Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Legacy ❯ The Bet ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Welcome to chapter three of “Legacy”. Now, Nairne Arashi, who is he? Short black hair and brown eyes sure doesn't look like Naruto. Of course the manga already revealed who Naruto's father is but, those who hadn't read the manga, there are spoilers.
So don't blame me when you read the rest.
Some of you may wonder who Akizakura is, she me! That's my username on Okay, ONWARD!
“Wow,” Naruto felt like his breath had been taken away. Before him stood a magnificent mansion with beautiful designs carved on to be preserved for centuries.
“T-This is…”
“Pretty amazing huh?” Arashi chuckled, Naruto just nodded in reply. Arashi slid the silver key into its key hole and turned the knob. Click.
“Tsunade said they kept it clean over the years,” Arashi ventured into his home, “But no one has lived here since” he paused; “nineteen years ago” Naruto stepped into the mansion.
“There are many rooms upstairs so pick the one you want,” Arashi instructed, Naruto just stumbled upstairs. There was two stairs, curved and end up on the first floor, the way you would see in palaces. The stairs were covered with a worn-out reddish-pink carpet.
“Get new carpets,” Arashi mumbled.
“Wow, these rooms are awesome,” Naruto was currently browsing the rooms. There was one shut, unlike the other rooms which were left open as the sunshine peek through them. Naruto gently turned the door knob, his eyes widen.
--XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX--- Haruno Sakura
I ambled along the lively streets of Konoha, it was half past noon. The hospital was in order with no life-threatening injuries plus, it was her lunch break.
“I'll go see if Naruto wants to spar,” she gently kicked a pebble (A/N: As in our kind of gently not her and Tsunade's kind of gently)
Something was wrong, he wasn't there. He wasn't at Ichikaru's, he wasn't in his apartment, he wasn't with Sasuke-kun, and he wasn't in the forest training. She had already checked the mission book (when Tsunade was dozing off) he wasn't scheduled for a mission either.
`Relax, Sakura, breathe,' she splashed some cool water onto herself. `He's probably just hanging around and I'm NOT going to spend my lunch time looking for an idiot. So much for my spar'
She glanced at her reflection in the mirror. Haruno Sakura was a beautiful woman with jade-green eyes that seem to capture the hearts' of men, her silky and smooth hair matched her name, and she was kind, smart, caring, and a great medic to top it off. I mean what else do you want more? Other then a fair temper, normal human strength (so she won't kill you), etc.
Okay, so she had her flaws but, she was still beautiful.
“Haruno-san, one of the patients needs you,” a young timid woman poked her head into the woman bathroom.
“I'm still on my lunch break!” Sakura whined.
“H-He wants to talk to you, he says h-his name is U-Uchiha S-Sasuke,” there was a light blush on her face.
“Okay, tell him to meet in my office,” Sakura sighed, “Thanks Ami-chan” She nodded before disappearing. `All the girls are still clinging onto Sasuke-kun, it's so annoying,' Sakura had gotten over her crush and was now searching for Mr. Right.
Her heels clicked as she walked to meet Sasuke but not before she grabs a cup of coffee.
“Hi Sasuke-kun,” Sakura smiled sweetly as she closed the door behind her. Sasuke glared at her.
“What took you so long?” Sasuke snarled.
“Coffee,” Sakura sipped her StarBucks coffee, “What did you want to see me about anyways? I'm on lunch break you know?”
“Sorry to waste your precious lunch break,” Sasuke rolled his onyx eyes.
“If you came here to be a rude bastard, then I'll show you the way to the door,” Sakura replied, she sat down on her big ass office chair.
“I came to talk about Naruto,” Sasuke wasn't going to be beating around the bush.
“What `bout him?”
“I can't find him anywhere,” Sasuke glanced at the clock, “I asked the old man at Ichikaru's, he said Naruto ate lunch with this weird guy”
“Weird guy, how?”
“He says he never say that guy around Konoha before,”
“Could be a traveler,”
“I think there's a connection”
“A connection, about what?” Sip.
“I don't think Tsunade-sama was talking to Naruto about the prank. She would have just punched him or made him do D ranked missions for a week or so,” Sakura had literally pounded saying Tsunade-sama instead of “Tsunade” or “That Old Hag” into Sasuke ever since he returned.
“That guy had short black hair with brown eyes and Kakashi-sensei had said he noticed something weird about him”
“Kakashi-sensei?” Sip. Twitch.
“I met him on the way here,” Sip. Twitch.
“I bet it's nothing,” Sakura declared while Sasuke rolled his eyes. Sip. Sip. Twitch. Sasuke eyes Sakura's coffee.
“I was right about the fake Naruto in the Chunnin exam,” Sasuke protested, “I bet it's something”
“You're on,” Sakura smirked, “Uchiha, you are so going down”
“10,000 ryo”
“You seem pretty confident,” Sip. Sip. Sip. Twitch. Twitch.
“You inherited Tsunade-sama's luck at gambling,” Sasuke chuckled.
“Shut up!” SLURP!
“Damn, are you PMsing woman?” he mumbled it a bit too loud. SLAM! And Haruno Sakura's office officially had another hole.
I'm not going to make Sakura all clingy and weak. She's smart, short-tempered, beautiful, etc.