Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Oh, Mr. Sex-ed Teacher! ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
AN: EEeek. I think I’m going to be a hoe and do this. Sorry if this chapter is crappy. I might alter it later. I wanted to work more on my other fics. And if you guys have any requests or suggestions about pairings, let me know. =) I need some love. And opinions. But no flames, please &thank you.


Chapter 6

Naruto fidgeted under the older Uchiha’s stare, trying to ignore the feeling as if a thousand ants were crawling over his body just from the boy’s look. What seemed to be hours but in reality were only a few seconds, the older boy moved.

“You brought someone home, Sasuke…” Itachi commented, standing before the still naked teens and raising a hand towards Naruto’s whiskered cheek. “What a pretty little thing…”

‘Pretty little thing? Pretty little thing? I’ll show you what’s fucking pretty little…’ Naruto fumed silently, his mouth opening to voice out his opinion. He closed it when he caught movement from the corner of his eye.

 Pale fingers locked around the pale wrist, red collided into smoldering black as the younger teen glared at the older Uchiha.

“Don’t, Aniki.” Sasuke warned, directing his gaze to the hand near the boy’s tanned cheek.

Naruto had no idea what was going on between the two siblings. The older boy, Itachi, looked back at the blonde, and Naruto felt more vulnerable than he was then. Not to mention that he was still naked. But what was worse…

That gaze. That hungry gaze the older boy had in his crimson eyes made something stir in the blonde and he could feel his flaccid cock begin to slightly swell. Naruto flushed in shame and grabbed his pants and boxers, jumping into them and buttoning hastily.

Itachi smirked.
 Sasuke quickly let go of the wrist and backed away from his brother.   
“You’re not going to introduce us?”
Naruto raised a brow and gave a confused glance at the black eyed teen.
‘This guy is seriously coo-coo bananas.’

He wasn’t sure whether he should leave. From the way Sasuke looked, maybe leaving was the best thing to do. He opened his mouth again, only to be interrupted.
‘How awkward… what am I supposed to say? “Hey there, Sasuke’s older brother! I’m Uzumaki Naruto. Sorry you had to see us like this. We were wrestling. With an erection.”…that definitely works.’ The carpet suddenly got interesting and the blonde let his gaze wander to the floor.

Itachi just smiled and Naruto shifted uncomfortably.

“I didn’t know my Otouto had such a close friend…”
Sasuke clenched his fists as Itachi leaned forward and kissed Naruto on the cheek. The golden haired teen pulled back as if Itachi had burned him and he flushed again.

“I’m… gonna go…” the blue eyed boy said, watching Sasuke as he stepped into his sweats and pulled them back up. The brunette nodded and walked past his older brother, making sure that they didn’t brush up against each other. Naruto followed and shuddered when the older boy brushed his hand against his.

“I hope to see you again soon, Naruto-kun.”

The tanned boy glanced at the ivory skinned boy and snorted.

“That was awkward and straight up creepy.”
“You got hard.”

The blonde froze.
Sasuke gave him a bored look and shoved his hands inside his pockets.

“It’s not like that… he looks like you, how can I help it? And it’s not like I can control what goes down there.”
“Don’t give me excuses, Uzumaki.”

Naruto guffawed at the other teen.

“Look, Uchiha. You have serious issues. I swear to…” the boy trailed off and ran a hand through his golden locks. “Just look, Sasuke… you’re the only one that I want, I swear. And I’ll do whatever it takes to make you realize that. I’m sorry.”

Sasuke shrugged and sighed, grabbing the front of the blonde’s shirt and tugging the slightly taller teen towards him. Naruto felt something wash over him, a sense of possessiveness and also a sense of belonging, when he wrapped his arms around the other boy.

“What do you want from me Sasuke?”
The other boy remained silent for a while and murmured.
“I said nothing.” Sasuke repeated, resting his cheek against the boy’s chest. “I don’t want…” He paused and pressed his face against the other boy again.
“I don’t want… I need...”
The blonde nodded.
“I need you too.”
The Uchiha sighed and slightly pushed away, but still held on.

The blonde gave a small smile and kissed the pale boy on the head, smirking when the boy frowned.
“Are you gonna be okay? You’re brother is kind of… uh…”
“Hn. Don’t worry, dobe.”
Naruto nodded and he rested his forehead against the black eyed boy.
“I love you.” The blonde mumbled.
The brunette nodded, his hold tightening.

 Sasuke grimaced. He had come close to saying those three horrifying words. It wasn’t that he didn’t love the other boy. He was smitten, head over heels in love with the boy. Professing it by saying those words were something that he couldn’t do so easily. It was hard. Rather then expressing his feelings through words, he had always expressed them through actions. It was surprising how easily he had almost said them. The dobe he loved seemed to be changing him, but he wasn’t sure if it was for better or for worse.
And then there was Itachi. The older sibling was troublesome and he already had an idea of what his aniki was plotting of. Itachi was to blame for his paranoia and he clenched his jaws at the thought of Itachi doing something that involved his blonde. The whole incident of him walking in on them after sex didn't embarrass Sasuke or make it any more awkward. Walking in on his brother at a young age had completely changed his perspective of the older boy, and going through that experience of finding his brother with another male somewhat traumatized him. Itachi had also made it seem like homoerotic actions between he and Sasuke were normal. He already knew how his older brother functioned, how he could affect others so easily with just a glance or a whisper. 

“Sasuke.” The soft voice pulled him out of his thoughts and he stiffened.

Itachi’s lips curled upward to a smirk at his younger brother’s reaction and he wrapped a slender arm around his brother’s waist. “My foolish little otouto…”

“Stop, Itachi.” The boy’s voice was cold, but he didn’t move away.
The taller teen raised a brow and leaned forward, his lips tracing the younger boy’s ear. Sasuke growled in annoyance and shoved the other boy away, frowning when Itachi softly laughed.

“So, tell me, otouto. How long has this been going on?” The long haired teen gracefully plopped down on the black leather couch.
“It’s none of your concern.” Sasuke turned to the staircase and paused when Itachi made another soft chuckle.
“I wonder how good he is…”
The younger teen gritted his teeth and glared at the other male, who chuckled even louder.
“Now, now Sasuke…” The boy slowly rose from his seat and walked towards the black eyed teen until he was cupping the boy’s face in both his hands. “Don’t be jealous…”
Sasuke made a noise close to a growl and opened his mouth to retort, but to his horror, his older brother closed in and caught his lips with his own. The boy pushed and sputtered, wiping at his lips with the back of his hands and glaring at the older laughing Uchiha.
“You’re sick, aniki.”
Itachi stopped and sighed, smiling and shaking his head.
“I love you, Sasuke.”
Sasuke watched his brother warily for a minute and turned around to climb the stairs.
“I hate you.” He muttered loudly.

The red eyed teen’s smile only widened.

Naruto frowned.
Sasuke was late.
Sasuke was never late.

The boy was perfect. He had perfect grades, perfect attendance, perfect manners, perfect skin, perfect hair, a perfect body. ‘A perfect cock. A perfect ass.’
Sasuke, the perfect student, was late. The blonde peered outside the window to check if Armageddon had arrived and if any pigs were soaring through the air. Nope. Not yet.

Naruto’s frown deepened and he flipped his black cellular device open, clicking the green send button twice.

‘Maybe he got sick?’ the tanned boy wondered, listening for the boy to pick up.
“Hnn…?” The groggy tone caught Naruto by surprise and he frowned.
“You’re late for class. Did you just wake up?”  
He heard a loud yawn and a sniffle on the other tone.
“Who else? Are you sick or something?”
“Something like that. I’m gonna stay home today.”
Naruto frowned. ‘That’s a first.’
“I’ll come by after school then.”
There was a loud ruffle of sheets brushing against skin and fabric in the background.
“You don’t have to. I’m okay.” The other boy replied in a muffled tone.
“I’m coming anyways.”
“I said--”
“Okaay, I love you. Bye.”

The loud click and silence indicated that the other boy hung up. Sasuke scowled at the dark blue cell phone and shoved his face against the pillow again. ‘Idiot…’

“Sasuke.” The velvety voice called and he turned to face his doorway. The older Uchiha teen strode into the room and sat down beside the lying form.
“Get out of my room, Itachi.”
“You’re not feeling well? I should take care of you…” The older boy placed cool fingers against the younger Uchiha’s forehead and grinned when the boy rejected his hands.
“I said get out.” Sasuke repeated, pushing the pale hand away and glaring.
“I taught you that glare, Sasuke-kun. Now let me be a good brother…”
Sasuke gave an annoyed growl when the other boy grabbed the sides of his face.
“You’re hot, otouto.” The red eyed teen commented with a smirk.
“I’m gonna scratch your eyes out if you don’t let go of my face.”

Itachi clucked and stood up. “I’ll have one of the maids bring you some soup...”
Sasuke scowled at his brother’s retreating form and rolled his eyes.
‘Psycho, perverted, nasty…oh God, I hope he has class. Please don’t let me be alone with him…shit fuck.’

The black eyed teen sighed and burrowed his head under the pillow.

Naruto gripped the Calculus hard covered text book in his hand and pressed the black hard doorbell with his index finger.

‘Sasuke’s probably sleeping… maybe I should call…’ The golden haired boy sighed when nobody answered the door. Reaching for the black cellular device in the back of his jeans, the boy grumbled under his breath. The audible click of the lock turning caught his attention and he slightly jumped when he saw the older Uchiha.

He gave an awkward smile.
“Uhh… Hey. Is Sasuke feeling alright? I brought his homework…” He explained, trying to ignore the goose bumps erupting on his tanned flesh.

Itachi raised an eyebrow and moved aside to let the blonde enter. He noticed how the boy hesitated and he gave a small smirk.
Naruto felt another chill race down his back and he suppressed the urge to shiver and run back outside, far, far away from Sasuke’s creepy brother.  
“He’s upstairs in my room.” The brunette informed.

Naruto nodded as he followed the taller boy up the stairs. He noticed a blue moth fluttering in a web and watched in a somewhat morbid fascination.
The small moth struggled against the silky strands of the web at the corner of the ceiling. The more it tugged, the faster the black spider came.
"Naruto-kun." The red-eyed teen called.
The moth stilled as the spider bit into it and began to wrap its body in silky threads.