Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Our Lives in the Hurricane Chronicles ❯ Chapter 32

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
You’re a bitch, but I love you anyway!” –Bowling for Soup (The Bitch Song)
Ishikari Mayu was not in the best of moods. The kunoichi sniffed twice and shifted her leg in annoyance. Once again, the rattling of the chains filled her ears. It was bad enough her arms were tied behind her back and her eyes were covered, but on top of that, her neck was being held hostage by a sturdy metal chain, which was attached to the floor. She felt like adogbeing punished by a master. That was theworstshe could possibly have.

She did not know how long she had been here, locked and chain in this cold, damp room. She had just awoken from her dreamless slumber about fifteen minutes ago. The reason her sleep had been dreamless was because someone had forced her to go to sleep. In the middle of the afternoon, someone–she could not tell who it was–had come into her room, used some kind of liquid concoction on a rag, and knocked her out before she had a chance to counterattack. The kunoichi scoffed. As if she could counterattack in her current predicament. Being ill was not very pleasant. In fact, it truly screwed things over for her.

“Should I have really been sick this long?”Mayu thought, frowning. Her body was screaming at her, but she could not do anything. She was in an upright position with her knees grinding against the cement. Whoever had captured her wanted her to feel as uncomfortable as this–but for what purpose? She wished they would do something instead of leaving her in suspense. The kunoichi sighed heavily, and then coughed out. Damn, this sickness was annoying as hell.

Suddenly, her head shifted sharply. Mayu could hear footsteps. They seemed to be coming closer to her. Swallowing hard, the teen waited in anticipation for whatever was about to happen. Next, she heard the jiggling of keys–it must’ve been keys. Something clicked, signaling that the door was being unlocked, she assumed. The creaking of the door indicated that it was metal and that it was being opened. For a moment, it was silent. Though, Mayu could feel eyes were looking over her body. She gritted her teeth, annoyed. “Well, what the hell do you want with me,huh?!” she shouted. A chuckled entered her ears.

“My, my… Someone seems to be a bit cranky,” an amused voiced echoed in the room. Mayu’s eyebrows furrowed together. That voice was somewhat familiar to her. However, she could not quite place a face and name at the moment. “As to what we want with you–isn’t it obvious? You are bait, Mayu-chan, to lure out the one we’re really after. Why else would we possibly want someone like you? You are merely a tool.” That voice… That irritating way of speaking down to others–she had heard it many times before.

“Kabuto!” Mayu growled out.

“Well, well… It seems I’ve been found out,” the man commented, chuckling.

The blindfold was ripped from Mayu’s head, causing the kunoichi to gasp involuntarily. She blinked, trying to quickly adapt to the light. As she thought, the small room itself was dark, though light flooded in from outside. Her deep blue eyes focused on the man in front of her. If Kabuto was the one to kidnap her, chances were that Orochimaru was still alive. That man still wanted Sasuke’s body after all this time. It was foolish–a stupid, foolish goal. “I can assume we’re not in Konoha?” she asked.

“Of course we’re not in Konoha. Within a few days–maybe less–Sasuke-kun will show up here to save you,” Kabuto said. He placed a tray of food down on the floor. “If all goes according to plan, Orochi-”

“You are stupid…” Mayu interrupted. “Sasuke won’t be coming for me–I made sure ofthat.” The kunoichi bowed her head, unaware of the frown on Kabuto’s face. “He hates me, detests me–I’m sure of this. He won’t come to save me.” She smirked, looking up. She rather enjoyed the look on the man’s face. His expression was a look of surprise and disappointment. “All this planning is for not! Orochimaru-teme needs to face the fact that he will never have the Sharingan in his possession! Perhaps then he will move on with his pathetic life!” Her strained chuckles turned into full blown out laughter, which ended short because Mayu’s body was overcome with a coughing fit.

Her head suddenly slammed against the floor. A hand gripped her throat, causing Mayu to choke out in surprise. Truly, she had not expected an attack. Hurting her would only anger the one they really wanted. But then again, the one they really wanted wasn’t coming, was it? Dark blue eyes stared at the man above her. She did not bother to try and hide her stunned look. His other hand stroked her cheek gently. “That would be quite upsetting, wouldn’t it?” Kabuto questioned. “For your sake, Mayu-chan, let’s hope that Sasuke-kun does indeed come for you. I can only imagine what Orochimaru-sama will do to you. You, the person who is responsible for Sasuke-kun having seconds thoughts in the first place.” He released her, and then slowly stood. His glasses glinted, giving him an eerie look. “You’re brave, but you won’t be able to withstand the torture Orochimaru-sama will do.” His smirk was smug. He picked the tray back up, and then set it near the kunoichi’s body. “Eat up, ne…? Your body must be stronger than it is now.” Kabuto left, locking the door behind him. The room was once again in darkness.

Mayu turned over, her body shivering. The effects of his words were getting to her. It was Kabuto. She had never been afraid of that man. He had never done anything to cause fear within her. However, his actions–they mirrored his master. The kunoichi bit her lip. His eyes were held the same sick and twisted emotions as Orochimaru. Mayu squeezed her eyes shut, trying to keep her tears at bay. Sasuke would not come for her. This, she already knew. He had not even come to see wish her well in her time of sickness. He no longer cared for her. Uchiha Sasuke hated her very being thanks to her and his older brother. Yes, she was also to blame. If she hadn’t been so hesitating, perhaps things would have turned out differently. But it was all over now. Her fate had been sealed the moment she gave such a harsh rejection to the man she loved. Orochimaru was definitely going to torture and kill her. And she deserved it.“Never let them see you sweat… Never let them see you sweat… Never let them see you sweat…”She chanted the mantra in her head, trying not to let the tears fall.

It did not work.
Yasmine hummed lightly as she walked through the forest. She had finished the second chapter of the book she had found in the bookstore about an hour ago. The foreigner was quite eager to try it out on the unsuspecting Hyuga. Smiling, her walk had practically turned into a skip. It was such a rush–thinking of the many things she could do to Neji in order for him to return her feelings. She giggled lightly, and then bit her lip. Her face felt a bit hot as her mind delved deeper into variations of what the book had told her to do. After finishing the chapter, Yasmine had been a bit shocked to read what had to be done. It was odd to her. One would think that such an intimate notion would be saved for future chapters. The teen shrugged and decided to trust the author. He seemed to know what he was talking about. The guide was for the greater good, after all.

The foreign teen quickened her pace. Pretty soon, the sounds of fighting could be heard. “I’m close,” Yasmine murmured, following the noises. Eventually, she reached the edge of the forest. She was greeted by the sight of Team Gai. As usually, they were sparring. It was Lee versus his sensei and Tenten versus Neji. Yasmine sighed dreamily as she leaned against a nearby tree. She smiled, watching the Hyuga. In her eyes, he looked so gallant and manly. Graceful, yet strong–Neji was the embodiment of the perfect male. Well, at least that was her opinion. Sweat skidded beautifully off his skin. His mouth was slightly parted because of his pants. The wind suddenly pushed against her warm skin. Thoughts of the shinobi panting because ofherher mind and caused her face to heat up.

The four broke apart, snapping Yasmine out of her Neji-induced trance. “Alright, team, that’s enough for now!” Gai’s voice rang throughout the area. It was unnecessary, yet that’s just how the exuberant man was. His team responded in unison, indicating that they understood. Yasmine cleared her throat. This was her chance. She called out to the team of four, catching their attention. The foreigner noticed the way Neji looked away, cheeks aflame. She could not help the giggle that escaped her mouth as his teammates made their way over to her. “Well, if it isn’t our exotic, youthful flower! To what do we own the pleasure, Yasmine-chan?”

“Actually, Ten-chan invited me,” the teen answered. She held up several boxed lunches. “I even made lunch for you all in exchange for letting me watch. Ten-chan told me what you guys liked, so I made them all differently.” The two lookalikes nodded their heads, and then took the specially made bento from Yasmine. They thanked her before sitting down.

“Neji…!” Tenten waved her other teammate over. “Come and eat lunch with us!”

The Hyuga actually seemed to hesitate in his movements. That was something he had done rarely. In the end, however, it did move closer. By this time, the three ninja were sitting. Yasmine had remained standing, waiting for the Hyuga to arrive. She handed his lunch to him. “Ah… Arigatou,” he murmured. His eyes, however, tried to focus on anything other than Yasmine. His fingers lightly touched hers, sending a shiver up his spine. This made him look at her. It was clear. The foreign teen’s smile was carnal.

“No problem, Neji-kun,” she replied. His heart beat quickened. Yasmine released her hold on the bento, successfully obtaining the reaction she hoped for. She sat near Tenten. The two girls began chatting away, completely oblivious to Neji.

The Hyuga breathed deeply through his noise before sitting down beside his male teammates. Yasmine’s visit had been completely unexpected. Tenten had not told any of them about this lunch. A bit of a heads up would have been nice. Neji stared down at the boxed lunch in his lap. He frowned. It had only been a day. Yasmine was being so persistent. She really wanted to win him over, but to use such tactics. It was beyond anything he would expect from his friend.Friend…he still refer to the foreigner as that?

“Neji-kun…!” His teammate was calling out to him. “You are not eating. Is something the matter?”

The jounin looked around to see everyone was staring at him. His pale eyes returned to the lunch in his lap. If Lee had known what happened the last time he had eaten something from Yasmine, he would know not to question his behavior. Neji did not want to arouse suspicion. Hell, he did not want anyone to know what had occurred between Yasmine and himself. He would most definitely take this secret to his grave. And so, without a word, the Hyuga began to eat. The others blinked, but seemed convinced. They went back to talking with one another. Neji lowered his eyes, secretly watching the girl as she conversed with Tenten–and occasionally Lee. She seemed unmindful to his stare. Did she not care about the worries she placed on his mind? Did she want him to be forever cautious around her? She was not giving him much choice.

Her eyes suddenly shifted over to him. It was irritating. One look from her made him flush and look away. Yet it wasn’t the small glance that had his blood racing. It was the way she looked. It was so different from the other times he had caught her gaze. Instead of naïve admiration, it was pure lust. He could see that she wanted nothing more than to do bad things to him.

The Hyuga prodigy stood up out of nowhere, causing his teammates to look up at him. Their eyes held confusion. However, at the moment, he did not care. “I believe I’ll return home early,” Neji said. “I appreciate your lunch, but I must leave now.” He handed his lunch to Lee, and then left the four. It did not matter if his actions perplexed his team. Hehadget away. There was no telling how long he could keep his composed expression in place with Yasmine there. If the foreigner continued to give him such looks, he wasn’t sure if his body could handle it. She had changed so much.

Once he was sure that he was far enough, the Hyuga stopped. Neji pressed his back against a tree. He panted lightly, clutching his chest. Just one look from her made him remember all the things she had done to him just yesterday. He slid down into a sitting position. The way she touched him had been surreal. No other woman had touched him in that way. Hell, no other woman had been allowed to. “Kuso…” he muttered, already feeling the stiffness. What exactly made her so special? “I have to get home.” He was about to stand, but a voice made him flinch. His eyes widen in surprise. Just how long had he been sitting here, thinking of their past encounter?

“Matte, Neji…”

It was Yasmine, of course.

He was ashamed to say that he actually started to sweat again. Neji turned his head to see the smiling foreigner. She came from behind the tree. Continuing to smile, she knelt down beside him. Yasmine placed a hand on his knee, ignoring his clenched teeth. How had he not sensed her?! “Hey, it’s not like you to just up and leave without an explanation,” she said. Neji turned his eyes away. “But then again–it is, isn’t it? Only this time you made it so darn obvious. Is something wrong?”

Besides the fact that I’m slightly afraid of your actions–but besides that, I’m fine.

He had not meant to say this out loud.

Hm…? The great Hyuga Neji is afraid of little old me?” Yasmine grinned. She leaned closer. “Now that is something I find quite interesting.” She reached over to cup his cheek. She did this for several moments before Neji realized this was something that lead to something worse. He turned his head away, severing the contact. He heard a human growl in her throat.Sheannoyed…? It was supposed to be the other way around.

“Yaya-chan, you must stop this! As friends, we can no-”

“Yaya-chan…?” she repeated, narrowing her eyes. Neji unconsciously swallowed hard. That was a dangerous tone in her voice. “Do you not remember the last time you called me by that name? You want to bepunishedagain, is that it?” The Hyuga male’s cheeks burned bright. Of course he remembered. It haunted his dreams. The foreigner grabbed his chin, forcing his eyes to lock with hers. “Now, no more protesting, Neji.” Yasmine rubbed his bottom lip with her thumb. With her right hand, she touched his shoulder as she positioned on body on top of his. Her face was mere inches away. “For being such a good boy, I’ll treat you nicely.” She leaned forward, planting a soft kiss upon his lips.

“Yasmine, we-” Once again, the Hyuga was interrupted. This time he was cut short by her lips. Her kisses continued in a smooth rhythmic manner. “M-Matte kudasai…” Ignoring his words, the foreigner pressed her lips to his again. This time, however, she pushed a bit harder. Forcing her way in, her tongue immediately found his and the battle began. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Her scent was much stronger than he remembered. She smelled of fresh dew as if she showered before meeting them. This smell, he realized, wasn’t bad at all. Neji’s eyes snapped open. No–this was wrong! He tried to push her away. Yasmine, however, was the one who broke the kiss. Pressing her forehead against his headband, the foreign teen licked her lips. Neji panted. He, again, swallowed hard. “We must not do this!”

“You don’t have to pretend not to like this. Your body has accepted me already, and soon… your mind will, too.” Yasmine smiled again. “And when that happens, we will become one.”

“That won’t-” Neji suddenly made a sharp intake of breath. Yasmine had licked his ear. She sucked on his earlobe as her hand slid down his chest. Her fingers rubbed up and down his torso, earning a moan from the unwillingly ninja. Damn–it was happening yet again. His body felt so weak and vulnerable. And this time, he could not hope to blame it on drugs. No, this was all Yasmine. She was unpredictably intoxicating. Were these her true colors? Had she been putting up a front this entire time? Was this her true nature? No matter how badly he wanted to believe that, he knew in his mind that Yasmine was merely reacting to whathetold her. She wanted to change for him–to make him see her differently. Besides, it wasn’t as if he was truly trying to stop her advancements. Deep down, did he want this just as badly? He had not been with a woman in such a long time. No, he didn’t. He couldn’t–not with her. The Hyuga began to struggle again. That is until he felt the wind hit his flesh. Confused, he stopped moving. Opening his eyes, he noticed that Yasmine had stripped him of his clothes, leaving him only in his undergarments. He hadn’t even realized this! The foreigner was in the middle of leaving butterfly kisses on his neck.

Neji’s fingers gripped her wrist, causing the teen to look up. In her eyes, there was lust. She fully enjoyed violating him to such an extreme. She reached up and gently touched his cheek. “Neji…” she purred. The little vixen knew exactly what she was doing. She was no longer innocent and pure. She had transformed into something quite lethal. Neji’s resistance was beginning to fade. His grip loosened, allowing Yasmine hand to slip from his. Her hands slid down again, teasing his tender flesh. She played with the dark marks that were left behind by her only yesterday. Smirking up at him, she grabbed his bulging sex through his boxers. Neji’s eyes expanded only to close because Yasmine had once again plunged her tongue into his mouth. The Hyuga’s resolve weakened further, feeling her fingers stroke his stimulation.

He groaned, clutching the grass as if it were his last lifeline. Yasmine slowly pulled back, yet she had not stopped caressing him. Panting heavily, Neji opened only one eye. “Yasmine…” he breathed out. “We… shouldn’t do this here!” He regretted the sentence as soon as it exited his mouth. Neji mentally scolded himself for making such a mistake. Both of Yasmine’s eyebrows rose up as a smile stretched on her face.

“We shouldn’t do thishere, you say?” she questioned. “So youdothis? Naughty, naughty, Neji-kun!”

“Th-That isn’t what I meant!”

“But that is what came out of your delicious mouth, right?”

Embarrassed, the Hyuga looked away again. Realizing what he was doing, he turned his eyes back. He had to stop doing that! By doing so, he was basically yielding to her will. “Still, Yasmine… We-ah!” The foreigner had pinched his nipple. “Yasmine! We cannot do this!” She only shook her head and lowered her lips to his chest. She moved her body down, pushing his legs apart. She rubbed her body against his throbbing erection as she moved, receiving a small moan from Neji. Slipping her fingers pass the elastic waistband, Yasmine quickly yanked downed his underwear. This produced a startled gasp from the Hyuga. She hadn’t donethis“Yasmine, what are you-” His eyes grew wide as Yasmine tilted her head, and then began to rub his head with her finger.

Neji arched his back, trying to restrain himself from bucking his hips against her contact. He wanted to protest, yet he feared that he would only make the most arousing of noises, which would only provoke her. Suddenly the contact stopped. Dazed and confused, Neji cracked on eye open. He panted heavily as he looked down. Yasmine stared in fascination at his member. It was, after all, dripping. Of course… how could he forget? The Hyuga continued to pant as he closed his eye. The foreigner had forgotten her memories. She could have done this in the past withEric, and yet forgot about it. She was still somewhat innocent. That’s when he felt it. Innocent, hisass!

Yasmine had suddenly taken his shaft into her mouth. He could feel her tongue lapping up his release inside her mouth. Neji turned his head to the side and bit his lip, trying desperately to keep any noise from erupting from his lips. He unconsciously latched onto the foreigner’s hair. A strange, yet pleasurable feeling overcame the Hyuga. His hips bucked, pushing himself deeper into her. Her hand came up. Her finger circled his nipple in a slow, fluid motion. This feeling was intense and enthralling. “Ya-Yasmine…!” he squeaked out. The foreign teen went on licking and sucking. Her teeth lightly grazed the sides of his member, sending shocks into his system. He was on edge. It was coming, he knew. “Re-Re-Release me…! Now!” Yasmine made a negative noise and continued with her assault. Neji scrunched his eyes shut. Pure pleasure racked his body and he was thrust into bliss. He cried out in ecstasy as his sweet release broke the wall.

Breathing deeply, Neji’s body finally relaxed. He stared up at the sky, cursing himself. How could he allow this to happenagain?! Despite the indecency of it all, he had still allowed her to take advantage of him. Still panting, Neji moved to sit up as Yasmine separated from him. His entire body was nearly soaking from the sweat. The foreign teen wiped the side of her mouth. “Sweet,” she commented with childlike innocence. Neji almost scoffed. “I thought it would be salty, but it’s really sweet.” The Hyuga stared at her for a moment before untangling his fingers from her hair. He felt exhausted. The foreigner smirked, and then crawled on top of him. “Did you like that special treat?” she asked. The seductive voice had returned. Neji shuddered, feeling her breath against his skin. Feeling guilty, he nodded his head once. “I thought so. You’re enjoying our encounters more and more.” She rubbed her nose against his.

She had no idea how wrong she was.

Sasuke stared impassively at the man, who was crying out in front of him. Sure, he was the cause of this man’s pain, but he did not let that bother him. He opened his mouth to repeat his earlier question. “Tell me, where is Orochimaru?” he asked. His voice was calm despite his anger. The Sound ninja hacked out nonsense. His comrades did nothing to help him. And why would they? A pissed off Uchiha Sasuke was not a good Uchiha Sasuke to have around–unless of course he was not on the opposing side. Too bad he was. They all knew he was strong and they all knew the reason for his sudden return. “If you don’t tell me now, I will kill you.” Sasuke frowned. “Is that man really worth dying for?”

“Screw you, traitor!”

“Wrong answer,” he replied. Without a hint of emotion, Sasuke gutted the foolish ninja with his sword. He pulled his weapon out, letting the man fall to the floor, dead. “Anyone else…?” The Uchiha cleaned the blood from his sword. Looking around, he noted that all who surrounded him held fear in their eyes. Fear was better than moronic courage at the moment. “Well?”

“He-He’s further down!” Finally, they were talking. Sasuke turned his attention to the one who had spoken. “Orochimaru-sama and Kabuto-sama are down two more floors. They already know of your presence. The young Uchiha frowned at the newfound information. This meant they planned on using Mayu as a shield, as expected of the cowards.

“If you value your lives, I’d suggest leaving this place,” Sasuke said. Without another word, he turned. Those around him flinched before moving aside to let him pass. They did not want to end up like their idiotic comrade. The young Uchiha made his way, eyes only focused on the path in front of him. There were stairs leading down to the next floor. He heard their whispers as he walked. Let them talk amongst one another–he didn’t give a damn what they said. The word traitor did not bother him much. It never had. Sasuke finally reached the door he was looking for five minutes later. This place was like a maze, but he knew it well. He had spent time at this base when he was younger after making a decision to leave Konoha. His dark eyes narrowed. That had been the worst decision he had ever made. It had cost him so much more than he realized at the time.

The Uchiha shook his head. Now was not the time to be remembering Mayu’s tears. He had spent too much time thinking about the past. For the time being, he needed to… forget. Sasuke suddenly stopped. Kabuto had just come around the corner. The same know-it-all smirk was on his face. He hadn’t changed a bit since the last time he had seen the glasses-wearing ninja. “A pleasure to have you back, Sasuke-kun,” he greeted. Sasuke glared hard at the man, not amused in the least. “Now, now, there’s no need to get angry. I was only welcoming you home.” His glasses glinted in the light of the flames that dimly lit the hallway. “But I suppose someone like you can’t call this home, now, can he? Could it be you’re here, seeking something you’ve lost?”

“Cut the games, Kabuto. You know exactly why I’m here. If you don’t want to die today, I should hope you’d be smart enough to get out of my way,” Sasuke said. Kabuto chuckled.

“Why, Sasuke-kun, I am in no way preventing you from getting to Orochimaru-sama,” he stated. “I am actually your guide to him.” Sasuke narrowed his eyes. “There’s no need to be suspicious of me. I won’t suddenly attack you.” The man turned his back to the Uchiha. “Follow me if you want to see the girl.” He began to walk, leaving Sasuke to stare at his departing back. He did not like this. But what choice did he have? The Uchiha reluctantly followed after Kabuto.

It wasn’t long before he was a few paces behind the purple-clad shinobi. Dark eyes scanned the surrounding area. A sudden foreboding feeling came over him. His hand unconsciously was placed on the hilt of his sword. Orochimaru was near. This was certain. Whenever that man was near, he would get the same ominous sensation. Kabuto turned and pointed toward something. It was a wooden door. Much of the dark aura emitted from that spot. “He’s there?” Sasuke questioned. Kabuto nodded in answer.

“I’ll leave you for awhile,” he said. The man turned, wanting to move passed the Uchiha. Before he could, however, the young shinobi’s eyes made him stop. Frozen because of the intense look he was receiving, Kabuto swallowed nervously. A bit of killer intent was being directed his way.

“If she is hurt in anyway–if one thing is wrong with her–I will find you… and I will kill you,” Sasuke stated this as if it were a fact. He moved forward. “Keep that in mind, Kabuto.”

The Uchiha continued on his way to the door, not caring that Kabuto had begun to sweat and shake under his fierce stare. He stood outside of the door for a moment before unceremoniously kicking the door in. Unlike the hallway, the room was lit by several candles, not just a few. What he saw was a bit distressing. Orochimaru smirked weakly from his standing position. His golden, snake eyes turned greedily in greeting. The sight that made him mentally snarl, however, was the contraption near the Sanin. It was made of see-through glass. It had two parts and was shaped like a cylinder. The top half of the device held some type of clear liquid, presumably water. The bottom half, though empty of any liquid, did hold an unconscious kunoichi. Mayu’s body was limited to the narrow space. She was sitting on her legs, unaware of her current situation.

“Sasuke-kun,” the old man’s voice drew his attention. “What a pleasant surprise to see you here again.”

“Your games are not wanted nor needed. Release her now.”

“No, I do not believe I will.”

In a blink of an eye, Sasuke had his former sensei pinned against the far wall. He drove his sword into the man, somewhat dodged the attack by bring his arms up. Instead of penetrating his heart, the sword went into his arms. However, Sasuke gripped the man’s throat, holding him in place. “You misunderstood and believed that was a question,” he said. The Sanin only chuckled as if he knew some sort of secret Sasuke didn’t. This irritated the young shinobi and as a result, pushed his weapon further in. A pain gasped came from Orochimaru, but that did not stop his smirk.

“By attacking me, you’ve sealed her fate,” he told him. Sasuke’s grip tightened. Straining to breathe, Orochimaru’s eyes moved over to the apparatus. Slowly, Sasuke turned his head. His eyes grew. Orochimaru had been pressing a button. When the button had been released, water had begun to flow into the bottom half of the tank. Underneath the dark red button, there was a keypad. Some type of code had to be entered, Sasuke assumed. The liquid dripped onto the kunoichi’s face. Her body tensed before her eyes sprang open. She, disoriented, looked for the source of the flow. She put on hand up, trying to stop the stream, yet the liquid still seeped through her fingers.

Quickly, Sasuke moved away from Orochimaru, taking his sword with him. The Sanin fell to the floor, holding his neck. Sasuke pounded on the glass, but to his surprise it did not budge. Whatever this substance was, it was not glass. He would have easily broken it if it was. The kunoichi’s blue eyes focused on him, startled. “What the hell are you doing here?!” She had the nerve to sound angry. The sputtering from the water, however, made her glare less intense.

“What the hell does it look like, idiot?!”

“You weren’t supposed to come!” Mayu looked down. Sasuke frowned. She raised her head, glare hardening. “How could you fall into such an obvious trap, dumbass!?” The Uchiha’s eyebrow twitched. The nervethis girl was like an iron will.

“Dumbass…? Who was the one who was caught?!”

“I… I was sick!” Mayu’s face flushed in embarrassment.

“That’s no excuse for a ninja!”

“I’ll show you excuse, you stupid-”

“Sorry to interrupt your little lover’s spat, but it is quite annoying. There’s only so much I can listen to without snapping,” Orochimaru interrupted. “You two are worse than Jiraiya and Tsunade.” The Sanin glared as the two young ninja focused on him. Ignoring his bloody arm, he continued. “Now that you’ve realized the situation you’re in, allow me to explain what is going to happen. In fifteen minutes, that bottom half will be filled with water. The only way to save her is to surrender your body to me, Sasuke-kun.”

“You have no reason to keep her alive when I’m gone,” Sasuke replied.

Mayu’s eyes expanded, and then shifted over to the Uchiha.“When…?”repeated in her thoughts. She watched Sasuke and Orochimaru as they converse, leaving her to her thoughts.“What’s that supposed to mean?”The kunoichi shook her head. She must have misunderstood, that’s all.

“Orochimaru, you’re weaker than me. I honestly see no reason to let you have my body,” Sasuke said. Mayu breathed a sigh of relief. So she had heard wrong, after all. “You won’t be able to handle the strain. You’ve fallen from your perch. I only see you as another foolish old man, now.”

“How dare you…?! An Uchiha brat has no right to-” Orochimaru began to coughed violently. Sasuke smirked.

“I do not care about you or your ambitions, so here’s what I’ll do… You give me the code to stop the water and I will leave someone else to kill you,” he said. Orochimaru only chuckled lightly, and then shook his head.

“You are lying… I can see it in your eyes, Sasuke-kun.” The Sanin showed teeth. “That menacing, hateful look in your eye is so delightful, so riveting. You cannot hide your anger from me. You wish to end my life for taking what is yours.” The young Uchiha narrowed his eyes.

The snake bastard was right. Sasuke’s eyes were similar to when he encountered his brother again, years after the massacre. Mayu’s body shook. It was not from the pouring water, though. Actually, the water was quite warm. The reason for her shivering was because of Sasuke. She had not seen such a vile since that time. After they had separated, and reunited, he seemed to have grown. He had managed to control his anger when he encountered Itachi again. But now the hatred had returned and was focused on Orochimaru.Sasuke, she mouthed.

“I suppose you’re right about that,” Sasuke chuckled. “You will die… either way. Your existence makes me sick!” The Uchiha raced toward the Sanin and pierced his skin with his sword. Unfortunately, something shot out of Orochimaru’s mouth toward the other side of the room. The body of the Sanin actually deflated. Mayu looked towards the other side as did Sasuke. It was the same white snake as before. “It seems that you’re coming up a bit short, Orochimaru. This one isn’t as big as the last.”

“You body is mine!”

The head lunged at Sasuke, but was evaded by the Uchiha. He dodged his attack, including the ones from the smaller white snakes. His body ended up near the entrance of the room. Orochimaru’s form coiled around the cylinder that trapped Mayu. “Using Mayu to lure me was not a wise decision,” Sasuke stated as he slipped his arms out of his attire. The sleeve fell to his sides. Mayu saw that the cursed mark was stretching across his body, causing his skin to become darker. A darker cross appeared above his nose. His hair became lighter and longer. Wings shaped like hands and composed of fingers sprouted from his back. The Uchiha sheathed his sword. He must have realized that cutting would release the poison.“But how else will you kill him, Sasuke?”thought.

The kunoichi frowned. What was she doing? She was acting like some sort of damsel in distress. She clenched her teeth. Mayu never did like to feel helpless. She closed her eyes, ignoring the pouring water. By now, the level of the water was above her knees. She could not just sit back and carry onwatching. Her hands came together in several hand signs. Concentrating her chakra was much easier now that she was no longer sick. Kabuto had given her some kind of antidote a few hours ago before taking her blood. The ass probably was tired of hearing her coughing and sneezing. The kunoichi gritted her teeth. She had not used this jutsu since she last saw her uncle. Hell, she hadn’t mastered it yet. She wondered if it would even work in her favor. There was only one way to find out! Her blue eyes shot open. Sasuke and Orochimaru were at a standstill. “Ishikari Style: Partial Mind Transfer Jutsu!”

Kabuto sighed heavily, placing the blood back in the cooler. So far, there were no matches. The blood would not mix. Orochimaru would not be happy with these results. The man stood up straight.“But we do have an unlimited source now, don’t we?”he thought. Speaking of Orochimaru, the ritual should be over by now. Kabuto walked toward the entrance of the room. He left, closing the door behind him. He walked slowly. The destination was the same as before. Orchimaru had planned everything. Sasuke would come, trying to kill him, but ultimately fail. Once the young Uchiha was ready to give his life for the girl, the Sanin would strike. Of course, they would kill her in the end, only after conducting experiments on her body. Either way, she would die. The kunoichi had no chance for survival. It was like Orochimaru said. People were such fragile creatures. Willing to die to save another–it was foolish.

The medical ninja looked up. He had reached his target, yet the room was oddly quiet. The door had been destroyed, but other than that, he could not tell what was going on. Narrowing his eyes, Kabuto quickened his pace. He slid to a stop in front of the entrance. Judging from the scene before him, he assumed that the ritual was indeed over. Orochimaru’s white snake form lay unmoving on the ground. Sasuke’s body was in the center of the room. The kunoichi, however, was still in the cylinder. She was pounding on prison walls. That was to be expected. After all, the teen was now completely submerged in water. Sasuke, though, seemed uncaring.

Kabuto could not help but smirk. This meant the ritual had been a success. Orochimaru had finally succeeded in gaining the Sharingan for himself. “Welcome back, Orochimaru-sama? How does it feel to be well again?” he questioned, stepping into the room. He walked over to the cylinder, disregarding the unmoving form. The man quickly typed in the proper code. The kunoichi was no use to them if she died now. The machine hissed before releasing steam. Slowly, it split apart, allowing the water to rush out along with Mayu. The kunoichi coughed and sputtered as she fell on her hands and knees. Kabuto squatted down to her level. “I told you that he’d come for you. Too bad it ended this way, ne, Mayu-chan?” The kunoichi glared up at him. Her eyes were red, giving her a look of a demon. Kabuto chuckled at her expression. “Looks like you’re going to be spending a lot more time with us.”


The purple-clad ninja turned his head. Dark eyes stared back at him. For some reason, he started to feel nervous. “Yes, Orochimaru… sama?” he asked uneasily. Instead of answering, he came over, causing Kabuto to stand. Still, he did not say anything. He merely picked up the kunoichi, bridal style, and then headed for the exit. This action wasn’t like Orochimaru at all. “Matte…!” The person halted his movements. His back was still facing Kabuto, so he could not see his expression. “Which… Which one are you?” he asked.

He turned his head. It was almost painfully slow. A smirk appeared on his face, causing Kabuto’s eyes to widen. “You really want to know?” His eyes turned red, which meant the Sharingan had surfaced. Suddenly, he found himself in a world beyond his understanding. He looked around, almost in panic. This place is where Orochimaru’s ritual took place. A jolt ran up his spine, followed closer by a shiver. This dark and melancholy place was somewhere he never wanted to end up. The very aura of this place would cause lesser men to regurgitate.

Sweat ran down Kabuto’s chin and dripped off. Finally, his eyes saw something familiar. He was being showed what had transpired in the ritual. Sasuke’s body was almost completely covered in the slimly gunk that covered this world. Orochimaru was covered as well, yet he moved toward Sasuke. The Uchiha stared unemotionally at the Sanin as he stalked closer. “You have nothing left, Sasuke. Give into me. Allow me to take your revenge for you. After all, nothing as trivial aslovestand in my way,” Orochimaru’s voice echoed. Sasuke narrowed his eyes, yet did not move as Orochimaru moved closer. The two slimly forms finally connected. “Yes… Let it happen.”

“What are you doing, Sasuke?! Fight it!”

Kabuto’s head snapped in the direction that the voice came from. Impossible! No one other than Orochimaru and the target could come to this place! However, his eyes were not deceiving him. There, standing beside Orochimaru, was the girl, Ishikari Mayu. Surprisingly, she was free of the slime. “How is she…? Wait a second–I nearly forgot,” Kabuto thought. It wasn’t totally impossible forher. She was a member of the Ishikari clan. A clan who’s abilities dealt with the mind, similar to the Yamanaka clan. “She must’ve used some type of mind penetration jutsu.” His eyes watched as the girl continued to shout at her teammate. But her voice would not be enough. In this place, Orochimaru controlled everything. Her voice alone would not be enough.

“What’s left after revenge? What will I do?” Sasuke’s voice echoed in his ears. “I have no life after Itachi. For a long time, it was he who kept me going. And then you came into my life. You made me soft–weak, but I did not care. You gave me hope after Itachi. I looked forward to life after I had killed that man. Without you, that life would be pointless. Sooner or later, Orochimaru will kill Itachi.”

“Stupid…! You’re so stupid! You’re actually going to let Orochimaru have his way?!” Mayu shouted. Tears welled up in her eyes. “Don’t let it end like this! I still love… I still love you,stupid!”

Kabuto’s eyes widen in shock. Time seemed to stand still, and then speed up again before his very eyes. The slimly, gooey substance turned black and charred. The substance had betrayed its original master and was now turning against him. It formed mouths and attacked Orochimaru! Sasuke’s body was uncovered. The Sanin looked on in disbelief as the kunoichi stepped away from him. “Orochimaru… before eyes like mine, all your jutsu are useless. I couldn’t give my body up to you even if I wanted to it appears,” the Uchiha smirked. “I will be the one to kill Itachi. It hasalwaysmy purpose alone.”

“No way! Sasuke’s will is actually altering this dimension!” Kabuto’s mouth dropped open. “Is there really such a thing?!”

The darkness completely consumed Orochimaru, leaving nothing behind of the Sanin.

The medical ninja breathed deeply, finding himself back in reality. “Do you get it now, Kabuto?” Sasuke questioned. His eyes returned to black. “Orochimaru is no longer able to reach his goal.” The young Uchiha smirked before continuing on his way. Kabuto dropped to his knees. It couldn’t be true. He stared at Sasuke’s departing back until he could no longer see him. Orochimaru was dead? Just like that? Kabuto clenched his teeth. No, it can’t be! By now, Sasuke and the kunoichi were long gone. And yet he knew…

Once of the Legendary Sanin had been defeated.

The two were now miles away from the base and yet neither one had spoken. Mayu bit her lip as she stared up at Sasuke. His eyes were blankly staring ahead. He had this look ever since they left the hideout. The kunoichi’s eyelids lowered. It gave her a bad feeling somehow. She was not sure what had happened during that freaky jutsu, but she was certain that Sasuke had been the one on top. She had been successfully rescued. However, something was off. “Sasuke… Are you going to carry me all the way to Konoha?” Mayu chuckled nervously.

The Uchiha suddenly halted his movements. The kunoichi involuntarily flinched when his eyes connected with hers. “Are you afraid of me now?” he asked. Mayu shook her head. Sasuke smirked before slowly letting her legs go. The two stood there, in the dense forest, staring at each other. Mayu looked away, feeling a bit awkward. She scratched her cheek lightly–a nervous habit. The kunoichi was about to comment on his strength and valor against Orochimaru–something to break the ice. However, Sasuke decided to speak again. “Mayu…” His voice made her look at him again. “Say it again.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Say what you said to me in that world.”


“No, not that.”


“Mayu, say it again. I want to hear you say it clearly.”

“I… still love… you.”

Sasuke narrowed his eyes, and then pulled her shoulders, bringing her close. Mayu yelped in surprise, but the Uchiha paid no attention to this. He held her tight–tighter than he had ever held her before. The kunoichi swallowed, allowing her body to relax in his arms. It was the same scent–spices and amber. It had not changed. She honestly missed being this close to him. Sasuke’s grasp loosened, allowing Mayu to look up. “Say it again,” he told her.

“I love you,” she whispered.

“Say it again–louder!”

“I love you, Sasuke!”


“I love you, Uchiha Sasuke.”


“How many times are you going to make me say it, damn it?!” Mayu became slightly frustrated. Her face was already beet red. What more did he want? “I’m getting pissed! Just wait until we get back, I’m gonna-” The kunoichi never got the chance to finish her threat. Sasuke had grabbed her shoulders again and pulled her in. Their lips connected, causing her blue eyes to grow wide. Sure, they had kissed in the past, but Sasuke had never been this forceful. She moaned, feeling his tongue pass her lips. Her back pressed against the bark of a tree, but this did not register in her mind. Sasuke’s tongue was dominating hers. His hands roamed over her body, feeling every inch of her. He was like a beast that had been restrained for far too long.

His scent overtook her senses. He overwhelmed her and sent her mind spiraling into oblivion. The only thing she could possibly focus on was him. He is what she saw. He is what she felt. He, and only he, had taken her mind and heart. She could not get away. Had she been missing this the entire time? This idyllic feeling that made her heart race was too much. But she liked it so much. Mayu wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing him closer. This was so much better than their first kiss. Her body trembled, feeling his rough fingers grab her wrists. Slowly, he pulled her arms away. He then pinned them over her head.

He broke the kiss off, leaving her panting heavily. She glanced up, looking and feeling high. Mayu whimpered lightly. Sasuke had once again thrust his tongue into her mouth. His aggressiveness was gratifying. However, her pride kept her from being docile for too long. Mayu forced his tongue out, pushing the dance into his mouth instead. She felt him smirk against her lips. It unnerved her a bit. His arrogant chuckled vibrated in his throat and tickled her tongue. He pressed his body against hers, receiving yet another moan from the kunoichi. He bit her tongue, sending sparks into her system. Mayu yipped and pulled back.

“What the hell was that for?!” she shouted. Instead of answering, Sasuke released her wrists. Mayu used the tree for support to stand up straight. Somehow, she had been pushed down a bit. Glaring half-heartedly, she tried to smooth out her clothes, which were still damp.

“Mayu, do you love me?” Sasuke asked.

“For crying out loud, Sasuke! I said I did!”

The Uchiha, without warning, slammed his hands against the tree–on either side of Mayu’s head. He leaned in close. The smirk was no longer on his face. All amusement had vanished from his features. That nervous feeling was beginning to creep back up. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up. That was never a good sign. “How can I be sure of that, ne, Mayu?” Before the kunoichi could protest, Sasuke’s hand lightly touched her cheek. “You constantly change your mind-” He leaned closer. His breath cuddled her ear, causing her to shiver. “Like abitchdon’t know.” The Uchiha stroked her cheek gently, not caring for the shocked expression Mayu was currently sporting. “How can I possibly be sure of what you say? First you love me, then you hate me, and then you love me again? Do you really even know your own feelings?” He now her time to speak, and yet she didn’t. Sasuke narrowed his eyes. “No, you don’t, do you? You’ve never been confident in your feelings towards me–never. Your closed nature breaks me because it seems as if you don’t trust me.” Mayu opened her mouth, but was interrupted. “But it’s your uncertainty thatkillsMayu. Do you know how many times you’ve hurt me? I can’t ignore this anymore. You’re not the one after all.”

The kunoichi shook her head several times, not believing what she was hearing. Sasuke sighed as if he was tired. He let his hand drop. He moved away from her, keeping his eyes locked. This was a joke… He couldn’t be serious! Sasuke tried to move further back, but Mayu grabbed onto his clothes. “You stupid asshole! Don’t tell me how I am about my own feelings! I love you, damn it!” she shouted.

“Do you truly?” Sasuke frowned. “This entire time we’ve been together after our reunion, you’ve only toyed with my emotions, teased me with your body, and in the end rejected meevery” Mayu’s glare softened, hearing his words. Her fingers slipped from the fabric, letting him go. “I’ve suffered, waiting for you to make up your mind. Did youoncemy feelings? The last time was too much. Why would you do that to me if you love me so much?”

“It’s because I love you so much that I did it!” Mayu cried. By now, tears were falling. She felt so horrible. All this time, she had tortured Sasuke. “Itachi… Itachi made me do it. He was going to kill everyone. I-I couldn’t let him do that. He said he’d kill everyone I loved if I didn’t break your heart. I didn’t want to hurt you, but I had to! I’d rather see you hurt than dead!” She touched his chest, pressing her head against him. She hoped her words got through to him. Sasuke, however, stared vacantly off into space.

The Uchiha shook his head once and then roughly turned away from the kunoichi. “Itachi…? Itachi,again?!” Mayu winced at the tone in his voice. Sasuke gritted his teeth. The kunoichi looked down at the ground. Her hands were trembling. Perhaps bringing up that name wasn’t the best plan of action. “I should have known. This isn’t the first time he’s come in between us. Itachi… It’salways” A humorless chuckle erupted from his mouth. “But I suppose that’s normal seeing as how he’s yourfiancé!”


SasukeR 17;s eyes widen, feeling the sting in his cheek. He narrowed his eyes and set his jaw. Mayu’s bottom lip trembled. She placed a hand over her mouth to stop the shaking. “How… HowdareYou don’t know athingabout it!” Mayu told him. Sasuke turned his eyes back to her. He was glaring with such intensity. The kunoichi unconsciously stepped back.

“Well maybe I would if you wouldopen upme!” he shouted. An inaudible gasp escaped Mayu’s mouth. Sasuke rarely shouted. His fingers curled and uncurled as if he were trying to control himself. He slowly breathed out, closing his eyes. “Mayu, go back to Konoha.”


“Go back to-”

“I heard you the first time! I meant does that me you’re not coming with me?” she asked. “Weobviouslysome things to work out.”

“The time has come to initiate my plan, so I won’t be going back to the village,” Sasuke answered, opening his eyes.

For a moment, the two only stared at one another. This was all too much to bear at one time. “Fuck you,” Mayu murmured. “Fuck you…” The kunoichi wiped her tears, leaving puffy red eyes behind. “I won’t go back without you. I refuse.”

“I no longer concern you,” he turned his back to her.

“Bullshit…! I’m not leaving you! Despite what you may think, I love you, Sasuke,” Mayu glared at his back. “I might have been angry with you in the past, but I’ve always lovedyou.” She sniffed and wiped her nose. “I am not going to leave like I did before. And I’m not letting you leave me again. I’ll stop closing myself off to you, so let me come. Let me proof myself to you. Let me… make you fall in love me.” Once more, it was quiet. Mayu swallowed, waiting for some type of response. The Uchiha slowly turned his head. On his face, he wore a smirk.

“Urasai…” he spoke. “And hurry up.” He began walking, leaving Mayu in a stunned silence. Snapping out of her daze, the kunoichi nodded and followed after him.


I was going to add more, but then I thought why should I make you guess wait any longer? I mean, it’s my fault that I didn’t submit the chapter earlier because I was dumb enough not to save it anywhere else.

Anyway, writing that one-shot really help me get my flow back. It was such a gigantic help as were you encouraging reviews! You have no idea how happy I became just reading those reviews, and so I began to write right away! Thanks to your efforts…

“Naughty, naughty, Neji-kun!” –Yasmine Dalton Wow, she’s gottenworse,huh?