last night?”
Shoga gave a smirk. “Indeed I was. I was attracted to your negative vibes.”
Everyone went silent and remained still. The wind picked up sending chills up my spine.
To be continued….
Next time on My Ninja Way…
Marie: Now I'm officially mad! Who's this cross dressing freak think he is? There's no freakin' way I'm his fiancé!! How does he know so much about me and my clan and where exactly did he come from? Hey! Wait a minute! I want to fight cross dresser! Why does neji have the first crack at him? I want to prove to neji and shino that I can fight perfectly on my own! GYahh! Spider!!!! Get it out of my hair!!! I want to get to the land of waves now!!!!!!!
Next time
Anything boys can do I can do it my way!
Read and review!! Thank you to….yer lil demon and bushybrow1113