Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Naruto Chronicles ❯ Teresa of the Faint Smile (Claymore) ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A⁄N: I know, I know. I said this chapter would be Kushina, but I forgot I already began that story and it is on my missing flash drive. I don't really want to work on a different story line for her as it probably would take one away from one of my chapters later on. This is a little spontaneous as I've began reading Claymore again and it is just on my mind. Anyways, here is the latest addition to the Naruto Chronicles.

Naruto is Eighteen in this chapter.

I Do Not Own Naruto or Claymore.




Chapter Eight: Teresa of the Faint Smile

"Ow..." Naruto muttered under his breath as he looked at the clear blue sky and radiating sun above him, baking him into a crisp. "What the fuck just happened?"

Slowly picking himself up, grains of sand fell from his body as a small imprint of him was left in it. Finding this odd, Naruto looked around him and came to one conclusion. "And when the hell did I end up in a desert?"

Seeing that questioning himself was getting him nowhere and fast, Naruto picked himself off the sandy ground before beginning to mutter to himself. "Alright, I'm in a desert and I have no clue where I am... Well, if this is the desert in Sunagakure, heading west would be prudent as that would lead me into the land of fire... So I need to find which direction is west..."

"Perfect." Naruto muttered sarcastically to himself as he looked around him and every sand dune looked the same. "Well, the sun should give me a hint."

Looking up into the sky, Naruto's face fell as the sun was in the middle of the sky, hanging their and baking everything with its powerful glow. "Oh come on... Can't I at least get one break! Is that too much to ask for you damn bastard?!"

Getting no response, Naruto grumbled to himself as he knew he wasn't going to get a reply any time soon. Then in a stroke of luck, he remembered he carried a compass just in case of events like these. That and he always seemed to get horribly lost.

Taking it out of his pocket, he frowned as he noticed the hand spinning around madly as if it didn't know what direction was what. His face twitched in anger and with one mighty heave he threw the compass as far as he could. "YOU NO GOOD PIECE OF SHIT!"

Sighing and regaining his composure, Naruto was about to walk over and pick up the compass he threw, knowing something had to be wrong with it and he wanted to get it fixed, when he caught the sound of sand shifting behind him and turned around to see a hideous creature.

It had a reddish skin pigment and stood about eight feet high and had the darkest and deepest set of black eyes he had ever seen. Instead of hands it had razor sharp claws that seemed to be perfect for slicing through almost any flesh with over extended arms to give it more range for swiping.

A tail almost equal to its body size dragged against the ground as it moved towards him. Its knees were inverted and would be able to give it a greater burst of acceleration. There seemed to be a patch of blonde hair on the top of the scalp and at the chest there was two protruding bumps almost like that of breasts.

"What the fuck?" Naruto murmured to himself as he looked at the creature in slight aw and disgust.

While he had no clue what it was, there was no doubt to what it use to be. It use to be a human. Not only did it use to be human, it use to be a woman.

"Maybe she was one of the gay pedophile's experiments..." Naruto said to himself as he slowly dropped his hand to his pouch, ready to defend himself from the creature if he needed to. He had a feeling he would as he could see that it looked hungry and its sights were set upon him.

Wordlessly taking out a kunai, he stared down the beast before being taken back as it spoke, not to him, but more to itself. "Oh... he looks so yummy... I hope his organs taste as good as he looks."

While this disgusted Naruto even more, he was ready for it to attack as he was quite sure the creature saw him as food. No, this wasn't a creature. It was a monster. She might have been human once, but whatever happened to her had turned her into a monster and she could no longer control herself.

He was caught off guard as her claws shot out towards him like lances and would have pierced through his chest like butter if he hadn't rolled out of the way.

"Okay, that's new." Naruto spoke as he looked towards the monster with a new found respect. It had piqued his curiosity and he wanted to see what it could do before he jumped in and put it out of its misery. For all he knew, it might have other abilities that could cut him down before he was able to deliver a fatal blow.

It once again came after him with the extended claws but he easily evaded them this time knowing that they would be coming. He had to admit they were quite fast, but they were slow compared to the movements he was use to.

After a few more dodges, he could tell that the female monster was getting highly irritated as Naruto easily evaded her every attack. She had even begun to mutter to herself in her rage and he could at times catch what she was saying. "Stupid little human... How did one learn how to move so fast?... My he's got a cute..."

Naruto stopped listening to the female creature as he was quite sure it didn't know that it was a monster. All he knew she was screwed up in the head and wasn't sure what she wanted to do. Eat him or...

He shivered at his last thought and felt a little queasy. Pushing his very disturbing thought out of his head, he rolled out of another lance attack before going on the attack with his throwing weapons.

Using a few of his shuriken, he aimed perfectly and let them fly before frowning as all but one were blocked by the lances. The one that had made it had merely bounced off his skin harmlessly as if her skin was made of steel.

The said creature looked at him oddly as she noticed the thud the weapon had made, but hadn't even left a bruise on her skin. "Pathetic... All you have is speed... And a nice..."

Naruto once more shut her out as his body shivered lightly at the thought of being with the creature in an intimate way. He blamed Jiraiya for the images in his mind. He had been the one to open his curiosity of sex and now he couldn't shut it off.

Being caught in his mind, he was caught off guard as the monster launched towards with almost blinding speed. He never stood a chance as its hand pierced through his stomach and exited through his spine.

The creature merely smiled as she looked at the surprised look on the blonde's face as the wind began to pick up and howl as sand began to wrap around them. "Too bad. I was hoping you would last a little longer... So I could use you more then food..."

"Put him down!" A female voice carried through the sand and wind.

Looking to the direction of the voice, both saw a young woman with long platinum blonde, almost pure white hair that gently carried in the wind along with a young girl with long, light brown hair and an odd shade of green eyes.

The older of the two's skin was as paler then the younger girl and was unnatural to have being in a desert. She wore metallic shoulder pads with a white cape that reached her back and an armored skirt with a semi armored cloth shirt, probably meant to protect from lighter blows. She also wore a pair of boots with metallic casing on the foot yet not the ankle to hamper her movement.

But her most important feature was her deep silver eyes as she looked at the creature and the giant double edged sword she carried on her back.

For some reason, her gaze only made the creature chuckle as she gazed over towards her. "Oh... A Claymore... And there is only one of you?! And you have brought more food with you! ...I'll be right with you... After I feed on this juicy morsel..."

Naruto only laughed at the creature, gaining its attention along with the 'Claymore'. Seeing their attention onto him, a smirk crossed his face as he gazed at the monster before coughing a little bit. "I don't think so... I'm only a decoy..."

Suddenly, Naruto turned into a plum of smoke catching the creature off guard as she pulled back in surprise. It was a horrible mistake as the real Naruto was right behind her with a spiraling orb of chakra radiating a brilliant blue as the sun's light caught it perfectly.

Before the creature could react, Naruto was on her faster then her eyes could adjust. "RASENGAN!"

With precise aim, the blue orb of chakra made easy work of her tough skin and bones and shredded through it and into her brain. A dark, purplish blood splattered all around and onto him as he drove through the creature as if it was never there.

As the body slackened and hit the ground, Naruto wiped off the blood that landed on his face before he turned back towards the two that had appeared and distracted the monster for a split second making the kill that much easier.

He noticed the younger girl wore a brown, padded dress that seemed a little heavy to be wearing within the desert but it didn't seem to bother her too much. She also had two fingerless gloves that stretched to just below her elbows and wore a small pack on her waist that was position behind her.

Being himself, he waved at both of them with a bright smile on his face as he walked over to them. "Thanks for showing up! That monster probably would have seen my attack coming if you two hadn't dropped by!"

The elder female frowned as the blonde haired man waved at her. "How where you able to kill a Voracious Eater so easily? I've heard and seen humans that can kill yoma and that in itself is not a problem. But not a single person outside the organization has ever killed an Awakened.”

Blinking as he came to a stop, not but a few feet away from them, he had no clue how to answer her question. Honestly, he thought it was no big deal, but the way the swordswoman's hand was slowly edging towards her claymore, he knew that was not the case.

Even more confusing was that he could feel a very faint trace of yoki in her system. While it wasn't impossible for her to be a demon vessel herself, he had already met the other eight, if they were still alive. So that left him perplexed as he didn't know how to answer it until a word she said caught his attention.

A Yoma. He knew from Kyuubi that yoma’s were very weak type of demons that ranged mostly from D to B class. But, the gates to Makai were closed so there would be no more Yoma left in their world as they were systematically killed off by the nine as they were taking away their food sources.

That left him even more confused before everything slowly began to come together and he muttered under his breath. "Damn fox... Where the hell did you strand me...?"

He could hear a deep, dark laughter within his head and his head drooped knowing that Kyuubi had done something to cross worlds or shift dimensions. While he wasn't sure what it was, the fox had stranded him in an unknown world, probably for thrills.

"Excuse me?" The swordswoman questioned as she had caught his mumbled words and her frowned deepened, not sure what to think. That's when she caught a very, very faint trace of yoki flow within his system and to his head.

Never seeing such a thing before, she followed the pulse of the yoki and found something she had not expected. There was two separate powers within his being and seeing the yoki coming from the other, she followed it.

She froze at the pure malevolence and unrestricted power of the yoki. Even such a small amount felt absolutely horrifying as her heart began to beat and her hands began to tremble. She knew without a doubt now why he was able to defeat an Awakened Being with such ease. His power, by far, dwarfed its and if she wasn't careful she would lose not only her life, but her ward's.

But as quickly as it came, it was gone and replaced by the soothing radiation of the other side. While it wasn't as powerful as the other, it matched its vileness with nearly unmatched caring and love. But what shocked her was that on its own, it was more powerful then any Awakened One she had every encountered before.

Before she knew it, she was brought back to the outside world as a pebble hit her right between the eyes.

"Hey there! Are you okay?" Naruto's voice echoed through her ears.

Looking into his eyes, she instantly knew that she had been caught diving into his being. However, instead of being upset he seemed to be content that she had seen into his power and had realized there was two different sources. That on its own made her wonder who he was even more as he seemed not to care that she knew of his power. Or did he even know that she dived into his being?

"Teresa?" This time it was the girl's voice that brought her back to the waking world.

"I'm alright Clare." Teresa answered as she regained her composure and looked the darker haired blonde straight into the eyes. "Never mind my question... I'm no longer apart of the organization anyways. ...However, they may pursue you if they learn that you can defeat Awakened Ones."

"Well, I don't know who they are or where the hell I am." Naruto commented as he pocketed his hands. "And honestly, I don't really care. Unless they are at least thirty to fifty times stronger then that thing, they won't be able to harm a hair on my body."

Teresa only shook her head and sighed as she placed a hand on Clare's right shoulder. "Then you should be worried as I was Number One until I left the organization for this child. While Number Two to Four are no problem for me, they are exactly forty times stronger then that Yoma you had just killed so they may give you some trouble."

Naruto was mildly impressed hearing that and was somewhat interested as he hadn't had a decent challenge in a while. In fact, his last challenge was when he defeated Madara and that really wasn't a challenge. He was just lucky that he had won that fight.

Putting that thought out of his mind, he shrugged his shoulders. "Ah, oh well. It doesn't matter until I figure out where the hell I am and how I can get back home. Those take priority and I won't let anyone stop me from returning home... If there is a way back."

Nodding as she agreed with his statement, Teresa motioned for something from Clare and the young girl handed it to her before she handed it to him. "I believe this is yours. If you want it fixed, come with us to the next town. I'm sure someone will know how to repair it and if not, you probably can get another one."

Blinking at the broken compass, he lifted his head before noticing a light bruise on the young girl's head. Gripping the back of his head and scratching, Naruto laughed nervously as he looked her in the eyes. "Oh... Sorry if that hit you in the head young lady. I was just frustrated with it as everything right now seems to be screwing me over."

Before he knew it, the girl was besides him and hugging him as tightly as she could. It was very strange for this to happen and hearing the platinum blonde gasp, he knew this wasn't an ordinary thing. "I'm guessing she doesn't do this often."

Teresa nodded in response as she was surprised by Clare's reaction and she just couldn't find a reason she would do such a thing unless... She frowned as she looked over at him as she wondered how her companion was able to see how someone lived just only by looking into their eyes. "Yes, Clare has only done this with me before that I know of... Because she could see pain within my eyes that I buried long ago."

"Ah," Naruto commented as realization came to him before he bent down and gently hugged the young girl, "Don't worry about me... Everyone has there hardships in life and sometimes, a few of us have to go through paths that no one should have to. ...It is unfair, but that is just how it has to be. You just have to look on and take in what you have around you as it will not be there forever."

Feeling her grip tighten, he was slightly surprised to find that she had passed out while hugging him. Blinking at this, he looked up to Teresa as he gently lifted her up into his arms.

Teresa sighed lightly as she gently stroked her hand through her hair. "Don't worry... You words brought back certain memories for her. ...She's in very fragile state right now as I know it hasn't been long since her family was killed by Yoma and she was used by them... In despicable ways before I accidentally saved her from her nightmare. She's been following me ever since."

Naruto repressed a snarl as he looked down at the young girl. He didn't need to be told what they did to her; he had a very good idea on his own. It was sick to think about so he suppressed his anger and decided to vent on the next Yoma he saw. He had a feeling that in this world, that wouldn't take too long.

As if sensing this, Teresa motioned for Naruto to follow her as she turned towards the direction she knew the town was in. "The town is a few hours from here. If you would please, carry Clare for me. I am quite tired myself."

Nodding, Naruto stepped besides Teresa and walked besides her as they headed for the town. "The name is Naruto Uzumaki by the way and thank you."

"Teresa." She answered simply as she led the way, not uttering a single more word as she thought about what had just transpired.

Naruto didn't say a word either as he was contemplating on how the hell he had arrived here. He knew the fox had power, but it was ridiculous to think that it could transport him to another world altogether. It wouldn't have been too farfetched that it took him to a different island continent, so he was sticking with that for now but he wouldn't have been sure how he got there.

He also had to wonder what was with the girl as she had been able to see all the pain he hid so well just by looking him in the eyes. To an extant, he could do the same but to instantly know that person has a good heart was something even he had difficulties with. Sasuke was a prime example of that.

And the woman he was walking besides was quite strange as well. He wasn't sure if she was a demon vessel or a half demon. It wouldn't surprise him if she was the latter as he knew the potency of her yoki wasn't at its peak. The only problem he saw was that was that she would have to have a demonic parent and he wasn't sure that was the case.

As he puzzled this, he noted that Teresa had put on a hooded cloak as they neared what seemed to be a village. He wondered why she had done this, but he figured she had a good reason to as he fell behind her. Soon as he did this, he suddenly felt something was off as a there was a small output of yoki within the town.

It was so small, that he would normally have paid no heed to it, but because there was no one else of its level besides himself and the woman that brought him into town. Noticing a lot of people beginning to gather, he enhanced his vision with chakra to see what they were gathering around. They were gathering around a yoma with a child in its grasp.

His face fell as he saw this and was about to let Teresa when he heard the said woman sigh. "Damn, and here I thought I was going to get to relax..."

With a flick of her wrist, her cloak flew from her body as she passed by the crowd, who was in shock as they saw her.

"A Claymore!"

"What's a Claymore doing here?!"

"I don't know!"

Teresa paid no attention to the villagers as she stared down the yoma with her silver eyes. "And here I was ready to relax, but no... You had to ruin it soon as I got into town."

The yoma's attention was fully on Teresa as she stood in front of him. It no longer cared for the child in its grip as the woman was a threat. He had never seen a Claymore before, but he knew they were dangerous as he had seen many corpses of yoma's after a Claymore was done with them. So without a second thought, it let go of the boy and charged her.

Naruto's eyes widened as in a split second, Teresa was behind the yoma with her sword already drawn. She was far faster then he could have anticipated and there wasn't a single wasteful motion. In fact, she was so quick that he almost hadn't caught her movements. But, from that one move he knew he would be able to follow her movements if there was a next time as he wasn't prepared for such a quick attack.

Purple blood dripped from her blade before blood began dripping from the yoma's stomach and the top portion of the torso slid off and hit the ground with a dull thud before its gut splattered onto the ground.

"Messy," Teresa softly spoke to herself as she cleaned the blade with a single swing and sheathed it, "And now I can't say here as they now..."

She was taken back as she heard everyone cheering seeing the yoma had been slain. So she could only blink in surprise as a man, probably the elder, came up to her as a woman and her husband quickly ran over and picked up her son. "Oh thank you! I don't know what we can do to repay you!"

"There's no need to thank me. A man in black..." Teresa was forced to stop herself as she had almost given her customary answer as if it was a reflex. As the guy was waiting for her to finish, she shook her head. "Never mind. Just forget about it. I was passing through and decided to help. No need to repay me..."

"I insist! There must be something we can do!" The elder responded as he wouldn't take no for an answer.

Seeing Naruto walk besides her, her eyes landed on Clare's sleeping form and she lightly smiled before turning back to the elder. "I would like a room so we can rest from our long journey. Also, if anyone can help direct him home as he is lost, I would double appreciate it."

"Of course! We'll get our best room ready for you! Just give us a moment and it'll be ready for you! I'll also put a map in there so you can find your way home young man!" The elder responded before he quickly rounded up the inn's owner before leading them to the inn.




"Damn... This map really is useless... At least my compass if fixed though, not that it is of any use as of right now." Naruto commented as he leaned back in one of the chairs as he gazed out the window.

Teresa only looked at the map before looking over towards Clare and sighing softly. "It seems that you are indeed from a different continent... But then, how did you end up here? Many people on the coast have searched for other lands, to try to find a place without yoma, but they have all failed."

Naruto shrugged as he took a swig of the sake he managed to barter from the bar down the road. It wasn't too hard. He just said he was Teresa and he got a six pack of freshly brewed rice wine. "Don't know myself. All I know is that it deals with a certain fox bastard that won't tell me."

Frowning at his response, Teresa sighed again as she ran her hand through her hair. "And how exactly is this fox 'bastard' you speak of?"

Taking another sip of his sake, Naruto tapped the table a few times and after a brief silence, he answered. "He is the darker energy within me that you sensed. That is the fox bastard I speak of, Kyuubi no Kitsune."

She was taken back by his response. He had indeed caught her when she dived into his being to try and find where the source of the yoki came from. "But... How?! No one has ever been able to sense me when I read another!"

Naruto simply shrugged his shoulders at her before standing up and stretching as he looked out the window. "Eh, it’s an ability of mine I guess. I just know when people are intruding into my space. ...And I really don't mind it. You didn't and still don't know me so you need to know what I'm capable of as I could be a threat to Clare."

Teresa was caught off guard once more as Naruto turned his head slightly and looked back at her. "Don't be surprise... I can see it within your eyes. You care for that girl more then anything else right now. ...Besides, after seeing your little demonstration, I'm pretty sure that we're an even match if we ever were to fight as long as I did use the fox bastard's power."

Regaining her composure, Teresa looked at Naruto oddly for both of his statements. She knew from the little she saw of his fight against the Awakened Being, he was quite fast and had at least one deadly technique in his arsenal and he somehow knew she was living for Clare. "And what makes you think that you are an even match for me, the strongest warrior on this continent?"

Naruto smirked at her before turning from her and looking outside the window. "Because... I am the strongest from my continent. Plus, I can sense your power as well as you can sense mine if not a little better."

Frowning at his answer, Teresa was half tempted to take him outside to see how strong he was when he suddenly spoke again. "...And on that subject, there are four strong presences just entering town."

Teresa felt as soon as Naruto had, but she could only sense that there were three. She quickly ran from the window and began to suppress her yoki to the limit in hopes that they wouldn't notice. But she instantly began to recognize the sources of the yoki and knew hiding wasn't an option. "Fuck... I guess I'm going to have to ask you another favor..."

Knowing what she was going to say, Naruto looked over at Clare for a moment before nodding to himself before turning to Teresa. "Get out of here."

Looking out of the window, Naruto noticed three women wearing the same exact outfit Teresa was wearing before turning to the said woman. "You said you left the organization right? If they're anything like the hidden villages of where I come from, they'll send a team for your execution for betraying them."

"Yes, it is like that." Teresa answered back as she looked at the young girl as she slept soundly on the bed. "I was marked a traitor for killing bandits to protect Clare... I broke the most important law for us half human, half yomas and killed humans as they already have such a hard time trusting us."

While the half 'n' half part was slightly surprising to Naruto, he nodded in understanding before he smiled softly at her before opening the window. "Then they are here for your head if that's the case... And as much as I want to return home, I can't stand to see good people have to go through hardship... So take the girl and get out of here. I will draw their attention and stop them."

Hearing metallic foot steps just outside, Teresa knew she had to act now. It was either fight or run and the boy was offering some time to get away. She didn't doubt his strength, but even this was a no win situation as he didn't know what he was fighting or their abilities. But something about his demeanor made her feel... She couldn't quite place the feeling.

Not wasting a second, she quickly picked up her armor and strapped it o, making sure he claymore wasn’t jammed just in case. Picking up Clare, she turned to Naruto. "The one that's about to enter the door way has a technique that accelerates her sword swing faster then anyone else. The one with shorter hair outside is far more agile then anyone else then I know and the one below us is physically stronger then even myself."

Suddenly the door was knocked off its hinged but as soon as it was it exploded as a tag in front of it went off.

Naruto only nodded before turning to Teresa and kissing her lightly on the lips. "Thanks; now get out of here… I'll keep them from chasing you and Clare."

Seeing Clare wake up, Teresa nodded as walked to the window and was ready to jump out before stopping and turning back towards Naruto. "You know that they won't stop trying to kill you after this."

"Eh, let them try, I don't die easily. Just get her out of here and live your life to the fullest. ...As these four won't be coming after you." Naruto answered back as his eyes turned gold as he looked into the smoke of the door.

Seeing the sudden change of his eye color, she had to wonder if he was like her as well. Taking a deep breath, she moved to jump before speaking softly as she jumped out the window. "Come find us after this is over..."

Part of her felt guilty as she knew she could take the three out but as she was jumping out, she noticed that there was a forth warrior that she had not felt before and she was waiting for her. But before that warrior could act, the ground below her collapsed and she fell into a hole.

Teresa could only smirk as she had barely seen it, but she saw what Naruto did nonetheless. Within a few bounds, she was out of the village and could sense the others were not chasing her.

Looking back at the village, Teresa smiled softly as she held onto Clare tightly. 'You better survive... So I can truly see if we're as evenly matched as you say.'

Back in the village, Naruto smirked as four women in the same armor as Teresa glared at him before placing his hands in a familiar cross. "Sorry gals, but you won't be chasing Teresa again after today. ...Now let's get wild!!"

The resulting collision of metal sounded out for miles.




Ten years later, Teresa smiled lightly as she parried the swing from Clare.

Teresa looked almost exactly the same way she did ten years before. The only difference was that she had thrown away the equipment the organization had gave her and replaced it with an all black uniform that was similar to it and a single holster on her back for her Claymore.

Clare had grown into a young woman, even if she didn't act like one. She had kept her hair long and if it wasn't for the difference in hair color, many would mistake her for Teresa by looking at them. She had a tomboyish attitude despite her drop dead gorgeous appearance and really didn't try to be lady like despite Teresa's protests.

Not that Teresa had many, she just wished Clare to act more her age. She wore the same outfit as Teresa as she was determined to help and trained at such a high level that she could beat lower rank Claymore's in a straight fight. But as of late, Clare was seemingly determined to become stronger as of lately. While it could have been many reasons, there was one that stood out beyond the others.

Clare was trying to impress the young boy she had picked up after passing through a village that was having problem with a yoma and decided to help.

Teresa could only roll her eyes as she could tell with every movement that Clare was trying to impress him too much and it was throwing off her normal focus. With a quick movement of her feet, she knocked the sword out of her hands before tripping Clare to the ground.

Sheathing her Claymore, Teresa sighed as she looked down at Clare. "You're not focusing Clare. ...If this was a real battle, a warrior in the forties could have killed you. You're better then that, so get your head out of the clouds. It won't be too long till they'll send Alicia and Beth after us and you need to be ready to defend yourself if I'm not able to fend them off."

Clare looked down at the dirt below her and tightened her hands into fist. She knew Teresa was right, but she couldn't help but get his image into her head. She hadn't been fighting at her best ever since he came along and she didn't know why.

As if sensing this, Teresa shook her head as she watched Raki set the fire and began to cook diner. Looking down at Clare, she ran her hand through her hair and smiled as she looked up at her. "Clare, maybe you should tell him. There is no reason not to and you know he isn't going to reject you. You save him like I save you all those years ago and because of that, you're everything to him."

Flinching lightly, Clare turned away from Teresa and sighed deeply. She knew better then to think Teresa hadn't noticed her growing affection for Raki, but she didn't think she made it that obvious. "I know... I should. But I'm just afraid... That he's going to disappear... Like he did all those years ago."

Teresa frowned as she instantly knew who Clare was talking about and shook her head. "Raki is not going to disappear... I'll make sure of that, Clare. I promise you, he won't... And neither will I. But if you want to protect him, you need to tell him."

Seeing the look in her eyes, Clare knew Teresa would rather die then let Clare down. Even now, she was living for her and she was finally beginning to understand what she meant all those years ago. Reaching out, she wrapped her hands around Teresa and brought herself into her. "Thank you... kaa-san."

Patting Clare lightly on the back as she accepted the hug, she waited till Clare released her from her hug before standing up as her face became emotionless. "Clare, I have something to do real quick, but if you see the two warriors with the symbols I showed you, take Raki and run."

As Clare nodded, slightly afraid thinking something might happen; Teresa walked into the bush and began to head towards where she felt the two great amounts of energy. She wasn't completely sure if it was yoki as it was being suppressed to a staggering level, but she had improved her ability to sense by two, almost three fold in the time since she met him.

She was afraid that it might be the organization sending Alicia and Beth after her, but if she was away from Clare and Raki there was no need to worry. But the closer she got to it, the less one felt like yoki and the other felt more malevolent then almost anything she felt before. Realizing it could be him, she began to run towards she felt his presence.

But as she reached where she had sensed the presence, nothing was there but rubble. Her blood froze as she realized where she was. The very town where Naruto battled Number Two through Five. She had not been there in almost ten years and was shocked to see it looked exactly the same as it did then.

Teresa slowly began to walk through the rubble filled roads. She knew Naruto wasn't the cause of the damage as she had heard from people that survived that he evacuated everyone when the strongest of the four had become a yoma. She could still feel what happened by walking through the roads as if it had just happened and she had witnessed it.

Before she knew it, she reached the center of the town and her face fell further as she looked at the crater torn ground. The blood had been decomposed, but Teresa could still see it as if it was yesterday. Closing her eyes, she knelt down and brushed her hand through the dirt of the ground. "I should have stayed with you that day... I would have never thought an there could be such a powerful Awakened One."

"And what would that have gotten you, Teresa of the Faint Smile?" A woman's voice reached her ears from behind her.

Teresa didn't even need to look back as she knew who it was from the voice alone. "Irene..."

"What would that have done, Teresa?" Irene asked once more as her long, straight haired swayed in the wind.

Closing her eyes, Teresa shook her head as an image of the blonde haired warrior in orange flashed before her eyes. "I don't know... But I know at least that girl that became the Awakened One wouldn't have went on a bloody rampage as she did and taken hundreds of lives."

Irene said nothing and gave no facial expression one way or the other. In an instant, she was forced to jump as Teresa was on her with her Claymore drawn. Landing on the top of one of the few still standing buildings, Irene looked over at Teresa and growled. "What the hell?!"

Teresa glared straight at Irene as she pointed her Claymore straight at Irene's left shoulder. "You aren't Irene as she lost her left arm in the battle against Priscilla and is on the run just like I am. ...Besides, you have two different energy sources, one happening to be yoki... Naruto."

Looking at her for a moment longer, Irene sighed before the image faded away and was replaced by Naruto, looking the exact same as he did ten years ago. "Damn... I thought I mimicked her yoki perfectly."

He was quickly forced to jump back once more as Teresa had slashed at his chest. "Why didn't you come back?"

Naruto was caught off guard by this, but he didn't show it as he looked at Teresa as she came for him once more. Pulling a kunai from his pouch, a loud, metallic clang sounded through his ears as it met the claymore.

Teresa frowned as he was able to keep off her sword with such a small blade. But what she was surprised by was that he was holding her back with only one arm. A small smile crossed her face as she kicked for his stomach only for him to flip back allowing her to spin on her foot and bring the claymore to his back.

Or so she thought as he suddenly disappear as if he was never there.

Standing up straight, her smile became less faint then before as she turned behind her to see Naruto standing on the same building he was earlier with his red cloak flapping in the wind. "You've become stronger since then... But you still haven't answered my question. Why didn't you come back if you have been alive all this time?"

"Damn woman, you haven't given me a chance to answer the question! You've been trying to kill me!" Naruto complained loudly as he stomped on the building.

Of course it began to collapse as the force was far more then it could take and Naruto jumped in front of it as it collapsed into itself. As the rubble and dust bellowed around him, he looked over at Teresa and smiled back at her as he took another kunai from his pouch. "And my answer is... I was busy. I couldn't let a thing like that ruin this world the damn fox has brought me to.”

"Hmp, this world is already in ruins... The only thing we can do to make this world better is take out the source so the yoma will stop being created... The Organization." Teresa countered as she placed her claymore in front of her and pointed it straight at Naruto. "But for now... I want to see if you are truly as strong as you said you were back then. I've been waiting for that moment as the first time I met you, I knew you were the only one that could."

Naruto only shook his head as he stood in front of her with a kunai in both hands before smiling himself. "Same here... I've been waiting for a chance to go all out against someone... Maybe you are the one that can test my capacity."

Teresa's smile slowly became fully visible as her eyes flashed lightly as she looked over at Naruto. "Ah, I was going to say that myself... Don't disappoint me."

In less then half a second, a loud clang of metal sounded through the area as kunai met claymore as two smiling warriors faced off.




An hour passed and the fight was still raging. But now, they were both worn out to the point that whoever delivered the next blow would win.

Naruto grunted in pain as he slowly picked himself off the ground, his smile still plastered on his face as he looked over towards Teresa as she did the same. He was enjoying this too much. He hadn't felt this exhilarated since he was twelve and he fought Sasuke on top of the hospital roof. He admitted that he had tougher battles, but he didn't enjoy them like he did that one and this one was exactly like it if not even more entertaining.

Now he had to finish it as he looked her in the eyes.

Teresa panted as she lifted her claymore from the dirt, straining her arms to do so. Her entire body shook, but she was firmly enjoying this battle as her smile had not faded. He was even tougher then she thought and this was all his power alone. The bastard fox, as he would say, had no hold in this fight and that's the way she wanted it.

But now she had to use her yoki to win as she looked him in the eyes.

And the gold eyes met before one last clash sounded throughout the abandoned village.

It was over as Teresa's claymore was held firmly over the back of Naruto's neck as he knelt on the ground, panting heavily. Teresa only smiled more as she looked down at Naruto. "Looks like you were right... But I'm just a little stronger."

"Is that what you think?" Naruto answered as he looked up at her with a bright smile as his eyes reverted to their natural blue coloration.

As Teresa realized what he meant, she felt a tap on the back of her head as Naruto in front of her turned into smoke. "And that means I win."

With a loud thud, Teresa's claymore fell from her hands as she fell to her knees. For the first time in her life she had been truly beaten. And she didn't even feel an ounce of shame, even if he had beaten her with the same move she had seen when he first appeared on this continent. "It seems that way... There is nothing I can do."

Naruto only smirked at her before both his kunai fell from his hands and he fell into the ground besides her, face first. Slowly rolling to his side to face her, his smile had somehow became larger. "Good... Because I was bluffing. I didn't have the strength to truly finish it."

Teresa's brows twitched at that comment before she sighed and shook her head at the blonde haired warrior. "Why am I not surprised? I should have known as deception is any warrior’s best weapon."

"Eh, I'm just good at deceiving people. I am a ninja after all." Naruto commented as he looked up at her as the moon's light radiated off her skin giving her an unearthly glow around her.

So it wasn't a surprise that he made a snide comment before he could think about it. "Damn, you look fine."

He found his head buried a foot into the ground as Teresa slammed it into the ground. "Don't get any funny ideas. Besides, no one can stand being with a half human, half yoma that way."

Pulling his out of the dirt and shaking his head to get it out of his ears, he looked up at Teresa before shaking his head as he sat besides her. "Well, even if I meant it like that, you didn't have to slam my head into the ground. Besides... I know what a Claymore's chest looks like... I've had to heal a few of them when they accidentally ran into an entire battalion of Awakened Beings in the northern lands."

Teresa raised her eyebrow at this, but said nothing as she placed her arms over her stomach and chest. She didn't want to admit it, but she was feeling slightly aroused after fighting to her fullest and she swore he was coming onto her. But she was also worried as heard that all twenty-four Claymores sent to the north had died and from the way he said it, there was some that survived.

Naruto rolled his eyes at her reaction before looking up at the moon before smiling as he looked over at her. "You know, I can mend it so it would only look like a normal scar if you want."

She quickly looked at him as if he had lost his mind, but seeing the look in his eyes told her that he wasn't kidding. "Why? This is proof to others that I was one of the organization soldiers at one point..."

"But you aren't now, are you?" Naruto countered as he looked at her before looking back up towards the moon. "...Besides, it is the least I can do. You're the first person that has ever made me feel that excited in a battle before."

"It wasn't only the battle that has you excited, is it?" Teresa fired back with a smirk on her face as she looked over him before shifting her eyes down for a split second.

Naruto flushed a bright red and turned away from her for a moment so he could flatten everything out. He frowned as he heard her beginning to laugh at him and acting against his better judgment, he turned around and jumped on top of her. This of course ended in the two rolling a few times before they stopped with Teresa pinning Naruto.

"Well, it looks like I win this time." Teresa commented as she looked down at Naruto before leaning down so they were almost nose to nose. "But since you beat me, here's your prize..."

Her eyes closed as she leaned further into him as her lips softly pressed against his. Her skin tingled at the contact as if small bolts of electricity were being generated from the kiss as she deepened the kiss. It seemed that he was really expecting it at first, but he slowly began to kiss her back and soon, she found her tongue entangled with his.

Breaking the kiss, Teresa slowly rolled herself off the shinobi and taking a deep breath. She really wanted to be with a man, but every single man would run after seeing the mess the creation of a Claymore created. With a single pull, she pulled off her shirt revealing the upper half of her body to the shinobi. "You can have me... If you can stand to have a body like this."

Outside the horrendous scar that seemed to infected from her stomach up to the top her chest, her body was something to behold. It was too bad that most of the attention had to be brought to the scar as she had a nearly perfect set of breasts that were quite large, especially for a woman that fought as much as she did.

Bringing his hand to her stomach, he gently traced the scar before gently applying some of the fox's chakra to his fingers.

Teresa gasped as Naruto's hand trailed the scar of her operation. Her entire body trembled as she felt a foreign yoki being injected into her body and burning away at whatever it touched. It was quite painful, but she instantly saw what it was doing as he slowly trailed his hand across the scar. It was taking the sickening, green flesh that seemed to be rotting and returning it to natural, unblemished skin.

Her entire body shook as she saw this and she could no longer feel the pain as she watched in amazement that the scar that proved she was a half human, half yoma disappear. It was an odd feeling and her spine shivered as he reached her chest and the last of the hideous scar. And as he reached the last of it, he brought his lips to hers and gently kissed her as a sudden spike of yoki surged into her and in an instant; her body began to twitch and spasm as she climaxed.

Releasing from the kiss, Naruto looked down to see nothing but a bright red scar left where the infected yoma skin had been. Satisfied with his handy work, Naruto smiled lightly at her. "There, it is no more..."

He couldn't finish what he was trying to say as Teresa reconnected their lips and pressed her bare chest against his. She didn't like the fact that he was still clothed so with her enhanced strength, she ripped off his jacket and shirt with a single try and pulled them off before pressing herself against him.

Naruto had to admit, he was enjoying the feeling of her body pressing up against his as they kissed yet at the same time it was slightly awkward. Maybe it was because he hadn't been with but one other woman and she wasn't this aggressive. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he held her tightly to him as he pushed his tongue into her mouth before her tongue began to press back in a slightly uncoordinated fashion.

Neither was one hundred percent sure what they were doing as they had never really been intimate with another before. They were just going with the passion they felt within them and it was overwhelming them.

Teresa was feeling too good to let the feeling stop just yet. She hadn't felt this way before and it felt so wonderful that she just wanted more as she slowly began to lean back towards the ground, taking him with her as she refused to let her lips break from his.

Being dragged on top of her, Naruto gently ran his fingers over her skin. While it didn't look like it, her skin was fairly rough from all the scars she received in her battle intensive life. But each scar he came across, he tenderly brushed his fingers along them and injecting a small amount of his chakra to give a slight shocking sensation that wasn't enough to cause pain.

Breaking the kiss so they could breath, Teresa shivered as if a small current of electricity was flowing through his nervous system. It wasn't painful, but rather gave her something akin to pleasure. Continuing to shiver, she looked up at the darker haired blonde as he moved in for another kiss. She leaned into it and wrapped her hands around his back and trailed her hands across his lower back.

After a few moments, their kiss broke and Naruto sat up as Teresa released him from her grip. Gazing upon her moon lit body; he lustfully smiled at her as she had an unnatural beauty around her. He felt like he wanted to continue and she had already offered herself to him, but he wasn't ready to take her just yet.

However, Teresa was and she was getting what she wanted. Not giving him and option out of this, she grabbed him and pulled her on top of him before rolling him over. In half a second, her pants were at her knees and she had unzipped his pants and pulled them down enough for his erection to be shown. Her eyes widened slightly before shrugging lightly as the size wasn't all that uncommon.

Gingerly placing her hand on his pulsating member, she was pleasantly surprised from the warmth. Stroking it a few times, Teresa couldn't help but smirk as he gasped and moaned from her few pumps and felt further aroused. She knew she needed this and with a firm grasp of his cock, she lifted herself to where it was rubbing cautiously against her vulva before gently lowering herself onto him.

Naruto was having an out of body experience as he watched her slowly going down onto him. Well, that was what he thought at least as the feeling of the warm walls constricting around his member and bringing him further in was something he wasn't sure how to describe. It was just too amazing for him to even form coherent words within his own mind outside of... "Oh fuck that feels good!"

Teresa deeply blushed at his words as her body shivered as she completely slid onto him. She whole heartedly agreed with his statement as it felt better then anything she had ever been able to do for herself on those lonely nights. Even if she was half yoma, she was still half human and had the need to have sexual bliss.

Feeling herself constrict around his size and adapting for it was an odd feeling, but it was very, very welcomed and she knew the real act was only going to feel even better. Controlling her shivering, she placed her hands firmly onto his shoulders before lowering herself down onto him and pressing her lips against his.

No longer being able to withstand it as she kissed him, Naruto reached out and gripped her butt tightly, making sure he had a firm grip, before he began to pull himself out before quickly pumping himself right back in like a piston. Feeling her entire body vibrate against his, he couldn't help but increase his speed as her warmness kept pulling him back in.

Softly moaning into the kiss, Teresa began to swirl and rock her hips with each of his thrusts. Her body began to shiver even more from the lewd act they were performing in the middle of a deserted town. For some reason, it only turned her on further as she began to match his tempo and attempted to synchronize their movements, but failed miserably as she couldn't focus that well as the bliss coursing through her veins kept was too much.

Needing air, Naruto released the kiss and began to deeply grunt as he focused chakra into his thighs and hip to increase his rate by almost double what it was before. It was a neat trick Jiraiya had taught him, he just never thought it was going to be useful until now. And her moans really turned him on to give her all she could take as he thrusted into her pulsing womanhood.

Teresa's entire body was shaking as it was becoming all too much for her as he began to pound into her tightness. At this rate, she knew she wouldn't last much longer and their battle before had left her with almost her energy spent. But strangely enough, she was beginning to feel more and more rejuvenated with each second that passed as she neared her release.

Hearing her moans slowly beginning to increase in frequency and volume, Naruto knew she was closing in so he did something even he didn't think was possible. He began to go even faster and reached even deeper into her with each and every powerful thrust. He had a small feeling that it was the fox that was responsible for this, but he couldn't complain as it was helping him reach his climax. Seeing that she was about to release, Naruto leaned his head into hers and kissed her deeply just as she couldn't take it anymore.

After a few more thrust, the feeling was all too much for Teresa as her juices erupted around the intruding object. But before she could moan out to the world, she found herself locked into a deep kiss with Naruto and couldn't help but match his intensity as a foreign, yet warm liquid began to flow into her.

Even after their climaxes had concluded, the two continued kissing for a full minute before they broke apart and sat up so they could breath.

Naruto was the first to recover as he had been with a woman before and had slightly more experience then Teresa. "Wow... Wow... That's all I can say."

Teresa smirked as she regained her breath before kissing him lightly on the lips. "It was great... Nothing can ever top that in a thousand years."

She might as well have challenged the universe as she said that. And that was definitely a challenge to Naruto and he did not back down for a challenge. "Oh, is that so?"

Catching his voice, Teresa was beginning to regret having said that as she was rather tired and now felt like she was going to be taken on for a ride by the blonde haired shinobi. She attempted to nip this in the butt, but stopped as suddenly there was two blonde haired ninja.

"Apparently, you've forget there can be more then one me to give you double what you felt." Naruto commented as he grinned at her along with his clone before Naruto slowly pulled himself out of her.

Teresa gulped. She knew she was going to be in for it now as one Naruto had satisfied her plenty, but what were two of the man going to do to her. Scratch that, three of them! She was seriously beginning to regret that she ever offered her body to the blonde as she was going to be severely sore in the morning, if it even came!

Taking a page out of Jiraiya's famous books, Naruto decided that he was the most lubricated out of his clones and picked Teresa up from behind and placing his slick cock head against her puckered anus while his first clone placed its member against her entrance before swiftly entering her.

Gasping loudly, Teresa soon found her entire body shaking as she felt the quick insertion. While it was still quite pleasurable, she was still very worried about what Naruto was going to do with his penis at her anus... She quickly realized what he planned to do as she gasped loudly in pain as he began to push himself into her rear entrance.

It was painful; there was no doubt on that. It hurt as each in began to slide into her, but that was slowly washing away as the clone in front of her began to gently move himself within her causing her enough pleasure to almost ignore the entirety of the pain. It was still there, but it was much more tolerable then before. Then something strange happened as he hilted himself within her.

She was beginning to enjoy the feel of it. This confused her greatly as this was something she wasn't expecting and she definitely wasn't expecting to feel as good as it did. Or was that just because the clone inside her vaginal entrance was giving her enough relief that she didn't really feel anything from it.

Now all that was left was the last clone and what she was expected to do with that. As she was being lowered onto her back and onto Naruto's chest, she saw the clone step towards them before kneeling down with erection right at her face. A large blush covered her whole face she realized what he wanted her to do with the clone. She had heard of giving oral to a guy before, but she never had really thought she would ever have to.

But now, in this situation, there wasn't much of an option to it. Well, that and the fact that both Naruto and his clone were beginning to slowly thrust themselves into her making her entire body tremble with pleasure. Within a moment, it was too much for her and she reached out and began to stroke the clone as she leaned over to it and brought it to her mouth.

Teresa wasn't sure how to do this, but she had enough to go on to just try it. Bring it to her mouth, she flicked her tongue at it a few times to get a feel and a taste before bring the head to her mouth. She had eaten worse things, so she could withstand giving the clone a blow as she kissed the crown before she slowly began to engulf the head.

Naruto could only groan as he saw Teresa do this. He had to enjoy his shadow clone technique as they were transferring the pleasure they were receiving to him, giving him three times the excitement then before. And her rectum was far tighter then her womanhood and was absolutely impossible to resist thrusting into it even harder as he gripped her breasts tightly.

Her entire body shook as the ecstasy of the two slamming into her. Naruto was right, it was even better then before. This was absolutely divine and she didn't even mind that she was currently giving him, or his clone, she didn't know which, a blow job. Swirling her tongue around the shaft, she made a lascivious sound every time she slurped on his cock.

It wasn't long before she found herself ready to explode from the treatment she was receiving. It was too overwhelming as she wasn't sure what to do in response to what the three blondes were doing to her so she just focused on the one in her mouth.

Sensing this, Naruto drove himself further into her puckered rear as he was ready to blow himself. He was sure his clones were going to last longer then him as she was just too tight and he couldn't hold back his release as it began to sputter out and into her.

Teresa nearly screamed as she felt his semen beginning to fill her bowels. While it wasn't the feeling she was expecting, it was just the thing to set her off an orgasm. Because of this, she lost track of everything else and before the clone's cock fell out of her mouth just as it was releasing, causing her face to be splattered by its essence. It was just too much for her and she passed out, not caring that even more semen began to splatter her face and breasts.

The clone pumping himself into her folds saw this and as soon as he neared his release, he pulled himself out before repeating what the other clone did.

As it finished, both clones turned into plumes of smoke as their purpose was finish leaving Naruto, who was ready to pass out himself, with the job of pulling Teresa off him and cleaning her off.

With the last of his strength, he pulled a blanket out of a scroll before he too passed out from an overload of ecstasy.




Clare was worried. Teresa had not come back last night and she didn't know what to do. Her mother had always been there for her and she was just not sure of herself as Teresa meant everything to her.

Without a second thought, she grabbed the claymore Irene had given her and was about to head out when Raki's voice stopped her. "Clare? ...Clare, what's wrong?"

Almost forgetting that the boy was there, Clare turned towards him and was conflicted about what she was going to do again. While Teresa meant everything to her, Raki was someone that was very precious to her and if she lost him, she wouldn't know what to do.

Going over her options, she was about to tell Raki to stay there when Teresa walked through the brush, with a noticeable limp in her walk. Seeing the shocked and relieved look on Clare's face, Teresa could only smile as she shook her head. "Sorry for worrying you Clare, but I ran into someone familiar last night."

Clare refrained from running over and hugging Teresa. She was just really; really glad she had come back. But now, she had to wonder who she had ran into that caused her to not come back till morning. "Kaa-san... Um..."

"Ow! Teresa, did you have to hit me so hard?" Naruto's voice echoed from behind Teresa.

Suddenly, the blonde haired shinobi stumbled through the brush and landed besides Teresa with a noticeable lump on the top of his head.

Clare's eyes widened as she instantly recognized who it was and was shocked to see that he hadn't aged at all after ten years had passed. It was too much for her to decipher and she fainted, straight into Raki's arms.

"Oh, it seems Clare has a suitor... OW!" Naruto commented before Teresa smacked the back of his head.

Teresa ignored him before shaking her head as she sat down next to Raki. It was going to be very interesting with the blonde haired shinobi traveling with them.

That was for sure.




A⁄N2: Well, there is the eigth chapter of the Naruto Chronicles. I hoped you enjoyed it and sorry for this not being Kushina or Yakumo. Soon as I find my flash drive, those two will be updated. If not, the next update could be anyone. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and hopefully the next chapter won't take too long. Peace out.