Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Naruto Chronicles ❯ Fem. Sasuke ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: I started writing this before Itachi showed that he was insane, so don't complain that he is so. This was originally planned for Christmas, but the same difficulties that have delayed the Konan chapter did the same here. I will not stop writing these, so don't worry. Well, here's the next chapter so enjoy.

I Do Not Own Naruto. (Sighs)


Chapter Five Female Sasuke

On the bridge where team seven met, Uzumaki Naruto was sitting on the railing, eerily quite. This was bothering both Sasuke and Sakura as he had been unusually quite the past two weeks. Sakura wasn't sure what it was about, but Sasuke was.

He knew that Naruto was thinking about the Valley of the End. It had came down to the Rasengan and Chidori, neither gaining the advantage over the other, but he had attempt to strike Naruto's heart, but pulled back for a reason he was know understanding and allowed Naruto to punch him in the face, knocking him out cold.


Not brotherly love like Naruto confessed, but more of that of lovers. He also had a secret that was not as large as Naruto being Kyuubi's jinchuuriki, he knew due to Kakashi explaining to him, which almost ended up with Sasuke putting Chidori through his sensei’s chest, but still pretty large. The truth was he wasn’t male, but female. The reason why no one had figured this out was that Mikoto, Itachi and Sarutobi once had put him under the same genjutsu that Tsunade uses and sealed a bit of his chakra away, just for the purpose of keeping it up. So it was impossible to see through it, even with the Sharingan or Byukugan.

He was unsure why, but his kaa-san, Mikoto, and his aniki, Itachi, had always told him to hide his gender from tou-san, otherwise he would end up giving her to someone. She was always to confused as to why he would do that, but know that she was of age it meant that he would have arranged a marriage for her. The thought boiled in her stomach, making Sasuke wanting to go back in time and ram Chidori through her father's head. She did not like the idea of being forced into a relationship without having any say in it.

Shaking that thought off, Sasuke turned to the silent Naruto and looked at him. A slight blush came on her face, though she quickly covered it up. She refrained from sighing when Sakura spoke up, figuring she was going to ask 'her' out on another date. "Um... Sasuke. Do you know why Naruto is acting... so strange?"

Sasuke raised an eyebrow at this. Sakura was actually concerned for Naruto well being. Take that back, she never disliked Naruto other than being a pain in the ass at times, but it was still strange that she asked her about him. Sasuke didn't answer as she already knew the answer, but didn't want to voice it to Sakura and the ever late Kakashi as he arrived.


Not getting a yell or high pitch screaming in response made Kakashi frown slightly. It was the highlight of his day to hear them scream/yell at him in annoyance. Shaking that off, he sighed. "Alright. I don't have much for you today. Just some light training. Sakura, work on your stamina and reserves by doing tree and water walking. Naruto, do water walking to increase your Chakra control. Sasuke, I got a new jutsu for you."

He was expecting to hear Naruto scream at him for teaching Sasuke another jutsu, in fact he was kind of hoping for it, but he didn't surprising everyone there.

Instead, he just jumped of the bridge and walked off on the creek leaving a slightly surprised Kakashi, not knowing Naruto could already do it without using Kyuubi's youki. After recovering from his shock, he turned to an irritated Uchiha. "Well anyways, let's go. I have..."

"Go screw yourself." With that said Sasuke jumped off the bridge and chased after Naruto, leaving a stunned Kakashi and a pissed Sakura, looking at Kakashi before using her super strength that seemed to only appear when angered to beat the hell out of him.


Naruto was currently sitting on top of the Yondaime's head on the monument. Over the past couple of weeks after he returned Sasuke, things had taken a turn for the worse.

All the villagers and most of the shinobi had seen to hate him even more for reasons he didn't understand. The only ones that actually commended him on returning Sasuke were Tsunade, Jiraiya, the retrieval team, Sakura, oddly enough Sasuke himself and the council, who had put a restriction on Sasuke, but he didn't know what it was.

But even with them, it wasn't enough.

When he was released from the hospital, he found his home broken into, everything destroyed. So unable to get anyone to let him stay with them, due to parents or them being in the hospital and not wanting to worry Tsunade and Jiraiya, he slept under the bridge. After a while, he had to speak to Tsunade about getting food and some place to stay, but was brushed off as Tsunade didn't have time for him 'asking for a mission' as she put it. So he went to Jiraiya to ask him for help, but couldn't find the old pervert anywhere.

Sighing, Naruto looked over Konoha as he pulled a kunai out and looked at it longingly. He hadn't eaten in a weak since he didn't have any money or a coupon to get some ramen. Sure they gave him free ramen at times, but he didn't want to bother them. He towards the Hokage's tower and sighed as he noticed Tsunade sleeping at her desk again.

No one would stop him.

Placing the kunai at his wrist, he was about to slid it across when a pale, yet somewhat tanned hand grabbed the kunai. Naruto looked up to see Sasuke holding onto his wrist. "Teme. Let go."


Naruto narrowed his eyes and tried to free himself, only for Sasuke to increase his grip. He continued to struggle against him and was about to speak again when Sasuke spoke. "Alright, what's wrong?"

He looked back up at Sasuke and looked him in the eyes and noticed concern and slight worry in his eyes. He blinked in confusion at this as the Sasuke he knew never really showed very much emotion. Yet, something about him was different today. Sighing and shaking his head, he answered him. "Just look at me teme."

Sasuke flinched a bit at his tone, but she looked at him a bit. With his jump suit on, it was hard to get a good look at him but she could tell that he was paler than normal and that he looked frail as if he hadn't been eating. And his clothes looked like they hadn't been changed since he returned, as she could see the patched in his jacket. "You look like shit, look like you need to get something to eat and a new pair of clothes."

Naruto scoffed a bit at him, but nodded his head. "Your too damn observant for your own good, you know that teme."

The said Uchiha nodded a bit as she took the kunai from Naruto's grip before picking him up. "Come on. I'm going to take you home and get something to eat." Naruto flinched at this, making her wonder what was wrong. "Naruto?"

He shook his head at Sasuke. "I haven't been at my home all week. It was torn to shreds when I returned to it. So I've been living on the streets."

Sasuke's eyes widen a bit before narrowing in anger hearing this. Taking a moment to regain her composure, she shook her head. "I see. Then you’re coming home with me then. I owe you one."

Naruto looked over at him with shook, not figuring Sasuke to be this kind, as it was completely out of his character. After receiving a glare from him, he just nodded his head as he followed Sasuke to the Uchiha district and to his home. Once they entered, Sasuke turned around and stopped him after taking his sandals off. "Take your shoes off now. Then go take a bath right over there. When you get out I'll have some clothes for you and something to eat."

Not wanting to argue with the mood changing avenger, he complied with him and took of his sandals before heading towards the bathroom where Sasuke had pointed at. Once he was out, he found a pair of clothes that looked a bit large for him, but put them on anyways as he headed out of the bathroom, to see Sasuke panting lightly with a few burns on him. "I ordered out. And don't you dare say a thing dobe."

Biting his lip to keep from laughing, he nodded seeing the glare that Sasuke was giving him. Ten minutes later, a few pizzas arrived and they started eating while they sat in the living room. There wasn't much on the TV, so they ended up settling on an anime know as Death Note. At the end, both of their eyes had widened a bit, not seeing the girl offering herself to the guy coming. Sasuke quickly changed the channel as both had light blushes on their faces.

A few hours later, Naruto shook his head a bit as he yawned. Sasuke shook his head at him when she noticed the air around her beginning to shimmer. She widened her eyes as she knew it meant the genjutsu was wearing out. Shaking her head, she stood up and stretched a bit. "Well, I'm calling it a night. I have a second bed set up in my room as I don't want you using my parent's or aniki's bed room."

Naruto nodded in understanding as Sasuke headed off to his room as he continued munching lightly on the pizza as he channeled surfed. He was slightly surprised that Sasuke was being as nice as he was, as it was new to him. But he wasn't complaining as he felt a whole lot better than he did earlier in the day.

After thirty minutes, Naruto headed up and slipped into his bed, trying not to wake up Sasuke. Closing his eyes, he curled up a bit and fell asleep in with moments, as he had been this comfortable sleeping an a while.


Feeling something near him, Naruto woke up and reached for the kunai on the bed stand. His hand never reached it was a feminine hand grabbed his wrist. He quickly turned to the intruder in the room he was sharing with Sasuke and noticed a girl wearing a white see-through night gown and had spiky raven colored hair that reached the middle of her back. His eyes widen in surprise seeing her eyes.

Both were fully developed Sharingan.

Using a quick burst of strength, he threw her off and grabbed the kunai and pointed it at her. "Who are you? And where is Sasuke?"

The girl didn't speak as she looked at Naruto, as if admiring him with her Sharingan. Naruto narrowed his eyes and tried to close the distance between them, but the foresight of the Sharingan kept him at bay till she backed herself in a corner. He placed the kunai at her throat. "Now answer my questions."

The girl flinched realizing she had no choice and spoke. "Dobe, it is me."

Naruto blinked in confusion at this response. Only one person called him dobe and had the Sharingan, but Sasuke was a guy and he was sure that he was the only Uchiha left in Konoha, unless he was hiding his twin sister, which he doubted but could be possible. But the fact that this girl was saying she was Sasuke was just ridiculous, but still possible as he had seen some pretty strange things. "Fine, if you are Sasuke, prove it."

The girl winced at this before moving her neck to show the curse seal. Naruto's eyes widen seeing this before dropping the kunai and falling on his as before pointing at her. "S-Sasuke! B-but... HOW!"

Sasuke sighed as she looked down at Naruto. "I've always been a girl Naruto; I've just been under a very powerful genjutsu all my life. The same as Tsunade's if I'm not mistaken." She could still see Naruto in a state of disbelief before sighing. "Dobe, I am a girl. I didn't know it was going to wear out today, but I'm kind of glad it did."

Naruto blinked in more confusion hearing this before standing up, though still slightly shaken that his rival was a girl. "Glad? Why? And why where you disguised as a guy anyways."

Sasuke sighed as she figured she was going to explain it to him. "Well, to explain why I was in disguise. To keep father from marrying me off to another clan or using me for breeding stock, as my kaa-san was."

Naruto's eyes widen hearing this. He would have start yelling obscenities hearing it, but Sasuke cut him off. "I know Naruto, but kaa-san and aniki protected me from that, so don't worry about it."

Naruto nodded slightly, though was slightly pissed that someone would do that period and to his own daughter. Shaking his head, he looked at her wanting his first question answered. Seeing she wasn't going to, he spoke. "Aren't you going to tell me why you are glad it faded?"

Looking at her closely, Naruto noticed a light blush on her face and heard Sasuke muttering a few cuss words. This made him blink in confusion as he started walking towards her. "Um... Sasuke what's wrong?"

She snapped her head up and looked at Naruto, who was a right in her face, and jumped back with a large blush on her face before it fade as it was replaced with anger. "Because... because the council has forced me to stay in Konoha till I have produced one child and they all know I really am I girl."

Realization dawned on Naruto as he heard this. He knew that in a genjutsu, Sasuke couldn't use her male equipment. A male shinobi could easily leave an heir or two... or a dozen... behind and continue their job as they weren't carrying the child with them. But a kunoichi was a different story as their career was pretty much over as they had to carry the child and look after them after they gave birth.

Naruto being himself got slightly angry as they were forcing her to have a child, at this age no less! As his anger grew, Sasuke's anger lessened seeing Naruto angering. She smiled lightly at him before blushing again, making Naruto's anger subsided as it went back to confusion. "Um... Sasuke..."

"Call me Miko." She didn't know why she told him to call her that. She had had always liked her mother's name as it stuck with her and guess she was using it to honor her, plus Itachi always called her that when they were alone and not being spied on.

"Alright, Miko. Why are you blushing? And you didn't answer why you where glad." Miko winced as she was avoiding it, but Naruto wasn't as dumb as he looked, well at times he wasn't, and was very, very persistent. She looked around, trying to find a way out of telling him before sighing as she saw none. She cursed her luck before mumbling under her breath.

"Because I like you."

Naruto's jaw dropped hearing this while his eyes nearly popped out his skull before he shakily spoke. "C-can y-you say t-that again?"

Miko cursed lightly before looking up at him and looking him dead in the eyes with her Sharingan. "I like you. Hell, I'm infatuated with you, nearly as bad as Sakura is with me! I'm glad I'm no longer in a genjutsu so I can stop running around as a guy! I want to be able to go out like I am now and be myself! I'm glad because I won’t be chased by my fan girls anymore! I want to have a child of my own that's not forced by someone else!" She went hysterical at the end and started crying into Naruto's shoulder.

Not sure what to do, he just held her crying form before sitting down on the bed. He rubbed her back as she start crying about her father finding out about her being a girl and was about to marry her off when Itachi killed off the clan. She went of on him torturing him with Tsukiyomi and continued on till everything on her chest was finally split.

After all was done and her tears dried up, she curled up against Naruto before speaking softly. "Thank you Naruto. I... need that."

Naruto nodded slightly as he smiled lightly at her. Then another thought hit him as she curled up against him and started rubbing against something she really shouldn't be. He blushed at this, but let her do it for now as there was no harm in it... yet.

"Um... Miko. Why were you hovering over me while I was asleep?"

She blushed brightly again as she remembered doing so before pointing to the calendar. Naruto looked at it and noticed the day. It was his birthday, October Tenth. He cringed at that and hoped it wouldn't be as bad as his others. Miko noticed this before placing her hands on his shoulders and pushing him down to the bed, much to his surprise. "The reason why... I wanted to give you a birthday you won't forget."

Her hands swiftly removed his boxers and revealed his nine inch member to her. Her sharingan eyes widen before she jumped it and started to pump it lightly much to the shock of the blonde haired jinchuuriki. "Sas... M-Miko!"

Miko looked up grinning slightly at him. "Come on Naruto. It's your birthday, and I want to give this to you. Just relax and let me do the work. Who knows, if I like it I might go all the way." She winked at the last part making Naruto blush brightly understanding what Miko meant.

The moral center of his brain was screaming that this was wrong as this was the same person that he confessed that he felt like a brother to, but that was overridden by the part that wanted to get something nice for his birthday and the feral portion of his mind wanting to get release. So he just nodded to let her continue.

She smirked at this and started to increase her pumping as she copied every detail of his member into her mind. With each stroke, it was getting harder and harder to keep it up without hurting Naruto, defeating the entire purpose of her present. As she tried to solve how to keep going without hurting as she pumped him lightly, and idea popped in her head. She was only planning on giving him a hand job, but hell licking him wouldn't hurt.

Miko brought her head down to the side of his long rod and cautiously opened her mouth before gently licking it, to see if she could stand the taste. As her tongue touched it, she deemed it okay, although a little bit salty before she started dragging her tongue along the bottom. She could see the throbbing blood vessel in his cock perfectly as she licked the bottom gently, copying every second of it wanting to remember this. She continued to lick the sides gently before noticing something oozing out of the slit on the head.

Curiosity getting to best of her, she moved her mouth in front of it, before flicking her tongue across it, wanting to see what it tasted like. Soon as she did, she couldn't believe how good it tasted. It was sweet, yet somewhat salty and had a bit of sourness to it. She flicked her tongue around the head a few more times as she slowly brought her mouth to the tip and started breathing heavily on it, unsure whether to continue.

Naruto, even though he didn't want to admit it, he was enjoying this immensely. Sure, on a few lonely nights he had jerked off thinking about, oddly enough, a raven haired girl that he had seen at night when he was eight. Of course she was around his age at the time, so he had to envision what she would look like now, and oddly enough looked like Miko...

He refrained from moaning when she started to tentatively lick him before she dragged it along his shaft. After licking the sides a bit, she stopped for a brief second before she flicked her tongue over the tip a few times and started to feel her heated breath over his lower region. Looking down as he felt her grip his shaft he saw her open her mouth slightly before kissing the tip and slowly started to swallow his head. He couldn't help but moan at the feel. It was out of this world as her mouth was so slick and warm.

Miko didn't what the hell was wrong with her. At first she just wanted to give him hand job as it had to feel better than those nights she saw him masturbate when they had to share a tent on their missions. Then as it was getting hard for her to do, she thought licking it would help lubricate him making it easier to continue, but now she was doing this! Sure she liked him, but this was too much!

Even though she was mentally screaming at herself to stop, she couldn't help but moan lightly as she started sucking and flicking her tongue across his head. Hearing his moans didn't help at all and instead boasted her confidence that she was doing this right and began sucking even harder than before and started to slowly engulf more of his large member into her mouth.

Naruto moaned a bit louder as she began taking more into her mouth. He no longer care that this was his best friend only moments ago. All he knew was that she was doing a wonderful job and didn't want her to stop until he released. He moaned louder as she took more into her mouth and placed his hand on her head and began to stroke her hair.

She moaned a bit louder and happily at the feel of his hand as she sucked even harder as his member hit the back of her throat. She refrained from gagging a bit when this happened, but hearing Naruto's moan made her feel even hotter than before. She sucked him even harder than before, occasionally taking him out to lick along his shaft and head before devouring it back in her mouth. Feeling the increasing rubbing on her head, she sucked harder and took more into her mouth as she slurped on his member like a Popsicle.

He moaned even louder then before as he placed his other hand onto her head and stroked her head and rubbed her scalp a bit roughly due to the pleasure he was in. All he knew was that her mouth felt great and that he knew he was close. He normally would have told her about this, but he wasn't coherent enough to do so as he felt himself beginning to churn.

Miko swirled her tongue around the underneath and side of his member as she slurped and sucked on the bit that was in her mouth. With her Sharingan active, she could see the minuscule changes in his veins as if something was moving through his shaft as it got harder in her mouth. Her eyes widen in realization and she mentally screamed at herself to take it out, but her body ignored her as it continued sucking harder wanting to taste him.

Hearing him moan loudly and grip her head tightly, she braced herself as the first jet of cum shot into her mouth. She unconsciously moaned as another large blast shot out followed by another and she was forced to start swallowing it as it was becoming too much for her to try and taste. She sucked harder and swallowed more of it as it shot out and into her mouth. After another load, she could take it anymore as it started to seep out of her mouth just as it subsided.

Naruto panted a bit as he released his grip on her and looked down to see Miko slowly pull his member out of her mouth. Semen dripped from her chin onto her slightly exposed breast as she looked up at him as her eyes clouded over was what he identified as lust. Though why he knew that was beyond him.

She looked up at him a bit before licking the semen of her lips as she quite enjoyed the taste before she crawled on top of him and looked him dead in the eyes with her clouded Sharingan eyes, as if asking if she could. Not sure what to do, he nodded a bit as his mind had shut down and his instincts had taken over. Not wasting any time, she lifted her night gown a bit so that it wouldn't get in the way as she gripped his member and slowly lined herself up with it, as she wasn't wearing anything underneath it.

Miko moaned slightly as it rubbed against her wet slit and as Naruto gripped her waist and slowly started pulling her down. She moaned even louder in pleasure and pain as the head sunk in while she scratched and clawed at Naruto's clothed chest, leaving little scratch marks as she had unconscious activated her curse seal.

He continued to sink into her until the head of his member hit a firm wall inside of her. Knowing what it was as he wasn't ignorant of sex, he looked up at her with his eyes, asking her permission to continue on. Miko looked a bit worried at first, knowing it was going to hurt, but she nodded as she braced herself. Seeing her nod was all he needed as he pulled back a bit before thrusting deeply into her, breaking her barrier as he slid comfortably inside of her.

She hissed at the pain as she gripped Naruto's shoulders and pierced her fingers into them. Naruto gritted his teeth a bit in pain, but it was better than taking a Chidori to his right shoulder. He held her tightly and comfortingly, as hard as it was with her fingers lodged into his shoulders. She melted into his touch as she slowly waited for the pain to die down a bit. After a few moments of doing so, she released her tight grip on Naruto and noticed her fingers were bloody.

Miko's eyes widen a bit at this and looked down at Naruto who shook his head as he looked over at them and noticed wisp of red chakra flowing through the wounds, healing them at an accelerated pace. "It's okay. It's healing me." His eyes widen as he said that, not knowing that she already knew of Kyuubi.

She shook his head at him and kept him firmly below her. "It's okay. I already knew for a while. I don't think of you any different than before. Though you’re still a dobe, no matter what."

Naruto frowned a bit before noticing the oddly playful grin on Miko's face, which was odd as when she was in her genjutsu, she hardly ever showed any feel. He guessed it had to deal with the fact that she was feeling very good at the moment with him inside of her. He smirked foxily at her before leaning up quickly and gripping one of her breast as he wrapped one of his arms around her waist. "So are we going to start, or are you going to stay still?”

Miko gasped in surprised before moaning as he squeezed her breast and fondled it a bit before nodding. "Please... Let's start."

He smirked a bit as he fondled her breast a bit more before nodding back as he pulled back a bit and thrusted back into her. Hearing her moan, he continued thrusting into her as she slowly began grinding her hips against his. He growled a bit in the back of his throat as he increased the pace of his thrusting with each stroke as he fondled the breast in his hands even more. A devilish smirk grew on his face as he uncovered her breast and brought his mouth towards her stiffened nipple and swirled his tongue around it before kissing it.

She gasped in surprise at this before moaning loudly as she gripped his head and started massaging his scalp. She moaned louder as he thrusted deeper and faster into her with each plunge into her while swirling and nibbling on her nipple. She could barely keep up with him as she ground her hips against him as pleasure was consuming her like a tidal wave. This being her first time and having such a large member inside of her, she could help but give away as she released.

Naruto noticed this as he felt her walls clamp around him tightly, but he wasn't any where near close as it hadn't been to long. Shrugging his shoulders as it made it more fun for him, he continued thrusting deeply into her as he began to uncover her other breast. He swirled his tongue around her nipple before biting down on it and pulled it back before switching to her other breast, giving it the same attention.

As her climax died down, she moaned lightly as she waited a bit as Naruto thrusted into her before continuing her grinding against him. This was beyond anything she had ever wanted. She had never expected to actually have sex so soon and with her best friend at that. But she couldn't complain as she moaned loudly while grinding her hips against his while rubbing his scalp, keeping it locked on her breast.

He growled deeply in his throat as he increase his pace even more as he slowly began tiring and knew that he was getting close. He kissed her nipple before nibbling it lightly as his thrust became more erratic with each stroke. He knew it wouldn't be much longer as he held her closely to him.

Seeing him getting tired, Miko increased her grinding to have him release as she knew he was getting close instinctively. As she grinded herself against him and moaned loudly, she began wondering what would happen if he released within her. She knew there would be a high chance that she would get pregnant, but was she ready for it. It would get the council off her back as there would be heirs along the way, but they would probably throw a fit if they knew they were Naruto’s children.

The thought burned in her mind as she remembered Kakashi's treatment of her teammate and nodded to herself as she knew what she was going to do as she moaned loudly as she felt him harden with her and knew he was about to release. Her eyes widen as she silently screamed as his white hot liquid shot into her, entering her womb as well. This was all she needed as she was close again and released on him before leaning into him and executed her plan as she bit his neck and sent some of her chakra into his system.

After a few minutes, both calmed down from their climaxes as they looked at the other. Miko smiled lightly at him and noticed the shape of an Uchiha fan were she bit Naruto take shape. She leaned down into him and nuzzled herself into, making sure to have her collar bone in front of his mouth as she whispered into his ear. "Naruto. Do you know how to mark someone as your lover?"

He looked over at her oddly and nodded a bit as he had learned that from Ero-sennin during the time he was learning the Rasengan. She moved a bit to allow him to see the mark she left on him, making his eyes widen. After a few moments, he managed to moderately regain his composure as he looked at her. "But why?"

Miko sighed a bit as she laid against him and closed her eyes. "It's because for one, I feel comfortable around you. Two, you’re much better than anyone the council would force me with. Three, I know your lonely like me and need we both some sort of companionship. And finally, I remembered that aniki always told me to search you out if I ever had problems."

Naruto blinked a bit, not having a great memory, but a decent enough one to remember Itachi before he went psycho and killed his clan. From what he remembered, the Uchiha prodigy was kind, in his own way; to almost everyone he met, except when he was on duty then he was completely serious. Shaking that off, he thought on her other reasons. He too felt comfortable around her, and when she was in her genjutsu. He also knew the council would end up making her be with Kakashi or some other high up shinobi.

But the final reason just clicked in his head and combined with the others, just made sense. He had always been alone till he met Miko when she was acting like she was male and when he finally got on team seven. If it wasn't for her really, he wouldn't have felt welcomed on the team, even though Sakura was finally beginning to warm up to him. And he knew she had been alone ever since he clan was wiped out on that fateful night. He knew that she had to deal with the loneliness, possibly a more difficult one than his own as her family was taken away from her in a brutal fashion.

Looking up at her, he noticed that she had fallen asleep on top of him and looked comfortable as she laid there, occasionally snoring. Looking at her for an unknown amount of time, he slowly nuzzled against her collar bone before biting down lightly and sending his chakra into the bite, marking her, his forever.

After a few more minutes, he gripped her tightly before he slowly fell asleep, happier than even when he became a shinobi.


Tsunade sighed deeply as she looked at Jiraiya in front of her, ignoring the sun rising behind her. "So you want to take Naruto off and train him for the next two and a half years so he can defend himself against Akatsuki when the time comes."

Jiraiya nodded in an unusually serious position. "Yes. And Tsunade, I have question of my own."

She looked up at the pervert as she sighed; knowing she couldn't talk him out of taking Naruto, and knew it was for the best. "What now pervert?"

"Where is Naruto? I dropped by to see him, but his apartment was in shambles and he was no where to be seen. I know it wasn't Akatsuki trying to capture him as they have gone into hiding, and there would have been telling tale signs of destruction and reports of Kyuubi's chakra being used."

Tsunade's eyes widen for a brief second before jumping up. "Gawd dammit! That's what the brat came in for a couple days ago and didn't tell me after I shoed him off thinking it was nothing important!"

Jiraiya narrowed his eyes before shaking his head looking at the pile of paperwork on her desk. He could understand why she would just show him away with really paying attention. Sarutobi did the same thing at times as paperwork was more of a devil then anyone realized. "It's okay Tsunade. I'll find him and tell him. It's a good thing Minato put a tracking seal on the brat when he was born."

The Gondaime Hokage nodded her head a bit and slumped down in her chair as she felt depressed she didn't even give him the time of day. She glared at the paperwork in front of her and oddly enough the started to wither away under the pressure as the door open to reveal Kakashi. Tsunade sighed in annoyance as she knew this would be about the Uchiha, as that was practically all he cared about. "What is it now Kakashi?"

The said copy Nin sighed and shook his head. "I just came in to tell you that the genjutsu to keep Sasuke's gender a secret goes out today."

Tsunade groaned a bit hearing this as Jiraiya raised his eyebrow hearing this. As far as he knew, Sasuke was a boy. But apparently he wasn't from what Kakashi just said. Tsunade rubbed her temple a bit and stood up. "Fine, I'll go redo it for her. But after this I'm going to teach it to her so she can due it on her own and keep it up herself."

Kakashi nodded as he walked out of the room and headed off to get some sleep after his painful beating from Sakura that just ended twenty minutes earlier. Tsunade shook her head a bit before turning towards Jiraiya. "Go find the brat. I have to do this."

Jiraiya nodded and jumped out of the window, following the tracking seal with a weird looking compass as Tsunade jumped out and headed towards the Uchiha district. Oddly enough, they never left each others site as they landed in front of Sasuke's house. Both blinked at each other before shaking their head as Jiraiya spoke up. "Should have figured. He's the only one that would take him in at the moment."

Tsunade nodded as they both walked in. She headed to Sasuke's room as Jiraiya checked the other rooms for Naruto. Once she arrived at the door, she knocked lightly, only for no one to respond. After a few more knocks, a tick mark developed on her forehead as she was about to open the door, when she noticed Jiraiya behind her, meaning Naruto was in the room as well. She sighed deeply, hoping he wouldn't wake up to see Sasuke as a girl and start asking question as she opened to door silently, to see the one thing she never expect while Jiraiya quickly wiped out his notebook.

Seeing this, she quickly knocked him out before walking in the room and slamming the door shut. Both Naruto and Miko jumped up, not caring how exposed they were to the world. Tsunade deeply blushed seeing Naruto’s size as he was still hard before she noticed the dried up semen and juices on Miko’s legs. Her eyes narrowed even more before they widened as she noticed the marks on their collar bones.

Remembering what the council had said and their plans to put her with Kakashi and a few other jounin when she turned fifteen, a slight smile graced her lips as this help both of them more than they thought. The truth was, she knew both Minato, Kushina and Mikoto had a secret arrangement to have both of them marry when they were fifteen, to keep her from being thrown away to someone her father wanted her to be. At least with Naruto, Mikoto instinctively knew he would be like his father and mother and she knew that he would more than take care of Miko.

Shaking that thought from her head, she looked up at the two of them. "I guess that means you won't be need to keep up your genjutsu again I see.”

Miko blushed before nodding as Naruto covered her up with a blanket, not caring for himself. Tsuande's lips twitched at this as she quickly walked over to them and cast a diagnostics jutsu on her stomach and shook her head a bit more. "Well, at least the council can't say anything anymore."

Both Naruto and Miko's eyes widen before she blushed madly as Naruto passed out. Tsunade shook her head even more at this before turning back to Miko. "Well, I suppose I'm going to have to teach both of you a bit as in nine mouths you with Naruto will have to be raising a new baby."

Miko nodded lightly before her eyes widen seeing the pervert walk into the room. Jiraiya never knew what hit him.


In a forest six years later, Orochimaru glared at the walls of Konoha. He had to change bodies again, but this time no one was going to stop him from getting Sasuke's body. Obviously he hadn't learned, or didn't care, that Sasuke was actually a girl. All he cared about was gaining the Sharingan. Quickly turning around, he looked over at his know sound four and Kabuto. "Alright, are all of you ready?”

Seeing them nod, Orochimaru turned to the wall. "Good. Remember when you get him; contact me with the curse seal so I can transfer to Sasuke's body."

"Excuse me."

Orochimaru paled as he heard the voice and turned around, only to see black flames where the sound four and Kabuto once stood. And in the middle of it, his worse nightmare was staring at him with his Mangekyou activated, without his Akatsuki cloak on. Orochimaru paled even more as he took a step back, only to run into a fish/shark man with a giant sword behind him smirking wildly. "Itachi, can I cut him in half."

The weasel nodded. "Only after I do this. Tsukiyomi."

Orochimaru screamed loudly, alerting a few Anbu and Jiraiya as they rushed to scene quickly, only to see Kisame shave Orochimaru in half. All the Anbu tensed seeing Itachi before the said Uchiha pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to the smirking Jiraiya. "I see. Your SS-rank mission is over. Good work. Tsunade and I will explain it to the council. You can go home for now. As for you Kisame, we'll have to work out an arrangement, but we'll get you in."

The said fish/shark man grinned before nodding at Jiraiya as Itachi nodded and took the Konoha hitai-ate that Jiraiya threw him and put it on. Once he did he followed Jiraiya through the front gates, much to the surprise of everyone that saw them. Kakashi's eyes widen as he pasted them and pulled out his kunai ready to fight when Jiraiya stopped him and showed him the paper sheet signed by the Sandaime.

After a few more similar incidences, the threesome walked into the Uchiha district. After a few moments, they were at the front doors as Jiraiya knocked on the door. A few moments later, the door was answered by a slightly annoyed Miko before her eyes widen seeing who was behind Jiraiya. "Why is he here?!"

Instantly, Naruto was at the door behind her with Hiraishin kunai in hand to see the threesome. Jiraiya waved them off as Itachi's eyes nearly popped out of his skull seeing the marks on both of their shoulders. "Calm down both of you. This is going to take a bit of explaining. Can we enter?"

After a few moments of convincing both of them, Jiraiya managed to get them in the living room and explained that Madara had killed the clan while Itachi arrived to whiteness the after math. He still killed Shusui, but that was because he was Madara's contact. After a bit more explaining about the cover up and the mission, Miko looked over at Itachi. "So it was just to protect Naruto?"

Itachi nodded a bit as he looked over at the said young man. "Okay. I want you to explain to me how you ended up with my imouto..."


Itachi's eyes widen to the extreme as he wiped around and noticed a five year old blonde hair boy that kind of looked like Sasuke, but he had red eyes and one tomoe in both of his eyes. "TOU-SAN! KAA-SAN! LOOK! LOOK! I ACTIVATED IT! SEE!"

It was just too much for the Uchiha prodigy to handle as he passed out from shock while everyone congratulating the young Sasuke on activating it before laughing at Itachi.