Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mysterious Dancer, Broken Dream ❯ Sold Out ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Wow! I got splashed in the face with water by Shi-chan! I may as well faint again! Thank you Shi-chan! (Swallows water that had gotten into her mouth)
Rating: R (Do I really need to put this?)
Disclaimer: I own this teddy bear! Uh…no wait…no I don't. This is my kid brother's.
Summary: Kakashi takes up some overtime and Raido thinks he could use some `love' training. What happens to Naruto when Kouji sells his body?
Warning: Yaoi! Slash! Shonen-ai! Abuse, foul language and some…uh…sex (giggles) stuff.
Beta: IceHeart believe me if I ruled the world, I would so give you half of the southern hemisphere!
Inspiration: Shiiiiiii-chaaaaaaan…!
Thoughts- :…:
Change of Scenes- >. … >.
Authoress: “Ugh. You're lucky I didn't report you Naruto!”
Naruto smiles evilly: “You can't turn me in. I'm too charming and cuddly.”
Authoress frowns and says in singsong voice: “You're as cuddly as a cactus and as charming as an eel…!” -Mr. Grinch
Naruto dives for her throat: “I'll get you!”
Authoress: “Ah! Domestic abuse! Domestic abuse!”
Sex for Money and Vice Versa
Kakashi sighed and opened the cabinet, “Who knew this is what teachers had to go through everyday.” He put the papers in the cabinet and closed it, rubbing his temples. He had taken up a second job as the substitute for Iruka to help Naruto with paying for that plant. Grades, grades and more grades bombarded him from all directions and he thought that he just might go insane. Now he was truly thankful to his teacher when he was kid.
“You look exhausted.” He felt a hand on his shoulder and he turned around to look at Raido.
“Hey, how's it going in your area right now?” Kakashi made an attempt at a small smile and went back to the mounds of papers stacked on the desk in front of him.
“The kids are a pain. Now I know what you had to go through with team 7.” Raido sat on his desk in front of him and picked up a test.
“You don't know the half of it.” He rubbed his temples, “Could you erase everything on the chalkboard for me?”
Raido looked at his friend with empathy, “Kakashi…I really don't think that I could part ways with my paycheck right now.” Picking up an eraser he merely tapped it against the chalkboard nervously, waiting for Kakashi's answer.
“Why not? You know I'll pay you back.” Kakashi glared at Raido's back. He needed that money, if he couldn't get it, Iruka may as well die.
“Yeah I know! But the owner of the apartment isn't going to wait. He'll kick me out if he has to. I have to pay him by tomorrow. That's why I can't give you my money Kakashi. I'm sorry.” Raido finished up the board and put the eraser down. He put his hands in his pockets and sat on the desk. The door nearly slammed open and Gai came in, waving papers in his hand.
“Kakashi-sensei! How are you?” Gai cried, a little overenthusiastic. “I see you've taken up another job my friend!” He slammed the papers down on Kakashi's desk, “Here is my report for today. And you win this round Kakashi!”
“What round Gai?” Kakashi groaned as he slammed his hand down on the papers Gai set in front of him.
“Three jobs! Two more than me! The score is 200 to 201!” Gai smiled and gave him the `nice guy' pose. “Farewell my greatest rival!” He disappeared in a wave of smoke.
“Three…jobs?” Raido looked at Kakashi who averted his eyes and went back to filing papers. “You took up a secretary position too!”
Kakashi simply nodded, “Yep. Now can you perhaps leave? I need to concentrate.”
Raido frowned and pushed away most of the papers from Kakahi's reach, “Why do you need this money so badly?'
“I…can't tell you.” Kakashi reached for the papers but Raido slid them away further.
“Fine. You don't have to tell me.”
“Fine. Now give me back those papers.” Kakashi reached for them again, this time Raido took advantage and pressed his lips to Kakashi.
“Ack! Raido, you bastard! You put your lips on me man! Your lips!” Kakashi wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and stared up at Raido angrily.
Raido smiled and hopped off the desk and walked to stand behind Kakashi, “You're stressed. You need to relax, let loose.” Placing his hands on the silver haired juunin's back, he began to knead the muscles there, feeling how tense they were.
A shiver went up Kakashi's spine and he shook free from Raido, “No. Look, I have to work. I'm not going to stop for some cheap thrill. Some one off. I don't do those.”
“It doesn't have to be some one off if you don't want it to. I never really intended it to be that way. You could see it as some stress release factor or perhaps…a lesson…substitute.” Raido dabbed at the little spot behind Kakashi's ear with his tongue, making him flinch and move his neck to the side as to allow him more skin to fondle.
Almost forcefully, Raido pushed Kakashi off his chair and into the desk in front of him, “No buts. Just one lesson, Kakashi-sensei.” He pressed himself against Kakashi's backside and placed his hands on the others man's hips, pulling him against him.
Underneath the mask, Kakashi bit his lip, feeling his cock press against the edge of the table. He closed his eyes and opened them again to stare back at the man behind him. Instead of seeing the old familiar face with the folds of skin from serious burns, he saw a light, creamy face and marks that represented whiskers. “Fine…but no kissing and…um…you should know that I'm still…”
Raido chuckled and nibbled on his earlobe, “Fine then. I won't take your virginity. Promise.” He moved his hands down the front of Kakashi's pants.
Kakashi moaned.
>. Back at the Bar >.
“Here you go beautiful.”
Naruto giggled and gave a bum wiggle, feeling the man slip wads of money into his shorts. Swinging his leg up over his head, Naruto straddled the man's lap and rubbed up against, smiling at how affected the man was. A loud groan escaped the man's throat; Naruto kissed his bobbing Adam's apple and trailed upward with his tongue. `Demon's' other leg came up over his head and the man grew disappointed. “Can't I get a few minutes more?” Naruto chuckled at his customer and wagged his finger. (A/N Naruto no longer has `the nice guy pose' now it's `you can't have this shit bitch')
As he walked away, Naruto flipped through the bills, “200 yen…that's 200 closer to getting Iruka back.” :Soon Iruka…soon…: He made his way through the club, pushing past men and winking at those who had managed to get in a few pats on his ass. He waved at his fellow employees and spotted Kouji at the bar, signaling him. Much like our hero, he nearly went running on all fours, like a trained dog. “Kouji-sempai-!” Kouji silenced him with his hand and pulled him towards the back. He couldn't have anyone know he was going out with Naruto, then his employee would think he was playing favorites. Pulling him towards the back room, Naruto managed a muffled apology and licked the hand over his mouth. Phased, Kouji pulled his hand away and wiped it on his pant leg, looking at the blonde with a smile fighting its way onto his lips.
When they were finally alone, Kouji pulled Naruto to him and kissed him firmly, “Call me sempai again.”
Naruto muttered against his lips, “Sempai…”
When breathing became an issue, Kouji pulled away, “Naruto…reason for meeting with you right now is because…I got something big for you!”
A blush crept across his younger lover's face, “I told you I'm not doing it.”
“No, no, no!” Kouji smirked. He loved Naruto, he truly did, but he could be so dense sometimes, “I've got quite a job for you. A party. A…private party.”
“What?” This wasn't exactly what he had expected.
“You're getting paid big…eight million yen! Right off the bat!” Kouji gripped Naruto's shoulders.
“E-Eight…?” :Eight million? That's half of what he needed for that Iruka's cure:
“Speechless? That's ok! I just need your yes or no!” Another smile and Kouji squeezed his shoulders harder.
“But…I never do private parties…,” Naruto held his head in his hand, a little dizzy.
“You can do them now. And you can get paid big!”
:Iruka…: “I'll do it.”
Kouji hugged Naruto to him.
>. Back at the School >.
A cry escaped Kakashi's lips as he came into that heated cavern, pulling at Raido's locks, and thrusting deeply. Wincing in pain, his locks pulled a little too tightly, Raido swallowed his mate's salty seed greedily. He polished Kakashi's head with his tongue and dipped into the slit to make sure he got every drop. Kakashi let go and collapsed atop the table behind him, spilling the papers to the floor, never had he ever felt such a rush as this. Once he gathered his merits, he helped Raido up from his kneeling position on the floor. A blush crept across his face and he averted his eyes.
“Um…I just lost a lot of time…I really need to get back to work. I guess I'll see you soon.”
Raido sighed, “You just didn't get it did you? Fine, I guess I'll stay a little while just to help you clean up then.” He watched Kakashi bend over, “Why do you need the money?”
“I already told you that I can't tell. It's just to help a friend ok?”
“Just a friend?” Raido smirked as Kakashi winced, “It's a shame…I'm going to have to give you away to another guy…” He picked up a file nearest his foot and pinched Kakashi's while he was bent over.
Maybe Kakashi should tend to Raido's broken nose if he wants to stay friends.
. With Naruto .
“So…cold…,” Naruto tugged his overcoat tighter over his shoulders. He couldn't believe Kouji had overlooked the fact that the party was today. Here he was, practically going blind from the gusts of winds that blew at his face. He held up the address close to his face just to make sure he was in the right area of the village. This couldn't be the place. It was filthy and, what's more, it smelled like urine. But…he had looked around for a while and this was the only place that owned the name of the street he had. And the dingy inn was more or less acceptable than the area it was in. :This is for eight million yen…eight million yen…: He kept repeating it over in his head and pushed the door open, finding some relief in the little jingle of the bell.
The manager's head popped up over his paper, obviously surprised he even had a customer. Naruto gave him a small, uneasy smile that went unreturned and placed the little piece of paper on his desk, pointing out the number of the room he was supposed to go to. “I need to find this room please. There's a party being held-.”
“Third floor, second door down the right. Here's the key.” He didn't even bother to look at the young blond and tossed the key atop the counter.
“Thanks,” Naruto muttered and took the key. :What a grouch: He put one foot on the staircase and it felt like the thing wouldn't support him. It creaked under his weight and he could've sworn it was bending inward. With a deep breath, he dashed up the stairs and didn't stop until he reached the top. Regaining composure, Naruto smoothed back his hair and tied it into a small ponytail. (A/N Ever seen Gravitation's Shuichi's hair? Yeah) He didn't want to get there all sweaty.
The third story possibly looked a lot worse than the outside of the building with its graying wallpaper falling off and debris everywhere and…was that just some metal sheet covering a giant hole in the roof? Pipes jutted out from the plumbing in the wall. This place sucked! What person in their right mind would wish to have their bachelor party here? Nonetheless, he made his way to the room, careful to step over any spots in the floor that looked like it wasn't holding well. As soon as he reached the room, he pulled out the tiny, silver key and unlocked the door. He peered inside, it was extremely dark. What if this damn place hadn't any electricity on the top floor? He stepped in and, like magic, the light came on.
The blond wished it would've stayed off. In the room, three fat, naked, and unbelievably hairy men surrounded him, each holding their own torture, pleasure toy. The sight was horrific and the smell that seemed to come from the men was unbearable. Automatically, the blonde's hand shot up to his nose. This couldn't be the right room. The men were supposed to be young, there were supposed to be more people here, it was supposed to be a party!
“Yum…this one's cute…,” one of the men whispered, licking his lips.
“Young too!” The other added, pushing his friend forward.
“Looks like that eight million yen was worth it.” Naruto turned around to see that another man was standing behind him and locking the door.
:This doesn't look so good.: “Um, fellas, am I in the right room?” Naruto asked, pulling out the sheet of paper with the address on it.
“Such wonderful acting…so innocent…turns me on even more…,” the largest of the men stepped up and stroked Naruto's cheek, sending tremors down the young man's spine.
“Acting who's act-!” Naruto was silenced by lips upon his own and a tongue forcing its way into his mouth. It didn't feel normal to him. It was thick, gross and the man's breath was hot and smelly. This was nothing like Kouji's kisses. “Get off!” He pushed the man away and ran towards the nearest room and locked himself in.
“I love these games…,”the man sauntered towards the door where Naruto had locked himself in and attempted to knock it down, “I'll play along. We'll be the bad guys and you'll our victim…our hostage.”
Naruto didn't want to hurt these people, but he didn't want to get raped either. If the village's leaders heard about him hurting `innocent' people, he could just burrow himself in deeper trouble than he was already in. He covered his ears and hummed to himself, refusing to listen to the horrible taunts of these men.
“Scared, Naruto?” There was static but that voice was all too familiar.
“Kouji?” The blond yanked open his bag and pulled out a walkie-talkie that he hadn't noticed before. “Kouji! Kouji! You have got to help me! There are these men and they-!”
More static and a chuckle was heard through the communicator. “Yeah. I know. They paid off-the-wall money for you, Naruto.”
“Kouji?” Panic filled Naruto's voice, just what was Kouji talking about? “Kouji…I don't understand…”
There was a loud banging at the door and it sounded as if all four men rammed into it at once. “We got ourselves a topnotch whore here!” “Quit playing coy and get over here. I tire of this and want you now!” “You frighten him, Kuno!” “Shut up and give me that board! We'll pry this door open!”
“What isn't there to get? I sold your body, Naruto!”
Naruto was stunned and nearly dropped the communicator, “What? Kouji…this isn't funny! I think those guys are serious! Get me out of here! I don't want this-!”
“It was always about what you wanted! And up until now, it's been that way! Did you really think you meant anything to me!” There was pure malice in Kouji's voice.
“Kouji…,” Naruto's face went blank. What could he say now? Nothing that could get him out of this mess, now that he knew how Kouji really felt.
“I've always wanted to hit that ass and you never let me. But I found a more meaningful use for that lustful body of yours. Went everywhere auctioning you off, Naruto. Each place I went, the bid went higher. All I had to do was give them a couple of your pictures and `tah dah'! They all went crazy trying to get you. Pulled out their lifesavings for you! Crazy isn't it? But these fellas just happened to have the right amount to suit my tastes and, well…you know the rest.”
“I thought you loved-.”
“The hell with love! When you live a tough a life as I did, love doesn't exist for anyone anywhere. So, why don't you be a good boy and just lie there for the nice men who paid money for you that you're probably not even worth half the amount of?” A buzz and Kouji's voice faded out.
:Kouji doesn't love me…Kouji doesn't love me…he hates me…he used me…: Naruto didn't even register the men breaking in. He never even grasped the fact that they were shredding up his clothes but he sure did notice…the pain of penetration. He heard their sounds of pleasure as his body was used to do with what they wanted. Cries of pain escaped his lips and the men groaned in satisfaction. This was ailing! But…what could he do now? He had nothing to lose…and he needed the money. Kouji didn't love him. He only loved the money Naruto brought in. Besides…now Naruto knew…he was only worthless trash. He forced back tears of emotional and physical hurt, his cries being muffled as one of older men shoved his desire into his mouth. “Ah…! M-My wife couldn't give me this even if she tried-!” Naruto gagged as Kuno began to rock back and forth. :I'm worthless! I deserve nothing more: Hot liquid filled his mouth, choking him. :Kouji! You only toyed with me:
Review Responses
Remorseful Youth: Go! Molest him all you like! Just don't do anything! He's mine! Aw…anyone tell you that you have Bambi eyes when you get those eyes? Thank you for your comment!
Kitty: Eek! Kitty! (Pets kitty and it scratches me) Damn! XD I'm pretty sure you found out all your answers now dude. Thanks for reviewing! Love ya!
Shi-Chan (Puts up ring of flowers around Shi-chan's name): I-It's cold! F-Freezes s-so good! ACK! I love you shi-chan! (Turns into chibi puppy dog with big eyes and glomps shi-chan) Thank you!
Tamara2187: You would be a stripper? I'm funny? Really? Ack! I love you! I will update soon! Again at least. Thank you!
Polka dot: Have I seen you somewhere before? Oh well, anyway thanks. I love twisted don't you! Um…I can't say much about Iruka. It's a sad surprise.
Plur: I do have fun writing. This is actually one of the stories I have the most fun writing. Others can be a pain. Thank you for being amazed at my silly stories! I came up with this out of my own sick fantasies! Lovely, aren't ?
Kim: You're starting to scare me! Stalker! Protect me Shi-chan! (Moves behind Shi-chan for protection) I will continue dude! You didn't notice I was a good writer. Dude, that's more of an insult than a compliment. Sorry for the unknowing visit. I've done that lemon thing before! It's funny!
Hogo-chan: Me? Amazing…? (Blushes) Really? Sorry I took so long!
TouyaIceMaiden: I will continue…:) I heart you!
MysteryLady-Tx: I can't tell you yet dude. Read and find out.
TenshiKaitou: No, I guess he doesn't plan on quitting. I updated already dudes! Yeesh!
Dancing-Neko-Shikigami: WaH! Thank you for the stories! I heart you and thanks!
Moon-n-Universe-Goddess: Silver? What's that supposed to mean? Oh, well, thanks…I guess.
Authoress: “That chapter stunk! Lousy, fucking chapter!” (Kicks chapter)
Naruto: “At least it had me in it!”
Authoress: “Leave me alone! You only abuse me! You're so mean to me and all you do is insult and hurt me!”
Naruto: “Maybe because you're not very good to look at…I mean…you're ok…but I think you'd look better as a guy.” 0.-
Authoress: “Asshole!”
Naruto: “Nya, nya!” XP
One by one…the penguins steal my sanity…
Review and I will write…