Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Tango ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.
Chapter Three:
Hinata Hyuuga stared at the e-mail. It had been two days since her accident. She and her friends were starting to doubt the man who had promised the date. Hinata didn't mind, as long as she wasn't in an awkward situation she was fine. But now the Hyuuga was gaping at the computer screen inside her little cubicle.
“Hinata-chan, are you okay?” Tenten had stopped by to see what she was doing. `I've got to stop being caught in situations like this,' Hinata thought. She blushed and nodded.
“I j…just g-got an e-mail from…him,” Hinata pointed to the computer screen.
Tenten's eyes widened, “You mean, the dancer?” Hinata nodded and swiveled her chair aside so Tenten could read. “Dear Hinata, if you don't know who I am, I'm Kiba Inuzuka. Please don't judge me right away by my title, if you know who I am. If you don't, please don't look it up. I'd like to go on a date with you at the Orchard Gardens, tomorrow night at eight. The reservations will be under Inuzuka. Sincerely, Kiba.” Tenten read aloud. Unfortunately Sakura and Ino had showed up to hear the last part of the letter.
“AWW!” Ino and Sakura yelled simultaneously. This caused Hinata's blush to turn darker in shade. Tenten punched the two girls in the arms, then turned to Hinata.
“He sounds a little stuck up, if you ask me.” Tenten said.
“Shut up, Tenten, you're just jealous that Neji won't write something as sweet as that to you,” Ino said.
Tenten blushed for a moment, but then protested, “But that's just it, it wasn't sweet. It was a little stuck up.”
“I don't think it was at all. It was mysterious,” Sakura sighed dreamily.
“Just shut it, Tenten. We'll let Hinata decide if he's stuck up or not,” Ino cut Tenten off.
“Orchard Gardens…hmm…isn't that where your mom works Ino?” Sakura asked looking at the e-mail.
“Yeah…she does…we'll make sure that no one spits in your food,” Ino said looking at Hinata. Hinata sighed.
“What a-am I g-going to wear?” Hinata asked. Ino and Sakura gave a half-muted squeal and looked at each other. Tenten smiled an evil grin.
“We'll have a sleepover tonight. We haven't had one of those in ages,” Tenten said.
“Yeah, that sounds fun!” Ino said, with Sakura nodding furiously. Hinata thought this over in her mind. The last time they had a sleepover, it was when they made the list. She really needed some wardrobe help too, so Hinata nodded.
“Who's house?” Tenten asked.
“Not mine,” Ino said, “My mom is having a fight with Todd again, so she's over at mine.”
“Me neither. I was going to ask to stay at someone's house anyway. I'm getting the main room painted.” Sakura had just moved into an apartment near the building where they worked.
“I guess mine is okay,” Hinata said.
“Yeah, that works out because we're going to have to raid your closet anyways,” Tenten agreed. “Well I have to go back to work, Rock Lee from advertising is riding my butt about a Springtime Youth thing for the website.” Tenten walked out of the crowded cubicle.
“Yeah, I actually have a meeting with Uchiha,” Sakura winked and walked away. Ino waved a small goodbye before huffing after the pink haired chick. Hinata smiled at her friends. They were a little weird…She sighed and leaned back in her chair and wondered how the date would be like and wondered if he knew that he would be giving her dance lessons.
* * *
Neji and Hinata were in the middle of their after-run tea, when there was a ring of the doorbell. Neji raised an eyebrow at Hinata but said nothing more. Hinata rose and opened the door. By the time she opened it, Sakura and Ino were furiously pushing at the little button.
“It was about time you got here. Who knew November weather could get this cold?” Ino pushed her way into Hinata house followed by Sakura and Tenten. Hinata thought about her run and how she wasn't cold. `I must be getting better at this,' Hinata thought, and followed her friends. They had deposited their stuff in her living room, and were now gathered around her kitchen table chatting with Neji. Hinata saw how Tenten stared daggers at Sakura and Ino who pushed her into the chair next to Neji. Hinata just pulled up a chair at the table and sat down.
“So Neji, how have you been?” Ino asked filling up a cup of tea for herself.
“I've been fine. And I'm hoping you've been well, Ino?” Neji said politely.
“Neji, I'm good. And you know you don't have to be so polite with us,” Ino said. Neji nodded and took a sip of his tea.
“I d-didn't know you'd b-be here so early,” Hinata said.
“Well, we have a lot of clothes to go through before you know what you're going to wear tomorrow,” Sakura said taking a sip of Ino's tea. Neji looked at Hinata.
“Where are you going?” Hinata couldn't help but cower at his stare.
“She's going on a date,” Ino stated matter-of-factly. Hinata, Sakura, and Tenten slapped a hand on their foreheads. Ino could be so stupid.
“A date? Hinata, I need to know who this man is and where you're going. Also, I'm going to have to tell Hiashi-san.” Neji listed off the things he would have to do, before she could go on this date.
“Neji-niisan, I'll b-be f…fine. You d-don't n-need to do that. I'll b-be fine,” Hinata stammered.
“She's right, Neji. She'll be fine. And we'll be there to look after her,” Sakura said.
“You are,” Hinata burst out. Neji ignored this and turned to Tenten.
“Will you be there watching my cousin?” Neji asked.
“Yes, that's what we're planning.” Tenten couldn't bring herself to look at Neji's intense stare. Neji's frame relaxed and he took a sip from his tea.
“Oh so that's why you guys said not to tell Neji,” Ino said. Sakura gave Ino a “well-duh” look, and Tenten was still flushed over the encounter with Neji.
“You are n-not going to s-spy on m-me at my date!” Hinata exclaimed. Everyone turned to the usually meek girl.
“Yes, we are,” Neji responded. When everyone looked at him, he said, “I'm coming with you guys.” They nodded.
“No, you're n-not. I'm going to g-go on this d-date by myself,” Hinata stated again. Hinata was furious, but she didn't look like it. `Who do they think they are!' She fumed on the inside.
“I'd prefer that we be there to see who goes on this date, Hinata. That way there will be no reason for me to tell Hiashi-san,” Neji stared her down. Hinata was forced to give up. She muttered out a small fine, and grabbed her tea. `Stupid Neji, next time I'm filling my water bottle with something to ruin that pretty hair of his,' Inner Hinata cackled. Neji gave a small smirk then out of nowhere grabbed Tenten's purse.
“Hey what are you-“ Tenten was cut off.
“I'm programming my number into your phone.” He pulled out her phone and plugged in his digits. When he was done, Tenten grabbed her phone protectively. He finished his tea and stood, “I must be going now. Good night ladies.” Neji bowed and the girls gave their goodbyes as he walked away.
When he was gone, Ino spoke up, “Man…Tenten, did you have to be such a jerk to Neji? He was being really nice to you.”
Tenten pouted, “I was not being a jerk. He was the one who grabbed my phone right out of my purse.”
Before Ino could say anything more, Sakura cut in, “Let's get comfortable.” Hinata nodded and stood, with Tenten quickly following. Ino stood too and they grabbed the many bags of clothes they brought for the girl. They lugged them into the guest bedroom of Hinata's apartment. They unpacked all the clothes and laid them out on the bed and on the floor. After that, they shoved on their pj's and looked around the room.
“Orchard Gardens is a really nice place, so we brought pretty fancy clothes. Now what do you want his first impression of you to be?” Sakura gestured around the room.
“W-what d-do you mean?” Hinata asked truly confused about the statement.
“Do you want to think of you like a flirtatious and playful? Or maybe romantic and dreamy? Or how about sexy and dangerous?”
“How about sh-shy and c-conservative?” Hinata said trying to steer them towards a more “her” look. `I'm not about to wear those ten-inch stiletto boots, Ino's eyeing in the corner,' Inner Hinata cried.
“I think Hinata's a romantic and playful.” Tenten spoke up picking up a billowy white dress. Sakura nodded.
Ino disagreed, “She should so go for a sexy and dangerous. You saw how hot that guy was!”
“But he already met Hinata, and we all know that that meeting didn't turn out so well. Right, Hinata?” Tenten turned to the red girl. `Who are they? That is not something my “best” friends should be saying to me in a time of need. Who said I wasn't sexy and dangerous to Mr. I'm-too-hot-to-look-where-I'm-placing-my-car?'
“My meeting with him turned out just fine!” Hinata burst. Tenten, Ino, and Sakura looked taken aback. Hinata stood in the middle of the room. Her body posture screamed listen to me right now, or I'm going to kick you in the gonads. Inner Hinata was really about to too. Tenten, Ino, and Sakura kept their position for two more seconds then rushed to hug the girl.
“Hinata! Finally, thank god, we were going to lose all hope on you!” Ino yelled happily.
“What?” She asked, clearly not understanding.
“We wanted you to go on this date fully ready for anything life throws at you. That's why we've been so overpowering. We wanted you to get angry and yell at us!” Sakura said with a giant grin on our face.
“We're sorry we had to treat you like that,” Tenten said softly.
Hinata came out of her state of confusion. “So you guys were testing me? Does that mean you're not going to spy on me?” Tenten and Sakura nodded right away.
“But I thought we still-“ Ino was elbowed in the ribs by Tenten.
“We won't, we promise. Right, Ino?” Sakura said looking at the blonde.
“No, we won't.” Ino nodded. `Riiiight,' Inner Hinata said. But Hinata trusted her friends, and they wouldn't let her down.
To Be Continued…
A.N. HEY EVERYONE!!! Chapter three is finally over. I think my end part sort of made up for any OOC there might've been. The date with Kiba is next and will probably be told from his point of view…well…sort of. Like the same thing I've been doing with Hinata, but with him.