Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Way of the Shinobi ❯ Enter: Sorakage ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Within a room, a group of five people sat upon high chairs. The walls were barren and black, with a thick door on the opposite side. The five elder's were all older men; their faces wrinkled and what remained of their hair was snow white.

"I'm not going to that damn meeting!" A female's voice shouted. On the opposite side of the five elder's, a young woman stood, her face contorted with fury. Her entire left side of her face was covered with her raven colored hair. On the right side however, she only had a few bangs. This enabled her fierce crimson colored eye to be revealed. Her hair stopped around mid neck level. The woman was short; being only five feet and two inches tall. In addition to her slim body type, she gave off the apperance of a compact human being. Her raven colored shirt revealed her abs and midrift, due to the fact that it ended only slightly below his moderate sized breast. On her right arm, a headband with the symbol for the village of Taiyou was wrapped around it, slightly below her shoulder. The rest of her arm was wrapped in black cloth, ending at her wrist. The tattoo she had on her right hip was barely showing; revealing it to be an array of lines surounding a small heart. A raven colored belt with silver studs held up her low cut navy pants. Finally, on her neck, a raven colored choker was present.

"Young lady, you are the Sorakage! Start acting like it and go to the damned meeting!" One of the elder's retorted. He was clearly annoyed at the Sorakage's behavior.

"You're the council for the village, not my freakin' parents! Stop acting like it!" The Sorakage shouted in response to the council member's remarks.

"Rayvn, you're sixteen years old. Add on the fact that you're acting like your six and you'll understand why we're treating you like this. Now for the good of the village, go to the kage meeting." One of the other council member's stated. Unlike his fellow members, he was alot calmer than the others. In truth, Rayvn hated him the least.

"Stop being so kind. She's acting like a spoiled prat, and needs to be put in her place. Now go!" The council member to the right of the kind one bellowed.

"This is exactly why I'm going to kill you all." Ravyn muttered under her breath. As soon as those words exited her mouth, a figure decended upon Ravyn. It was covered head to toe with various shinobi gear, as well as having a wolf's mask to cover it's face. The figure held a katana to Ravyn's neck, while it gazed up at the council members. Nine more figure's like the first one landed in the area, forming a circle around Ravyn.

"The council won't stand these threats, Ravyn. You may be the Sorakage, but we will kill you if we deem it neccisary." The council member which had been bellowing at Ravyn stated. At this point, Ravyn's fury had toppled over; her hands bawled up in anger. Her crimson eye slowly turned into a silverish tone, as they looked around at the figures.

"I hope you don't think Anbu scare me." She stated. "Feh, you kill me? I'd like to see you try." Rayvn taunted. Rayvn was fully prepared to kill everyone in the room at this point. She knew she could, and she knew that they knew that.

"Rayvn-chan, that's enough! Just go to the meeting!" A young man cried out, as he bursted through the doors. The young man had snowy white hair, with the majority of his bangs hanging over the left side of his face; covering most of his emerald eye. His right eye was clearly visible in contrast to his left eye, as most of the bangs were pushed back. His bangs ended at mid neck level, and the back of his hair extended to the middle of his shoulders. The young man wore a tight, black zip up shirt. It was opened slightly at the top, showing his neck. The left side of his shirt was sleeveless, while the right had a long sleeve, ending at his raven colored gloves. The form fitting shirt was opened at the bottom as well, spreading out to his sides. His pants were also form fitting, showing off his slim yet muscular form.

"Tenshi, you have no right to be in here!" One of the council men shouted.

"Teach the Jounin a lesson." Another one ordered one of the Anbu members. An Anbu member flew at Tenshi, it's katana drawn. In response, Tenshi reached on the back of his waist and placed his hand on a black hilt, which belonged to his specially made katana. His emerald eyes turned a shade of amber, as he prepared to battle the Anbu. However, Rayvn tackled the Anbu member in midair; slamming him into a wall. She withdrew a kunai, and pointed it's razor sharp point directly at it's neck.

"Put a hand on Tenshi and I'll tear you to shreads." Rayvn stated, her silver eyes slowly turning crimson once more. Although Rayvn was a year younger than Tenshi, she was much more powerful than her friend. As such, she felt the need to protect him, even when he was trying to protect her. "I'll go to the damn meeting, but only because Tenshi clearly wants me to." Rayvn told the council. The Anbu stood down, and glanced at the council, whom nodded.

"Fine. We'll deal with you once you return. Go, the both of you." One of the council member's stated. Tenshi's amber eyes turned emerald once more, as he walked over to Ravyn. The two smiled at eachother, and proceded to leave the room.

After a bit of walking, the duo ended up within an office. Toward the back of the room, a large desk with a matching hair sat. A few illistrations were plastered along the wall; some obscene, some beautiful, some intresting, and other's that were hard to describe. Various animal pelts sat in the lower left corner, forming a bed of sorts. Behind the desk, a bookcase sat which was filled to the utmost limit with books, scrolls, and various other readings. A small bird sat in a cage, and began chirping happily once it noticed Rayvn and Tenshi enter.

"Now where are my damned robes...I hate wearing those stupid things..." Rayvn muttered, looking around in various places within the large office. Tenshi sighed, and walked over to the bookcase. After placing his hand behind it, he withdrew her hat and robes which had the symbol for Sora displayed proudly on them.

"Here, Rayvn-chan." Tenshi stated, tossing the hat at his friend. She caught it, and placed it on her head. He then proceded to toss the robes at her, to which she drapped those on her body.

"Alright Tenshi, I'm off. I'll be back soon." She stated.

"Ok, make sure you say hi to Nick-kun for me. I wish I could go see him." Tenshi stated. "He hasn't seen me since I went from brown to silver." He added, chuckling as he tugged at his own hair.

Rayvn laughed, and opened the window which was behind her bird's cage. "Don't worry, I'll be sure to let him know, and bring him down with me someday." Rayvn told Tenshi. And with that, she bursted into an inferno of black flames, and vanished. Tenshi smiled, and jumped out the window, intent on returning to his own home...