Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My ninja way ❯ Losing her to the dark side ( Chapter 14 )

[ A - All Readers ]

I don't own naruto. That's all I'm saying…
Marie dropped two large bags on a table and rubbed her shoulder while groaning.
“Agh, my shoulders are killing me. All done, miss.” She said to an elderly lady.
The young lady smiled as she handed marie money. “Thank you very much; I couldn't handle carrying all those bags myself.”
“Oh, it's no problem, just doing my part as a ninja. Bye.” She waved good-bye and ran to shino's house for a quick visit before her next mission. She's glad that everything was going good. It's taken a lot to get the village to bounce back after the surprise ambush by the assassins. There are only four left. Amazing, huh? It was mostly thanks to naruto and sasuke. As soon as those last four are gone everyone can breathe easy, for now all ninjas are on high alert for any signs of them.
She walked through the large doors to the manor and greeted everyone on her way to shino's complex. The aburame clan has finally gotten use to see marie's presence among them. It took a while, but she managed to prove her worth to them.
Marie pulled the door that led to the kitchen and smiled when she saw shino reading the insect encyclopedia he received.
“Yo, shino! How's it going, huh?” marie greeted as she pulled a chair to sit down in front of him. Shino nodded his head in recognition and turned a page.
“Did you place your shoes at the front door?” he said without looking up.
Marie sighed in annoyance. “Yes.”
“Did you close the door?” he asked.
“Did you…”
“Did I greet everyone on the way here? Yes, I did. Why do we have to go through this every time I want to come visit you?” She asked in annoyance.
“Why? Because when you visit someone's house there are rules to follow. Our rules are treating everyone with respect while keeping traditions. Those are the rules.”
“Hmm…” Marie groaned as she puts her head on her hand and stared into space.
Starting a conversation with shino is almost impossible sometimes. The conversation has to be something he likes or he won't talk at all. She could have a better chance of kicking neji's butt and getting naruto to go out with hinata than getting shino to talk. Then she thought of something. Lately she realized that she has been feeling something towards shino. Not just because he has been nice to her and protected her. It's just something that's there that's pulling her towards the boy. She would hang around shino to see about these feelings and confirmed that she was indeed in love with him and there's nothing she could change about that. There were still some feelings for her childhood friend, but she concluded that he's long forgotten about her and she should probably move on.
Being bored she decided to rile shino a little bit for amusement.
“Oh. Hey. You know what? I kinda miss that cross dresser. We haven't seen them in a while.” She said.
“That's interesting.”
“Sure he was being really friendly, but I kinda miss him coming on to me.”
Shino's grip on his book tightened a little. “So, uh, why are you telling me this? Hm? I don't care. What'd you have for lunch today?” he said with sarcasm under his tongue.
Marie tried her hardest not to laugh at shino's responses. She kept tugging on at him.
“You don't have to get all defensive about it.”
“I'm not getting defensive!” he nearly shouted. “Why do I care about some cross dresser? Look, I'm trying to read.” He stated somewhat calmly and turned a page.
“I didn't mean anything by it. I just thought it should be something we should be able to talk about as friends.”
“Well, I don't want to talk about it so this conversation is over!” he said.
“Yeah, but shino…” she said pouting her lower lip.
“Over!” he said sounding final.
Marie smiled and shrugged. She stood up and walked behind shino and whispered into his ear. “You may be good at being incognito…but I can't hide what I feel about you.”
With that she walked out of the manor with a smile on her face. That's what he gets for being no fun.
Marie strolls through the forest looking to get in some good training, seeing as she has nothing better to do. She did kunai practice, shadow-clone jutsu, shuriken practice, Tai-jutsu, flowed up with Gen-jutsu, and finished off with a jump in the river.
“There she is. Plant the bait and get out of there!”
“Alright, I will.”
The shadow jumped out of the tree and placed a glowing object next to a tree the as close to shore. Once placed the shadow disappeared from view just as marie came out of the water.
Marie shook her head free of the water that was in her hair. She walked over to the tree to lie down and relax, but the glowing caught her eye. Curiosity got the best of her so she picked it up and inspected it. She gasped. The ball of intense darkness! Upon her touch the glowing increased and dark smoke spewed out of the ball and engulfed her.
The two shadows jumped down from the tree and stood at a distance from the dark smoke. One of them grinned,
“Tell, shoji-sama that his will is done. I'm going to take her for a tests drive before returning her to base.”
The other shadow nodded and took off. Stepping into the sun light, Shoga was exposed. When the smoke cleared he kneeled down next to marie and looked at her closely. Feeling his touch she lashed an arm out to smack him. He jumped back to avoid the on coming attack.
“You're adapting to your new powers very well, my pet. I bet you feel all those dark impulses surging through you right now…waiting to be released.”
Marie stood up and raised her head.
“I must say, you look more beautiful this way. The fangs and claws suit you.”
Marie's hair was a darker color now. Her hair was jet black and it reached her elbows. Her eyes were blood red with black swirling around as a sign of possession. Her nails were longer, almost cat-like claws. One of her fang was sticking out of her mouth as she smirked.
“Save the complements. It's not like we're going to date after this.” Se hissed at him. Even her voice had a hint of evil overlapping hers.
Shoga smiled and rubbed his bare arms. “Ooh. You give me chills.”
“Tch.” She looks at her hand. `I feel so different now and I like it. My body feels lighter somehow…I feel like I can do anything and I feel way more powerful…I can't explain any of it.' She clenched her hand I determination and looked at Shoga.
“I like this power. I think I'll keep this form for a while.”
“And you'll be keeping it for a while. Shoji-sama is expecting you in a while.”
“Shoji?” She asked in wonder. “Take me to him.” she demanded.
Shoga waved his finger. “Not now. We're having things set up for you. Right now you have to do a little job.”
“What is it? Who or what do I have to shake down, knock out, or blow up?”
“Take down three ninjas in the leaf village. Three ninjas you're choosing.”
Marie looked down and then raised her head.
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And so am I.
Bey-saga is doing so well, I almost forgot about `my ninja way'.
At least I finally got it done. Took a while. See you guys in a while.
HAPPY PIE DAY!! ITS 3.14 day.
If you don't get it ask your math teacher if you have one.