Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My ninja way ❯ Protect something precious to you! ( Chapter 11 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. All credit goes to Grand master….Masashi Kishimoto.
Let's face it. If I owned it the world would be in ruins.
Guardian of Atlantis: Go back under the sea can keep your nose out of my story. I only used the song from mulan. It's a one time fucking thing and if you think my story is unoriginal change your name. You make it sound like your full of yourself. (Maybe you are)
-Gaara ish my sexeh beast: it's okay that you haven't read my story yet. But thank you -for being on my side when saying that was a rude review. You have made me feel so much better after that.
-The ASPCA Pwned me (formally known as The Lex and Terry Listener): I'll do what you'll say and keep writing. Even thought it'll take me awhile to write the battle scenes. I'm not very good at that… thank you for your kind words.
-InARealPickle : I'll try not to let flamers get to me and you're right when my story might not be for everyone and I do enjoy writing it anyway for those who do like it. I must admit that my story may be too random but I'm working on it.
Miyuuki Aburame - Thank you for the review. I'm really glad you like it.
(And for those who still don't understand…its MY BLOODY FIRST FUCKING TIME
Marie “I really want to go to sleep and ignore all the drama that's going on outside! Hey! VILLAGE HIDDEN IN THE LEAVES!! I'LL GIVE YOU ALL TO THE COUNT OF THREE TO SHUT UP!!”
Naruto “How can you say that?! 6 members of the band of assassins are attacking the village! We got to do something!”
Marie “Okay, here's the plan. You and your friends will deal with them while I go to bed and not care.”
Hinata “They all seem to be targeting you for some reason.”
Neji “They might want to capture you and use that ball of intense darkness to turn you into one of them. I say let them.”
Shino “We'll have to split up and take them down. They can't get her.”
“Where are all of you popping out from? I thought I was doing the narrating.”
Today on My ninja way: Protect something precious to you!
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Shoga gave an irritated sigh. “I'm so bored without marie. I really want to fight her again and that neji fellow was very interesting.”
Muko “You'll see her again soon. The boss wants us to check something out.”
Rin pulls herself up from her sitting position.“Finally. We're getting out of this dump. Ready, Ryuu?”
Ryuu stands up and nods.
Renji silently followed the two with youko tagging along. “This is going to be delightful.”
Shoga quickly stood up and yelled after them “Wait! No one better touch Marie. She's mine.
Ryuu turned slightly. “Why? She's a victim like the rest of them. Why not kill her?”
Rin said in a sly voice over ryuu's shoulder. “Maybe he has a thing for her…aw.”
Renji mumbled “fool.”
Shoga crossed his arms “Watch it you brats. I just want her for myself.”
“You will not do anything to her…” A new voice said.
Everyone did a 180 and bowed to the boss. “Master Shoji.”
(Shoji. You know shoji from that chapter, with the dream, and the blood. Good times.)
Shoji glares at Shoga. “You will not do anything to marie.”
Rin spoke up in a shaky voice. “Master shoji…why do you want marie?”
“Normally I would kill you for questioning my orders…but I will tell you this …I want her here with me because she's the only girl in this world for me…my dear marie.”
Everyone stayed silent before waiting further orders. Shoga was silently fuming.
“I want to give the leaf village a warning. Send in the scorpion. That should be enough for now…Oh. Before I forget…she's a feisty young girl now better be careful.”
Everyone gave one last bow before disappearing.
`Soon... you and I will be reunited again and you'll be by my side forever.'
(Back to the village)
Marie stretched her arms over her head and yawned. She leaned forward and banged her head on the desk. `I'm about to go suicidal, If I don't get out of here!'
Have you ever been stuck in a boring meeting or classroom and the lecturer is going on and on and fails to realize that no one is listening and talks more and more? Then you feel like if you don't move or do something you'll go insane or get the urge to break something?
“It's poor manners to slouch dear. Sit up.” Her mother said sipping her tea.
Marie picked up her head and peeled off the paper that was attached. It's a great day outside and she's stuck inside studying. Today is that last day of her punishment and at 3'o clock she would be free. She glanced at the clock. It read 1:13P.M. She sighed.
“Sighing is not proper.” Her father scolded.
`Screw proper. You slouch when mom's not looking.' She thought to herself.
`I wonder what the others are doing today. Bet Naruto is eating ramen…kiba's being obnoxious…shino's being…shino, Neji off somewhere probably training and hinata is probably stalking naruto.' Marie slumped further into her chair. She slowly skimmed through the large book. Looking out at the corner of her eyes to see if her parents were looking, she quickly whipped out a small book on insects. She figured since she and shino are becoming some-what good friends she might want to study his interests. `No matter how much I look at bugs they still freak me out a little. But if I see them more often I wouldn't mind them so much… but it's a whole other story if they're huge and small bugs crowded together…or if I see bugs in the bathtub at night.'
Marie looks out the window. It's a beautiful day outside.
“Everyone else is outside going on missions and having fun while I'm stuck here studying for something that's not important.” Marie mutters.
Mother “Well you're not like everyone else. You're at a much higher class.”
Marie “Boy, did I ever get born into the wrong clan…” she mutters.
Father “What was that?” “Nothing.”
They sat in silence once again. Every so often marie would look at the clock; praying that the time to escape the rat hole will come. At each time she would notice something weird every time she would look at it. The first time she saw about 3 dots on the big hand.
Thinking she was just seeing things she did a double take and looked again to see more tiny dots on the little hand and big hand. From the looks of it they were moving them from 1:45P.M to 2:55P.M. Little lights were going off in her head.
`Those dots are moving! Those must be Aburame insects! Could be shino's!'
They insects flew off the clock and out the window. One stray insect stayed behind and landed in her hair. Although she shivered a little, she let the bug stay for a while.
`Peace, quiet, it's in my hair, peace, quiet, I feel it moving! Peace, peace… SANCTUARY!'
“Hey. It's three o'clock now. Can I go?” she said trying to hide the urgency in her voice. Mr. and Mrs. Takemina waved their hands in a dismissive motion. Not looking up from the scrolls that they were reading.
Marie pulled from out of her chair and jumped over her desk before running out of the room yelling quietly. God, SHINO, it's in my hair how could you!?
Marie ran into her room, threw off her formal clothes and switched into her ninja gear, then ran out the door before saying good-bye to little brother.
When she reached outside she stretched her arms over her head and took a deep breath then exhaling. `Free at last.'
She wandered away from the village town and into a familiar area in the forest. Looking around and seeing all the wildlife and insects her mind wondered to where shino could be and what he could be doing. `Geez. We've known each other for a few days and I already can't forget about him. Why do clans have to be afraid of another clan that's so different from them? If they just get to know them better…'
She stopped and scratched her head furiously
“If they would've gotten along better I wouldn't be lonely and single right now! And probably less violent against men…on second thought I'll keep the violent part.”
She sighed and walked deeper into the forest.
`I used to like a lot of boys, until the whole forced marriage thing was brought up and then I met shoji that one time and then shino came…this is so stupid! Me?! Thinking about boys? It's just that, shino is so different from the other boys.'
Marie stops again when she heard a loud booming voice coming from her left. Without thinking she jumped into the highest tree and blending into the leaves and peered out to see who was coming.
It was Shino and Kiba. Shino must've been collecting insects again. She remembered hinata telling her that shino collects insects as a hobby and kiba tags along to take akamaru for a walk.
She listened closely to hear what they were talking about. Normally eavesdropping would be bad. But, hey that's how you gather information and no one said that she was normal.
“That marie chick…I think she's more annoying than naruto. Thinks she all hot stuff and thinks that she can do what she wants. I think she's a ninja who can't do anything for herself and needs saving all the time.”
Marie huffed and grabbed an acorn that was in the tree and threw it at kiba's head with a little added chakra. `Plink'
Kiba yelled in pain and rubbed his head. “Ow! Stupid squirrels! That actually hurt!”
Shino sighed and pushed up his glasses. “You didn't waste time flirting with her when you first met her. Why the change in mind?”
Kiba stuttered. “You how first impressions are deceiving. She seemed pretty hot at first until she got all, you know.” `Plink. Plink'
Marie threw two more acorns at kiba's head.
“Stupid dog boy.” She whispered.
Kiba shouted up the tree she was in. “You stupid squirrels! Come down here and face me so that I can teach you a lesson! Right, Akamaru?”
Shino sighed and walked ahead of kiba. “If someone walks by, and asked why are you shouting at a tree when there isn't anybody up there, I don't know you, despite the facts of me being on your team.”
Kiba outstretched his hand in a stopping motion. “Wait shino! I know there is something up that tree.”
Shino didn't turn around and kept walking. “Yeah, squirrels, birds, insects, just about anything can be up that tree would hit you.”
“You sarcastic, smart …” `plink' Three more acorns made contact with his head. By that time kiba went insane and attacked the tree marie was in. Despite hanging on for dear life she fell out and landed in the bushes below.
“Ha! Something weird was in that tree, told ya!” Kiba smirked.
Shino turned around to join him. “What was it?”
Kiba slightly parted the bushes. “I don't know. Let me check.”
Marie panicked. She made a hand sign and transformed. `Transformation jutsu!'
(This part maybe clichéd for some people, but, hey, most things in life are.)
Marie transformed into an innocent kitten. Not a large full grown adult cat, but a kitten, maybe a kitty. Trying to prove that she's the real thing she meowed.
Shino picked up the kitten to show kiba. “Congratulations. You nearly killed a cat.”
Kiba poked its head. “Never was much of a cat person. Serves the little bugger right.”
Marie hissed and scratched kiba's hand. Akamaru jumps on kiba's head and starts barking at marie. Marie hisses back. (How she understands I dunno. I think it's funny.)
You wanna piece of me dog-breath?!”
Why a piece, fur-ball? I want the whole package!”
Why not get off your master's head and say that to my face?!
“I'll beat you with one paw behind my back!”
“Why one paw? How about all fours, mutt face!” she jumped out of shino's arms and onto his head and waved one paw. Look at me I got a master too! Nyah! Cat's rule!” She sniffed shino's hair while she was at it. `Hey. He smells summer rains. Hey, I use that shampoo. I SMELL LIKE SHINO! I SMELL LIKE SHINO! Eh. It's better than smelling like kiba.' Sniff.
“Hey. Your fur-ball is harassing my dog.” Kiba stated.
Shino pulled marie/kitty off his head and cradled it in his arms. “I'll see if hinata wants to take care of it. If she ever found out that we left a cat out here after you tried to knock it out, she'll never talk to you again. And that's too much of an opportunity to pass up.”
Kiba walks off in a different direction muttering something about shino being a wise guy.
When shino was sure that kiba was out of sight he put the kitten down and backed away.
“You can change back now, marie. With that pitiful transformation you may as well try to fool naruto with that.” He said monotoned.
Anger veins popped on her head. She transformed back and held up her fists in a challenging way. “Take that back you, jerk!”
“Why are you following me?” he asked in a bored calm tone.
“I'm not! Don't be like neji! The whole world doesn't have to revolve around you! We just happen to be at the same place at the same time! Why are you here anyway?”
Shino waited a while before responding. “…none of your business…”
Marie grabbed her hair in frustration. “Ah! You're so annoying! Why are you picking on me? First the bug, now you're teasing me! If you got a problem tell me Mr.…” the vein on her forehead was getting bigger as she got angrier. Shino on the other hand was enjoying this. He poked her forehead with one index finger.
“Be careful or that vein on your forehead is going to pop.” He said in a teasing manner.
Marie blushed as she slapped his hand away. “Shut up! Stop teasing me you jerk!”
Shino puts his hand back into his pocket and chuckled softly. `she really amusing.'
Marie and shino quickly took off towards the hokage tower, not wasting anytime when they heard explosions and screaming. Upon half way there marie began to question.
“Who would attack the village with out a warning?! It's really unexpected!” she shouted over the noise and tried to keep up with shino.
Shino answered “Your guess is as good as mine. We'll just have to wait for orders from the hokage. Let's hurry!” they picked up the speed towards the tower and along the way they saw their friends gather as well.
(Rah! This is taking too long! I made this longer than I thought I would. ! I'm thinking about making this a part story but that'll take longer! .... I'll just have to skip a few unimportant lines and get to the points. My editor sure owes me big time for this.)
Most of the skilled Chuunin are the rookie nine and the rest are Gennin. Lady Hokage decided that the rookie nine will confront and stop the attacks by any means necessary.
The Gennin will help some junin with the evacuation.
Lady Hokage “Okay. Here's how it's going to be….” She hands everyone a paper with their names and their teams.
Team one: Naruto. Sakura. Ten Ten.
Team two: Hinata. Kiba. Lee.
Team four: Shino. Neji. Sasuke.
Naruto raised his head. “Granny. Sasuke isn't here. He went no a journey somewhere.”
Lady Tsunade gave an aggravated sigh. “That kid. This isn't the time for anyone to disappear. Okay then Marie will take his place.” She stated.
Marie jumped back with a shock expression. “Me?! Are you sure?”
Lady Tsunade nodded. “You probably don't think you're strong enough but I think you can handle it. Beside we need every help we can get and we can't risk not being prepared. So you'll help them or I'll give you a mission of your life.”
Marie crosses her arms and sulks.
Neji steps up and asks, “Do you really think this is a wise choice? For all we know it could be the assassins trying to lure us and marie out and try something.”
Lady Tsunade crosses her arms and sighs. “I know but I have complete confidence in all of your abilities. And if one of you manages to capture one of them, that'll be a big help. But don't pull a naruto and make it a priority to get on. Just keep them away from the village. Is that clear?”
Everyone saluted and dispersed. Everyone reappeared at the village gates. They were going to make up a plan until the earth began to quake under them. Sakura screamed her little head off and pointed towards the sky.
Naruto eyes widen and began shaking. “WHAT IS THAT?!”
Neji “It's a poisonous creature from the sand village-called a `red scorpion,' I think.”
(I'm changing some things. I didn't want to rush and put the assassins in yet. Be a little patient, nothing in this life is free. Except hugs. I'm offering mine at a discount.)
Tenten stood next to him. “What's it doing here?”
Kiba lets Akamaru down. “Who cares about that now? We have to get rid of it, so let's go Akamaru!” kiba took off charging. Naruto went after him charging and yelling and so did rock lee. Thinking that they're foolish neji went in too along with tenten. Not wanting to be left behind shino went too. Sakura called after them. Hinata was too scared to move. Marie took out her chakra pole. “Those, idiots! They're being reckless! Common, hinata! Sakura, you stay here. I'll toss the injured boys back for you to heal!”
Sakura nodded in understanding. Marie ran into battle with hinata trailing after her.
Naruto was on top of the scorpions head stabbing it with his kunai and shuriken.
Kiba and Akamaru were doing their Fang over Fang taijutsu on the scorpion legs. Neji and tenten doubled team on the opposite side and managed to cut off some of the smaller legs. With the help of shino and hinata blocking off the larger pincers marie was able to climb on the scorpions back and ran to the tip of its tail. She read that some scorpions have poison at the tip of their tails.
`Better cut that off so that we'll have less to worry about.'
She unsheathed the one end of her chakra pole to reveal her blade and went in for the kill. She gave a battle cry before swinging at full force. A scream from hinata distracted her. Marie turned slightly to see that one of the giant pincers was about to pierce hinata. Everyone was too far away to reach her or everyone was knocked out and pinned. Without much choice marie threw her chakra pole while still in the air, stabbing the large pincer, giving hinata a chance to escape. Having to miss the tail, marie landed on its back. She reacted to slowly when she turned around to see the poisonous tail hurtle straight at her. Marie jumped back in hopes to dodge it and let the scorpion poison itself, but she barely dodge it herself. Her leg was badly cut. She managed to get a good distance away.
Rock lee and Kiba and Akamaru jumped in to take over for her. Still unable to move shino jumped in to grab her and took her to a safe distance away from the battle. He asked naruto to take over for him. “How's your leg?” he asked in concern. He looked at it closely. Her blood was mixing with the scorpions poison and her leg was turning a nasty color. `I have to protect her better. She can't fight thee kinds of battles yet.'
Marie looked at it. “No biggie. I can still fight long distance.” She obliviously was in serious pain. She was starting to look pale and she was breathing heavily. Shino completely let his guard down to her. Marie silently hissed in pain as she gripped her leg. She looked past shino to see hinata and naruto trying to hold off a large pincer. The pincer was swinging madly and knocked naruto away and into a tree. Hinata ran after him to check for any injuries. Tenten was knocked away some time ago after exhausting all of her chakra. Neji took charge and stood in front of her to protect her. Rock lee left to defend sakura because the scorpion was slowly getting closer to the village. Kiba and Akamaru can't fight anymore. They're out of chakra too.
Shino cursed. “We can't fight like this anymore. We need a new plan.”
Marie slowly stood up. “You're right. Everyone did well so far. They cut off most of its legs so it's practically crawling right now and it's own venom when it stab itself should be slowing it down even more. Our best bet right now is to get naruto to use his greatest jutsu to kill it in one blow. I'll distract it long enough for you to get naruto's butt in gear.”
Shino looks at her liked she was insane. Is she insane? He nodded and ran over to naruto and hinata while marie charged at the scorpion again. Somehow she managed to successfully cut of the tail.
Shino kneeled down to naruto and hinata and explained the plan.
Naruto nodded and said in a raspy voice. “Don't worry. I got it. I blow that scorpion away with my rasengan.” He stood up with hinata's help. Naruto made a shadow clone jutsu and help out his palm to create the rasengan. Everyone backed away and took cover while naruto handle everything. Soon it was raining scorpion guts. A few EW's from the girls and a slight complain from the boys.
“Looks like they killed your pet, muko.”
“Killed? More like annihilated. That naruto kid is good.”
“So what do we do now? Do we keep watch over them?”
“I want to test Miss Takemina's reflexes.”
Everyone was wiping off the scorpion guts off their clothes and complementing each other on a job well done. Everyone turned their backs on the dead scorpion and made their way back to the village. A large pincer was twitching slightly and then rose several inches off the ground and aimed itself at shino aburame. The speed was amazing because it caught all of them off guard. Shino or anybody couldn't react in time. Being the closest to shino marie shoved him to the ground, letting her arm take the hit. The large pinch turned around to mount another assault, but rock lee took care of it. Marie hissed in pain while gripping her arm. She opened her eye to see shino before passing out. Everyone quickly gathered around her. Sakura checked the damaged and confirmed that it was really bad. Without wasting any time they took off to the hospital.
`I was right there. I could've helped her. I can't believe I let my guard down. I feel so responsible. If she's in critical condition or worse, I'll never forgive my self. I let someone who, now I'll admit, is precious to me get hurt for my sake. Marie…why?'
Sorry. It's Halloween and I have to cut it short. Happy Halloween little buggers!!
I'm a dragon geisha this year.
LadyAmazon14 logging off.