Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Naruto Chronicles ❯ Konan ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: This chapter is nearly two months later than I want to put it out, and things have delayed it. But I will promise that I'll do all the chapters I have planned out, unless I die… I was writing this before canon showed Sasuke over powering Itachi. A line of this was taken from a doujin I read with Naruto/Tsunade and just found it so funny that I had to put it in. And just to let you know, there is some is some grammatical errors, but most of them are suppose to be that way. Anyways, let the fun begin!

By the way, Konan is thirty in this fic. Because I'm not sure of her real age anyways and I figure she's younger than Minato would be as Jiraiya was wondering around the elemental nations when he found them. So she could be even younger...

I'm taking down the chapter thing for now until I'm one hundred percent sure what chapters I'm going to due next. Plus I'm still editing it at the moment.

I Do Not Own Naruto. Which fucking sucks...


Chapter Four Konan

A woman with short blue hair wearing a black cloak stood on the wall of Konoha, looking for her target. It was impossible to tell what she wore underneath the cloak as she wore it tightly around her, but with the red clouds on it she was definitely a member of Akatsuki and it was her job to capture the vessel of Kyuubi no Kitsune, Uzumaki Naruto.

She was slightly pissed at that fact. 'How and the hell am I suppose to capture him! It's not even my job! Madara assigned it to him and then he forces me to do it while he does something else here! THAT ASSHOLE!' Shaking that off, she calmed herself down before looking down into the village.

'I can easily beat him if he doesn't use Kyuubi, but the odds of that are zero! And since he's here, everyone will be rushing over to him once he starts releasing its chakra, making capturing him absolutely impossible! Unless they plan on me to seduce him... THOSE BASTARDS! I'LL HANG THEM BY THEIR INTRAILS FOR THIS! NO ONE MESS WITH (put whatever name you want here) KONAN!'

Biting her lip after ranting for a full minute, Konan cast a genjutsu, not unlike the one Tsunade uses, around herself to make her look like an ordinary women before jumping down in the into the village and headed towards her targets home. 'Even though I don't want to, it is for the best. Or is it...'

She began thinking on this as she continued walking through the village.

'What is the purpose of sealing the bijuus in a statue? Sure we can use them at any time, but isn't that what a jinchuuriki is for? I mean it doesn't make any sense. Couldn't Madara just have all nine bijuus and/or their vessels in one area to reactivate his 'Ultimate Sharingan'? And lately it seems that we aren't pursing the goal of world peace anymore, but that of world domination... that's not why I joined for. I no longer wish for violence, but that's not going to happen as long as the human race exists.'

As she was walking towards the poverty stricken area of Konoha, she ran into someone and fell on her ass. She looked up and noticed a boy with spiky blonde hair, an orange and black jumpsuit and three whisker like marks on his faces. Her eyes widen as she realized how it was, but she managed to recover quickly. "Sorry about that, I wasn't watching were I was heading."

Naruto looked at the women strangely. Normally when someone ran into him, they would start cussing him out for being a nuisance and other things like that, so this was a first. He shrugged, not wanting to jinx it. "No problem lady. Just be more careful."

She nodded and walked off, before hiding behind a building and using a stealth jutsu to follow and keep tabs on him for now. Konan continued following him to a bridge before she jumped underneath it to listen to what happened. Not a few minutes later, a Haruno Sakura showed up. She knew the name as she was deemed a threat after killing Sasori with Chiyo's help. The next was the Root Anbu boy that was sent to keep tabs on Naruto and see if he could still be molded into a weapon.

She mentally scoffed at that. 'Old war hawk really needs to die. Its cause people like him that the world is the way it is. Best to assassinate him before I leave.'

As she ended her thought, another person made his entrance on the bridge. "Hey team. We have the day off because there aren’t any missions that aren't D-ranked, and I'm pretty sure you three don't want to do those."

She instantly recognized the voice as Yamato Tenzo, former Anbu captain and a survivor of Orochimaru's twisted experiments to try to recreate the Shodaime's bloodline. "Figured so. Anyways, I have a meeting to be at in twenty minutes anyways, so see you tomorrow."

With a poof he was gone. She heard Sakura sigh. "Well, I'm off. Mine as well relieve Shizune so she can get some sleep."

"Yeah, tell nee-chan that working herself to death isn't going to get her anywhere." Naruto said somewhat playfully.

Sakura chuckled at her teammate. "Will do, see you tomorrow Naruto."

"See ya, Sakura-chan!" She heard Sakura's foot steps leave before hearing the Root Anbu speak up.

"Hey no dick, want to get some ramen." Konan refrained from laughing at the name he was called and could tell that Naruto was slightly flustered as he spoke somewhat agitated. "No thanks Sai. I need to train anyways."

"Oh well, see ya tomorrow no dick." She heard him leave the bridge leaving a fuming Naruto. She jumped onto the bridge still hidden by here stealth jutsu and followed Naruto as he went into the tree lines.

A few minutes later, she wondered why he was going in so deep. 'Is he working on some sort of jutsu and doesn't want anyone to know about it yet or is it something else... He can't tell I'm here can he?!'

As she started to calm herself down knowing that Naruto was terrible against genjutsu and couldn't detect them if his life depended on them, she stopped as they reached a clearing with many holes in the trees that seemed to be from kunais. She examined the closely. 'Hm. This isn't a normal kunai cut. It's not as smooth and has three points instead of one. What is he working on?'

She turned to Naruto as was looking around to make sure no one was watching before pulling out a scroll and wiping some blood on it before a few odd looking kunai appeared. She looked at the kunai closely and noticed they were three pronged. She wondered why it was since it had no tactical advantage as she continued to examine it. Naruto threw one near her directions as he threw the others at the other trees before doing some light stretches.

Having a closer look at it, she noticed there were many kanji and complicate seals that she doubted anyone other than her deceased sensei, Jiraiya could identify. 'Hm. Okay, maybe these kunai deal with a teleportation jutsu that he's making. Wait... I've heard of a jutsu like this that uses... Oh shit!'

In an instant, a flash of yellow light appeared in front of her before disappearing to another kunai. Konan's jaw dropped and she nearly dropped her genjutsus as she saw this. 'HOLY FUCKING SHIT! HE CAN USE THIS JUTSU! FUCK THIS! I'M NOT TAKING HIM ON! LET MINI DICK AND ONE EYE ASSHOLE DEAL WITH HIM!'

Needless to say she was doing her best not to panic and was failing. She jumped back out of the clearing to keep him from running into her as she observed him flashing kunai to kunai. She had half a mind to run off, tell Pein this information then quitting for giving her this mission as she wasn't suicidal.

As she was about to turn around and do so, the flashes of light stopped and Naruto stopped in the middle of the clearing and put up his kunai in his pouch before muttering to himself as he walked up to the tree she was in. Konan had to send chakra to her ears, and even then she stressed to hear it. "Dammit... sensei... why did you have to... If you've just waited until I had mastered this and given me the key earlier..."

Konan looked confused as to what this 'key' was, but continued listening to him as she noticed tears beginning to streak down his eyes. "T-then... you wouldn't... wouldn't have to die like that! We've could have taken them together... But you had to... go on your own and take on the leader by yourself."

She winced sympathetically as she had taken it hard that Pein had killed Jiraiya as well, since he was the first to actually care for them. "Sasuke-teme... why did you have to face him? Why dammit?! If you've had stayed here with us, you would have gotten your chance eventually... and yet you didn't and you killed each other..."

Konan closed her eyes and turned away, ready to leave as she didn't want to hear angst over things already done. Suddenly she heard an all too familiar voice and quickly turned around to see Pein walking into the clearing. "Are you finished? If so, please come with us.”

He quickly looked up at Konan and she nodded as she released her genjutsus and looked down at the young teen before looking at Pein. "Why are you here? You told me to capture him."

He shook his head as Naruto eyes glared right at the man with hatred rolling off him in waves. "Yes, I did indeed. But I knew you wouldn't be able to take him on your own, so I've been following you from a good distance."

She narrowed her eyes at him before Naruto's chakra began to flare as he growled at him. "So, you’re the one that killed sensei."

Pein looked at Naruto carefully. He could see every muscle was tense and ready to leap into action and smirked. "Konan stay out of this. If he wants to fight me, I'll be more than glad."

Konan nodded and sat down on the tree and watched to see who was going to make the first move. Well, she was pretty sure Naruto was seeing his body posture, the tensing of his muscles and the anger and killing intent rolling off him in waves. She had to admit she was impressed. Only few could emit the amount he was, but unfortunately one of the ones in that could out do him, was in front of him.

Pein looked on passively as Naruto formed ten clones before his eyes bled crimson as Kyuubi's chakra swirled around him forming his one tail form. A few seconds later it turned into two and then three not to long after that. The Akatsuki 'leader' continued looking on passively as he believed Naruto to not even be a threat as he began turning into his four tail state.

He was slightly impressed at the amount he was putting out as it was near that of Jiraiya's, but he was sure he could handle it as Jiraiya was killed by his hands. He watched as Naruto continued pulling on Kyuubi's chakra and a fifth tail started to emerge. He narrowed his eyes seeing this. He had to stop it before it got any higher as it now was even beyond his level.

The Akatsuki leader bit his thumb and was about to go through the Kuchiyose hand seals to summon his other bodies when the clones hands slipped into his weapon pouches. Konan's eyes widen in realization as they pulled out the kunai from earlier and threw them quickly towards Pein. He stopped his hand seals and dodged most of them, and caught the last two with ease, just to show off to the jinchuuriki that he was still the superior. His life was forfeited when he did this.

All but two clones became flashes of light and surround Pein before using chakra bindings to hold him down. His eyes widen as he started to struggle to break free of them. Even if he was the stronger, it was going to take a bit to break these as Naruto's capacity did exceed his. The other two clones jumped next to Naruto as he held his arm out and formed a Rasengan and the both erratically moved their hands around it.

Konan's eyes widen as she was about to jump down and help him when she was suddenly surrounded by team seven as they had arrived on the scene sensing Naruto's out put. She looked around at them trying to figure out how to get pasted them when the young jinchuuriki's chakra spiked even more as a six tail appeared as a giant spinning ball of chakra that looked like a giant shuriken was swirling above him as Pein continued struggling against the bindings as it started to rain, hoping it would give him an chance to free him.

Just before the two clones poofed out of existence, one threw a kunai in front of Pein. In a flash of reddish gold light, Naruto appeared in front of him with the attack in hand. All team seven's eyes widen as they jumped out of the way to avoid the blast that was about to occur as Konan looked at the horror on Pein's face sensing the amount of raw power radiated from the ball. She doubted that anything less than Kyuubi, maybe Hachimata, itself could survive an attack of this magnitude and did the only thing she could do.

She shushined away as Naruto slammed the ball into the screaming leader of Akatsuki.

The eruption that ensued after level over half of the forest, leaving a hundred meter wide crater and it looked to be at least twenty deep. From her vantage point on the walls of Konoha, Konan blinked in surprise from the amount of damage, not noticing the Anbu surrounding her noticing her cloak. And yet, in the middle of the crater, an aura of red chakra was still very visible showing Naruto had indeed survived his own attack.

Konan jumped through the Anbu and towards the center of the crater as the chakra died down. Once see arrived, she noticed Naruto was on the ground, unconscious, probably from over exhaustion as the only thing left of Pein was one Rinnegan eye and a puddle of blood and severed flesh that was unrecognizable. 'So Nagato is dead then.'

Just then, team seven along with Kakashi, Shizune and Tsunade arrived on the scene to see Konan hovering between Naruto and the bloodied corpse of the Akatsuki leader. Kakashi was the first to step between her and Naruto, ready to fight while Shizune was looking at her as if she knew her. "You will not take Naruto."

She shook her head as she looked down at the destroyed flesh. "I have no reason to. He's dead. My husband was the only reason I joined Akatsuki."

She pulled her Akatsuki ring off and let it drop to the ground as she pulled out a necklace with a gold ring attacked to it and yanked it off. She looked at it solemnly as she still loved him, but that him was gone a long time ago. She threw the ring into the bloody mess before turned to the slightly surprised group of Konoha shinobi.

"I wish to join the ranks of Konoha shinobi."

Once she said this, all of their jaws dropped in shock and bewilderment. Tsunade was the first to recover as she glared dangerously at the women in front of her. "We don't accept nukenins without good cause, and joining after leaving Akatsuki isn't one."

Konan shook her head at the Hokage. "Then there should be no problem. I was never a nukenin, much less a kunoichi. I was only trained in the arts of being one."

Tsunade growled at her even more as they couldn't just refuse someone that was never a ninja before, even if they had the skills of one. Then another idea hit her. "Yes, but since you've been endangering the life of one of Konoha's citizens, one of its shinobi, you are a threat. So..."

"Konan-nee-chan?" Spoke Shizune nervously as she had finally recognized her. Tsunade's eyes widen hearing the name of the girl that traveled with Jiraiya along with the two boys that he had taken under his wing.

The blue hair woman smiled lightly remembering the timid nurse in front of her. "Hey Shizune. It's been awhile hasn't it?"

The others blink in confusion as to what was going on especially when Shizune rushed Konan and hugged her, with ungodly strength. Luckily, Konan was prepared; otherwise her spine would have been snapped in two from the force of it. Shaking her head, she slowly peeled Konan off of her as she smiled lightly at her. "Well I see you've gotten stronger."

Shizune nodded lightly while Tsunade looked at the two and sighed deeply. Now she didn't know what to think. She guessed she could let her in on a trial bias, to see it wasn't a trap to capture Naruto. Not that she could capture him on her own, but still it was a precaution she had to take for Naruto. Shaking her head, she turned around and checked on Naruto and noticed he was fine.

Turning back around, she gazed at Konan before sighing. "I will let yet in on a trial bias. But if I see that it this is a plot to capture Naruto, I will not hesitate to end your life. But only under one condition. I want to know who’s left in Akatsuki and where their base is."

Konan nodded in understanding as she had figured as much. And even if she went back, Madara would probably kill her due to her failing and letting his figure head getting killed. She sighed a bit before shaking her head. "There are many bases. The one we use the most is in a man made cave on Mt. Fuji in between Hi no Kuni and Kaminari no Kuni. As for whose all left, they are Zetsu, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Madara."

At this, everyone's eyes widen as they started chocking on the air a bit. Tsunade was the first to recover as she looked at Konan shocked. "But how?! He should have been dead after my grandfather beat him sixty years ago!"

The blue haired woman shook her head. "No. The Sharingan he stole from his younger brother allows him to use a technique that gives him virtual immortality. The only way to kill him and now Itachi is to take out his eyes. Otherwise, they cannot be killed. And from what I heard, the Mangekyou Sharingan has the ability to control and tame Kyuubi, explaining why it attacked the village.”

If they weren't shocked and stunned before, they were now. The Sharingan had that kind of an ability? Kakashi could only nod as he figured out why the Uchiha’s went into an uproar when they heard he had one transplanted. Tsunade sighed deeply as she rubbed her temple, knowing she wasn't lying as she had heard Jiraiya saying something about the leader of Akatsuki being the cause of Kyuubi's attack. "I see. Alright, once you take of your cloak I'll accept you under the trial bias."

Konan blushed at this before shaking her head lightly. "Um... I can't."

Tsunade raised her eyebrow at this before speaking to her in questioning. "And why not?"

Konan motion her over as she had a light blush on her face. Tsunade looked questioning, but carefully walked over to her. Soon as he did, Konan pulled her collar a bit and motion for her to look. Tsunade didn't even need to as she instantly realized why and shook her head. "Alright. You can take off your cloak after we get you some clothes. Shizune, you take of this problem. I'm going to have to deal with the paperwork."

Shizune nodded as she grabbed Konan's arms and headed off towards town as Kakashi picked up Naruto and headed to his apartment, seeing that he was healed even after using Rasenshuriken. Tsunade sighed deeply as she walked towards the tower, really hating the fact that she had to do more paperwork.


A few hours later, and a run in with Anko, Konan walked out of the clothes shop holding four large bags and wearing a dark blue tank top, a fish net shirt over it, a navy blue skirt and a navy blue pair of shorts underneath it. Shizune walked out behind her shaking her head as Anko hung off her arm smirking madly. "That was fun! Hope we get have some more fun in the future. Now come on Shizune. I know Kurenai has missed you. Fu fu fu."

Konan sweat dropped and backed up a bit, wondering what had happened to the innocent girl she called a sister. I mean she would have never guessed that Shizune was a lesbian. She guessed it made sense though; she did have an unhealthy attraction to other females. And this Anko just rubbed her weirdly. It wasn’t that she didn’t think about it. She just preferred men, though a man with another woman was something she thought about.

She stopped in her tracks as she knew this wasn't what she needed to be thinking. Her husband had just died. Even though he never really pleasured her, he was still the... Oh who was she kidding. The guy considered himself a god. So he loved himself more than her. She sighed deeply as she looked around and decided to stop somewhere to eat.

So when she walked into the stand, she was oddly surprised to see her former target seating there slurping up ramen. She absently wondered how he was up so soon, but credited it to Kyuubi as its powers were beyond understanding compared to the other bijuu. Shaking her head, she sat down and ordered a bowl of vegetable flavored ramen and paid for it using the ton of money she won in poker games with the rest of Akatsuki.

Naruto's eyes shifted to the side as he noticed the women from Akatsuki walk in to the stand and started eating. He still didn't trust her as she was part of the group that was trying to capture him, but from what Kakashi told him she had betrayed them and gave them some vital information to eliminate the remaining members of Akatsuki.

Shaking his head, he continued eating while ignoring the sharp pains in his arm. He knew now that his seal had been activated, he had control of Kyuubi and her chakra he could use it mostly at will know without to many side effects. And he could heal at a much faster rate than before, but apparently Kyuubi was taking her times for some reason.

Sighing a bit, he slurped down the rest of his ramen; he refrained from burping and shook his head a bit. Shaking a bit, he looked over to Teuchi and smiled at him. "Thanks old man. That was great."

Teuchi smiled and nodded at Naruto as he picked up the coupon Naruto had placed on the table. "You're welcome Naruto. Come back any time."

Rubbing the back of his head, Naruto nodded as he stood up and walked out of the stand. Konan looked at the two oddly before shrugging as she finished her bowl of ramen. She looked back to Naruto and sighed a bit before getting up as she thanked Teuchi and headed off after him, after grabbing her bags.

Naruto looked back and noticed the former Akatsuki member jogging up to him. He looked at her strangely, still not trusting her when she sighed as she looked him in the eyes. "Um... Naruto... I want to apologize. For everything that my ex-husband put you through. The capturing of the bijuu and the deaths of those close to you... I never thought he would kill Jiraiya-sensei..."

At the end of her sentence, Konan looked down a bit as she was still depressed a bit at the thought. Jiraiya had become her father figure for the short they were under his guidance. When he ran into her in Ame, she could tell he was surprised. And when he said that he thought she died, she didn't act right away. Instead she acted under Nagato's orders and still tried to attack him.

She sighed deeply as she looked up to see Naruto looking at her questionably. She didn't blame him. There were many reasons why not to. After all she was part of Akatsuki earlier in the day, and the fact that she had been following him most of it. She sighed a bit more and was about to turn around when Naruto stopped her. "Ero-sennin was important to you to, wasn't he?"

Konan's eyes widen in surprise as she turned around and looked at the Kyuubi jinchuuriki in shook. "H-how...?"

Naruto shook his head a bit as he looked at her. "Your eyes told me. When you said that and after you finished speaking, I could see the pain in your eyes."

Her eyes widen in disbelief as he was able to read her so easily. Hell, no one since Jiraiya could have done that. Shaking her head a bit, she sighed slightly as she rubbed her wrist a bit. "He was... like a father to me. He took Nagato and myself when no one else would. He trained and taught us in the shinobi arts and how to live on our own. After a few months, he left to check up on his network. But he never came back. It was until recently that I knew he thought we were dead..."

Naruto nodded in understanding and walked up to her patted her on the back a bit. He still didn't trust her too much, but she was hurting over the loss of someone they both held close. He hadn't been able to speak much about it do to the looming threat of Akatsuki, but know he had someone to talk to. Shaking his head, he noticed her bags and decided to be a gentleman. "Need help with those?"

Konan looked up at him for a brief second before nodding a bit as her wrist hurt from the over packed bags. Naruto nodded and created a Kage Bunshin and both he and the clone both took two bags. "Okay. Just lead me to where you staying."

She blinked a bit at him before nodding her head and was about to go before she realized she had no clue where the hotels were. "Um... can you lead me to the closes hotel? I don't know where they are at.

Naruto looked up at her for a second before foxily smiling at her and motioning her to follow him. She did so as he led her through the market distract. He was doing his best to ignore the glares from the villagers as he faked his smile as he looked for the closes hotel himself.

Konan narrowed her eyes a bit seeing everyone’s glares at the blonde teen in front of her. She knew that jinchuurikis didn't have good lives, but Naruto shouldn't have to deal with this. He had the support of two deceased Hokages, one current Hokage, a deceased gamma sannin, the top shinobi of Konoha and even the younger generation. So why did the majority of the villagers look at him as if he was a plague? Did they not trust their own shinobi's decision?

Shaking the thought off, she noticed that they had arrived at a pretty fancy hotel. Konan shrugged and walked in as she had Kakuzu's money while Naruto followed her inside. Konan quickly paid for a suite and walked to her room before opening the door so Naruto could put her stuff in the room. Once he did, she smiled a bit and stretched out, accidentally giving him a view of her breast.

Naruto blushed madly at this, but shook it off quickly while mumbling something about damming a certain super pervert for passing on some of his perverseness to him. Konan's ears twitched as she caught this and realized that the angle gave him a clear view of her twins. She blushed a bit before covering herself up quickly before glaring at Naruto. "Get an eye full pervert."

"Tch. I've seen better." Naruto responded, and it was the truth. I mean he was pulled into Tsunade's breast every time she hugged him and he had gotten to view them up close.

Konan twitched in irritation at his response. 'I'm good looking dammit! My breasts are C-cups and I have a damn fine figure. And I'm not fifty years old and have to use a genjutsu like Tsunade!' Gritting her teeth at Naruto, she smirked wickedly at him.

Inheriting Jiraiya's perverted danger sense, Naruto instantly realized he was in big trouble now. Backing up, he realized the door was behind the blue haired woman in front of him. Looking around the room, he noticed no visible windows and cursed mentally as he was finally going to get a beating like Jiraiya.

Konan smirked in amusement, seeing the same reaction Jiraiya had when she witnessed Tsunade beat the hell out of Jiraiya for peaking at her in the bathroom. For reasons unknown to her, she became slightly aroused at the thought and slowly closed the door as she sauntered menacingly towards the Kyuubi jinchuuriki. Seeing him gulp and prepare himself for the beating of his life, Konan stopped in front of him and whispered into his ear.

"Would you like to touch them?"

Naruto's eyes widen hearing this as he jumped back in shock as a slight amount of blood leaked out of his nose. Konan smiled a bit at him, not knowing why other than just to tease him. For some reason she found doing this was highly amusing and Naruto's stammering made it even more hilarious. "N-NANI! Y-you w-want m-me t-to t-touch t-them?"

Her lips twitched even more at this as she refrained from laughing at his comical reaction. Even after spending time with the world's greatest pervert, he was still clueless when it came to interacting with women, though apparently he picked up all the bad habits he shouldn't have from him. Shaking her head, she continued on her teasing assault. "Why sure you can. It has been a long time since someone else touched them."

She wasn't really lying there. It had been at least three months since she last made love with Nagato, and she felt nothing from it. Though it had only been two months when Itachi purposely copped a feel claiming he couldn't see since his Sharingan wasn't activated. Of course it was and she beat him into the ground and lodged Samehada up his ass. Needless to say it was a miracle that he could stand up and killed Sasuke the very next day…

Shaking that thought off, she gripped Naruto's wrists and placed his hands on her breast and watched the poor boy blush in embarrassment and arousal. Her lips twitched even more in amusement as she assumed that he was a virgin and had no clue what he was doing. Though the thing growing in his pants was... 'GODDAMN! KYUUBI IS A FUCKING MIRACLE! I HAVEN'T SEEN ONE THAT BIG EVER!'

Naruto was blushing madly as his hands were on his breast. His virgin part of his mind was screaming at him to take them off while the rest of it was saying give them a good squeeze and run like hell. Of course there was a third voice in his mind screaming at him to do that to her. Of course he was ignoring Kyuubi at the moment. He knew that he would pay when he went to sleep as he was pretty sure she could rape him...

Blinking a bit, he went with the majority part of his brain and tightened his hands around her breast and squeezed them. Konan's eyes widen as a slight moan escaped her mouth and she slapped her hands over her mouth. She couldn't believe she did that. Was she really that horny that she would bed a boy half of her age? She knew she needed some as it had been a while, but this was ridiculous.

Unknown to them though Kyuubi had used her slight control over Naruto and had released an ungodly amount of pheromones into the air, hoping that he might release and fuck her into submission. Of course her plan was back firing as it seemed it was just arousing them to no end.

Konan moaned as Naruto continued squeezing her breast and rubbed herself against him. She had no clue what was happening, but she wasn't caring at the moment. All she wanted to feel was more pleasure as her hands slowly rubbed against his chest and stomach before heading to his pants legs and felt up his member. Both moaned a bit before looking at each other and bringing their lips together for a kiss.

She moaned into the kiss as she placed her hands rubbed his member harder as he squeezed her breast even tighter. She slowly began pushing him back as she rubbed against him till he reached the wall. She broke the kiss and looked up at him before grabbing her fish net and tank top and pulled them off at once.

Naruto got the hint and started unzipping his jacket when he heard to zippers being pulled before a hand gripping his member. He moaned a bit and looked down to see Konoha pulling his nine and a half/ten inch soldier. He moaned a bit as she began stroking him and his hands rubbed against the wall as he had nothing to put them on.

Konan looked at the large thing in front of her with amazement as she hadn't seen one this large before. Sure she had seen them, but the largest she had seen was on Zetsu, but she wasn't going to try and touch him as he just creped her out. Putting that thought at the side, she open her mouth and licked the slit on the head before engulfing it into her mouth. She moaned lightly at the feel in her mouth and slowly began to swirl her tongue around it as she started to suck a bit.

He couldn't help but moan at her treatment. This was a new sensation for him and he was loving every second of it. He scraped the wall from the pleasure he was feeling and buck his hips into her mouth, getting a moan of surprise from her as his member hit the back of her mouth and the entrance of her throat.

She looked up at him and moaned a bit as she sucked harder and bobbed her head on his thrusting member, hitting the back of her mouth each time. She didn't know why, but she was enjoying this even though it was a bit rough. Nagato had always expected her to suck him off and fuck him and he always left before she could ask him to do something for her.

Shaking that thought off, she took him out of her mouth for a second as she took a few breathes while licking his shaft before placing him back into her mouth. She continued bobbing her head while sucking hardly on his member as he thrusted into her mouth, hitting the back of her mouth each time. Getting annoyed at this, she began to loosen her throat as she stopped bobbing her head and swirled her tongue around the underside of his member.

Naruto moaned in disappointment as she stopped bobbing on his member, but was still glad as she was sucking on him. Looking down, he noticed slowly going down on him and hit the back of her mouth. To his amazement, she continued past it as it entered her throat. He moaned loudly as he wasn't expecting this and it was beyond anything he had ever felt before. He legs trembled a bit before he began thrusting into her throat.

Konan moaned out loudly, though it was muffled, as he thrusted into her throat as she bobbed her head onto his member while sucking and slurping. She swirled her tongue along the bottom and side of his shaft as her hands reached out and started to fondle his sack. She moaned happily as she began humming as she sent a tiny pulse of chakra into it to get him churning.

He moaned loudly as she started fondling his sack and deep throating him. He scraped the wall in pleasure, doing his best not to release though he knew it was inevitable. He just wanted this feel to stay as long as he could. He shook a bit as he stopped thrusting into her mouth, trying to keep himself from releasing. But due to the chakra pulse and Kyuubi's intervention, trying to drown her as she wanted to be the one sucking off him, he felt a stream of his essence flowing through his shaft.

Konan's eyes widen as she felt him harden in her mouth and instantly knew that he was about to release and pulled him out of her throat, slightly surprised that he had lasted this long. Shaking her head, she though about taking it out but her lust and passion overwhelmed her as her primal side wanted a taste. She shifted a bit and moaned deeply in her throat as a jet of semen shot out, in one large stream. Her eyes widen as it wasn't normal for a guy to release this much just in one shot as she was almost ready to let it out, and she felt a second load beginning to come.

Her eyes widen as the second load shot into her mouth, forcing her to try and drink if she did want to drown, which would kind of suck as she would possibly be the first ever person recorded to drown on a man's semen. Drinking and swallowing his seed in order to survive, she felt a third blast on the way. In a moment of panic, she pulled it out just as erupted, splashing her face and hair. She panted heavily as she felt it run over her face and stick her hair together.

Looking up at him, she rubbed off the semen from her face with her hands before licking a bit of it to get a taste without her life actually being in danger. It wasn't half bad, especially compared to Nagato's as his was sour as hell. Naruto's was more unique as it had the sour and salty taste to it, but it also had a bit of flavor to it. Almost like the vegetable flavored ramen she had not to long ago.

Finishing wiping it off, she stood up and quickly pulled of her skirt and shorts before sitting on and looking at Naruto with a sultry grin. "Are you going to come over here, or am I going to have to start it myself?”

His brain not being in control, Naruto quickly pulled of his jacket and shirt before wiggling out of his pants as he dived at a surprised Konan. Tackling her to the couch, he looked at her lustfully as his member rubbed along her inner thigh, trying to find its way in.

Konan moaned a bit at the feel before she reached her hand down and gripped his member and placed it at her entrance. As soon as she released her hand, he instantly thrusted into her, making her gasp in surprise as she wasn't expecting him to be this aggressive. Then again, she credited it to Kyuubi having some influences on him. Shaking her head at the thought, she moved her hands upward and gripped his chest as he gripped her waist and began thrusting into her.

She moaned and gasped at the fast and harsh he was going at and couldn't help but enjoy it. Not wanting to leave all the work to him, she slowly began bucking and grinding her hips against his making both of them moan loudly. Her grip on his shoulders increased as she moaned loudly in his ears while she finally matched his pace with her bumping and grinding.

Naruto didn't know how this happened, but he really didn't care all that much at the moment. He was feeling way too good at the moment to think about anything else other than the woman beneath him and his own release. He began swirling his hips into each thrust as his pace quickened even more, making the blue haired woman beneath him shiver in pleasure as she silently screamed in pleasure.

Coming down from her orgasm, she looked at the teen pounding into him and no longer care about her former husband, seeing that he was an asshole anyways. All her focus was on him and to match his ever increasing pace with her grinding. She gripped him even tighter while moaning to her hearts content and pulled him down into her, mashing her breast against his chest. She nibbled on his collar bone and neck as his thrust began harder and faster, making her all the more content.

He felt wonderful as he thrusted into her, deeper each time. It felt so good, he had to wonder why Ero-sennin just wrote about it and didn't try to get out more and experience it. Filing that under his dumbass folder, he continued to pick up the pace till he was going as fast as he physically could with flowing chakra into his system. He moaned at the feeling before feeling nibbling at his neck to see her with the most content face he had seen in a long time. Smiling a bit as he thrusted deeply into her, he brought his lips to hers and kissed her deeply as he felt the familiar feeling as before.

Konan was in heaven as she kissed him back as she grinded her hips against his, loving the feel of being brought to the edge so quickly. She never believed it could have been this easy, but she didn’t care as her tongue battled with his. She could feel him hardening once more inside of her and knew he was about to release. Thinking for a brief second on if he released like he did before, there would be no way that she wasn't pregnant, but that thought was lost as he hit a certain spot, making her eyes widen as she screamed as her second orgasm hit her, followed by four or five large spurts of his seed.

After a few minutes, both were panting heavily as they looked at each other before he pulled out of her and sat down on the couch. Feeling him get off of her, a smirked developed on her face, seeing he was still hard. Turning over, she got on her hands and knees and turned back to Naruto. "We're not finished yet hun. So come on."

Naruto looked at her oddly as she wiggled her ass in the air. Finally over coming his lust and passion, he wasn't sure what to do. He had already gone this far, but should he continue? What would any of his sensei...

Shaking his at that partial thought, he placed his member at her entrance, only for her lower herself a bit and has it placed at her anus. Naruto looked at her in confusion at this, not understanding what she wanted him to do. Suddenly something he remembered from Jiraiya, he blushed a bit as he spoke out nervously. "Um... you want me to fuck your ass?"

Konan nodded before whimpering in a submissive stance. "Hell yes! That asshole I called a husband never touched me there and never did want I wanted to do in bed. So please, take me. I want to feel what it's like to have a real one inside."

He couldn't help but get turned as she looked up at him with a pleading look in her eyes before he nodded as he gripped her hips and slowly started to push himself in. The head popped in quite easily as if she had done this before and he'd started to push himself into her.

She moaned loudly as he pushed into her while she quickly adjusted to his large girth. 'Damn. He's definitely bigger than those dildos I use to pleasure myself after the bastard left me after getting what he wanted.'

Once he hilted himself, they both moaned loudly at the feeling. Naruto gave her a moment or two to adjust before he started rocking his hips into her. He couldn't believe it felt this good. She was even tighter than before. He thrusted in faster and harder with each stroke, as it felt better than he had even thought it would. He heard Konan moaned happily as he thrusted into her and she started rocking her hips to match his speed. He slowly began to increase the pace faster and faster as Konan moaned for him to go harder.

Not wanting to displease his lover, he did so as his hands slid from her hips to her breast and started playing with them as he leaned on top of her. She moaned even louder as she placed her hands on his letting him hold her up as she bucked her hips to match his ever increasing speed. He began to thrust into her even harder and faster till he was at his max as he couldn't believe how unbelievably tight she was and knew he wouldn't last to much longer if this kept up.

Konan wasn't doing much better as the heat that his member was giving off just made her spine tingle and made he even wetter than before as she was nearing her limit. She knew this felt good from the few times she dildoed herself, but this was beyond anything she felt before. And he was hitting every nerve back there, making it all the more pleasurable for both of them.

Naruto moaned loudly as he continued pounding into her back door entrance, loving her moaning and the feeling he was getting from this. After a few more thrust though, he started to grit his teeth and grip her breast tightly as he felt himself near his limit. He knew he wasn't going to last very much longer and he pounded into her with everything he had while she matched his speed and was moaning extremely loud, so loud that he was pretty sure that the few people in the hotel could hear them.

He could no longer hold and moaned loudly as he thrusted in as he released into her before blacking out. Konan's eyes widen as she felt the white hot seed being shot into her blast after blast and could help but scream as she released herself on his sack before passing out as the pleasure was too much for her to bare.


Shizune smiled brightly as she walked towards the hotel Kakashi spotted that Konan was out. She was planning on taking her out for breakfast so they could catch up with each other, this time without being dragged off by the ever energetic and blood thirty Anko. Shaking her head with a light blush on her face, she walked into the hotel and asked for Konan's hotel number.

Once getting it, she headed off towards the room and knocked on the door. Not getting a response after a moment, she kindly knocked again to see if she was there. Hearing rustling but no movement to answer the door, she shook her head as she twisted the door knob and walked in with her eyes closed and a bright smile. "Konan-nee-chan! Want to go out for some breakfast?"

The response she got was not one she was expecting. Hearing some ruffling, she heard and all too familiar voice. "Shizune-nee-chan? What are you doing here?"

Shizune's eyes snapped open hearing Naruto's voice. As soon as she had did so she wished she hadn't. Naruto was pulling his rather large member out of her sister figures ass and she was moaning from it. Shizune's eyes widen as she began trembling, taking this the wrong way. "N-N-NARUTO-KUN! HOW COULD YOU?! YOU RAPED KONAN-NEE-CHAN! I THOUGHT YOU WERE A BETTER MAN THAN THAT!"

Hearing a scream, Konan jumped up and looked around to see Shizune. Her eyes blinked as she listened to what she said and sweat dropped at her. "Imouto, that's not what happened. Things kind of got weird last night and well; we kind of screwed each other's brains out."

Of course Shizune didn't hear this and continued on her rant about telling this to Tsunade and having him doing D-class mission for the rest of his life after he got out of jail. Both Konan and Naruto sweat dropped at the scene. A tick mark developed on Konan's head as Shizune continued ranting. No longer able to take it, she exploded. "SHUT THE FUCK UP IMOUTO! IT WAS COMPLETELY WILLING ON BOTH OF OUR PARTS!"

Shizune instantly shut up as she looked at them with wide eyes at both of them. She was silent for a whole ten minutes, so both of them took a quick shower and got dressed to come out to see her still wide eyed. Sighing a bit, Naruto poked her in hope that it would snap her out of her shock. Oddly enough it worked as she turned towards both of them and looked at each other before smiling. "THIS IS GREAT! I CAN'T WAIT TO TELL TSUNADE-SAMA!"

"Tell me what?" Tsunade said as she walked through the door with a Konoha headband and tossed it to Konan. Both paled and tried to stop Shizune from speaking, but it was already too late.


The blood drained from Naruto's face as he was sure everyone in Konoha had heard that. Konan was paler than Orochimaru as a ghost as she looked at Tsunade, hoping to keep from becoming a bloody smear on the ground for taking Naruto's virginity from him, since she was twice his age. Tsunade on the other hand raised an eyebrow at Shizune before turning to the two of them and walking over to Konan.

Konan braced herself for her inventible death from the hands of one pissed off slug sannin and closed her eyes, not wanting to see it happen. Oddly enough it never came. But eight words came out of her mouth that froze Konan to the ground. "Well, guess I'm going to be a grandmother now."

Naruto's eyes widen in shock as he suddenly found the room really dizzy as the excitement and panic rushed into his head. He crumpled to the ground, passed out with Konan doing the same, landing on top of him.

Both Shizune and Tsunade sweat dropped at the scene before shrugging their shoulders. "Well, guess I better start getting prepared for the future now."

She wished she never said that as Shizune squeaked in delight and grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the room, heading to Anko and Kurenai to get ready for a baby shower and a batchelorete party.


It was four years later; Naruto shook his head lightly as he stood in front of a sleeping Tsunade wearing Anbu armor, a fox mask on his belt and a white cloak. A slight grin came on his face as he pulled out a flash tag and threw it on her desk before using Jiraiya's infamous Peeping Tom jutsu. The reaction was instant.

As soon as the flash went off, Tsunade jumped around battle ready, preparing to kill however woke her up. Seeing now one, she sat down and sighed at her paperwork. Grabbing a pen, she started writing a bit before she quickly picked up a paper weight and threw it with the force of a one ton truck going a hundred miles and hour.

Naruto never stood a chance as it hit him, sending him through the tower and into the monument. But the funny thing was that Naruto turned into a poof of smoke. The real one jumped up from the balcony smiling his foxy smile at her. "Hey Obaa-chan! What's up?"

Tsunade glared at the Anbu captain known as Namikaze-Uzumaki Naruto. "I swear that you have almost become Jiraiya. I'm just glad you don't peep or write any degrading books like he did. Now what do you want?"

He huffed playfully at her. "Ah. I couldn't come over to say hello and to see if you were ready to retire so I can become Hokage and you can drink sake all day."

A tick mark developed on her forehead as she rolled up her sleeve as she glared heavily at him. "That better not be all otherwise your going to taste that rose bush four stories down."

Naruto waved passively as he pulled out a scroll and handed it to her. She opened it quickly and glanced over it and nodded. "Finally. After four years Akatsuki finally been eliminated. Seems our alliance with Kumo paid off as they got Madara."

He nodded in agreement when the door opened to reveal a blue hair three year that looked like a mirror image of the woman's pant leg she was holding onto. Naruto smiled brightly and appeared besides Konan and kissed her deeply before breaking the kiss and getting down on his knees and looked at the young girl in front of him.

"So Tsukiko. Were you a good girl for money while I was gone?"

The young girl nodded before releasing her grip of Konan and hugging a chuckling Naruto. The said young adult smiled as he lifted her up and placed her onto his shoulders. "Well anyways Obaa-can, I'll get my report in tomorrow. Ja ne!"

The little girl chuckled before imitating her father. "Ja ne olde bat!"

Tsunade refrained from jumping over there and beating the hell out of Naruto for teaching her that as they walked out of the room. She huffed in annoyance before turning back to her paperwork. There would always be tomorrow anyways.