Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Smiling Mask of ANBU ❯ Kindness Hurts ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer- I do not own Naruto. It belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.
Please see my profile for update information. In your reviews please make a note of what side-pairings you'd like to see. As long as they don't mess with the original pairing any will do.
Kyuubi Talking
The Smiling White Mask of Anbu
Chapter 5-The Mission to Wave; Kindness Hurts
Naruto turned his head to the sky and frowned slightly. (Something's not right.) He thought. He turned to his teacher as they prepared to leave for the bridge. “Sensei, I'd like to stay here for the day.” Kakashi frowned. “Is something wrong?” Naruto frowned slightly. “I don't know but something's not sitting well in my gut. I'd like to stay here for the day.” Kakashi stared at the blonde for a minute before he nodded. “Alright. Be careful.”
Naruto smiled and nodded, walking back into the house. He slid the door closed behind him and leaned back against it. “Naomi.” He whispered. The shadows flickered and the woman appeared next to him. “You rang?” she asked. “Keep your eye on the perimeter. Something's off.” She nodded and disappeared. Naruto pushed off the door and entered the main part of the house. Tsunami looked up as he entered. “Is everything alright, Naruto-kun?” he smiled widely. “Perfect. Just ignore me.” He stated.
Tsunami nodded as he walked out of the room. Naruto walked through the house, creating a routine that insured he went in a complete circuit through the house. After he did this 3 times Tsunami stopped him. “Are you sure everything's alright, Naruto-kun?” Naruto started to nod when Naomi appeared next to him. Tsunami shrieked slightly. The blonde ignored her and turned his full attention to his summons. “Report.”
Naomi smirked. “Trouble.” She stated as the door was thrown inward. Naruto sent the woman a dark look. “You couldn't have taken care of them yourself?” he asked. Naomi shrugged uncaringly. He sighed and reached into his pouch to pull out a seal. Blue charka gathered around his hand and the tessen appeared. He sent a glare at the intruders and blasted him with a gust of wind. They flew back.
Naruto snapped his fan shut and turned to glare at Naomi. “And just why did you find it necessary for me to be the one to take care of them?” Naomi shrugged and leaned back on her heels as Inari ran into the room. Naruto smiled slightly at the boy. “Everything has been taken care of, Inari. Don't worry.” He bit his lip slightly. (Sakura and Sasuke won't be able to hold of Haku forever.) He looked back at where Inari was staring at the two downed thugs in amazement. “Inari, can you do me a favor?” The younger boy turned to look him. Naruto smiled. “I need you to watch over your mother for me.”
Inari's eyes widened. “But, I can't!” Naruto kneeled down so he could look Inari in the eyes. “Yes you can. Earlier you must have been frightened but you came running as quickly as possible right?” the boy nodded. Naruto smiled. “That takes courage, Inari. The ability to not let your fears stop you from acting, to not let them make you second guess, that is strength in and of itself. And that is all the strength you need.” Inari grabbed him. “But why can't you stay?!”
Naruto ran one hand through the boy's hair. “Because right now my team is fighting on the bridge. And their enemies are not like these, they can't be taken out in one hit. They need my help.” He stood and pushed the boy into his mother's arms. “Naomi, if an enemy attacks, take them out. Don't come and get me.” The woman smirked. “Of course.”
He walked to the door. Inari jerked out of Tsunami's embrace. “Naruto, wait! I don't know what to do!” Naruto stopped. “Yes you do. Don't let your fear or insecurities ever make you doubt that.” He turned and smiled softly at the boy. “I believe in you.” He stated.
Haku stared over the group and frowned. Where was Naruto? “It's a shame the blonde isn't here. I was looking forward to fighting him.” he whispered. Zabuza grinned, “That was one interesting kid.” He agreed. Sasuke frowned at being ignored. “You'll just have to deal with me.” Haku nodded briefly and attacked.
A few minutes later he was thrown back by the boys kick. He stood up and listened as Kakashi spoke. “I can't have you underestimating my team by calling them `brats'. Sasuke is the top rookie of his year, Sakura is the brightest shinobi of her age, and Naruto is the #1 most surprising ninja I have ever met.”
Haku stepped forward. “Naruto-kun is the kindest, gentlest boy I have I met.” He whispered, watching as something like pride flashed through the Jonin's eyes. “However, I believe that kindness to be the thing that hurts him the most.” He looked down. “He cares too much and each time he has been hurt because he cares. But still he puts his heart into the hands of others.” Haku shifted, preparing his mirror attack. “And yet, the people who hold his heart are not aware of it and just how fragile it truly is. And so he will just end up being hurt again.” The ice mirrors appeared. “I'm afraid I myself will be one of the ones to hurt him. I can only take solace in the fact that I will not break him.”
He looked up and met Sasuke's shocked eyes and beyond him and the mirrors Sakura's own wide eyes and Kakashi's sad ones. “I believe he broke a long time ago.”
Naruto's eyes widened at the scene he came upon. The entire bridge was covered in mist and he could make out Sakura and Tazuna, Kakashi and Zabuza fighting, and a large dome of ice. He growled and ran forward. He reached into his pouch and pulled out a kunai, throwing it at Haku. He jumped onto the bridge and smiled sadly at the hunter he'd knocked down. “Hello again, Haku-san.”
Haku picked himself up. “Hello Naruto-kun. I had hoped that you would show so that I could fight you but another part of me hoped you wouldn't come because no matter who wins this fight you will be hurt. In more ways than one. And it hurts me to know that I will be the one to cause you that pain.” Naruto reached into his pocket and pulled out his fan. “I wish you the best of luck, Haku-san.” He grinned. “You'll need it.”
Haku's eyes widened and he jumped back inside the mirrors to avoid the blades of wind aimed at him. “Come and catch me Naruto-kun.” He said. Naruto growled but found he had no choice other than to join Sasuke within the circle of mirrors. “Baka!” Sasuke shouted as he stepped next to him. Naruto turned to him and smiled softly. “I have faith that everything will turn out alright.” He whispered, causing Sasuke to stare at the boy. Haku sighed from within the mirrors. “Your kindness was always the thing that hurt you the most, wasn't it, Naruto-kun?”
Naruto smiled sadly. “I'm not kind. I'm cruel, evil. Why else would everyone leave me alone at the end of the day?” Naruto turned his head to stare at Haku. “Shall we begin?”
The blonde growled as he was once again forced to step in front of Sasuke and deflect the needles with his tessen. “Are you alright?” he asked. Sasuke nodded but frowned. “I can barely keep up. What about you?” Naruto smiled harshly. “My technique relies heavily on my speed but even I'm having trouble keeping up.” And for once that wasn't a lie. He might be one of the brightest shinobi in Konoha's history; he might be the youngest Anbu ever, but within the circle of mirrors, where Haku could move freely he found himself hard-pressed to keep up, even if he could follow the boy's movements.
He looked over at Sasuke and grinned. “How are your eyes?” he asked. Sasuke blinked. “What's with the random questions, dumbass?” Naruto frowned and pushed Sasuke and himself out of the way of the senbon. “You're an Uchiha, right? You have the sharigan. So I ask again, how are your eyes?” Sasuke winced. “I don't have the sharigan yet.”
Naruto sighed and moved quickly. He placed a hand on the boy's shoulder and pressed himself against his back so he could whisper directly into Sasuke's ear. “Stop. It's not that hard. Forget everything else. Want only to use the sharigan with all your heart. Want only that.” Sasuke's eyes widened and than slowly slid closed. `Want only that.' When Sasuke's eyes slid back open they were the bright, angry red of the sharigan. “Good.” Naruto whispered. “Now, move!” He pushed the boy away as senbon flew towards him.
Sasuke stumbled briefly before spinning around and watching the senbon impact the blonde. “Naruto!” he shouted. He growled and launched a kunai at one mirror. (If he's dead…If he died because he was busy telling me how to activate the sharigan…) He couldn't finish the thought. He couldn't even imagine a life where Naruto wasn't bouncing around, acting like an idiot, and annoying them so much but was still there at the end of the day with wise words and kind smiles and an outstretched hand. He didn't want to. Being able to shout at the boy and yet still be able to lean on him if he needed to, being able to go all out in a spar knowing that Naruto could handle it; it was something he would miss terribly. He couldn't bare the thought.
Sasuke realized that the boy had wormed into his heart and was not coming out.
Naruto pushed himself up and pulled a senbon out off his arm. “Enough with this pain crap, brat!” Naruto smiled slightly. (At least I got Sasuke to activate his sharigan.) Kyuubi growled. “That's no excuse.” He ignored the demon and looked around, spotting Sasuke. “Sasuke! Good job with the sharigan!” Sasuke paused and turned to look at Naruto. The tension seemed to drain from his body. “Thank god.” He whispered. He looked up and smirked. “Baka, you had me worried.” Naruto smiled.
Slowly he stood up and grinned at the boy. “Your good, Haku-san. It appears I underestimated your speed.” He reached down and picked up the tessen he'd dropped. “But you underestimated me as well. I did not gain the name Kaze Kitsune for nothing.” The wind shifted and exploded outward from his body. “I can not afford to keep up my mask in this fight. Not even if Sasuke is watching.” He raised his hand and let the tessen slid open, covering one half of his face. His blue eyes opened ad pierced right through Haku. “Because my teammates mean the world to me, I would give my life for them.”
He twisted his hand and sent the blast at Haku. While one hand wielded the tessen his other hand moved quickly, writing out seals in charka. (I don't have much time. He'll figure a way around it soon.) He activated the seal and the tessen in his hand glowed and started to float, spinning in a circle wildly. A barrier of wind surrounded the two and he hurried over to Sasuke, hands flying through seals. “We don't have much time. If we're going to win this fight I need you in top condition. Don't do anything stupid.” Naruto stated, dropping down next to the boy.
One hand pulled the senbon out as quickly as possible without harming the boy while the other brushed over the wounds, healing charka flowing from his hands. Sasuke stared at the boy as he worked diligently. (Why isn't he healing himself as well?) He glanced around, trying to find Haku. The boy seemed to be everywhere, throwing senbon at the wind. They just got caught in the current and were pushed to the ground. He relaxed slightly. Then movement caught his eye and he looked back up.
Haku had stepped outside the mirrors and was gathering ice in his hand. The hunter threw it at the wind and, although the wind tussled it slightly, it flew through. His eyes widened and he glanced hurriedly at Naruto. The blonde had his entire attention focused on healing. He didn't even notice. Time seemed to freeze as thoughts flew through Sasuke's head. Then he remembered the sick feeling he'd had when he thought Naruto had died to teach him the sharigan. That was really all it took.
Naruto's eyes widened as Sasuke slipped from his hands and seemed to disappear. Slowly he turned and stared over his shoulder to see Sasuke standing protectively in front of him. “Why?” he breathed out. Sasuke turned his head and stared at him with dull eyes. “I thought you died earlier. I kept trying to see a world where you were dead and I couldn't stand it. The thought made me sick. That's why…I just moved…” He whispered, falling backwards. Naruto caught him and slowly lowered him to the ground. The blonde didn't seem to see anything, eyes staring blankly in front of him. “I'm not worth this.” He whispered, one tear falling down his cheek. “I was never worth this.” His grip tightened briefly on the non-breathing body in his hands.
Slowly Naruto set the boy on the ground and stood up. His head was bowed as he spoke. “I don't care about my own life. I stopped caring a long time ago. But the lives of my friends,” The waver in his voice stopped and grew cold and harsh and without feeling. “They mean the world to me.” He looked up and Haku found himself pinned in place by bright blue eyes. Naruto growled. (Kyuubi, I haven't asked this of you in a long time, but I need you charka.) Kyuubi nodded slightly and sent out his charka.
Thick red charka poured from Naruto's body in waves. The mirrors shook under the pressure. Haku stared at the boy. (He's changed. That boy I met in the clearing is gone. This is the true Anbu captain.) Haku tried to get away but found himself thrown back and out of the mirror the minute he tried. He looked up and backed rapidly away from the fists flying at him. He quickly found himself slowing down, barely able to keep up. Finally a hit connected and he crashed to the floor. (I'm sorry, Zabuza-san. I couldn't stop him. He's…too dear to me.)
Naruto placed a kunai against Haku's neck and pressed down. But he found himself unable to break the skin and kill the hunter. Haku met his eyes, his mask gone. “Why did you stop? I killed one of your precious people. Why stop?” Naruto bit his lip and looked away. He slowly brought the kunai away from the boy's throat and stood up, backing away from him. “Because…because you too are one of my precious people.” He whispered.
Haku pushed himself into a sitting position. “I knew that no matter who won this battle I would hurt you. I would either win and kill the people you care about or lose and die. No matter what happened you'd still cry, wouldn't you?” Naruto turned his head. “Your kindness was always the thing that hurt you the most. And yet you cared and cared and cared.” Haku whispered. “That's why I'm sure you'll understand. I stay with Zabuza-san because he took me in when no one else would. Even though I was just his weapon he let me stand by his side. That made me so happy.” He smiled sadly, a tear rolling down his cheek. “But I'm only good to him as a weapon. If I start to care about my enemy so easily than I am useless to him. That's why…please kill me, Naruto-kun.
Naruto let out a shaky breath. “I can't.” he whispered. Suddenly the sound of birds filled the air. Naruto looked up, eyes wide. “The…chidori?” he whispered. Haku frowned and disappeared. Naruto's eyes widened and he looked around. (He wouldn't.) He thought but he started running anyway. (Please let me be wrong.) He prayed.
His wishes were never granted. Naruto stared in horror at the scene in front of him. Kakashi had his hand through Haku's chest. “Haku…” he whispered, feeling his heart break. He watched as Zabuza tried to cut through both of them and barely stopped himself from running to his sensei so that he could look at Haku. But he knew, knew with all his heart, that the boy was dead. He had…lost another precious person.
“Naruto!” he turned and stared at Sakura as she approached. “Are you okay? Where's Sasuke?” Naruto bit his lip and was steeling himself to tell her when it hit him. `…to care about my enemy so easily…there's also the dubious choice of weapon…' Naruto's eyes widened and tears filled his eyes. “He's alright.” He whispered. The blonde started to laugh weakly. “He's really alright. I just got so scared and terrified and angry. I didn't stop to think about it. That idiot's alive.” Sakura smiled, “That's good.”
Naruto nodded, one hand brushing his tears away. “Yeah, that's good.” He whispered. Naruto froze when Naomi appeared beside him. “He's here.” She stated. Naruto nodded and dried his eyes, turning to look at where Gatou's army of thugs had gathered. “Get ready, Sakura-chan.” He stated and walked over to his teacher. Kakashi sent a confused glance at Naomi but turned his attention back to Gatou as he started talking.
Naruto's eyes widened as he watched the man approach Haku and grind his cane into the boy's cheek. “You Bastard!” he shouted, running forward. Kakashi grabbed his collar and dragged him back. “Are you insane? Look at their numbers.” Naruto growled and jerked from Kakashi's hold, turning to Zabuza. “Aren't going to do something? He was your friend, wasn't he?”
Zabuza didn't look at him as he replied. “Haku was a tool to me. Nothing more. That's all shinobi are. Tools for someone to use.” Naruto's eyes widened. “That's not true! At the end of the day, when the missions are over, a shinobi is still just a human being! Haku cared about you! He loved you so much! He gave his life for you! Does that mean nothing?! I don't think even you are that heartless, Zabuza!” he shouted and then turned his head away. “Even though, even though I barely knew him, even though he was my enemy, he so quickly became someone precious to me.” He whispered, tears gathering in his eyes.
“Kid, you don't need to say anymore.” He looked back up and was surprised to see tears pouring down Zabuza's cheeks. Naruto watched as Zabuza started to tear through the bindings around his mouth. “Hey, kid, can I borrow a kunai?” Naruto nodded and reached into his pouch. “Sure. If you let them stop you, I'll have to kill you myself.” Zabuza grinned at the boy. And then he ran and tore through the enemies, fighting to Gatou, not letting even the swords in his back stop him.
Naruto relaxed slightly when he saw Gatou get taken down. “Naruto!” He turned slightly and smiled when he saw Sasuke standing, although he had to lean on Sakura, and waving at him. “He's alive!” Sakura shouted. Naruto felt tears gathering again. “Yeah.” He took a deep breath and turned towards them fully. “You idiot! Didn't I tell you not to do anything stupid?!”
Sasuke smirked at him. “I'm the idiot? For a minute in there you had actually convinced me you might have a brain, than you get so wrapped up in something you completely forget about the enemy!” Naruto laughed.
“Hey, hey! You're entirely too relaxed!” Naruto tensed and turned back to the army of thugs. Naruto twitched slightly. “Naomi, what did I say to you not even half-an-hour ago?” The woman grinned and leaned back on her heals. “To take care of the enemy when I find them. Don't come and get you to do it.” Naruto nodded. “Yes, that's it exactly. Then what do you call that?!” He asked, pointing to the group. Naomi snickered.
The army ran forward. An arrow landed in the ground, causing them to pause. Naruto turned slightly and smiled at Inari. “See, I knew you could do it!” The boy grinned at him before turning his attention back to the group. “This is our village! You want to ruin it, you'll have to try to get through us!” Naruto watched as they ran away. “Nice, very nice.” He whispered.
His amusement was cut short when he noticed Kakashi slowly carrying Zabuza back to Haku. A drop of snow hit his cheek. “It's…snowing?” he asked, raising one hand as if to catch a snowflake. (Haku…is this…your way of crying?) Naomi slipped one hand around his shoulders. “It always pained me that the one thing I could never protect you from was from yourself.” She whispered, gently wrapping him in a hug. “Because you care so much. But if you didn't, you wouldn't be Naruto-sama.”
Kakashi, Sakura, and Sasuke hiked up the hill to where they had buried Haku and Zabuza. Kakashi sighed. “I'd thought so.” He whispered, staring at the boy standing quietly in front of the graves. Sakura stepped forward and reached out a hand to the blonde. “Naruto…” she called.
Naruto's shoulders started to shake. “I said a long time ago that I wouldn't cry anymore. No matter how many people I loved died, no matter how much I hurt I wouldn't cry. Even so…” He tilted his head to the sky, tears pouring from his eyes. “Even so, I can't make these tears stop.” He sobbed.
Sakura bit her lip and ran forward, hugging the blonde from behind. Kakashi walked forward slowly, burying one hand into the boy's hair as Sasuke stepped up onto Naruto's other side. “It appears that Haku was right. Your kindness was always the thing that hurt you the most. You gave your heart to people and yet they didn't know they had it nor did they know how fragile it was. Haku, and even Zabuza, had no idea that they could hurt so much.”
Naruto's body shook within their embrace. “I knew them for such a short time but they grew to be so precious to me.” Sakura buried her head into Naruto's shoulder. “But no matter how many times you get hurt, no matter how much your heart is torn to shreds, you keep caring. Because you don't want to let go of the hope that eventually someone will be there the next day, waiting for you.” Kakashi whispered.
Team 7 watched as Naruto talked easily with the villagers, saying his goodbyes. Naruto kneeled down in front of Inari and smiled softly. “When you say goodbye, it's okay to let yourself cry.” He told him. Inari tackled him, nearly knocking him over. Naruto sighed and ran his hands through Inari's hair. “Sh, sh. It's alright. Sh, sh.”
Slowly Inari backed away from the boy and offered him a watery smile. “Bye.” He whispered. Naruto smiled and cupped the boy's face, wiping away his tears. “Never let your fears make stop. Never let them make you hesitate or second-guess. Because that is strength in and of itself. And that is all the strength one needs.” Inari nodded, tears pouring down his face.
Sasuke sighed as he watched the two. “In that fight, Naruto taught me how to activate the sharigan.” He whispered, one hand hovering over his eyes. Kakashi and Sakura looked over at him. “But then he pushed me out of the way of one of Haku's attacks and got hit himself. And all I could think was that he was dead. That he died teaching me something I could have learned another time, off the battlefield. I tried to see a world where Naruto was gone, where he wasn't laughing and goofing off, where he wasn't there to smile. The mere thought, it made me ill.”
Kakashi smiled and nodded. “That's Naruto's greatest strength. He gets into your heart and he doesn't come out. He heals your heart, even though his is still broken. Even though he breaks so easily, he gets up the next day and smiles. He tries to help. Lesser men would have given up a long time ago.” Sakura nodded but didn't smile. “But a part of me can't help but wonder. The boy behind the mask, what's he like?” she whispered.
Kakashi shrugged. “I don't know. I guess all we can really do is stand by his side and hope he lets us heal him. But I'm staring to realize that Naruto is not what he appears. He has so many layers and puzzles and riddles that it's hard to see where the lies stop and he really begins. I wonder if he even knows himself.” He sighed and called, “Naruto, you done? We've got to go.”
The blonde turned to him and smiled. “Yeah.” He glanced down at Inari. “Bye bye.”
“Kit.” Naruto twitched slightly. (You've been oddly silent. What's wrong?) The Kyuubi sighed and Naruto could almost feel its glare. “My memory might me wrong but I believe we agreed that we wouldn't let ourselves die for no reason.” Naruto frowned. (Yes. I remember that. Why bring it up now?)
“Because I was going over that battle and I realized there was no way you couldn't have known those senbon were coming. You knew you were going to get hit.” Naruto winced slightly. (If I had moved than Sasuke would have gotten hurt. And there is no way I could allow that to happen.) “Naruto, that's no excuse.” Naruto stopped walking, causing his teammates to turn to him. “Naruto?” (Yes, it is.)
He looked and stared Sasuke in the eye. “Never do that again.” He whispered coldly. The Uchiha frowned, “Do what?” Naruto glared and walked forward until he was right in front of the boy. “What you did in that fight, jumping in the way of the attack, never do that again. Never put my life above your own. I'm not worth it.” He stated before he turned and kept walking.
Sasuke glared at the boy's back. “Where do you get off saying something like that?” he snapped. Naruto didn't look back as he answered, keeping his gaze right in front of him. “If you die Sasuke then people will cry. If I was to die no one would feel sorrow, or pain, or sadness. No one would cry. Some might even feel happy.” His hand formed a fist tight enough to break the skin and draw blood. “And so, never do that again.”
His team watched as he walked away. “That's not true...” Sasuke whispered. “I'd cry.” Sakura finished. Kakashi stared after his student. (Naruto, you really believe that don't you? You have yourself so convinced that your life is worthless that you think others must believe that too. Does your life… truly mean nothing to you?)