Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mysterious Dancer, Broken Dream ❯ To Do Anything ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Wee-hoo! Anyway, thanks for the reviews dudes! I'm thinking about dropping a couple of fics from my profile. I looked back at my writing and thought, `Wow. I really, really suck! My writing bites!' So yeah. The list of the stories I will remove will be in my profile. If anyone has any problems with that, email me and stuff.
Rating: …Is everyone blind! Can't you see that it's there on top of the story? Before this load of crap starts, It's rated `R' damn it!
Disclaimer: I'm not Japanese! Therefore, I couldn't own an anime series! (sobs)
Summary: Emotions get kind of high. But what do you expect? Naruto doesn't quit and Kakashi still helps. What happens when Kakashi finds out Naruto's still working at the club? Does Kakashi come to terms with his feelings?
Warning: Yaoi! Slash! Sho-! Wait a minute! I'm pretty sure you have read the warning in the first chapter.
Beta: IceHeart, lots of love to you!
Inspiration: Shi-chan, blood of enthusiasm spills from every pore in my body!
Thoughts- :…:
Change of Scenes- . … .
Point of View- . POV .
Authoress is in a meeting with betas: “Anyway, since Naruto started working with us, our percentage of readers has gone down. Solution...we fire him and replace him with a giant turkey sandwich!” (Slams fist on table)
Kakashi: “Yeah, boy!” (Everyone looks at Kakashi who goes back to his book, blushing)
Authoress points at Kakashi with an annoyed look on her face: “Let's replace this one with a Hello Kitty character.” (The room murmurs their agreement and Kakashi looks around worried.)
Been Used, Now Useless
All the men looked revolting, sprawled all over the floor, spent and sated right after their sick little fun. Naruto on the other hand, was wide awake and tears freely fell from his eyes. Kouji cared nothing for him. All Kouji wanted from Naruto was the money he brought in. There were no feelings past that. Heartlessly, Kouji sold his body and possibly still expects him to come back! What an asshole. :But…has there ever been any other use for me? I'm worthless as a ninja…worthless as a friend…worthless as anything! Kouji was the only one who found a place for me to truly belong to. It's not like anyone else thought about me. He gave me some sort of job….a purpose. What's so wrong with that: One of the men flopped onto his belly and let out a loud snort, Naruto blanched with disgust.
Once he recuperated, Naruto picked up his outfit, dressed and left. It was 1 am, still dark and the streets were empty. There was no time for sleep. Usually, he would work at the club at night and then go on to missions during the day. He was so tired. Maybe he'll skip missions today. The streets were so dark and filthy. But, unlike before, the blonde felt no fear and walked on without even flinching at the loudest bang or largest dog he saw crossing his path. His outfit was a bit too revealing though. He shivered underneath the coat and felt that his toes were frozen in his boots. Well…the job was done. No point in leaving the money behind…
. At Kakashi's Place .
“I'm so frustrated! Gah!” Kakashi threw his hands in the air, spilling Pakkun's bowl along with its contents to the floor. “Only 380 yen! For all that work! Substitutes don't get paid enough! Kuso!” Pakkun nudged his fallen dish with his nose and looked up at Kakashi, a little piece of paper floating down from his hand.
“Oi! Boss…what's this?” The small, “cute” doggy picked up the paper with his teeth.
“My paycheck…,” Kakashi looked like he was near tears and he tore at his hair, “How am I supposed to-!”
There was a knock at the door. A cry escaped Kakashi before he yanked the door open, nearly pulling it off its hinges. “Kakashi…?” Raido's voice was timid and he pulled his hand back as if he had just decided to knock on the door again before Kakashi opened it.
The silver-haired Jounin took a deep breath and stepped aside to let Raido in, “Raido…what…brings you here?”
Raido smiled and bounded inside happily, flopping down on the couch, “Phew! For a second there I thought you were going to hit me! What's going on?” He looked around and found Kakashi's pup sitting in the middle of the kitchen, mourning for his lost meal.
“Nothing.” Kakashi picked up Pakkun's bowl and pulled out a large bag of dog chow from under the sink.
“What's this?” Without Kakashi noticing, Raido had already moved into the kitchen and picked up his paycheck. He looked it over twice, placed it on the counter and moved himself behind Kakashi while he was at the counter. “Aw…poor Kakashi-chan…”
“How many times have I told you not to call me that?” The copy nin was thoroughly irritated and spilled most of the dog food onto the floor. He squirmed as he felt Raido's hands move up the front of his shirt and tease his nipples. “R-Raido!” More dog food spilled to the floor and Pakkun sensed that he wasn't going to get anymore than that. So, he licked the floor clean and ran out of the room.
“You're pretty pissy today, Kakashi. Am I going to have to give you another rim today? Or perhaps…,” He nipped at Kakashi's neck that sent shivers up his spine, “bend you over the counter?”
“N-No. Look,” He pushed Raido away and headed towards his bedroom, “I have to change. Get ready for work. Okay? I'll see you later.”
“Nope. Get over here.” Raido pulled Kakashi into his arms only to be sent flying back when the silver-haired Jounin cuffed him in the nose. “Ah! Gawd! Mawy dose!” He pulled his hand away from his face to see it was covered in blood, “Kakashi! Dat's duh second time!”
“I won't be used as your fuck-toy.”
Raido looked at Kakashi's face and saw that he was serious. Geez...Kakashi didn't have to hit him. Ok...maybe he was asking for it. “Bloody nose” took a tissue and stuck it in his nostril, “Ok, fine. I'm sorry. I never meant for you to feel that way. I was just trying to…”
“Well…stop trying.” Kakashi pulled his vest over his head and pulled his hitai-ate band over his eye.
Raido frowned, making himself look even more ridiculous, “How about…..I make it up to you? Take you to see your boyfriend down at the bar...,” he smiled as he saw tremors shoot through the copy nin's body. “Yeah. I know you like that.”
“He won't be there.” Kakashi didn't look up as he slipped on his sandals.
“What do you mean?”
“He quit.”
“Not from what I heard. He's still there! Just as hot and sexy as ever. Letting people feel on him as much as they want.”
“Liar.” He adjusted his kunai holster.
“No. Seriously! He's still there! And the crowd is bigger than ever! How much do-!”
“He's not there!”
“Uh-huh! How much do you want to bet Kakashi! He's still there!”
Kakashi grit his teeth, his hand gripping the door knob tightly, “I'm not betting anything. Because I know for a fact he isn't there anymore.”
“Yes, he is! We'll see tonight when you get off work.”
“Yeah! We'll see! Now get out!” He held the door open for Raido and gave him a little nudge out with his foot. :Naruto…if you're still there…:
. At the Bar .
“You know what?” Kouji smiled wickedly and waved wads of yen in Naruto's face. The poor blonde looked like he'd been put through hell. His face was still dirty from sweat, tears and whatever else those men put him through. “I never expected you to come back. Thought you would leave. Why? Why'd you come back?”
Naruto stared at him blankly, “I had to.”
“For this?” Kouji whipped his ebony hair back and wagged the wads of yen closer to Naruto's face.
“I was never doing that `party' for free.”
“That's true.” The older man frowned and smiled again; putting the money in his pocket, “Beg.”
“Beg for it. Beg for the money. Get on your knees and beg.” Kouji licked his lips.
“I'm not-.”
“Well then, I guess you can forget about this then.” He turned his chair towards the wall, smiling as he listened to the blonde's knees scrape the floor.
“Please…Kouji…don't be like that…,” Naruto nearly purred, his hair in his eyes.
Kouji turned around again, holding in a laugh at seeing Naruto on all fours, “Well done. See? That wasn't so hard.” He pulled the yen out of his pocket and tossed it at Naruto, watching his `toy' scale the floor for all of it.
Naruto counted it, realizing there was little less than half of the eight mil, “What…about the rest?”
“Pfft! You really think that pitiful display is worth 4 mil? Get out of my sight! You're on stage in ten.” He waved Naruto off and the blonde was halfway out the door when he called out, “I love you!”
He was crying inside, heart breaking and soul being eaten away. He felt so dirty and worthless. “Kouji…how can you be so heartless…?”
. At Kakashi's Place .
“Come on! I want to get there early! We're going to be late for his performance!” Raido ran ahead, waving for Kakashi to hurry up.
“He's not there! Hold on! Let me lock up!” He fumbled with the key to his house and put it in his pocket. He pulled his overcoat around his shoulders tighter. Kakashi ran towards Raido, passed him up and kept running.
“He's still there!”
Raido tried to catch up to Kakashi and reached to grasp his sleeve but missed by inches, “Say…what makes you think he quit?”
Kakashi stared ahead, feeling the wind pass his naked eyes, something he hadn't felt in a while, “For me…,” he muttered quietly.
Raido barely heard him and smiled, “For you, huh? Like you'd do anything for him…”
Kakashi blushed. Actually, when was the last time he ever really did anything for Naruto? “Whatever. Come on.” They weaved through the crowd, nearly crashing into people.
The bar's lights came into view and Kakashi slowed his pace. He took a look around and dove through the front doors. Again, the booming music deafened him and he waited patiently for Raido to enter in the lounge. Soon, his friend came in, huffing and puffing. Poor Raido. He was practically wheezing. But before he could have a chance to sit down, Kakashi moved further into the bar. There was an isolated table near the back and he flopped down into the seat, nearly laughing at Raido's attempt to sit down in the seat next to him. “Ay, ay, ay. Pain…,” Raido wiped the sweat from his forehead and watched with a smile as Kakashi removed his black overcoat. “Wow…who'd you dress up all sexy for?” The silver-haired nin was all clad in black, tank top stretching tightly across his chest, revealing every muscle. His pants stuck to him like a second skin, zippers riding all the way up, and buckles here and there.
Kakashi blushed, “Shuddap.” He looked up at the stage, lightly rapping his knuckles on the table. “I thought you said his show was about to start.”
“Sheesh, running at that speed all the way over here earned us a minute or two. So...that'll give me enough time to get some straight answers from you.” Raido slightly leaned forward across this table, “What's it to you if this guy doesn't quit?”
“What's it to you to find out what's it to me if this guy doesn't quit?” Kakashi pulled his mask up over his nose a little more, sweat making it slip.
His friend frowned but quickly replaced it with another smile. He reached across the table, pulling Kakashi's hand towards him, slipping one of the long digits into his mouth, “Just so I know if there is any competition.”
“Raido!” He pulled his finger out of the other nin's mouth and wiped it on his vest.
Raido laughed, “You're just too-!”
The music stopped. Everyone made their way to their seats and the lights dimmed and the spotlight fixed itself to the center of the stage, along the catwalk. Immediately, Kakashi picked up his childish demeanor again.
“He's not there,” the silver-haired Jounin whispered.
“Yes, he is.” Raido whispered back.
“Is not.”
“Is too!”
“Nyah.” Kakashi gave him the finger and fixed his eyes to the stage, watching the curtains flutter, possibly someone trying to find their way out of it. :Naruto if you're still-:
Someone stumbled out of the curtain, blindfolded and hands tied behind their back. He acted like he had been gagged and lay on the stage, gasping for air, letting out low mewls. There were strange noises being let out from the crowd and the writhing body on the stage thrust his head to and fro, as if looking for the source of all the ruckus, blonde hair swishing across the floor. He squirmed trying to get on his feet with no use and only causing himself to slide across the stage. He rolled onto his back and arched his backside, bending his knees. More strange noises. The blonde moved onto his feet, giving the crowd his back. He turned around to face the audience and smiled, blindfold still bound to his head. He wrapped his leg around a pole, turning his head to look over the audience. It was all Kakashi could take and he bound out of the club, leaving his coat behind and a Raido shouting, “I told you!”
Naruto was in so much trouble now. Kakashi made his way to the back of the club, wrenching the back alley door open. The security guards mouths dropped open as they stared at the man who had just busted in through the iron plated door.
“Uh, um, sir? I'm afraid you're going to have to leave-.” Kakashi grabbed him by the neck and pushed him aside, knocking the other man out of the way.
“Sorry, but this doesn't concern you.” Kakashi glared at them with fire in his eyes. The men quivered after staring death in the eye and ran out of the club.
:How could-? How could Naruto do something so stupid? He was practically selling his body! His soul and everything…that I've ever taught or brought him to realize about himself.: Was this what was called love? To go to the ends of the earth? For just one person? Was he in love? Well…love stinks then. He watched the silhouette of the one thing he wanted off stage right now dance across the floor. The loud whoops of all the horny bastards out there infuriated him and he pulled the curtain open slightly and waited for Naruto to slowly dance his way closer enough to reach him. As soon as he was within reach, he grabbed the blonde by the thin string of his thong. Apparently it was the only thing he had on left. A loud yelp escaped Naruto's lips as he fell back through the curtain, blinded until the blindfold from his eyes was removed.
“Hey there…sexy…,” Kakashi nearly growled out, little veins in his head bulging.
“Kakashi-sensei!” Naruto jumped to his feet and tried to leap out onto the stage again, knowing it was the safest place right now.
“What the fuck did I tell you! This job's trouble! You're asking for-!”There was a sting that met his face and Kakashi stared down into Naruto's eyes.
“Get away from me! I've been through enough and I don't need you to make my life worse! Since when did you start to care for me? Ever since I was younger,” Naruto swallowed hard, tears making their way into his eyes, “All you cared about was that little clone of yours! It was always Sasuke! You had me on my knees begging half of the time for a little of your attention! Did you ever give it to me! No, you didn't! So, here I am. I'm making it out on my own just fine! I didn't need you then and I don't need you now! Get out of my sight, Kakashi!” He spit in Kakashi's face.
It sounded as if Naruto had finally said something he had held pent up inside of him all along; he barely registered the spit dribbling down his cheek. “You-.”
“Get out! Or I'll get all the cash I need out of you for assault! I don't care if everyone were to find out about me! Just get out! NOW!” Naruto felt hot tears run down his cheeks and watched Kakashi run.
The silver Jounin was running in a daze. There was a sick feeling in his stomach that he hadn't felt since Obito died. He wanted to go home so badly. Embarrassment shot through his body and he kept running, forgetting all about Raido.
. Kouji's Office .
“That bastard…who does he think he is taking off like that? Pissed off customers everywhere…,” Kouji grumbled, running his hand under his shirt and lightly swiping his thumb over the ripples of muscles on his stomach.
There was a knock on the door and Kouji opened it a crack. Immediately something nearly naked wrapped its arms around his waist. Lips met his and he fell back against the desk, knocking everything off. “Kouji! Please! Take me back! I'll be good! Be nice to me! Do whatever you want with me! I'll be good! Please! Make me feel like I'm worth something again!”
Kouji's eyes widened. Had he really heard what he thought he did? He chuckled low in his throat, “I don't know...You know when I really loved you? Daddy loved you the most when you -----made all that money for him.” He smiled and watched Naruto's eye fill with tears again.
“Good boy…”
. Moving Along to Kakashi .
:Was that how he really felt? Did I really neglect him when he younger? Do I just want him for that body? I'm a sicko and a lousy teacher. I don't deserve to-: There was that familiar knock at his door. He really wasn't looking forward to seeing Raido at all today.
“Kakashi! I know you're in there! Open up! Tell me what's wrong! If you don't let me in, I'll knock down the door!” Raido banged on the door harder.
“Go away!” Kakashi fiddled with the buckles on his pants and looked down at his toes. He sat on his bed, feet stretched out in front of him and back resting against the backboard.
“No! Let me in! There's something wrong with you. Now, let me in!”
“Leave me alone! There's nothing wrong! I'm not going to argue with you!”
“Bullshit! I'm kicking in the door in five…four…three…two-!” Raido began to kick the lower part of the door threateningly, making the wood bend forward.
The copy nin grew frustrated and dropped the bottle of sake in his hand to the floor as he got up and opened the door. There was a sway in his step, “What do you want?”
Raido stopped in mid-kick and stared at his friend's reddened face, “Kakashi, have you-?”
“What do you want?” It wasn't much of one but it still was a slur.
“Um…you forgot your…coat,” The scarred nin held up Kakashi's coat shyly and waited for him to take it.
Kakashi's eyes grew sad and he took the coat, stepping back to let Raido in, “How long did it take you to realize that I went home?”
“Not long. Considering the fact that you left with this dead look that I hadn't seen on your face for a long time.” Raido stepped in and eyed Kakashi up and down. “I never knew you drank like…like…like this.”
“What? Is it illegal? I'm an adult and qualify for the legal age. Or did they move it up another five years?” Kakashi closed the door, moved towards the bed and bent forward to retrieve the bottle that had rolled under it. He quickly pulled his mask down, touched his tongue to the rim of the bottle and tipped it over, “Empty…”
Raido watched the display with more concern than amusement. He'd never seen Kakashi drunk. The silver haired Jounin was always a very reasonable drinker and obviously that show at the club meant a lot more to him than he thought. A depressed Kakashi couldn't be good. “So…is that your third bottle or something?”
“Pssh…! Goin' on sixth.”
“Sixth! I think you've had enough.” Raido watched as his friend swirled the bottle in his fingers.
Kakashi put the bottle back down on the table, “I guess you're right…”
It was deathly silent for a while, only Kakashi's footsteps could be heard as he made little circles in the room. “Kakashi…that guy in the club…you know him, huh?”
The drunken nin merely nodded and continued to circle the room.
“Is he the one you've been working so hard for?”
“Yeah…he is.”
His feet stopped shuffling and Kakashi all of a sudden exploded, “I don't know! I don't know why! Is it such a big thing to care for someone! Is it so wrong to feel for someone and try to take care of that someone! Wanting to care for him or maybe even…love him!”
The buckles on Kakashi's pants jingled as he walked up to Raido, “You…you care for me and, even though you might not think so, I care for you too. You're gorgeous! Wonderful! Beautiful! Anything anyone could hope for! But no! I have to be some sicko and fall for some young stripper who doesn't even want me because I'm a dirty old man! Does he feel the same! Does he even know I care! Does he even know that I'm sorry for making him feel that way so long ago!” He fiddled with the zipper of Raido's vest, “You're wonderful…but…,” He looked up at the ceiling.
“Tomodachi...,”Raido whispered. There was this feeling in his gut that he didn't like. It was such a terrible feeling between fear and something like sympathy.
“I don't know. Do I love him, Raido? Am I sick? Do I need help? Am I some sick bastard? I need to know Raido. Plus, why couldn't I have…,”Kakashi slowly leaned forward, “Fallen in love with you? Or just not fallen in love at all? Raido…help me…,” He pulled his mask down and pressed his lips to Raido's before falling to a heap on the floor in front of his friend, tears at the corners of his eyes.
Raido went down to him. He held Kakashi's face in hands while pressing his forehead against his companion lovingly. “In order for me to help you, Kakashi, you have to tell me who this guy is. I want to know everything. Please help me, so I can help you. Do you trust me? What happened? I can see it in your eyes, much you are hurting.” He held the copy nin closer and lay himself on the floor next to his comrade.
. Where ever Naruto is .
:Damn it's cold…hopefully someone will come soon…: Naruto waited patiently on the corner of street near the club, waiting for someone to pass by soon. Kouji promised to take him back just as soon as he made more money for him and the blonde could only figure out one way that would get him his boyfriend back and Iruka. Only one method could earn him enough money for both things and fast. He couldn't have been more obvious! Standing there on the corner of the club, wearing the skimpiest outfit ever and just giving looks of longing to the others. What was it that kept them away? Was he not desirable? Guess not…
“Well, well…you can't possibly have been working for long…you're too young…,”A red-haired man smiled and stroked Naruto's arm. “You're pretty well built, aren't you?”
“I'm don't feel much like talking…can you pay the price or not?” Naruto asked firmly, taking back his arm.
“My, my…fine then. It all depends on how much you could do.”
“1000 yen and my body's yours.”
“Quite a hefty price, don't you think?” The man frowned.
“Got the money or not?” Naruto fiddled with the straps of his tank top, “I'm the best you'll get here.”
“Quite demanding, aren't we? Okay. You better have a lot of fight in you because I'm not going easy on you.” He wrapped his arm around Naruto's shoulder and led him away from the bar.
Naruto's heart thumped like crazy but he had to keep thinking and repeating to himself, why he was doing this. :Iruka…Kouji…Iruka…Kouji…I will win you both back…I swear.:
To Be Continued
Authoress: “Sorry. No review responses today. I'm so tired and hungry…I want to die or be reborn. I just don't want to live anymore.”
Naruto: “Ne? Why, Koi? You haven't been cutting yourself again? Have you? And crash-dieting?”
Authoress: “That's not your business. Kim, if I should ever die, tell the others I love them and my family.”
Naruto: “Oh, quit being so dramatic. You frighten me. Anyway, discuss that one comment from that one chick.”
Authoress: “Oh yeah. See, Kakashi is a virgin in his…um…booty…ha, ha…booty. Okay? Get it? He may not be innocent from the front region but let me tell ya that his ass hasn't seen any action.”
Naruto: “There! Got it?”
Authoress: “Don't be rude. Thanks Shi-chan, for the cup of cocoa. It helps.”
Kakashi: “You're not getting that Hello Kitty character are you?”
Naruto: “What?” 0.0
Authoress: “Sh!”
Naruto: “Sh' what?”
Life's like a bowl of cherries…the sweet stuff doesn't last and you end with the pits…
Reviews make me happy and making me happy means I'll write…