Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Origin ❯ The Beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

The Origins of Clan Uzumaki

Chapter 1: The Beginning

"Hey, Ino-pig."

Ino looked up from the paperwork she was doing to see Sakura coming through her office door and gave her a expasperated look. "What do you want, Forehead? I'm kind of busy."

Sakura ignored the look she got and sat down in the right-hand chair in front of Ino's desk. "I was just curious about something I heard today." Her tone was teasing and her eyes were focused on Ino, but the blond thought her eyes seemed to be looking below her face.

"About what?" Ino started to duck her head a little to hide, then caught herself and raised her head back up. No way she'd show embarassment in front of Sakura. That was simply not done.

"About that," Sakura replied smugly, and pointed at Ino's neck.

Or more precisely, the leather collar that was on Ino's neck.

Ino didn't reply. She was still embarassed about it, not that she had it, oh no, she was embarassed that it had seemed to attract all kinds of attention, more than even the spotlight-craving girl wanted.

"So, spill it Pig-girl. Why are you wearing a collar? Do you have fleas?" Sakura said, the laughing she wasn't doing coming out in her tone.

"Shut up, Sakura," Ino muttered, not meeting her friend's eyes. "I'm wearing it because I want to and what it signifies." Her eyes did meet Sakura's then and she smirked. "And you're the one with fleas from rolling in the dirt with muttboy."

Sakura's eyes narrowed and she snapped, "Don't talk about Kiba like that Ino."

"Then don't say I have fleas."

Sakura snorted at that, and decided to get back to the original topic. "And what does a collar signify?"

Ino sighed, and just looked at her rival. "It means I belong to my owner. I thought there was something besides air behind that forehead of yours."

Sakura ignored the insult and simply raised an eyebrow. "Owner? So you do sell your body. I knew it," she cackled.

Ino glared at Sakura, the girl starting to really get on Ino's nerves. "Just leave, Sakura," she hissed. "I answered your question despite how busy I am, and I'm not in the mood to put up with your immaturity regarding my life."

Sakura blinked at the real anger in Ino's words, and held up her hands in a placating gesture. "Sorry, Ino. We've always teased each other, I just thought it'd be the same. I'll be serious, I promise, I just really want to know."

The blond sighed, and rubbed her face with her hands. "Fine," she said, her voice muffled. "Hurry up and ask your questions, I really need to get this stuff done."

"Okay, so, um, when you say owner, you mean your boyfriend, right?" Sakura asked, having to come right and say it causing embarassment.

"No. My owner is just that, my owner. I do what he tells me to, I wear what he tells me to, and I try to act how he tells me to," Ino explained. "He just really hasn't told me to do anything really different than I normally would."

"Okay... So, why would you want that? You are one of the most stubborn people I know," Sakura inquired, confused.

Ino just looked at Sakura, flatly stating, "You wouldn't understand Sakura, just leave it at that."

"I am fairly intelligent," Sakura said dryly. "I'm sure I would understand if you explained it."

Ino was quiet for a long moment, and Sakura was thinking she wasn't going to answer when Ino spoke. "It's... It's always been something I wanted, to be owned and dominated and made to be submissive to the will of another. It's why I acted so stubborn and loud and stuff, to make it hard, to make it so that whoever accomplished it would truly be too strong for me to ever resist." Her eyes found Sakura's again from their wandering while she spoke. "And Naruto is that person. One relatively simply act and I was his. Oh, I loved him before and I still do, but now..." She shrugged and her eyes roamed again. "Now it's about doing what he wants, whatever it is. For example, I've never slept with another man but him, but I'd sleep with anyone he told me to, man or woman." She looked at Sakura then and smiled. "Even if it was you." This made Sakura splutter and her face turn red, which Ino grinned at before turning serious once again. "He owns me, Sakura, body, mind, and soul and I gave it all to him. He accepted." She touched the collar on her neck with her fingertips. "And this is proof of it."

Sakura, calmed down from Ino's earlier jest, had just listened to her friend's explanation with curiosity. "I see. Can you explain why you wanted to be owned like that?" When Ino just shook her head, she tried a different question. "You sound like this is permanent. Is it?"

Ino nodded her head at that and said, "As far I as I am concerned, it is. I think he wants it to be pemanent too." She smiled a little. "It's kind of overwhelming. I sometimes have to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming, that I actually have what I wanted. It's just so surreal at times."

Sakura nodded at that. "I can understand that. I kinda wish it would happen to me too." When Ino looked at her with a raised eyebrow, Sakura stammered with a flushed face, "Not what you have, just getting what I always wanted." She was quiet for a few moments, then said softly, "Which I can't get now."

Ino just looked at her friend tiredly. "We all know you want Naruto, Sakura."

Sakura flushed red again, and Ino laughed at the sight. "So you know my dirty little secret," Sakura muttered. "I want the dobe and I can't have him because my best friend has claimed him for life." She sighed, and looked up at Ino. "Don't think I'll make a play for him though. I like having you as my friend, and he's happy with you, so I'll leave it be."

Ino didn't reply for nearly a minute, then said, "As long as I still have him, or more precisely he still owns me... I don't really care."

Sakura blinked, startled. "What?"

"I don't care if you sleep with him," Ino clarified. "I don't care if he falls in love with you. I don't care if he marries you. As long as I'm still with him and he takes care of me and owns me, I don't mind sharing him." She smirked at Sakura's completely dumbfounded expression. "Of course, if you're lucky, he might decide to own you too." She chuckled. "I know for a fact he'd like to have a harem of beauties."

Sakura, more flustered than ever, blurted out, "Wouldn't you be jealous?"

Ino shook her head. "Nope. Naruto... he's larger than life, Sakura. One woman isn't enough. He hasn't ever said or even implied that he wants more than me, but... I can tell. Maybe it's something to do with the Kyuubi, some instinct to spread himself around, but it's still part of him." She shrugged. "He's never cheated or even purposefully looked at another girl, but I've seen him look without him realising he was doing it and there was hunger in his eyes. So I knew I'd have to share him eventually." She focused on Sakura and asked the big question. "What about you, Sakura? Could you share him with me? With others?"

Sakura, looking confused, hopeful, and despondent all at the same time, whispered, "I don't know. Even if I said yes, what about Kiba?"

Ino shrugged. "Kiba is a lot more openminded than you think, Sakura. You're not his first girlfriend, not his last, and definately not the one he's been with the longest. I think if you just gave him the 'let's just be friends' line, he'd shrug, say sure, and move on to the next girl. It's happened before."

Sakura just sighed. "I don't know, Ino... I'd love to be with Naruto, you know that, but... What about Naruto? His reputation? A harem isn't exactly the most wholesome appearance to put forth."

"I've heard - purely through the grapevine, you understand - that the Hyuuga are planning to implement polygamy," Ino chuckled. "That'd be a good politcal move, add Hinata to his harem and tie the Hyuuga to him at the same time."

"You're talking about this like he's going to have a harem," Sakura replied. "He's not mentioned anything to me about it, and you said a bit ago that he's never mentioned being with another girl."

Ino smiled at that. "He hasn't. But I can talk him into it. Especially," here she looked at Sakura pointedly. "If I have some support."

Sakura, having grown used to the topic, didn't flush or get flustered. "I haven't said yes to sharing him, Ino."

"And why not?" Ino huffed, and started counting points on the fingers of her right hand, "You want him." She held up her index finger. "He has a thing for you." She put up her middle finger. "I'm willing to share him, hell, I want to share him." Her third finger extended. "I'm bisexual." Ino extended her pinky as Sakura gaped at her. "And I think you are too." She rotated her thumb and held her fully open hand. "That's five reasons, Sakura."

Sakura was still spluttering over the whole bisexual bit, and she finally got out, "I'm not into girls!"

Ino raised her eyebrow at that. "I think you are. It was you who asked to kiss me during the whole 'learning to kiss' thing at that slumber party." She smirked. "And you asked for more than one, I might add."

"I was trying to learn how to kiss!" Poor Sakura, her face was pinker than her hair, almost purple now.

Ino just grinned. "Suuure, Sakura. Whatever you say."

Sakura growled at her friend, "I'm not gay!"

"Didn't say you were. I said you were bi."

A growl was the only response to that, and Ino smirked. "Think about what I said, Sakura, about Naruto and all of it. Now shoo, I need to get this paperwork done."

Sakura glared at the blond as she stood. "I'm not into girls, dammit. I like boys. I like hard flat chests, strong backs, and big hard dicks."

Ino smirked. "Naruto has all of that and more." She shrugged as she turned to her paperwork and got started. "But, I guess you'll never get to find that out unless you make your choice."

Sakura huffed, and muttered something about she did like boys, dammit, not girls and especially not blond girls before she walked out.

Ino grinned to herself as she worked. Looks like Naruto is gonna get himself a harem. Wonder who else will end up in it?

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This is a multi-chapter story, but I won't try to force my writing , so don't expect regular updates. I might update now and again, or I might update quite often in stretches.

So, who else might you like to see? Hinata is mentioned, yes, but I don't really like Hinata's chances. She's too shy. Hanabi, though... she's a spitfire.