Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Tango ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Nope, don't own Naruto.
Chapter Four
“So you're positive that you sent her the e-mail?” Kiba paced up and down his walk-in closet.
“I'm positive,” a stoic man sitting in a chair responded. Kiba looked at Shino Aburame, making sure he wasn't lying to him. Kiba couldn't tell anyways. `Damn him, always wearing those sunglasses,' Kiba thought.
“What am I going to wear?” Kiba and Shino had been in his closet for at least half-an-hour already searching for an outfit.
“Well, you are going to Orchard Gardens…” Shino trailed off gesturing towards the series of colorful button-up shirts. Kiba looked at them, they had been presents from his sister, who thought he didn't look professional enough. He pulled a white one with a series of orange, red, and brown vertical stripes.
“How's this one?”
“It matches your tattoos,” Shino said. Kiba knew he was grinning even though you couldn't tell from his flipped up collar. Kiba's hand wandered to his face. He had gotten them after winning his first national championship dance competition. For awhile his manager, who happens to be his sister, had tried to cover them up from the public. He remembered when she had been pursuing him to be something more than a dancer. His brows furrowed at the memory.
“Those brown slacks would match well,” Shino's voice broke his thoughts. Kiba grabbed the brown pants.
“So Shino when do the dance lessons for the contest winner start?” Shino and Hana, his sister, have been trying to boost his popularity with trivial things like contests; they were going to have him start commercials soon too.
“Well, the girl said she was going the best time for her would be from 5-6:30 Monday through Saturday, and the radio said you're going to start this Monday.”
“That sounds good. I have nothing to do anyways.”
“Actually you're going to start your training for the professional Latin Ballroom championship in January,” Shino answered. Kiba started to strip in front of the man. “Oh god, Kiba, warn me before you do something like that.”
“Whatever,” Kiba responded. He finished putting on the rest of the clothes, “So how do I look?”
Shino turned around. “You look fine,” he responded.
“What would I do without you?” Kiba asked sarcastically.
“Sit on your couch and get fat with your dog,” Shino said void of any emotion. Kiba remembered his high school days when Shino would have to beg him to get up. He punched Shino in the arm and walked out of the closet. Shino followed.
“So when are you leaving?” Kiba turned and saw his sister sitting on his couch in his room
“I knew I shouldn't have given you a key,” Kiba scowled. She smirked. She was so smug.
“Answer the damn question, Kiba,” she said.
“I'm leaving in half-an-hour,” he replied. `Damn demanding sister,' Kiba thought.
“Okay, so are you going to take the truck or your motorcycle?”
Kiba sighed exasperatingly, “I don't know, probably the motorcycle.” Hana nodded and turned to Shino.
“So what are you going to do tonight?”
“Go home for once…”
“Hm…sounds interesting,” Hana scowled sarcastically. Shino and his sister were worst enemies to each other, but when it came to Kiba they were the super twins. `Form of egotistical bastard, shape of power-hungry bitch,' Inner Kiba laughed his head off. Kiba grabbed a spot next to his sister on the couch, and Shino next to him. They flipped on a TV documentary on the life of Hugh Hefner.
“Well, it's time for me to go,” Kiba said. He stood from the couch where his best friend's eyes were glued to the TV, with his sister cowering away from it. He laughed and walked out of his apartment and decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator. He went into the parking garage and grabbed his helmet from Joe, the nightshift security guard, and hopped on his bike. With the kick of his kickstand, he sped into the night.
switch perspective
“How d-do I look?” Hinata twirled in her lavender sundress. It was a light material, kind of like silk, and it came down a little past her knees. She wore a long-sleeved jean jacket over it, and on her feet were a pair of matching lavender flip-flops. She borrowed a pair of silver dangly earrings from Tenten.
“You look awesome!” Ino squealed. Sakura, Tenten, and Neji nodded in agreement. They had all showed up to make sure she looked acceptable. `Or maybe they're going to follow me in their cars…' Inner Hinata said. Hinata laughed off this thought.
“Well, I'm-m off,” Hinata said with a wave, and stepped into her car. She drove away. Hinata drove about two blocks looking at her side view mirrors. This caused her two almost crashes, but she decided they weren't going to follow, and looked at the road in front of her.
When she pulled up to the restaurant, Hinata started to feel the jitters of a first date. Hinata sat in her car for a moment, building courage to step out of the car. `Just go do it already. It's not like he's going to eat you or anything. You know who he is. Hopefully he knows who you are, and that he's going to teach you how to dance. I wonder if it's the dance of love,' Inner Hinata rambled. Hinata was amazed about how much she was like her friends on the inside, maybe that's why they were her friends.
Hinata laughed and took a big breath, and stepped out of her car. She forced herself to walk up to the building, open the door, and say Inuzuka proudly. The maitre `d smiled and lead her to a table. `See that wasn't that bad,' Inner Hinata grinned. Hinata gave a small smile of relief and sat at the table that was waiting for her.
Orchard Gardens was a place of casual class. It was set in an indoor/outdoor environment. The table Hinata sat at was in a secluded corner overlooking the rest of the restaurant indoor and out. A water fountain bubbled nearby a dance floor with a small band playing light happy slow songs, just enough to dance to. Floral arrangements were placed everywhere mixing the scent of flowers and food giving the whole place a casual appeal.
Hinata wrung her hands on the edge of her dress waiting patiently for her date to arrive. `I wonder what he'll be wearing. He seemed like a casual kind of guy. I wonder if he wears boxers or briefs…' Inner Hinata trailed off. A faint blush appeared on her cheeks.
“If it's hot, I can get another table more outside if you want,” a voice shook her from her thoughts. She looked up and saw Kiba Inuzuka standing proudly in an autumn looking shirt and dark brown slacks.
“No, th-thank you. I'm f-fine, Mr. Inuzuka,” Hinata managed to stutter out. `Did you just call him “Mr. Inuzuka”?' Inner Hinata slapped herself on the forehead.
“Did you just call me Mr. Inuzuka?” Kiba looked at her inquisitively. `See he even agree with me!'
“Yeah…I ap-poligize…I d-didn't know what t-to c-call you,” Hinata rambled out. A small grin formed on Kiba's face and it slowly turned into a smile, which turned into a laugh, and soon it was a full blown-out guffaw. People in the restaurant turned to look at them, and Hinata blushed more. Kiba slowed to a stop and finally sat down opposite her.
“I'm sorry, but that was hilarious and adorable all at the same time. Please call me Kiba. I'd feel weird if you didn't, because I'm going to call you Hinata. And I'm very pleased you came,” Kiba said reaching out his hand as if to shake hers. Hinata stuck out her hand gracefully and was fully expecting him to shake it, but instead, he kissed it once.
switch perspective
“What does he think he's doing, kissing my cousin's hand?” Neji said in a very cold voice. Neji and Tenten were poised behind two menus in perfect view of the blushing Hinata, and the oh-so-suave Kiba Inuzuka. Standing beside their table, acting as a waitress, Ino stood in full uniform looked ready to take their order, but she was really checking out Kiba and Hinata from the mirror behind the table.
“He's being smooth, Neji,” Ino fired smartly, even though her face read otherwise.
“He shouldn't be touching her, nonetheless kissing her hand for that matter,” Neji said monotonously.
“Shh…Neji, she's enjoying herself. You can tell by her smile,” Tenten said.
Ino nodded, “Well, I'm going to get Sakura, so she can take their orders.” Ino walked off into the kitchen area.
switch perspective
“Hi, my name's Sakura, I'll be your waitress for tonight. Can I start you off with some drinks?” A girl with pink hair bobbed up to our table. I heard a small gasp from Hinata and I looked at her. She was flustered and glaring haughtily at the waitress. The waitress looked unfaltered.
“Um…Hinata?” I asked unsurely.
“I'll have an-n iced t-tea, unsweetened, p-please,” She stammered out. She still glared at the waitress.
“I'll have the raspberry lemonade,” I said, ordering the house drink.
“Okay, I'll be back in a second with your drinks and to get your orders,” The pink haired girl smiled and bobbed off again. Hinata's eyes followed the girl like heat on flame.
When the girl was out of sight, I decided to ask, “Do you know that girl?” Hinata's eyes locked onto me and she blushed again.
“She l-looks f-familiar, b-but I don't think s-so…” I had a clue that she was lying to me, but I decided not to push her further.
switch perspective
`I knew they were going to pull something like this! I just knew it. I know they care, but do they have to spy on me? It hasn't been that long since I had a date, that I knew not to be prepared for anything. I just wonder where Neji and Tenten are…'
To Be Continued…
Author's Note: Okay I seriously thought this was going to cover the entire date, but I made the first Kiba thing too long for me. If you couldn't tell already the chapter went: Kiba (third person); Hinata (third person); Neji, Tenten, and Ino (third person); Kiba (first person); and Inner Hinata (first person). Please REVIEW!!! It means so much!!! And I'd like to know what you want to happen, because I have a vague idea, but not a clear one.
Much Love,