Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Smiling Mask of ANBU ❯ The Boys Behind the Masks ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer- I do not own Naruto. It belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.
Please see my profile for update information. In your reviews please make a note of what side-pairings you'd like to see. As long as they don't mess with the original pairing any will do.
Kyuubi Talking
The Smiling White Mask of Anbu
Chapter 4-The Mission to Wave; The Boys Behind the Masks
Naruto watched as his sensei slowly awoke. Slowly he helped the man sit up and stared at him with unnerving blue eyes. Kakashi gazed back at his student and wondered where Naruto had obtained the ability to stare like that. “Is there something you wish to say, Naruto?” The blonde sighed and ran one hand through his hair. “I was worried. I sent Sakura and Sasuke to get food and a little rest but I decided to wait for you.”
Kakashi smiled. “Thank you Naruto, but you didn't have to. And I'm sorry if I worried you.” Now that he was aware of his student's anxiety he could see all the signs of one who had been tense for entirely too long. Naruto was still a bit tense and his eyes shifted from side to side every now and then. He looked a little pale and there were something like circles under his eyes. He frowned. “Naruto did you sleep at all while I was out?”
The boy didn't meet his eyes as he spoke. “I wanted to inform you of your error once you had awoken.” Kakashi's frowned deepened at the swift change of subject. “Error?” Naruto nodded, keeping his eyes averted. “Unless I'm wrong, which I don't think I am, that boy was no hunter. All hunters dispose of the bodies of their prey immediately. However that boy did no such thing.”
Kakashi nodded. Naruto had a point. “And there is also the dubious choice of weapon.” The blonde whispered. Kakashi stiffened, “You think Zabuza is still alive?” Naruto meet his eyes. “Think? No, I'm sure of it.” The blonde rose to his feet and walked toward the door. “I'll go get us both some food.” Kakashi nodded before remembering his earlier question. “Naruto? You never answered me. Have you slept?”
Naruto stopped in the open doorway, one hand on the handle, and shook his head. Kakashi stared at his student. “Why not?” Naruto turned slowly and met his eyes. Kakashi's breath caught at the sight of those normally brightly blue eyes so sad and dark. Naruto looked like he could cry. “I was worried. You could easily have died. After all,” and here he let out a mirthless chuckle. “You're around me. It's only a matter of time.”
The blonde left, leaving his cryptic words behind. Kakashi watched as his student walked away in sadness and horror. (Naruto, do you really believe that?)
Naruto stood staring up at his teacher with a raised eyebrow and an unimpressed look. Kakashi grinned down at him from where he stood upside down on the tree. “Come on you three. Get up the trees.” Naruto let out a sharp huff, the air moving his bangs. (This is so annoying! I did this when I was 6!) Where was his team when he needed them?
Oh that's right. They weren't stuck watching children that had no concept of the real world. Damn them. Damn them to the seven depths of hell. And the Sandaime to. He sighed and quickly raced up the tree. He continued all the way to the top, moving through the branches with practiced ease. He stopped t the top and let the wind blow through his hair, eyes closed in joy. (It's the simple things in life.) “Naruto!”
He looked down to see his sensei waving at him, beaming. “Good job. You can come down now.” He nodded and jumped onto the branch beneath him. Taking a deep breath he let himself fall off. He ignored the shouts this caused and just let himself feel. Right now, he was in his element. His charka sang in his bloodstream, taking pleasure in being surrounded by his affinity. “Brat, the ground.”
Naruto sighed and nodded, flipping around. Charka was pushed out of his body at a fast rate, causing the wind to engulf him, forming something like a barrier to appear between him and ground. His momentum lessened drastically until he was able to safely put his feet on the ground. It was like stepping off a stair. “That was fun.” He whispered, brushing off his clothes.
Sakura cam over and hit him over the head. “You Baka! I thought you were going to die.” Naruto thought she would be funny if she didn't seem so truly frightened. “Sakura, relax. I've done that so many times now that it isn't even funny. I was perfectly safe.” Sakura bristled. “It didn't look that way to me!” Her shoulders dropped slightly. “Seriously Naruto. You should warn us before you do something like that. You worry us.” Naruto's eyes widened.
Kakashi sighed. “Naruto come with me, will you? Sakura, Sasuke, you stay here and work. Sakura, time how long you can stay up.” Naruto was slightly reluctant to follow him but knew he didn't have a choice. He sighed and walked slowly behind his teacher.
Kakashi glanced back at the boy in worry. Naruto's skills were erratic and his attitude ever changing. One day he'd seem truly clueless than the next he'd show a complex understanding of a subject they had yet to even touch. He'd be a fool and an idiot and dance around shouting at the world. Than he'd do a complete one-eighty and stare into space for minutes and hours on end, always with that too old, too tainted look on his face. Naruto was hiding something, he was sure of it. But first he needed to deal with this.
He turned and stared at his student. “Naruto, what was that?” Naruto shrugged and scuffed one show against the ground, his hands in his pockets. Kakashi glared at the boy. “Naruto.” He warned.
The blonde sighed and met his eyes evenly. “That was what happens when one applies a sudden amount of charka containing a wind affinity. It creates a sudden surge of wind, making a barrier or shield. One can pass through it but not without experiencing a change in wind pressure.” Kakashi raised an eyebrow. Yep, idiot one day, genius the next. “That's not what I meant and you know it.”
“Naruto shrugged again. “I don't know what to tell you sensei. It's just something I like to do. It feels like I'm flying.” Kakashi shook his head and kneeled down to Naruto's level. “Do you believe what you said earlier? About you being a curse?” Naruto looked up at the sky but nodded. Kakashi's eyes softened, “Naruto, people aren't going to die just because you're around them.”
Naruto turned his head and stared at him. Those beautiful blue eyes were sharp and it seemed like he could see straight to Kakashi's soul. “I've never been presented with evidence to the contrary.” He whispered and turned away, jumping quickly through the trees. He slowed slightly and let himself slip from the branch. He landed face-first in a clearing. “Something like that, I wish I could say it.” He whispered his eyes sliding closed.
Naruto awoke to the sound of footsteps. He shot up and fingered a kunai, staring at the girl-boy-whatever standing in the clearing. There was something familiar about the person. His eyes widened and he tightened his grip on the kunai. Slowly, as they continued to stare at each other, Naruto relaxed and sat down, placing the kunai next to him. “Hello, Hunter-san.”
The boy started and glared at him, tightening his grip around the basket. Naruto grinned, “We can fight now, but than we'd get tried and bloody and all dirty and I'm not in the mood for that. Relax.” He soothed, making sitting motions with his hands. Slowly the boy relaxed and started to pick herbs, keeping one eye on him at all times. Naruto grinned, “What's your name?”
“Haku.” Naruto nodded, his grin softening into a smile. “Well, Haku, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Uzumaki Naruto.” Haku straightened and turned towards him fully. “You mean, the Kaze Kitsune.” Naruto stiffened and glared at the boy. Haku smiled warmly, “I recognized your tessen. That is all.” Naruto didn't relax but allowed a smile to cross his face again. “Ah, I knew I shouldn't have brought that thing. You know, I've spent almost a month now working under cover with a team and they still haven't noticed.” Naruto raised his hands and clapped.
Haku smiled and gently set down his basket. “And what is an Anbu Captain doing with a Genin team?” He shrugged. “It's a mission. What can I do?” Naruto glanced at the herbs. “Is Zabuza alright? I wish I could fight him in earnest, but no I can't.” The blonde frowned, “No fair.” Haku giggled and sat down still a ways away from him. “He is recovering. And I am sure he would share that sentiment if he knew.” Naruto tilted his head to the side. “He doesn't know?” Haku shook his head. “I didn't want to tell him until I knew for sure.”
Haku looked up and met his eyes. “Why do you fight, Kitsune-san?” Naruto sighed. “Even though I bring misfortune, I want to protect them; the people of my village.” Haku met his eyes with a curious look. “You believe yourself to bring misfortune?” The blonde nodded. “Everyone I have ever gotten close to has either died or gone insane. My parents, the Uchihas, Team 5, Team 9 …Itachi.” He sighed. “I bring death and chaos and ruin to those I love. I am positive of that fact.”
Haku stared at him with sad eyes. “I do not believe so. I believe you to be a kind and gentle person, Naruto-kun.” Naruto laughed, “For an Anbu.” Haku nodded and giggled. “For an Anbu.” He stood and grabbed his basket. “I should be going Naruto-kun. It was a pleasure to know the boy behind the mask.” Naruto stood as well. “I believe that statement to hold true for both of us. Good luck Haku.” Haku nodded and walked away.
Naruto sighed as he sat on the roof and stared up at the stars. “A kind and gentle person…” He repeated. “If that's true, than why does everyone always leave me.” He asked, curling into himself. But he didn't cry, he had promised himself a long time ago that he would not cry.