Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Returning ❯ shoothing stars ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 8- Shooting Star

Tsunade watched Naruto somberly, not daring to break the silence.
Everyone in the room was quiet, no one spoke, no one moved. Naruto blinked, looking slowly at Tsunade, "Y-you mean...these are my..." his eyes clouded, "...p-parents...?"
Tsunade nodded, "Yes Naruto, those are your parents."
Tears gathered in his blue eyes, "Why? Why did he put the demon in me! I'm his...I'm his son!"
Jiraiya stood, looking down at the young child who so much reminded him of his past student, "He made you a hero, fool! That was his intention..." Jiraiya quieted, "...he never meant for things to turn out this way..."

"But why Toku? That's your boy, why would you put the Kyuubi in him?" Jiraiya slammed his fist into the wall next to the yondaime, eyes glarring angrily.
Toku glanced towards Jiraiya, then at the child in his arms, and replied back, "I will make him a hero... He will be known as the child who saved our village, he will have respect."
Jiraiya ran a hand through his hair, "But what if something happens, to him... or to Aza? Have you thought what your decision will do to Aza? You can't just decide this on your own!"
"No Toku, she deserves a say in this too!"
"You're right..."
Jiraiya picked up the yet nameless child, and looked at him somberly as he squirmed in his arms, "you will be a hero, won't you?"

Naruto's blue eyes glarred at the older man, "But they did! And my mom, what happened to her! Huh?" He dropped the picture as though it had bitten him, "She just left!?"
Jiraiya sighed, "Naruto, you are in no position to judge her. She left for reasons that I do not agree to, but she was so young, and her world was falling apart... She loved you very much, and it killed her to leave..."
Naruto spat, "But now she thinks she can just waltz back into town and make peace with me? Is that what she wants?"
Jiraiya's eyes widdened, "You saw Aza? Here?" He turned to Tsunade, "Why did you not tell me that Aza had returned?"
Tsunade closed her eyes, "It was her wish that her coming back was kept secret...but obviously, Naruto has seen her..."
A tear fell down Naruto's tanned cheek, "It's not fair...If she had died, or had been killed, I could have forgiven her... But...just leaving because things were hard? I can't...I can't forgive that."
Tsunade nodded, "I understand Naruto, I really do, but...won't you talk to her? At least once?"
Naruto shook his head, "No... I don't want to see her...not yet anyways..."
Tsunade stood, "But Naruto-"
"But nothing! I'm leaving!" and true to his word, Naruto turned towards the door, threw it open, and ran, tears distorting his vision.
Sakura watchd the door swinging back and forth on it's hinges, her eyes dark and stormy, "Will he be okay Kakashi-sensei?"
Kakashi, for once sitracted from his book, shook his head, "I think so Sakura... But it may take time. Naruto may seem very happy on the outside, but I think that he's just hidding how hard life really is for him..."

Naruto sat on the swings, kicking his feet to push the swing, and crying. He heard some one approach behind him, but paid no heed as they sat down on the swing next to him. "N-naruto..."
He knew that stutter any where.
"Hey Hinata..."
Hinata fumbled with her sleeve, then began to press her fore fingers together, "anou...N-naruto...wh-what's wrong?"
Naruto grimaced, "Hinata...did you know that the yondiame had a kid...?"
Naruto glanced at Hinata out of the corner of his eye, "Well...he"
Hinata smiled smally, "W-well N-naruto, I think it i-is very fitting, for y-you to be the yondaime's son... But...if I may ask, who was your m-mother?"
"My mother was never married to the Yondaime, but apparently they loved each other alot..." Naruto glanced at the setting sun, "But after he died, I guess things just got to hard for her, and she left..."
Hinata stood hesitantly, putting an apprehensive hand on Naruto's shoulder, "I'm s-sorry Naruto..."
"Me too...But, she came back, and wants to see me..."
Hinata starred at the ground, her quiet demanour keeping her from comforting the sun bleached adolescent. The best she could offer was her small mumblings of advice, "I th- think that p-people can ch-change... even j-just a little...s-so maybe sh-she ch-changed and w-wants to st-start over..."
Naruto sighed, planting his feet on the ground, and pushed off the swings. Facing Hinata, he smiled, "Yeah...maybe you're right..." Inside, he knew that he had to face her, that he had to know why she left...that he had to face his inner demon, no pun intended, and had to put this whole ordeal to rest. Things had to be resolved, for better or worse. Besides, what did he have to lose? Best case scenario was that he adapted to the life with the woman who abandon him, worse case scenario was he returned to being what he had been for so long. An orphan, pure and simple.
"Yeah Hinata..." he repeated, "Maybe she did change..." He sighed as the sun dipped passed the horizon, taking the light from the city, and allowing the stars to come out in their full glory.
As a shooting star streaked across the sky, he hugged the shy girl, the young teen who so wanted to be strong. And this time, answering her wish, she was brave, and did not pass out.
Hinata changed... Naruto thought, so maybe my...mother... did too...

kougasmate- oh my god, fluff! I don't like the ending part...or this whole chapter, much... but bah, who cares? review please! This chapter is dedicated to everyone who reviewed, I love you all! For so long, I've wanted to write a story that got over my all time high of five reviews, and you guys made that and sooooo much more happen! I love you all! -cries- darn it, now I'm crying...well, g'night!