Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Naruto Chronicles ❯ Nibi no Nekomata ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Okay... I'm inconsistent as hell with this story. Sorry for yet another update by I lost my flash drive with the next chapter I was going to publish. So for now, the Yakumo chapter (the chapter this was suppose to be) will have to be put on hold as my flash drive is missing in action. However, I will continue with this chapter so I hope you enjoy.

I Do Not Own Naruto. Kishimoto owns Naruto and he's beginning to work off his debt to his fans.


Chapter Seven: Nibi no Nekomata

"Fuck!" Naruto yelled as he was forced to duck into a trench his fellow Konoha shinobi had built.

The eighteen year old blonde panted heavily as he pulled out a kunai and looked over to his fellow, yet beaten friends. No one was faring well and the battle was not going in their favor. If it continued, they would be forced out of the Land of Water and lose everything they worked so hard to gain in the last few months. However, Madara and Kirigakure were not going down without a fight.

Madara and Kisame were the last ones standing for the Akatsuki, Sasuke having been executed by the Cloud for his attack on the Raikage's little brother, Kirabi the jinchuuriki of the eight tail bijuu. Madara had killed Nagato when Pein had tried to overthrow him and Konan had disappeared off the face of the earth.

Learning of everything that happened and Madara being the fault of Kyuubi's imprisonment within him, Naruto chased him down to the mist only to face off against an entire army at his disposal. Even with his strength, he was no match for an army and was captured. Madara on his own couldn't extract Kyuubi and didn't have shinobi at the right level to extract it so was stuck at an impasse.

Tsunade caught wind of this and declared war on the Mist. In the first battle, Konoha had recovered Naruto, who, ever since was fighting in every battle wanting to earn his revenge on the masked Uchiha. But now things were at their worse and the Kiri army was going to push them out of their land.

But Naruto wasn't going to be kicked out without a fight. Calling upon the last amount of his sage chakra, he created two clones as he jumped out of the trench. The two clones quickly followed him and began to form a four bladed Rasengan in Naruto's outstretched hands as he rushed the Kiri forces.

Kunais, shurikens, water jutsu, earth jutsu and even lighting jutsu flew towards him as he headed towards the Mist trench, but Naruto and his clones dodged each one, only getting small cuts or scrapes as they moved ever closer.

Just as he neared their trench, the two clones were finished and Naruto jumped into the air and above the trench with the Rasenshuriken in hand as his two clones jumped into the trench and blew up. Seeing everyone was forced out of the trenches, Naruto smirked as he saw a certain blue skinned man jump out, looking at him and glaring.

Naruto couldn't help but smirk more as he threw his Rasenshuriken towards Kisame, ready to finish their battle.

Kisame glared at the Rasenshuriken as it closed in onto him before bringing Samehada in front of him. With one swing of the blade, he sliced the powerful attack and two and the blade absorbed the explosive damage towards him leaving him mostly unscathed. His troops around him were demolished by the jutsu as he couldn't stop it all, just enough to keep him from being killed.

Looking back up at Naruto, he frowned know the blonde wouldn't use his best technique so wastefully. And he was right when Naruto suddenly turned into smoke. However there was no time for him to react as the real Naruto appeared behind him and shoved a Rasengan into the middle of his back before taking a kunai to his throat and slicing.

Blood splattered across his face as he kicked the shark man into the ground, knowing that he would no longer be a threat. Taking the bloody kunai, he simply threw it behind him, killing the mist shinobi trying to sneak up behind him and catch him off guard as it stuck into his throat.

Naruto noted that he was surrounded by at least ten shinobi from the mist, all of them jounin. Even he knew his odds were low against them as his chakra was almost gone and he refused to resort to the fox. Still, some chakra from it would be nice so he could get out of this situation.

As if answering the call, chakra flooded his system and a burst of red chakra surrounded him. It wasn't enough to shape itself into the fox, but just enough for Naruto to get out of the situation alive. 'At least the fox listens...'

Creating two more shadow clones, Naruto smirked as he beckoned the shinobi to come when an ominous voice reached his ears. "Ah, Uzumaki, we meet again."

Naruto cursed mentally as he knew the voice all too well. Madara was there meaning he was a liability as he was using the fox's chakra. While Madara couldn't control him while he used it, he could severally damper his movements as Kyuubi would be resisting him the entire way, urging his chakra to come back to him.

Now, this left him in a pickle as he needed the chakra the fox had just gave him to get out of this alive. But Madara could now just force it back and leave him with none making him a sitting duck. And even if Madara let him take care of the jounin, Naruto would have to escape the masked freak in order to survive. It was a no win situation and he was pretty sure he was screwed.

But a savior had arrived as everyone was suddenly unable to move. "Naruto, you are too reckless. You should have waited for us."

Naruto grumbled before nodding at Shikamaru as he kept everyone pinned. But more importantly, Madara was pinned and having trouble moving and using his teleportation jutsu. For the first time in the war, there was a chance to take out the mastermind of the Akatsuki. This was an opportunity he could not afford to waste.

Creating a Rasengan, Naruto charged the orange masked nukenin with intent on bringing this war to a close. He absently heard Shikamaru yelling at him to stop, but he couldn't really tell. He was too focused on his goal of eliminating the greatest threat to his village.

Just as he reached the masked ninja, Madara had freed himself and was about to teleport himself out of danger. Naruto, however, reacted too fast and had slammed the blue orb into his chest as he jumped, taking the blonde with him.



Appearing in a dark cave, both Naruto and Madara skidded across the ground before both started hacking for different reasons. Naruto because the pressure of the jutsu left it hard for him to breath and Madara as he was just struck in the chest with an A-rank assassination jutsu.

Even in his excruciating state, Naruto could see Madara wasn't ready to jump and carved a seal onto the palm of his hand, ignoring the pain it caused. As the blood began to flow from his hand, he crawled over to Madara and grabbed the back of his head with his bleeding hand and slammed it into the ground.

Madara had just regained his breath when his face was put into the ground. It had been a while since this had happened to him and he would be damned if he was going to be beaten by an eighteen year old. Driving his elbow into the blonde's gut, he rolled out of his grip and unsheathed a ninjato from within his cloak and sliced at Naruto's jugular.

Naruto was prepared as he reflected the blade with a kunai before gripping onto Madara's wrist tore into it with his sharpened claws as Kyuubi's chakra poured into his system.

Gritting his teeth, he dropped the blade as it wasn't his weapon of choice before picking his foot up and kicking Naruto in the gut, sending him into the wall.

It had been a while since he had felt pain and he was adjusting to it badly as he hadn't been touched in over twenty years. Sure, he let Deidara strangle him but that was just to get a rise out of the blonde and that was his alter ego Tobi...

"Boy! Even if you were at full strength, you could not defeat me!" Madara claimed as reached up and grabbed his mask. "And now... I'll prove it."

With the release of the mask, Naruto gasped as Madara's Sharingan suddenly morphed into the Mangekyou while chakra exploded around him in a violent. It dawned on him that the mask was to contain his own power.

As if seeing this, Madara smirked as he looked at the helpless blonde as he tried to pull himself off the wall. Focusing his chakra to his right eye, Madara was going to end this once and for all. "Uzumaki, this is where it ends... I may lose Kyuubi but I will have eight of the nine and that is all that is need. This is your end, Amaterasu."

But something happened that Madara had not predicted. The chakra that was focusing to his eye suddenly ceased as the seal on the back of his head glowed red. He instantly gripped the back of his head in pain and stumbled forward yelling.

Seeing the seal work, Naruto burst off the wall will the last of Kyuubi's chakra in his system and picked up the dropped ninjato before driving it into and through Madara's chest, right where his heart was. Driving him back into a human like statue with nine eyes, Naruto pinned him into it with before pulling out his last kunai.

"No! This is your end!"

As those words echoed off the walls, Naruto brought the kunai and sliced it through both of his eyes before driving it through his head, right between his eyes. Blood splattered onto his face in large amounts as he continuously stabbed him as he had yet to feel satisfaction for what he had done to him and everyone else in his life time.

Unknown to him, the blood was seeping into the eye that he had pierced when he drove Madara into the statue.

Dark blue chakra began erupted around the statue and the earth began to rumble forcing Naruto to stop and take notice. Backing up, the blonde began to feel fear as he knew he had just released a bijuu. He cursed at his horrible luck as the navy blue chakra began to take shape outside of the statue and in a flash of light, a forty meter tall cat with two tails roared as the cave began to collapse.

"Oh fuck!" Was the only words that rolled off of Naruto's tongue as he looked up at the black cat as he began to avoid falling debris from the collapsing cave.

Naruto knew he was screwed. For one, he was pretty sure his chance of surviving a cave in without knowing the exit would kill him. Two, he was very sure he couldn't take on a bijuu. And finally, he was very sure he couldn't take one on if he somehow survived the cave-in in the first place. For once in his life was very, very limited. This one he would need the fox.

Just as that thought crossed through is mind, he was unable to dodge a large fall in and nearly crushed from the blow.


"Well, well, well mortal. It seems that you need my help after all." Kyuubi bellowed as he gave Naruto a fanged smirked.

Picking himself out of the dirty water, Naruto just stared at the fox. He really didn't want to agree with the fox, but the damn thing was right. He needed its help.

Kyuubi only chuckled as it looked down at the blonde as he stood up. "I can see it written on your face, you don't want to die yet. And I'll grant you life if you just take off this seal."

Naruto rolled his eyes as he looked over at the fox before laughing. "You have to be kidding! Why in the world would I release you?! You would just eat me if I did as you remind me of that every time I come down here! Come on fox, this isn't your best manipulation!"

This of course pissed the fix off and attempted to cleave the boy in two put its paw was kept well away from him due to the bars of the cage. Kyuubi growled loudly, wishing it was free so it could do as the boy said. However, he had a few cards up his sleeve. "There isn't much time left boy... We will both die as the amount of pressure is crushing your body and I for one don't want to die! ...Despite what you think, releasing the seal wouldn't automatically mean my release and your death."

Hearing what the fox said caught Naruto's attention. He was always sure that releasing the seal would kill him and free the fox but it seemed the fox knew something he didn't. "What does that mean Kyuubi?"

Kyuubi gave another fanged grin as he looked down at the blonde mortal. "Well, it just happens to be that releasing the seal will give you all nine of my tails for a short period of time. But afterwards, it is a whole different story. There is a ninety-nine point six percent chance that we will both die afterwards as the seal kicks in and drags me to the underworld with you."

"What about the other point four percent?" Naruto instantly questioned as he listened to the fox. While his chances of life were low, he would take them right now as he was looking forward to death. There wasn't much to look forward to in life, but he stayed optimistic.

Kyuubi had to admit he had a small, very small, amount of respect for the boy that contained him. He loved to gamble and he could tell the boy was considering what his options were. Now if he was to give them the rest he would take the bait. "The other point four percent is divided into four."

"The first and my second most detested would be that we would both live and I would be stuck within you for the rest of our lives. The second and my most detested outcome would be that you live and I die. However, my most favorite is that you die and I live and I can devour your carcass and piss on your grave knowing that there is no one left that can stop me."

"And the final one?" Naruto questioned once more as he glared at the fox, getting impatient as he could feel his strength weakening by the second and knowing that his life was fading.

Kyuubi could see this as well and quickly gave in as if the blonde died now, so would he. "The final percent is a combination of the first two and my power and chakra is permanently transferred to you... Turning you into me, the lord of the all demons."

Naruto looked at Kyuubi in shock. The fox was actually risking his power on a very, very, slight chance to live. And there was a very small chance that he, Uzumaki Naruto, could become the next Kyuubi. While the thought at first was quite bad it turned quite good as Naruto thought of all the ways he could use the power.

"Hurry up boy and choose otherwise we will both die for sure! I do not have the power to heal you from this amount of damage unless all nine tails are released!" Kyuubi urged Naruto on as darkness surrounded the blonde and the fox.

Looking up at the seal, Naruto slowly walked towards it as he did when he believe Pein to have killed Hinata. His mind was made up as he was going to die anyways, so why not take a chance with it that might let him live.

With one pull, he ripped the seal off and the power of the nine tails was unleashed onto the world once more.


Feeling the great power pulse, Nibi no Nekomata stopped and growled as it was nearby. The fox was nearby and it was out of it containment. She wanted nothing more then to destroy it, but it went away as quickly as it started it.

This puzzled the great nekomata as she was sure she had felt the fox demon's power. In fact, it felt that she was on top of it as there was still a faint trace of it being right beneath her. Knowing the fox wouldn't have been caught by a cave in like this, she expected it to be a vessel and clawing the ground a little and removing the debris, she came to realize what happened.

A small, cat-like grin crossed her lips as she looked down at the blonde haired boy as red chakra pulsed around him.

She could work with this.


Naruto suddenly awoke, unsure of what happened. All he knew was that he wasn't dead. Because if he was dead, he was quite sure he wouldn't be in a very comfortable bed. While it was possible, it was just unlikely as he had a different view of what the other worlds would be like when he died and was put in one or the other.

However, it could be heaven as the smell in the air was absolutely divine. He was drawn to it on instinct and couldn't help it as his body got up and headed towards the very intoxicating smell. What he found knocked him back in reality as he was put into the wall by a black haired woman. "My, you are up earlier then I expected, Kyuubi."

This confused Naruto more then ever as he was beginning to believe he was having one of the fox's dreams when one of the five possibilities came back to him. He was now Kyuubi and more then likely, the fox was more then likely dead. He knew he should have found it obvious as nine fox like tails were connected to his tail bone, but he was just not thinking clearly at the moment.

The woman chuckled as he noticed the shock on his face before pulling him forward viciously before being dragged back to the bed. He was carelessly thrown onto the bed before he found his arms shackled to the bed stand.

This caught him off guard as he tried to break them but the woman sat on top of his chest and smirked. "Not happening. Not even with the power you inherited from the original fox bastard can break adamantium metal. Try as much as you like, but you aren't leaving her till you come to my terms."

Naruto quickly found that the woman was indeed telling the truth as no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break the chains or the metallic bed stand. It made him wonder how they were made but he was pretty sure an extremely high temperature was involved and he didn't have that kind of control with the power, that he just learned he had, he now had.

Taking a look at the woman, his face fell as he instantly noticed the two cat like ears on the top of her head and the two swaying tails behind her. It also wasn't helping that she wasn't wearing a bit of clothing and her rather large breasts were revealed to him. In fact, he was quite sure she had a pair just as large as Tsunade.

"Ah, you know who I am now fox." The nekomata exclaimed as she purposely stretched out, hanging her large breasts over Naruto's face.

Being in a very awkward situation and knowing he was having a certain problem around his crotch. He had to mentally curse as he was a man and he wasn't immune to woman. In fact, he was very sure he was just the opposite of that. He cursed Jiraiya to hell for perverting him.

This only made the cat giggle as she looked behind her to see his erect member and slid down to his stomach as she curled up onto his chest, looking at him with a shit eating grin.

"So my body makes you feel hot, does it?" Nibi purred out as she worked her magic, knowing that she was moving him into position for her bargain. After all, he didn't have the knowledge like the original kitsune did; who she made sure was good and dead.

Feeling the uncontrollable urge to jump and take the cat like the bitch she was, Naruto panted a few times as he tried to think about this reasonably. But that damn smell was getting to him and it was pissing him off like no tomorrow. It was also arousing him like there was no tomorrow and leading to his uncontrollable urge to have sex with the neko on top of him.

Gathering what little amount of restraint he had left, he looked at the cat demon and panted out. "What exactly... is it... that you want?"

Nibi smirked as she was impressed so far with the blonde haired demon. He was showing for more restraint then she had expected and he was at least proving to be a slight challenge. More then impressive as humans had always fallen straight for her charm and given her what she wanted.

Sensing that he was gaining more and more control by the second, Nibi quickly spoke as she intensified the amount of pheromones she was emitting into the air to regain control of the blonde. "Oh, nothing much. I, however, do wish to be Queen of Demons."

Even though it was hard to think as the smell around him had intensified and made him almost cave into her demands. But his training as a ninja paid off from having been forced through similar testing when he was in the waterfall with Jiraiya and the blue haired demon vessel. He was able to resist the temptation as he looked her in the eyes. "And why should you be a Queen?"

The nekomata frowned as the boy had managed to resist her once more. She had to admit, he had incredible defenses and was becoming more worthy of being her king by the moment. However, she wasn't going to let her chance to have power over all the demonic world slip out of her hands. It wouldn't be long till the other bijuus were released and they realized there was a new Kyuubi.

Slipping off his chest, Nibi laid besides Naruto and began to nibble onto his ear as her hand reached down next to his erection and began to rub his thigh suggestively. Increasing the amount of pheromones her body was outputting even more, she lightly licked his earlobe. "Because..."

At this, she moved her hand to his erection and slowly began to trail across his massive tool inch by inch, stroking it ever so gently as she whispered sensually into his ear. "I can give you what no other woman can ever give you. I would do anything for you, even become a little cum slut just to be your Queen and rule over all the demons."

Naruto's entire body was shaking on a whole new level. What she was doing with her hand alone was magnificent and her words made him want to give it to her in more ways then one. But one thing was bothering him. Why was she coming on so strong to him? Was it because she wanted the power to rule over others...

Nibi sensed this and knew she was losing him and quickly. The former mortal was far more resistant to her manipulations then what she thought he was going to be. Then again, Kyuubi was one of the greatest at manipulation and the boy had put up with the fox for numerous years and probably never faulted.

This called for desperate measures and she was ready to go all the way to get what she wanted. And she wanted the throne.

Crawling over his chest, she positioned her face in front of his staggering member and smirked as she turned back and looked Naruto in the eyes. "And this will only be a taste of what you will get if you allow me to be your Queen..."

As soon as she finished, she turned back towards his gargantuan weapon and flicking her tongue over the head. Feeling his entire body twitch underneath her, Nibi smirked before flicking her tongue out again and giving him a good and long lick.

She started with the tip and brought her rough, cat like tongue over his overwhelming manhood tilt it was at the base. She spent a little time there, giving a few soft nibbles and using her tongue to give him far more pleasure before slowly dragging her rough tongue back up, making him feel it at work as she traveled inch by inch.

Naruto was absolutely sure he had died and gone to heaven. The bliss he was in as the nekomata worked her tongue on him was so harmonious that it was almost agonizing. His entire body twitched and shuddered from what she was doing and head couldn't help but take short breaths as he was in ecstasy.

Nibi loved that he was already on the edge. It meant that he would be putty in her hands soon. She loved that she could bring him to the edge so easily as she draped her skillful tongue around the crown of his perfect weapon. She was half tempted to end it all and take him into her mouth, but why give him her mouth when she could let him burst with only her tongue.

She was immensely satisfied as she felt him hardening and could feel his ball churning. However, she wasn't ready for him to come just yet so she gripped his shaft tightly, keeping the white seed from coming out just yet. She wanted him to feel more of her tongue and give him the best possible job she could do.

The blonde now wasn't sure if he was in heaven or hell. While the amount of pleasure he was in was undeniably heavenly, the amount of agony that he hadn't released was hellish. He felt as if he was being punished for not being allowed to get off.

Feeling that he was unsatisfied by being unable to released, the nekomata brought her face towards the head of his tenth tail. Releasing her hold onto his shaft, she licked the head like it was a lolli-pop before taking it into her mouth just as the surge of his essence blew out.

Nibi purred deeply in her throat as the hot liquid hit the back of her mouth. She loved the texture of it as it was filled with so much more then any other man she had ever tasted. But the amount that was coming out didn't leave her with much time to taste as she was forced to drink his cum came out in vast amounts. Still, she managed and there wasn't even a leak as she swallowed the last of his release before pulling off and taking a deep breath.

Looking over to Naruto, she purred deeply as she positioned herself to where she was laying on top of him, his still erect manhood rubbing against her womanhood to keep it hard and ready for action. "If you want more of that... If you want to put that incredible thing of yours into me, make me your queen."

Naruto gazed into the golden eyes of the nekomata. He no longer cared about why she wanted to be queen for; he just wanted to get more intense pleasure like what she just gave him. It was so much greater then anything he had ever felt before and if she was willing to give him more, he would take it. "I'll make you my Queen, just please..."

Purring loudly as she heard this, Nibi took out her key and undid the hand cuffs. She quickly pushed herself off him and onto all fours, her two tails waving and motioning him to come over. "Then come take me, cum into me and make me your Queen my mighty King."

There was no hesitation as Naruto advanced onto the nekomata, letting his instincts drive him as he grabbed her ass cheeks. After pressing and squeezing them for a moment, he took his right hand and gripped himself before lining the head with her womanhood. He was tempted at first just to push it in, but he smirked as he was going to tease her for a little.

Nibi gasped and moaned as she felt what Naruto was doing to her. He was purposely rubbing the plump head against her special place while feinting entering with a push here and there. Her entire body was shaking as she wanted nothing more then for him to take her and let her become his queen so she could rule over all the demons.

Seeing that his head was beginning covered in her juices, Naruto decided that she had had enough of enough of his teasing. He began to slide in his soldier and instantly felt the wonder of being inside a woman. The beating warmth of her vaginal walls tightened around his cock as it went in was beyond divine.

Hissing deeply in her throat, the nekomata gripped the sheets of the bed as he began his intrusion. He was by far the biggest she had taken and attributed it as the original Kyuubi made sure he was large, due to its incredible ego. It was painful as it entered her, however when it was fully inserted she couldn't help but gasping loudly and purring as she turned her head back to him. "Oh... This will be fun."

Naruto grinned as he heard what she said and gripped the top of her heart shaped behind before he started to pump himself into her. Each time he did, he was in heaven and moaned as every time he pulled back the tightness of her walls tried to pull him back in and keep him fully inserted into her. And he couldn't deny them as it felt wonderful being hilted within her.

Purring and moaning as loudly as she could, Nibi scratched and gripped the bed sheets each time he thrusted into her. The feel he was giving her was astonishing and she was forgetting about why she was doing this in the first place. All she wanted was him to continue screwing her like this as it was the best feeling she had ever had before.

Each time he thrusted into her tight box, Naruto drove in faster and harder. It wasn't that he was close; it was that it was hard not to give into his desire of wanting to get into her deeper. He slipped his hands down her side, sliding his hands across her voluptuous body, he reached her two fleshy mounds and placed his hands over them and used them as leverage to drive himself further into the nekomata.

Laying her head onto the bed, she purred deeply filling the entire room, wanting other people to hear her even if it wasn't possible. They way he squeezed and rocked her twins was something on its own but the real treat was that he was now slamming into her womb with each stroke. She wouldn't have thought it to be possible before, but now she didn't care as carnal pleasure took over as she moaned, nearly screamed, out to the world as she came.

Feeling that she had got her release, Naruto picked up the nekomata by her breasts and sat her down onto his lap as he continued to pound into her. While he didn't mind the position they were in before, it felt like he was doing too much of the work and he wanted her to be more active.

As her orgasm subsided, Nibi moaned as she felt him continuing to ram his way into her womb. However, seeing their position, she managed to get him to stop for a moment and pulled her self off him. Hearing him groan in displeasure gave her a sense of power, but she didn't care about that now as she wanted nothing more then for him to be inside her once more.

Naruto quickly moaned again as she turned around and slid herself back onto his pulsating member and began to rock her hips into his. Looking into her golden eyes with his now red eyes, he pressed his lips to hers and gripped her waist as he began to plunge himself into her slick womanhood.

Nibi purred in her throat as she could feel him within her womb once more and love every second that the plump head hit the edge. It was pleasure beyond pleasure in her opinion and she was enjoying every second of it as she bucked and grinded against his thrusts in perfect union.

Feeling the heat building in his sack, he knew it wouldn't be too much longer before his essence would be released into the nekomata. There wasn't a doubt in his mind that she wanted it, so he continued to pumping his extraordinary length into her wanting her to feel it when she became his queen.

Breaking the kiss, Nibi was moaning and purring to the world once more as she drove herself onto him as fast and hard she could. She could feel that another release was close and she knew he was pretty close as well. Placing her hands on his shoulders and leaning back to give herself more leverage, she bounced onto him as fast as she could, ignoring the fact that his face was firmly planted between her breasts.

The sight he was treated to was majestic as he watched her two breasts bounce in his face. The feeling that his head was about the same size of them didn't mean anything as he could feel himself churning. Groaning loudly, he slammed himself into her tightening box as fast as he could until he drove himself as deep as he could as he finally came.

Her eyes widened as she felt his seed streaming into her and her womb. It was like nothing she had ever felt before, mainly because she never let anyone blow their load within her before. However, the feeling was so magical that she couldn't help but scream as loud as she could, meaning people hundreds of miles away could hear her, as she came a second time.

Watching her fall back onto the bed and pant from the experience they both had, Naruto smirked as an idea came to his head. Now, if it wasn't for the fact that her breasts were bouncing wildly in front of his face when he came, he probably would have never gotten this idea. And it was only made better as he saw her outstretched arms were next to the hand cuffs.

Nibi quickly realized something was wrong as she felt herself being hand cuffed the bed stand. She struggled a little as she didn't like the feeling of being chained up until her mate crawled on top of her. She couldn't help but smirk devilishly at him as he knew he was going to do something pleasurable to her. But she had no idea that he was going to use her two mounds to get himself off.

Naruto couldn't help but smirk back as he saw Nibi's wide eyes as he placed his pulsing cock between her oversized breasts. This was something she wasn't planning to happen and it couldn't help but turn him on more as he leaned over and whispered to her. "Oh, I thought you said you wanted to be my little cum slut?"

Catching his drift, Nibi's words came back to her and a shit eating grin crossed her face before she faked a menacing bite. "Oh, I do my King. Use me as your little slut all you want. You've already given me what I wanted."

Grinning manically, he gripped both of her melons and wrapped them around his just as oversized soldier and began to pump into her breasts. The feeling at first wasn't much until he increased the friction and pace. He couldn't help but moan as it was far better then he thought it would be at first and it was the most unique feeling that he had received so far.

Seeing the head poke out of her twins every time he thrusted into her, she couldn't help but see if it was close enough to give it a lick. As the head emerged once again, she stuck out her tongue gave the head a quick flick as it retreated back to its original position. She smirked as she felt him tremble from the lick and began to do it every time the head poked out of her breasts.

Shivering at the combination of her tongue and breasts, Naruto couldn't help but enjoy the feeling as he looked down at the bounded nekomata. He could see that she was struggling to try and bring her head to make it easier for him, but he liked it just as it was. Besides, he was sure they would be doing this more often with the cuffs. They were just a good idea at the time.

Groaning at the feeling he was in, he knew it wouldn't be too much longer before he released a third time. Wrapping her breasts around his pulsating member tighter then before, he slammed into it as he could feeling himself getting ready to blow.

Knowing this as well, Nibi had abandoned licking as it was far too much effort. She was damning the cuffs to hell as she wanted to give her King more pleasure, but this would due for now. Later on, she knew they would have more fun though.

She thought about bringing out her other toys and tools but that thought was interrupted as his white essence shot out from the tip and onto her. It was an interesting feeling as it landed onto her face for the first couple of streams while the final few sputtered and landed on her chin, neck and the top of her breasts.

Licking what was near him mouth so she could taste him once more, she only grinned as she looked up at her king. "Oh, there was so much my king. My, we might be at this for a while at this rate."

Naruto grinned as he watched his mate be covered in his essence. For once, he had to agree with her. They were definitely going to be at this for a while.

There was no doubt on that.


A/N2: Okay, this one was more about the sex then anything else. I doubt any of you are complaining about it, so I digress. The next chapter should be Yakumo, if I find my flash drive. If I don't, it will be Kushina. So anyways, see you all for the next chapter. Peace out.