Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Naruto Chronicles ❯ Akira the Seven Tail Vessel ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: Sorry for this very late update of the Naruto Chronicles. Originally I planned his to be either Nibi or Kushina, but right now I can't think of any good story ideas for the two so I'm going with one that I have an idea for, the jinchuuriki of Shichibi, who in fact is the only other female demon vessel. The next will more and likely be Yakumo as I started with her idea a little before this one but having some trouble with it. If you need a picture of Akira, the place to see her is on Wikipedia by typing Jinchuuriki and it will show a picture of all nine and she is right besides Naruto. If anyone has a better picture of her, let me know.
Naruto is two years older then his canon age.
I Do Not Own Naruto.
Sarutobi sighed lightly as he looked at the sleeping form of five year old Naruto. The matron of the orphanage had told him she would no longer look over him. At first he was ready to strip of her position before she stated the reasons. She had no hatred for the boy and wanted him to stay as he made her day a little brighter, even if a little uncontrollable at times. It was just that her workers and the children were taught to hate him by them and what they saw from others and she did not believe it was a good way for him to grow up.
But this left him in a pickle. He had allowed the boy stay for him the last few months, but with his son's daughter having a child it became more difficult to have anyone watch over with Naruto outside of his training. Even with all his paper work, he had begun to train the boy himself and to his surprise Naruto had picked up on it with unprecedented ease. Strangely enough the boy didn't learn from his words, but his actions, however he was learning and each person learned differently. And the boy strength had risen far quicker then he had imagined as he had to admit Naruto was almost as good as some of the gennin he had seen.
Getting back on the problem at hand, he knew he could not leave Naruto under his daughter-in-law's hands much longer with her taking care of Konohamaru. He thought about giving Naruto an apartment and letting him be on his own but he quickly found that to be a bad idea. For one, a five year old boy taking care of himself was not the smartest thing to do as they didn't know better and would need guidance. He could assign some of his Anbu and more trusted jounin to look over him, but it really would be a waste of their time and abilities to do so. He knew a lot of them helped train the boy when he was unable to do so, but looking over him was a completely different thing.
So what could he do? It really was becoming a problem that had no real solution in sight without him stepping down and taking care of the boy. The problem with that there was no one that really could take over. First there was Tsunade, but here vow to never step foot in Konoha again for everything that had happened to her within the village. Next was Danzo and he just would not let him succeed him as Konoha would be in constant war due to the old war hawk’s perception of life. And finally there was Jiraiya, but he was more of a use outside the village with his skills.
A thought hit him as his thoughts reached Jiraiya. If he remembered correctly, the toad sannin made a vow to train Naruto in the Sage Arts after Minato had passed away as it was the boy's legacy to follow in his father's foot steps. He also knew his student would take the boy in a heart beat having been named godfather to the boy. The only thing stopping him was the man's perverted tendencies that happened to be world renowned due to his famous book, Icha Icha. A man like that really should not have a young boy around him to corrupt and show the things adults do when they have a certain feeling for another.
As if the person his thoughts knew he was thinking of him, the door opened to reveal Jiraiya with a perverted smile on his face. "Hey sensei. I have the newest addition of Icha... Um I mean..." He instantly tried to change his tone and attitude soon as he noticed Naruto was sleeping in a chair next to his sensei. While he knew he wouldn't hear him, it didn't hurt to try to keep it clean just in case the boy woke up as he handed his sensei the said book. "Anyways, other then that I have picked up a little here and there about Orochimaru and the Akatsuki. Nothing new of course; but it doesn’t hurt to keep track of them and any other threats to Konoha. So what's going on here?" At the end he pointed at the sleeping blonde.
Knowing Jiraiya was going to butt in when Naruto was involved, Sarutobi sighed even though he was grateful that he wanted to know what was going on. And Jiraiya could help him come up with a solution to the problem as two brains were better then one. Taking a deep breath as he looked over at the sleeping boy, he turned back to Jiraiya. "A couple of months ago, the matron of the orphanage told me that it was getting bad for him to stay there due to her workers and the children taking up other people's hatred for him. I've been looking over him the last couple of months but with Konohamaru's birth it is getting harder and harder as I can't rely on my son and daughter-in-law to look after him..."
"So in other words you are looking for someone to take care of him as you really can’t any longer.” Jiraiya summarized for him as he quickly understood what was going on. Seeing his sensei nod, he closed his eyes and thought of a moment on what to do. "I can take him now. I know I wasn't suppose to start training him until he became a shinobi, but I can make an exception seeing everything that is going on. Besides, I know you have your hands full and I promise I won't pervert him... Too much. I can't entirely promise that he won't end up with a smidgen of perverseness to him, but that comes with being trained by a long line of perverts."
Sarutobi just glared at his student even if he had a very, very good point. And it really wouldn't hurt all that much, but that was not that point. The point was that he kind of wanted Naruto to be clean of his and almost every other male shinobi of Konoha's problem. Even then, he needed someone to take Naruto off his hands and Jiraiya was offering to take him off his hands. "Under one condition... If you so much pervert him in any way, I will make sure you peep on Tsunade again and I won't save your life when she starts to pummel you to death. Do you understand or do I need to show everyone the video recording that she gave me a copy of your beating?"
Jiraiya paled hearing this and swore Tsunade up and down for video taping that moment as it was something he did not want to relive or others to know about. Knowing that it was only because of his sensei that Tsunade had not killed him that day, he nodded feverishly and he knew that Sarutobi would indeed show everyone that video. "I swear to God I won't pervert the boy!"
"That's all I needed to hear. You can take Naruto in the morning. I'll have his stuff rounded up so you can leave then." Sarutobi said with a smile on his face having secured Naruto's future for the time being. "Be sure to report his progress to me every couple of months and other then that and our stipulation, you have free reign on what to do and what to train him in. ...Wait, there is one other thing. ...I want him strong enough so that when he returns, he can use his true name."
Standing straight up, Jiraiya looked his sensei dead in the eyes before speaking in a serious tone. "You know what that means then."
Sarutobi nodded lightly as he looked over at the Hokage monument before turning back towards Jiraiya. "Yes I do. You will have to tell him who is mother and father are when the time is right. It also means he can pick up his mantle and carry on the legacy of the Yondaime as he is meant to. That's why I've been training him as much as I can these last couple of months. I wanted to tell him every day, but I know he wasn't strong enough to know and I believe with the training he will receive under you, he will become strong enough."
Nodding in understanding, Jiraiya sighed as he looked at his sensei. "Alright, I'll do it. But don't be surprised if the boy comes back with power that is unmatched because if that is the case, I will not hesitate to teach him that jutsu." As Sarutobi nodded, Jiraiya closed his eyes before disappearing in a poof of smoke as he went to get some rest, knowing he was going to need it. After all, kids were not his specialty.
Seven years passed since that day and Naruto was pissed. Pissed because his sensei had left him in a bar in order to talk to a man from his spy network. A bar of all places! Sure, he was twelve and he had been to brothels with the toad sannin, but this was the crappiest bar he had ever been to. Thankfully he was given a hitai-ate on his seven birthday so he was officially a Konoha shinobi so he could order a drink if he wanted.
Over the years he had progress greatly and he knew it. He was officially accepted as a gennin at seven when he received his head band from the pervert and he got his chunin vest when he was eight and just a year ago he was given his jounin flap jacket as he had become far stronger then anyone could predict. He wasn't even sure his sensei could stand up to him in a one on one fight. Actually, he was sure of it as Pa and Ma would be at his side watching him pound the pervert into dust for taking him into a brothel when he was only eight.
Smiling at that memory, he walked up to the bar and sat next to a girl only a few years older then he was. He noticed that she was a shinobi before frowning as he saw the symbol of the Waterfall scratched out on her hitai-ate. Knowing the Waterfall was an ally to Konoha, he kept his mouth shut as the girl downed a bottle of sake. Shaking his head, he put a few bills before looking towards the man behind the counter. "Barkeep, I would like two bottle of sake if you still have some for me and the lady here."
The man normally would have refused him as he was under age, however seeing the Konoha hitai-ate on his head he knew better then to refuse service of a shinobi and grabbed two bottles of sake and handing them the two bottles before picking up the money and noticed it was more then enough. "Hold on, I'll get your change..."
"Keep it. I have plenty." Naruto said as he uncorked his bottle and took a swig as he noticed the girl was looking at him oddly. As she was looking at him, he took in her appearance. She had bluish-green hair and pink eyes. While that was odd, her face seemed weathered and her eyebrows were unnaturally thin. Her skin had a little darker tan then his and held a nice vibrancy to it that she didn't seem to be afraid to show it off. She had a red rectangular pack on her back that he had to wonder what was inside as it was an odd pack for a shinobi to carry. She wore a small white tank top over a fishnet shirt that only covered her chest and not much else as her white skirt was hanging dangerously low on her hips as you could see the crease to her pelvic region.
"See something you like, boy?" The girl asked with hostility in her voice as she noticed his head band as well and even if she was a little drunk, she wasn't going to be picked up so easily for either her bounty or for a night of fun. She had standards and she could instantly become sober if she needed to be thanks to what she was.
A seal pulsed on her stomach and quickly caught Naruto's attention. Taking another drink of his sake, he shrugged his shoulders as he put the bottle down. "Kind of, but that isn't what caught my eye. It was your hitai-ate and what just pulsed on your stomach." Seeing her instantly become defensive, he waved his hands passively at her. "I'm not going to turn you in, so calm down. As for... it, I just mentioned it as I'm like you, a carrier."
The girl stopped as she heard this and narrowed her eyes as she examined him before her eyes caught his whisker marks and knew those weren't natural. She knew vessels had some sort of mark that defined them even if it wasn't visible. However his was and they were on his face. Taking a closer look at him, she found it out that he wore a red cloak with black flames on the edges over an orange and black jumpsuit, but she couldn't complain as the color looked good on him. Picking up the bottle he paid for her and uncorking it, she took a small drink of it. "I see... Which one do you hold?"
"Kyu." Naruto answered honestly as he unzipped his jacket and revealed his jounin vest as it was a hot night and wearing his jacket constantly was something Jiraiya tried to break him off yet was unsuccessful.
"Shich here. The name is Akira." The green haired girl spoke as she slowly dropped her guard feeling a little more comfortable as another like her was here and talking with her. Add in the fact the boy was a jounin at his age, she felt a little more comfortable if her hunters came after her tonight.
"Uzumaki Naruto. It’s not my full name, but that's all I can say in public right now." Naruto answered back as he could tell that she was a little more comfortable then before. "So, mind telling me why you ran from your village?"
Akira quickly downed the bottle of sake before motioning for another. Figuring he hit a sore spot, he gave the bartender another few bills and motioned for him to keep them coming. Getting another sake bottle, she downed most of it before sighing lightly as she looked at her scratched hitai-ate. "I just couldn't take it anymore. Everyone treated me like I was worse then shit on their shoes and our village leader kept sending me on brothel missions in hope that I would do exactly what I did, not return. It doesn't help that my own mother abandoned me when I was a child and my father committed suicide as he didn't want to take care of a demon like me without his wife."
Naruto flinched as he listened to what the girl said as she quickly downed another bottle. While he had met Gaara and his life was far worse then hers, it was still fucked up that her parents did that to her along with her village leader sending her on those kind of missions constantly. While he understood that they did have a purpose, no kunoichi should have to go continuously have to do those types of missions unless they requested it. Downing his bottle, he got another before uncorking it. "I see... I can understand why you left. I wouldn't have put up with that crap, but I was lucky and I was taken out of my village by one of the sannin to be trained these last seven years. If it wasn't for that, I don't know what would have happened to me."
She raised her eyebrow before shrugging her shoulders as she took this bottle slower as she was beginning to feel the side effects of inhaling so much alcohol so quickly. It wasn't helping her that it was heating up her body and she was finding the teen more and more attractive by the minute. Even with her senses dulled, she felt two people walk into the bar and cursed knowing them personally. "Great... two *hick* hunters. *hick* Perfect."
Looking back, Naruto raised his eyebrow at the two that entered the bar and they were indeed hunter ninja and from the Waterfall as he could see the mark on their masks hanging from their belt. It was strange for hunters not to be wearing their mask, but he figured it was because they were taking a break. That was until they saw Akira, who was ready to have her bijuu sober up to handle the two when Naruto spoke to the two while not leaving his chair. "Take it somewhere else boys, she's under my protection and unless you feel like leaving here without your pride, you better leave."
Naruto wasn't sure why he was being so defensive about the girl. He knew that other villages looked down upon outsiders stepping in when it was their village business, but he didn't really care at the moment. He knew the alcohol had a small effect on his judgment, however he knew it was wrong to let Akira be dragged back home after hearing a little bit of her life and he wanted to know more. As the hunters ignored him and walked to Akira, he noticed their lecherous grins on their faces seeing the condition Akira was in. "Hey babe, we know who you are and we might let you off the hook if you hook us up, if you catch my drift.
Naruto frowned at this and he was about to intervene when Akira glared at them before reaching out and leaning against him. "I'm not interested boys, so you better leave before my boyfriend here does more then break your face in."
Blushing at her commit, he shook his head as both hunter attempted to grab her. He reacted faster then both could see and he was in front of them with two Rasengans in his hand and drove them into their armored chest. The two flew back and skidded across the floor and broke a few tables in the process. Turning back to the barkeep, Naruto shook his head in apology. "Sorry, I'll pay for all damages when this is finished."
Wisely taking the offer seeing the boy was easily paying for his drinks, the barkeep backed up to keep out of the fight. At least he could say this wasn't a drunken brawl and could get compensation from the insurance company as he was insured for ninja battles.
"Hey barkeep; more drinks here.” The bartender just looked at Akira oddly as she downed another bottle of sake and could only shake his head as the boy battled for her.
Naruto stood in the damage of the broken tables as the two hunters picked them selves up and glared at the boy before charging him. Naruto easily side stepped between the two before striking them in the back sending them tumbling into the bar, luckily not over the bar. As they quickly turned around and threw a few kunai and shuriken in his direction only for them to hit a log. Both frowned as they hadn't even seen him use the replacement before both were dragged under ground as Naruto jumped out from under them. Forming two more Rasengans, he pointed the spiraling balls of chakra to their faces. "Now do you surrender or leave here without your faces? I'm find with either as I know both of you are behind me."
He thrusted the two chakra spheres behind and into their guts as the two in front of him melted into water. Turning around faster then the two could react; he grabbed both of them by the collars of their cloaks as they stumbled from his previous strike. "Leave here or I'll carry out my threat as I'm more then capable. ...But I'll let you on a little secret that I want you tell your village leader. Don't fuck with Akira any more as she is under my protection, protection from the Nidan Kiroi no Senko." He punctuated his statement as his eyes flashed gold and his pupil became more rectangular.
Neither hunter stuck around as they left, not wanting to challenge the one that eyes changed color. Naruto only smirked as the two ran off in a panic before feeling two arms wrap around his neck. "Oh Naruto-kun! *hick* You are so brave... *hick* Let me thank *hick* you."
He blushed as he felt Akira kiss him on the cheek. He caught the smell of her breath and he knew that she was stone cold drunk right now and he absently wondered how many bottles it took her to get this drunk. A small bead of sweat fell from the back of his head as he saw over twenty bottles where Akira was sitting and taking a look at the damage he had just caused, he went for his wallet when the bartender wave him off. "Oh there is no need. Thanks to your battle I can get the insurance company to buy me a whole new building and I can finally get out of this crap-hole bar. Though, for her drinks... Yeah, I would like compensation for that. I've never seen a woman drink so much before... Not counting that blonde haired chick with a huge rack that came by here a month ago."
Knowing who he was talking about as he ran into Tsunade not too long ago, he paid for her drinks and quickly left the bar, not sure if he had done a good thing are not. However as Akira was hanging off his neck and nuzzling her body into his, he was quite sure that he had to get her to her hotel room before anything happened that either would regret. "Hey, Akira, where is your hotel room?"
The bluish-green haired girl only smiled as she breathed on his ear heavily and spoke in a husky voice. "Oh, *hick* I don't know... *hick* Just take me *hick* to yours."
Naruto blushed as the girl hanging off him was virtually offering herself to him but he wouldn't give in as much as he wanted to. It wasn't right to take a girl in her condition. Sighing as he was going to have to get her a room in this condition, he took her too the hotel he and Jiraiya were staying at and walked up to the receptionist. "Excuse me, mam, can I get a room for her. She doesn't have one and she got herself drunk..."
"Pick another hotel Romeo. I don't condone that here." The receptions said as she turned the other way, pissing Naruto off.
"Dammit! I'm not like my fucking sensei and would do that to a girl in her position!"
"Ah... *hick* You're no fun." Akira said as she pouted and hung of his neck.
Naruto ignored her as he continued with his rant at the women. "Further more, I rather wait until I meet the perfect girl before I even think about doing something like that with a woman. Now please let me get a room for her before I have to take her to a room with the world's worst pervert and do you really want to see something like that happen to this girl!"
The receptionist wisely let him purchase a room, being somewhat impressed by the boy as he carried the drunk Akira to her room. Finding her room and unlocking it, he carried her in as she was now peacefully sleeping in his arms. Shaking his head and closing the door behind her after turning on the lightly, he carried her to her bed. Figuring the pack would be uncomfortable to sleep with it on, he slowly pulled it off which earned him a very arousing commit from the girl. "Oh yes... please. *hick* Give it me *hick* baby..."
A large blush adorned Naruto's face and had to wonder what was going through her mind as she was acting worse then Jiraiya when a extremely attractive woman passed by them. Shaking his head, he laid her pack besides the bed and was about to head to his room when she reached out and gripped his shoulders before dragging him down and looking at him with half lidded eyes. "My *hick* Naruto..."
She quickly fell asleep as she held him firmly to her chest. He tried to wiggle out of her grip, but she rolled over and took him with her and he ended with her on top of him. Blushing madly at their position, he cursed as he knew Jiraiya wouldn't let him live this down if he found them like this. Still, he couldn't break Akira's grip without hurting her and being the gentlemen he was, he wasn't going to. So he'd wait until her grip lightened and that didn't seem like it was going to happen any time soon as she was fluttering in and out of conscious.
Naruto's eyes shot open as he did not remember falling asleep. He cursed lightly before his eyes widened as he was staring into Akira's pinks. He noticed the girl looked annoyed and knew this was going to end badly as she reached back and grabbed something, more then likely a kunai to stab him with multiple times. However he wasn't prepared for a certain orange book to be waved in his face. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! ARE YOU GAY ARE SOMETHING OR AM I NOT ATTRACTIVE?! I DID EVERYTHING THE BOOK SAID AND YOU WERE SUPPOSE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ME AND COMPLETE MY FANTASY!"
The largest bead of sweat fell from the back of Naruto's head as he heard this while an even larger blush then last night covered his face. Looking up at her with a look of shock, he wasn't sure what the hell was going. "What the hell are you talking about?! Hell no I'm not gay and you look damn fine but I thought you were truly drunk and didn't want to take advantage of you as I'm not like that! AND WHY IN THE HELL DO YOU READ THE TRASH MY SENSEI WRITES?! IT'S NOTHING BUT CRAPPY SMUT THAT I CAN'T EVEN READ BECAUSE I COULD WRITE IT BETTER! BETTER YET, WHY IN THE HELL DID YOU WANT ME TO DO THAT TO YOU?!"
Akira blinked a few times at his statement before her face became bright red as she grabbed him by the collar and began shaking him. "DO NOT CALL THE GREATEST PIECE OF ADULT LITERATURE CRAP AND IF YOU CAN WRITE BETTER, DO IT! AND I WANTED YOU TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ME BECAUSE YOU ARE MY BOYFRIEND AND THAT'S WHAT A GOOD BOYFRIEND WOULD DO!"
Anyone in earshot would have been sweat dropping if they could hear the two having the argument but one particular individual only shook his head as he headed towards the sounds knowing it was his student and the girl he was looking for. He was interested in how his student and the girl hit it off so well, but he would learn that when he got there.
Naruto just looked up at Akira when she said that and stopped shaking him. Now he was even more confused then before. He knew that she had called him her boyfriend in the bar; however he thought she was just using that line to get the two hunters to back off as they were coming on a little strong. "Okay, what? When did this happen? I remember you called me that in the bar, but I thought that was just to get those two guys to back off."
"Well..." Akira blushed lightly as she looked away as she placed her arms over her chest. "It was until I was watching you fight and how you actually step in for me. The two have been chasing me down for a while and other guys just leave and I end up having to run off as I don't like fighting even if I could smash in both of their faces. And when you mentioned you were like me... I just thought it would be best if I was with someone that can at least understand the feeling of having a demon within you."
Sighing and looking away, she moved from onto of Naruto as she looked at herself in the mirror. "I guess I'm not all that attractive to be someone's girlfriend..."
"I already told you look fine dammit." Naruto said in a defensive tone as he looked at the seven tail vessel. "The only thing I said was that I was confused as why you called me your boyfriend just now. I really don't give a damn if you meant it or not, but you have a damn fine figure."
Naruto leaned back as Akira was forcing him to lean back as their faces were too close for comfort. Seeing her smile, he had to wonder if she was bipolar or something else as the girl was having mood swings faster then a drunken Tsunade that was being hit on by Jiraiya. He shivered at the memory as it seemed the slug sannin would sleep with just about anyone at the moment and soon as Jiraiya came onto the scene, boom, one half dead super pervert. "So you will be my boyfriend!"
This was becoming all too confusing for the sunshine blonde as he was just not able to deal with this situation. Of course it had to get worse as the door opened and a certain white haired sannin walked into the room and smiled. "Ah, my young apprentice! You've finally seen the light of women and look at this fine morsel you've picken up!" At this part, Jiraiya began to fake cry as he looked extremely proud at Naruto. "You've truly grown up and become a good man!"
A loud sigh came from Naruto's mouth as he saw his sensei and wished Tsunade was there to beat him into the ground so he could sort this out. However it had gotten far more complicated as Akira was suddenly bowing at Jiraiya's feet. "OH MIGHTY ONE! I'M ONE OF YOUR BIGGEST FANS! PLEASE AUTOGRAPH ALL MY COPIES OF YOUR SERIES!"
As Naruto face faulted, Jiraiya could only smile as more tears of joy streamed from his eyes as he signed her books. "Naruto my boy! You really know how to pick the perfect girlfriend to marry and become my apprentice in my work!" At this Akira's eyes lit up as she jumped around in joy as Jiraiya struck one of his many poses. "Come, we have work to do my apprentices!"
Naruto slowly picked himself as he looked up at a giddy Akira and his sensei doing one of his flamboyant poses. He twitched madly at the scene before yelling out. "DON'T I HAVE A SAY IN THIS MATTER?!"
"No." Both answered simultaneously which in turn made Naruto slam his head into the ground. Repeatedly.
It was a glorious day in the village of Konoha nine years after he let Jiraiya take Naruto from the village. There was no trouble, no complaints from villagers about his ninja jumping on their roofs and all the potential gennin had passed their exams and he personally was going to do the teams this year. Yes, it was a good day for the Sandaime Hokage of Konoha when all the paper work he had was assigning his future gennin teams. However that became a problem really quickly. There was only eight he could see that were truly ready to become shinobi of the leaf. A few he was a little uncertain about, mainly in the cases of a certain pink and blonde haired academy students, but they would pan out once they got their priorities straight.
Sensing chakra being molded within the room, he knew someone was about to teleport into the room and he was right when two Anbu, one with a cat mask and another with a tiger mask, appeared in poofs of smoke. Seeing that they were both his most trusted Anbu captains, Sarutobi smiled as he put down the folders of the gennin. "Ah, you two are back. So what is the verdict? Is he ready to return or is he not strong enough to come back and use his real name?"
"Old man, I'm more then strong enough." A young voice echoed from behind him.
All three in the room jumped in shock, not having sensed the intruder. Suddenly a man with long, spiky white hair burst into the room, panting a storm before his eyes narrowed at a certain blonde hair teen sitting on the balcony behind Sarutobi. "GAKI! What did I tell you about running off like that?! What if Akira and I couldn't keep up with you?!"
"You did... Wait, where is she?" Naruto frowned as he noticed the said person was missing.
"GOTCHA!" A bluish-green hair teen screamed as she hugged Naruto from behind, then proceeded to fall off the balcony as she was holding onto nothing other then Naruto. This of course dragged the blonde haired boy with her until a few dozen clones formed from nothing and pulled the two to safety.
Everyone besides Jiraiya sweat dropped as they watch the scene and as both laughed nervously and scratched the back of their heads. Jiraiya sighed as he shook his head as both Naruto and Akira walked in front of him. They both were wearing the same clothing as before except Naruto was now as tall as Akira if not an inch larger. Sarutobi shook his head as he saw the two and knew there something was between them seeing the way they acted. "Ah, so this must be the girl Jiraiya has talked about so much and has stolen your heart. It’s nice to meet you young lady."
Akira smiled and nodded as Naruto muttered something about her literally stealing his heart, which in turn made her elbow him in the stomach. Smiling at their exchange, he nodded to himself as he had gotten Naruto's and Jiraiya's request and he had to see the girl first before he made his decision and now seeing her, he was sure. "Well, hearing so much about you from both of their letters, I'm going to give you two months of a trial before letting you into our shinobi ranks... And don't worry, I'll won't send you on any of those missions seeing that you are my boy's girl..."
"Fiancée." Akira answered with a large smile on her face.
"Excuse me, when did this... OW! Not the ear!" Naruto yelled as she pinched his ear with the same smile adorning her face.
"It happened because I said so, so there." Akira answered as she looked over at Naruto before kissing him on the lips.
Muttering under his breath after she broke the kiss, he nodded lightly as he knew better then to argue with her. He always lost as Jiraiya took her side and then everything went down hill for him afterwards. It was a pain in the ass, but he knew not to argue with her, at least in public. In private he normally won as long as Jiraiya wasn't in ear shot. Looking over at the old man, he smiled lightly at him before stretching his hand out. "I want my hat and seat now old man, so get the hell out of my chair."
Sarutobi chuckled at Naruto as he said this but stopped seeing that Naruto was still smirking and the fire in his eyes told him he was dead serious. He resumed chuckling as he shook his head at the boy. "I see, but you still have to wait a little while Naruto. I still have some time in these old bones of mine, but rest assured that when I step down, you'll be the Gondaime Hokage and have to do all this paper work. If all that Jiraiya has reported is true, I doubt I could beat you in my prime."
Naruto frowned playfully before stretching his back and smiling. "Well, as long as it is mine, I don't care. Besides I know I still have a little more growing to do before I take your job old man."
Hearing his sensei chuckle once more, Jiraiya shook his head as he stood behind his student in the toad arts and his student in the pornographic arts. He was a little upset that Naruto wasn't both, but Akira definitely made up for his lacking in the porn as she had a dirtier mind then his. At times he was frightened at the thoughts she would come up with and most of them involved Naruto. He actually almost felt sorry for the boy at times, almost. His jealousy was still far higher for him to feel any pity for his apprentice. Shaking his head, he turned to his sensei before shaking his head. "I would say an exhibition would be the best to see how skilled his is... But there isn't anyone that can stand up to him on his own. It would take Tsunade, Orochimaru and I at the top of our game to give him a challenge."
The old Hokage's jaw dropped hearing this. He knew Naruto had become far stronger then he could imagine and had learned both his father's jutsu, but to be stronger then his three students in their prime was insane. Sure, he knew Jiraiya actually was stronger then he ever was now, but both Orochimaru and Tsunade had declined in strength. Frowning as he remembered the report they sent him a few months ago, he looked at Naruto. "So you really did beat Orochimaru and forced him to flee."
"The snake didn't even touch me during our fight. It was probably due to Hiraishin, but he still would have lost. Hell, the only reason he escaped because he used this summoning technique that brought the dead back to life. More particularly my father along with the Shodaime and Nidaime Hokages." Naruto answered honestly as he rubbed the back of his head. "That was a fight I would have lost if Jiraiya and Akira hadn't taken the first and second off my back long enough for me to defeat and seal away my father."
Sarutobi nodded lightly as he read that in the report. "I know all this Naruto. I got the reports, so you don't have to brag. I wish I was there to help and end my old student’s obsession with immortality.”
"Ah, don't worry about it old man. Weasel informed me the Akatsuki caught Orochimaru shortly after and took their ring back after... Well, murdering the pour snake. He did not know what hit him." Naruto said with a straight face as he placed his hands in his pockets. "I also have to inform you there will be times that I won't be in contact as I've given each of the remaining jinchuuriki like myself the special kunais if the Akatsuki comes for them."
"And you aren't allowed to help that Yugito girl. I saw how you were eyeing her." Akira said in a put out voice, not liking that Naruto had paid more attention to the blonde then her when they were in the Cloud.
Naruto rolled his eyes before turning to Akira and kissing her lightly on the lips. "What are you worried about, babe? I've already agreed to be your future husband, so give it a rest. I'm not going to cheat on you with someone that happens to like the same sex. Its kind of hard unless I used that jutsu you came up with."
"Oiroke no Jutsu is off limits for you mister if you plan to go to the Cloud and help her! Only I can see you like that, got it! Just because I'm not good looking doesn't mean you can cheat on me!" Akira said in a loud voice as she refrained from jumping Naruto.
Rolling his eyes once more, Naruto turned to her as he placed both his hands on her shoulder and looked her in the eyes. "And how many times do I have to tell you that you are perfect the way you are. Just because you don't have a chest doesn't mean anything... Ah God Dammit."
"WHO ARE YOU CALLING SO FLAT THAT YOU WOULDN'T WANT TO FUCK?!" Akira screamed as her eyes turned black and both her temples were ticking as Jiraiya held her back from mauling Naruto, who was slapping his forehead as he forgot his intended's breast size complex.
Sighing lightly as he knew the only way to get out of this, he turned to the old man and bowed lightly. "We'll continue this at another time. I have to take Akira-chan home to get her to stop fuming and wanting to rip my throat out... Talk to you later old man." With a quick grip of Akira's shoulder and Jiraiya releasing her, the two were gone in a flicker of light.
Chuckling to himself as he watched the entire thing play out, Sarutobi shook his head as he looked at his student as his two Anbu had wisely left when they had started talking. "Those two remind me a lot of his mother and father when I first saw them. Kushina with her tomboyish attitude even if she was eye candy and Naruto... Well Naruto basically is his father with his mother's personality."
Jiraiya could only nod as the two definitely reminded him of his ex-student and his wife. "Yeah, they are more like them then you know sensei. And with Naruto being even stronger then his father... Once he grows up a little, he'll be a damn fine Hokage. ...By the way, Weasel wants you to know that it was indeed Danzo that set him up to seek Madara's help and they both betrayed him when the Uchiha clan was massacred."
"I see..." Sarutobi said as he crossed his fingers and laid his chin underneath. "Find him and give him to Ibiki until he confesses. Weasel doesn't lie due to what his father did to him, so I know he's telling the truth. I just wonder how Sasuke is going to handle his brother was framed..."
Appearing in his father's house hold, Naruto jumped back as Akira tried to tackle him before quickly getting behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist. "Akira, babe, calm down."
"Why?! You don't want to be with me so I should just leave!" Akira screamed as she tried to break his grip but Naruto held firm as he held her close to him, melding his chest into her back and letting her feel his heart beat.
Taking a deep breath, he held her closer to him as he spoke softly in her ear. "Babe, I never said that. I do want to be with you, but you have to see why I'm frustrated as I don't have a say in much of anything." Feeling her calm a little in his grip, he nuzzled his head against hers lightly before continuing. "And don't even worry about Yugito. If you remember, the only reason why I was paying more attention to her when we were in the Cloud was because it was just a week after you kind of forced your way into my life. Don't take me wrong, I love that you are with me now, but early on it was kind of annoying and even as of now it still kind of is."
"I know..." Akira said softly as she leaned back into Naruto's hold. It was like it was two years earlier when they met. It was something more then she could describe when she was around him and she didn't want that feeling to go away. "I'm sorry for trying to control everything... But it is just how I am and I have to learn how to control that so you won't feel so misplaced... But do you still really want to be with me even after all the trouble I've gotten you in."
Naruto nodded back as he kissed her lightly on the lips. "Of course babe. Its fun to have you around and without you my life would be pretty empty. I know I was surviving before I met you, but now if you left, I wouldn't know what to do. Its me that should be asking you that question as I know I haven't been very receptive of what you do and say a lot of the time."
Smiling softly, she leaned her head onto his shoulder before shaking her head as her smile brightened as she looked him in the eyes. "Nah, you're just too fun to leave and I like it when you disagree with me and I wished the Ero-sama wouldn't interrupt are fighting so much... I really enjoy it as it gets my blood flowing and makes me want you more as you don't give into everything willingly."
He couldn't help but scoff a little even if he knew it was the truth. He honestly enjoyed it when they argued over something trivial and ended up running off and making out. An idea popped into his head as he had his clones scout the house before and nodded to himself as he picked Akira up bridal style. He laughed as she squeaked indignantly and she hit him softly in the chest as he carried her into a room filled with many different kinds of alcohol. Akira's eyes widened as she jumped out of his grasps and ran behind the bar and ogled the bottles of liquor. Shaking his head at her, he walked behind the bar himself and pulled up two stools and grabbed a few bottles of sake and motioned for her to sit. "Want some sake?"
Akira smiled as she eagerly sat down on her stool before popping the cork on her bottle and draining it within a second. Naruto only shook his head as he pulled out a deck of cards and laid them in front of her before one of his clones ran up with a crate of fresh sake. "The game is Twenty-One. Each time you lose, you drink a bottle. Seeing that you downed that bottle before I could name the stakes, I'll down one as well."
She smiled as he down the bottle in front of him before shuffling the cards. The match quickly became one sided as Naruto seemed to have unnatural luck and was beating her two out of three times and it wasn't long till Akira was drunk off her ass as she drank over twenty bottles and Naruto only had ten and he was close to being in the same category. He had to wonder how she held her liquor so well, but credited her for drinking far more for far longer then he had and had build up to where she was. "Babe... I think... We should call it quits."
"No! *hick* I want you *hick* drunk enough that you'll *hick* will finally take advantage *hick* of me." Akira slurred her way through her words as she was not in the best condition at the moment or thinking straight at that. She was still speaking the truth, not that she had any problem with speaking her mind when she wasn't drunk.
"That was... the point... babe. Get you drunk... then complete your fantasy." Naruto responded as he put the cards on the bar and then tried to get off his stool, only to trip over its legs and fall onto Akira which in turn knocked both of them to the ground with him on top. The said girl was looking at him with pleading eyes and he knew what she wanted, even if she was mostly drunk at the moment. Hell, he was so he wasn't questioning what he was about to do.
Without second though, his hands quickly grabbed her mesh shirt before pulling it up along with her tank top revealing her petit breasts to him. Watching her shimmy her shirts off, he smiled as the alcohol was serious messing with his mind and what little of his normal thoughts remained reminded him of her breast complex. Not taking another second to think about it, he dove in and began to suckle on her perky nipple. Hearing her gasp and moan, he worked his tongue around it before nipping and pulling at it as his other hand reached up and gripped her other small mound and rubbed it furiously. He knew she was enjoying it from the sounds she was making and the occasional lustful yes.
As he changed and suckled her other breast and nipple, Akira was moaning softly as he was taking the doubt in her mind that her breasts were too small right out of her system. She rubbed his chest furiously as he continued working his tongue and teeth of her other twin and soon as his mouth came off it, she flipped them over and deeply kissed Naruto, her tongue diving into his mouth. She moaned as she felt his tongue sloppily battle hers and knew his motors skills were a little off due him drinking as many bottles as he had. While she admitted twenty was her limit, he hadn't built himself to drink as much as he had and his body wasn't prepared for the rush of being totally wasted.
When his hand found her waist and began to pull on her skirt, she moaned as she felt herself getting hotter by the second. She easily did away with his cloak before struggling with his jacket. She cursed zippers to hell as she couldn't tell if up was down and if down was left or any other direction at the moment. Somehow she managed to take off his jacket and his shirt easily came off. That wasn't enough for her however as she broke the kiss. Slowly turning her direction while staying on top of him, she laid down on top of him as she placed her bottom at his face as hers was at his crotch. Once again she was met with her arch nemesis, the zipper. Just forsaking the damn thing and ripping it down she began to pull his pants down when he easily slid her skirt and panties off in one smooth motion.
Seeing her under lips for the first time and seeing how wet they were, a small, drunken smirk cross Naruto's face as he licked it without thought. Hearing his lover squeak as she tried to pull his pants off, he smirked as he continued licking at her folds as she successfully pulled his pants off. He moaned softly as she began to stroke him just as he begun to push his tongue into her. Reaching up with on of his hands, he began to swirl one of his fingers over her clitoris as he slowly lapped at the inside of her entrance. He moaned a little more and dove his tongue into her a little deeper as he felt her luscious lips kiss the tip of his little fella's head before her tongue began to lavish attention upon his shaft. Feeling like he was being out done, he began to dive his tongue into her wanting to make her feel just as much pleasure as he was.
Moaning shamelessly as he was doing a wonderful job her tongue shot out and lapped at his nine inches. She was pleasantly surprised at his size, but did not complain as it now belonged to her and she knew just what she wanted with it. While she couldn't think straight, she knew where she wanted it and what she wanted to do with it. Stopping her licking, she noticed that Naruto stopped licking at her and she did not want that and engulfed her mouth around his shaft and began slurping as she bobbed her head on him. She really couldn't taste him that much right now as the sake had overridden all her taste buds. Moaning as he started up once more, she worked twice on him as her body was twitching a storm as she felt close.
That was a damn fine thing she was doing. He thought that her licking was great, but this was far better. Her mouth was so warm as it went over his soldier leaving it coated with saliva as her tongue just swirled around like crazy. Still, he really didn't like being out done and he pushed three fingers into her as his tongue dove deeper into her and found a small bundle deep within her that cause her shudder. The vibration he felt caused his back to shiver and made sure to attack that spot some more if she was going to do that more, he would feel better. He did feel a burning sensation down low, but he wasn't sure what it was as he was suddenly flooded by her juices as she took him out of her mouth and moaned loudly.
She was holding herself back from screaming as her body shook in pleasure as she reached her climax. She absently noted that she was still stroking him with her hands, but the rest of her brain was so focused on the pleasure coursing through her body that she didn't hear him groan as jizz began to shot out and onto her face and hair. This knocked her back into what she was doing and she clamped her mouth down on his shaft as she watched the rest of his load shot out and onto her face and let it sit as the feeling was something she could get use to. Licking his shaft a little more, cleaning it up before licking any of his semen that was within her tongues reach off her face. "Oh hun! *hick* that was great... *hick* Now let's get this thing started!"
As she tried to jump up onto the bar, she completely missed slammed her stomach into it before flipping over. Naruto was worried at first, but hearing her laugh, he couldn't help but laugh himself. As she stood up with a large smile on her face, she picked herself up and slid her self onto the bar and laid back. "Well come on *hick* stud. I'm waiting."
Seeing this as a challenge and in his drunken state he quickly found himself lining himself up with her. Having double vision at the moment wasn't helping so he had to grab her hips to try and aim properly. He knew he missed on the first attempt as he slip up her stomach which in turn made her laugh and she laughed even more as he nearly inserted himself into her ass. "Ah *hick* Pour baby! Can't *hick* find the right hole!"
"Shut up… And stop moving dammit!" Naruto said as his vision was blurred and it seemed that she kept moving while in truth, she was sitting still. Finally he was able to find her folds and with a quick thrust, he inserted himself into her. Hearing her moan lustfully, he knew he got the right one and began to pump himself into her at a fast and wild pace. Being within her felt great, even in his intoxicated state and he couldn't help but groan as he slammed himself deeper and harder into her tight folds.
There was no pain for Akira as he slid in and began to pound into her slick entrance. While he was a little big for her that only made it feel even better for her as he drove himself into her and reached her cervix. She did feel a little pain when he pushed passed it and entered her womb, but that was quickly replaced with far more pleasure and she couldn't help it as she started to scream from the feeling she was in. She was just a loud person and she would be damned if she was going to be loud and let others know she was fucking her husband-to-be.
Hearing his lover scream in bliss spurred him on to give it to her even harder which in turn made her even louder then before. He knew she had a set of lungs on her and if they were being used like this, he didn't mind it as long as she wasn't screaming obscenities at people, more importantly, him. Moving his hands so they were on her stomach as he felt her wrap her tapered legs around his waist, he drove himself into her deeper and even faster then before. He could feel her shuddering as he railed into her and feeling a certain feeling burning within him once more, he looked down at his sweat coated lover and in his drunken state, just let loose as he buried himself deeply into her and his seed flowed into her.
Screaming as she felt her lover bury himself into her and feeling his load shot into her, she grinded her hips against his as she was so close. As she did this, she felt even more of his essence flow into her and no longer being able to stop herself, she screamed to the heavens as she blacked out just as her climax hit just as Naruto fell on top of her, passed out.
As the sun reached their eyes, Naruto was the first to wake and look around and realized they were no longer in the bar. "What the... Weren't we just... OW MY HEAD HURTS!"
"Yeah... You'll get use to that." Akira said as she curled into his side with a large smile on her face. "But more importantly, I had fun last night and I know you did as I can feel your appreciation still within me."
Naruto blushed a little at this before smiling at her. "Yeah, it is also covering your face as well. So you might want to clean yourself off if you plan on going anywhere today, babe."
She only smiled at him before realizing they weren't in the bar any more. "HOLY FUCK! WHEN DID WE GET HERE?! WE WERE SCREWING EACH OTHER IN THE BAR AND WE PASSED OUT SO WHO BROUGHT US HERE!"
A bead of sweat fell from Naruto as he was trying to say that before his head started hurting. Just as she screamed that, the door clicked and a certain buxom blonde haired woman walked in with her face in a frown even though she was quite happy that the two finally tearing down some of the walls that kept them from being closer. "While I'm okay with you two doing that, you know not to do it there again as other people might want to have a drink."
Both Naruto and Akira were looking at her with a bead of sweat on the back of their heads before Akira's face burned with anger as she suddenly pulled out her red pack and pulled out a strange machine with a wide barrel, a wooden handle and a trigger mechanism. "THIS IS OUR HOUSE BITCH AND WE CAN DO ANYTHING WE WANT HERE!"
Her statement was punctuated as she pulled the trigger and Tsunade barely ducked below the projectile. The said projectile exploded on contact with the wall making Tsunade's eyes widen before she quickly left the room as Akira cocked her gun back. "Yeah! You better run or I won't miss next time!"
Naruto was looking at her with his jaw on the bed. Regaining his composure, he pointed at the gun before yelling. "WHAT THE HELL IS WITH THAT THING AND HOW LONG HAVE YOU HAD THAT?!"
Akira blinked at him before looking at her gun before putting it back in her pack. "Oh, this thing? I made it years before I met you. It’s a grenade launcher. I have to create the ammo for it, so I don't like using it that much... But that bitch deserved it. This is our house and if we want to do it, we'll do it where ever the hell we are!"
Getting over his shock at the weapon and reminded himself to fix the damage it had caused, he shook his head as he looked at his fiancée before wiping his hand over her lips and kissing her lightly. "You'll never think about the future, will you?"
"Hell no! We live in the here and now and don't worry about the consequences!" Akira shouted as she pumped her fist into the air.
Naruto only laughed as he pulled the covers them.
A/N2: Well, I hope you enjoyed this late update of the Naruto Chronicles. Sorry for it being so late, but other things were getting in the way. I went with a comedic touch for this chapter as you can all see. The next chapter will be Yakumo for sure and the chapter following will either be Nibi, Anko or Kushina. If you want to leave a commit or you have something you want to see, leave a review. Peace out.