Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Smiling Mask of ANBU ❯ The Chunin Exams ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer- I do not own Naruto. It belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.
I didn't feel like going through all the chapters looking for the spot with the exam on the internet because my cousin has all my Naruto books. And so I am doing this from memory. I apologize is something is wrong because I have no idea what I am doing. I was going to go through the first exam but by the time I got there I felt if I didn't stop then than I never would.
Please see my profile for update information. In your reviews please make a note of what side-pairings you'd like to see. As long as they don't mess with the original pairing any will do.
Kyuubi Talking
The Smiling White Mask of Anbu
Chapter 6-The Chunin Exam; And so it Begins
Naruto sighed as he walked to the bridge. He looked around slowly, fingering the letter in his pocket. “Not here yet, sensei?” he asked dully. Sakura looked up in surprise. “Naruto? Is something wrong?” Naruto turned his head and stared at her blankly. “Didn't sleep long enough.” He muttered. He looked back up at her. “Sakura, when sensei come, give this to him for me.” He stated, holding out the letter.
The girl blinked but nodded and took the letter. “This is… from the Hokage? Naruto?” Sakura looked back up but the blonde was gone. “Weird…” she whispered. She turned to Sasuke. “What do you think?”
Naruto yawned and stretched, walking into Anbu headquarters. “Yo.” He whispered to his team as he approached, collapsing on the couch next to Natsuki. The Hyuuga smiled softly, running her fingers through his hair. “Tired, Taicho?” she asked.
Naruto groaned. “Why does he do this to me? What cosmic deity did I piss off in a past life?” he whined. Natsuki smiled. “Ah, you have things so hard.” She whispered. Takako grinned. “Oh yes. During the day he's a mere Genin, nothing special, simple missions that don't leave the village. But at night he's the top Anbu, a captain, a genius, risking his life every night so that the rest of us can sleep soundly. And than he gets up three hours later to do it all over again.”
Natsuki scowled and swiped at the boy with her free hand. “Goof ball. How you became an Anbu I'll never understand. Especially at your age.” Takako stuck his tongue out at her. The pure white eyes narrowed. “That will be back in your mouth in five seconds or something much more precious will be lost.” She whispered. Takako gulped and ducked behind the couch.
Naruto laughed slightly. “Takako…” he whispered fondly, “Don't ever change.” He muttered. But everyone could hear the words he hadn't spoken. `Don't ever leave.' Takako grinned. “Don't plan to.” He chirped.
The boy blinked as a moment later an Anbu mask was dropped on his head. He blinked and pulled it off, staring at the image of a tiger. He grinned and looked up. “Welcome back, Kohaku!”
The final member of team 2 stared down at the boy with dark brown eyes. “'kako.” He muttered affectedly. He turned his head and stared at the blonde. “Sorry Taicho, but you need to get up. The Hokage is about to speak with the Jonin sensei's.” Naruto grumbled but stood up. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm going.” He turned his head and smiled at his team. “See you later.” He whispered.
Naruto sat in the shadows, his Anbu mask in place and decked in dark colors that weren't exactly the Anbu uniform. He sighed and looked at the Jonin gathered in the room. They didn't even know he was here.
He watched as the meeting continued. He sighed when at the end Iruka started to protest. “Have a little faith, Umino-sensei.” He whispered softly. Everyone jumped at the sound of his voice and turned to look at him. Iruka's eyes widened when he noticed the mask. “What…?” he asked.
Saratobi smiled softly at the boy. “Hello Kaze-kun. Enjoying the meeting?” he asked. Naruto smirked behind the mask when he noticed several of the Jonin's stiffen at his title. “Oh yes. It's very entertaining.” He turned his head towards Iruka and nodded to the Chunin. “Have faith, Umino-sensei. I think someone's watching over them.”
Iruka snorted softly in amusement when he caught the reference and nodded, smiling. “Alright. What ever you say, Kitsune-taicho.” Naruto grinned behind his mask. “Just remember, words are a person's strongest bond. The more we say something the more likely it is to happen.”
Naruto ran full speed to the bridge. Maybe if he hurried he could beat Kakashi. He didn't think he would, the man had a 5 minute head start. But still…at least Sakura still had that letter saying the Hokage needed him for the day.
He skidded to a stop, nearly tumbling over the railing when he made it. Slowly he relaxed, letting out a long breath. He turned when he heard giggling behind him. Sakura was trying to muffle her laughter, Sasuke was smirking at him, and Kakashi was staring at him in amusement. “Welcome back, Naruto.” Kakashi greeted.
Naruto blanched. “I can explain-” he shouted. Kakashi held up the letter he'd given to Sakura. He relaxed. “Oh.” He whispered. Kakashi smiled at him and pocketed the note, pulling out another letter. “This is for the Chunin exam coming up.” Naruto listened with half an ear as the man went on to explain the test.
The blonde stretched as he left, talking quickly about the exam. Even though he kept talking his eyes slid to a perfectly square rock…that was following him. He sighed. “I wonder if any of the other Genin from our year will be there. I mean we can't be the only new Genin trying. And rocks are neither square nor do they move, Konohamaru.”
He watched with amusement as the illusion was dropped and the academy students walked towards him. Naruto smiled, ignoring the majority of what they were saying. He sighed when Sakura came up and started to berate them. “Play ninja? How can you play ninja when you are a ninja?!” she shrieked.
Naruto winced slightly before his eyes widened when Konohamaru insulted her. “He's dead.” Kyuubi stated in amusement. “Kono-kun, I would run if I were you.” He muttered. He watched as the boy ran away and disappeared into the shadows, following them casually.
The blonde's eyes widened when he heard the boy's scream. He jumped down from his perch and reappeared next to Sakura. “Put the boy down.” He whispered dangerously. The Suna-nin smirked at him. “Make me.”
Naruto glared at the boy. “You should listen to the girl, Suna-san. She has a point.” The wind started to rip around his form. “My friend is very displeased.” He whispered. The boy froze when a kursari gama was pressed against his throat.
Naruto kneeled down and held out his arms when Konohamaru was released. The boy ran into them. “Are you alright?” he asked. Konohamaru nodded shakily. Naruto slowly looked up, blue eyes icy. “Don't touch my precious people.” He whispered.
Naomi slowly walked out from behind the Suna-nin, her blade held out in front of her. She looked over her shoulder at Naruto and grinned. “The Uchiha seems less than happy with you. I think you stole his spotlight.” She stated, nodding her head at where the boy was glaring at them from a tree. Naruto stood and smiled at the boy. “Hey!” he shouted.
He stiffened when he suddenly sensed a large amount of charka wash over the area. “You're a disgrace to Suna nins and the family, Kankuro.” Naruto stiffened and turned to stare at the redhead hanging upside down from a tree branch. “Who?”
Naomi stepped up next to him. “I don't like the feel of that guy.” She whispered. Naruto nodded. “Inform Natsuki that I want her to watch the group of Suna Genin that came for the Chunin exam. The one with the redhead.” The illusioned fox nodded and disappeared.
The blonde watched as the redhead walked away. “What's your name?” he asked. The boy stopped briefly and turned to look at him. “I am interested in yours as well.” He whispered. Naruto smiled humorlessly. “Naruto, Uzumaki Naruto.” The redhead nodded. “Gaara.” He stated, before he turned around and left.
Naruto watched him walk away. “Those eyes…” he frowned. “The eyes of a murderer.” He whispered. His teammates looked over at him in surprise. “Eh?” Naruto's eyes narrowed. “I have a very bad feeling.”
Naruto hopped around in front of the school. “Oh come on, Sakura.” He whined. He tugged at the sleeve of his jacket, pulling it down over the holster for one of his tessen. He knew he made quite the image considering how he normally dressed. He was wearing a dark green jacket over a black muscle shirt and dark green cargo pants. The holster for his larger tessen was hidden under his jacket and the top of its case was visible over one shoulder. He also had all his gear on, the senbon and poisons and seals strapped to his legs and waist.
Sasuke sighed and glared at the boy. “Will you stop?” he growled. Naruto shot him an apologetic look before he turned his head and saw Sakura walking slowly towards them. “Yo, Sakura!” he shouted. She stopped in front of them and offered a weak smile.
Naruto stared at her for a minute before he sighed. “Everything will be alright.” He stated confidently. Sakura looked over at him. “Eh?” Naruto met her eyes evenly. “Words are a human's strongest bond. The more we say something the more likely it is that it is true. That's why,” he smiled softly. “I am absolutely sure everything will be alright.”
Naruto smiled softly as he watched Sasuke take down the boys holding the illusion in place and then Sakura explain it. He was impressed. His team was slowly growing up. He walked to the room with his team when a boy stopped them. Naruto watched in amusement as the boy tried to woe Sakura.
Rock Lee. Naruto shook his head as he stood by the side watching the fight. He was not going to interfere. He sighed when Lee's sensei stepped in, yelling at the boy. All the same he clapped. The two stopped and stared at him.
He smiled at the two. “Very impressive, Lee-san. You're very fast.” He smirked at the boy. “I hope I get the chance to fight you when your not weighed down.” He turned his head to his team mates. “We need to go now. This idiot is going to make us late.” He stated, jerking a thumb at Sasuke.
The Uchiha glared at him. “I'm the idiot, dead-last?” he asked. Naruto turned to him and smiled blindly, “Yep!” he chirped. He waved at the two dressed in green. “It was nice to meet you Rock Lee-san, Maito Gai-sensei.” He walked away.
Sakura hurried up to him after they'd left the two. “What do you mean; weighted down?” she asked. Naruto smiled. “That boy was wearing weighs. A lot of weights.” He waved a hand dismissively, turning so he was walking backwards. “It's a really old training method but it's very effective if you're trying to increase your speed. However some would argue that it's bad for one's bones to be under pressure when you're still growing.”
He stopped and looked over his shoulder. “Ah, Kakashi-sensei!” he shouted, running towards the man. “It's alright. Sakura decided to come all on her own.” He stated. The man smiled warmly at him, “That's good. Now we can take the test properly.”
Sakura blinked. “Eh? What do you mean?” Kakashi smiled. “In truth, the test needs to be taken by team of three. If one of you hadn't come you wouldn't have been able to take the test.” Sakura gasped. “But you said it was an individual choice, did you lie?”
Naruto turned his head and stared at her. “No he didn't lie. You could have chosen not to come even though it might have stopped us. That makes it a personal choice. He didn't tell you so you wouldn't feel pressured into coming.” Kakashi smiled at him. “You knew? Since when?”
The blonde grinned. “I knew from the very beginning. But I didn't want to make her worry.” Kakashi nodded, “I'm proud of you, Naruto.” Naruto smiled softly. “I'm absolutely sure everything will be okay.” He stated again. His two teammates smiled. “Yeah.” Sakura whispered. “Let's go!”