Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ We Always Know ❯ I Didn't Do It! ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 5 We Didn't Do It!
Still Fifth Music
“H-Hey dad, w-what are you doing here?” Naruto says trying to laugh it off but failing miserably.
“What do you mean what am I doin here I work here.” Iruka said confused.
“Since when?” Haku asks confused.
“Since today but I got the job a while ago. Why are you two so surprised?” Iruka ask suspicious.
“Well you see w-we were…uhh…” Naruto stepped behind Haku and pushed him forward in a way of saying you finish.
“Uhh…we…uhh…yeah…” Haku was drawing up blank.
“The boys were showing the class a dance.” Tsunade interrupted trying to help out the boys.
“Yeah what she said.” Haku and Naruto said in unison.
“They were just finishing when you walked in, and now they're gonna take their seats so that we can finish class.”
Itachi cleared his throat unknowingly catching Haku's attention. Itachi yawned and stretched bored with the whole situation and Haku eyes widened. Itachi had his tongue pierced, and had a tattoo on his hips of a gun (one on each hip) that went below his pant line towards his crotch.
“Oh my god. That is the coolest thing ever.” Haku realizing he said that aloud and was getting a lot of attention, and Itachi was looking at him confused. “Uh…s-sorry I just realized something.” He said sheepishly.
“Oh I wanna know!” Naruto said excitedly.
“I'm sure you do but that's something for another time.” Haku said smirking while still looking at a confused Itachi. Haku walked over to his seat.
When Naruto took his seat and actually looked how the seat where organized he was one seat away from Haku, Sasuke sat between them. Itachi sat behind Haku, and Neji next to Haku. And on the other side of him sat Gaara. Naruto smirked. `Go figure the people that are gonna 'cause the most drama at the school are all next to each other.'
Naruto watched Iruka and Tsunade carry out their conversation as he took out his ponytail, to redo it. This time he left out bangs to frame his face. Once he redid his ponytail he laid his head on the desk on top of his arms and thought back to the vision.
He may have told Haku that he wasn't gonna think of it anymore but he couldn't help but to think of it. He saw when he was gonna die. He saw his, his brother, Sasuke, and Itachi's gravestones. What he was supposed to see his death and let it go? …Yeah that's something he highly doubted. He sighed and sat back up and looked over to Haku who was looking bored.
He carefully summoned a small unnoticeable amount of fire and sent it to Haku who when it touched him jumped in his seat, he faced Naruto and mouthed what.
`What were you talking about earlier?' Naruto mouthed back.
Haku was confused for a minute. `Oh! That, well itachi has his tongue pierced and has a tattoo. They're pretty cool.'
`Oh my god you and your goddamn tattoo fetish. Why don't you just get one?'
`I will just not today, hey I can I ask you a question?'
`You just did.'
`You know what I mean, does Sasuke have a tattoo too.'
`Does Sasuke,' he said pointing at Sasuke. `Have a tattoo too.' he said holding up two fingers.
`I dunno.' He mouthed shrugging.
“You know if you two are gonna talk about someone make sure that they aren't sitting next to you.” Sasuke said suddenly causing Naruto to jump. “You two should really pay attention. We only have 20 minutes left.”
With a scowl and a humph Naruto and Haku turned around in their seats and listened to the rest of class. “Ass wipe.” Naruto mumbled.
Sixth Gym
Naruto and Haku bolted out of music as soon as the bell rung glad to be away from Sasuke and Itachi. They departed to the gym locker room and changed into their uniforms. Their uniforms for gym where nice.
They looked like pro basketball jerseys. But these didn't have a team name, just the name of the school in front, and their last names were on the back and they all had their own number, they were white and green the words, numbers, and the spot for your arms and head were green, the rest white. Green wasn't a color the two would EVER think of wearing.
The two walked out of the locker room laughing.
“I wonder what dumbass thought that green was a cool jersey color.” Naruto said laughing.
“I'm that dumbass.”
Naruto and Haku whipped around to see their dad…again.
“Didn't we just see you like half an hour ago?” Naruto said with a pout.
“Yes now you have gym with me so go sit on the bleachers.” Once everyone was situated class began. “Hello my name is Iruka Umino, you can call me Iruka, Iruka-san, or Iruka-sensei. Yes that applies to you too Haku, Naruto, besides that I really could care less. Since I don't have much to go on I guess we'll have to do something random…how about Dodge Ball?”
“Umm two team captains…Itachi and…,” Iruka thought for a moment. “Naruto!”
“I DDN'T DO IT!” Naruto said on an impulse used to getting in trouble when his name was yelled. Everyone just laughed. It was impulse for them to.
Iruka looked at him confused. “Okay… Itachi how old are you?”
“Okay youngest first Naruto you pick first.”
“Haku.” Naruto said happily.
“Sasuke.” Itachi said nonchalant.
“Shino.” Itachi.
“Tenten.” Naruto
“Lee.” Itachi.
“Aoi.” Naruto
“Hinata” Itachi.
“Kabuto” Naruto.
“Kankuro ”Itachi.
“Kimimaru” Naruto.
“Tsuchi.” Itachi.
“Idate.” Naruto
“Shikamaru.” Itachi
“Rin.” Naruto
“Sakon.” Itachi.
“Tayuya.” Naruto
“Temari.” Itachi.
“Yashamaru.” Naruto.
“Obito.” Itachi.
So on Itachi's team is: Sasuke, Shino, Lee, Hinata, Kankuro, Tsuchi, Shikamaru, Sakon, Temari, and Obito.(1)
On Naruto's is: Haku, Kiba, Tenten, Ukon, Kabuto, Kimimaru, Idate, Rin, Tayuya, and Yashamaru.(1)
“Okay now that we have our teams situated how about we get this game started huh? Itachi your team goes to the right half of the court Naruto yours the left. Okay the rules are different then others. Okay there is a white line about 2 feet from the foul line, you are able to go to that line on the opposite side once I say white line, the two lines make a box using the lines used to make the court in that box you can't be hit if you have a ball.” (2)
Iruka watched the nodding heads. “Or I might say three point line and you are allowed to run along the three point line and the rules for whit line are active as well. I might also say foul line and obviously you can only throw from the foul line, or I might say no line and no line lasts for 20 seconds, if you pass a line outside of no line your out, only one person can come in if the ball is caught. Any questions?” (2)
No one raised their hands. Iruka put eight balls on the half court line, and then stepped out of the way. “Touch the wall with one hand everyone.” Everyone did as they were told. “GO!” and everyone was off.
(And END!! sike naw I'm just playin with ya keep reading.)
Naruto, Haku, Kiba, Tenten, Ukon, Kabuto, Kimimaru, and Yashamaru raced for a ball against Sasuke, Itachi, Shino, Lee, Tsuchi, Shikamaru, Temari, and Obito. Naruto, Kiba Tenten, Kimimaru, and Yashamaru got a ball. Itachi, Sasuke, and Shikamaru also got one.
“Save the blond and his brother for last!” Itachi yelled to his teammates nodded, and began throwing the balls.
“WHITE LINE!” Bellowed Iruka over the sound of bouncing balls.
Itachi, Sasuke, Sakon, and Hinata moved into the white line ball in hand. Naruto, Kiba, Haku, and Tenten followed. Tenten walked past Sakon and popped the ball out of his hands then hit him in the back with her ball and caught his as it came down.(3)
“One down ten to go” Tenten said with a smirk then beamed the ball at Lee who ducked just in time, and let the ball roll back into the middle with the others. Tenten ran past the others with and made it back to her side without getting hit.
Naruto and Kiba stood at the brim of the line ball in hand thinking of who to hit.
“I got Tsuchi Naruto.” Kiba said.
“Uhh I got…Shikamaru.”
“But he's in the white line.”
“I know.”
Kiba shrugged and threw his ball and cheered as it hit its mark then pouted when a ball hit his back, then cheered as Naruto got Shikamaru out. Naruto walked back to his side because he knew he was gonna be saved for last.
Make a long story short
Everyone was out except Naruto, Haku, Sasuke, and Itachi. Naruto and Haku each held one ball while the others lie on the floor on their side. Naruto and Haku quickly kicked the balls and rolled the ones in their hands to the other side with itachi and Sasuke.
“FOUL LINE!” Iruka bellowed.
Naruto and Haku gave him a look that said 'are you serous' but Iruka just began to play with his whistle. Naruto dropped to the ground as a ball came at his chest, then rolled to the left as two balls came at him on the floor. He took a quick look at Haku.
Haku looked at him for a second but then jumped when he was hit in the arm with a ball. Haku walked over to the bleachers and sat down.
Naruto just about cried as he heard those words. He took off in a run to the other side of the court dodging balls the whole way. He looked at the two they smirked to each other.
Naruto watched two balls come towards him. He focused and caught the first ball and Itachi was out but he still had a second ball to worry about, he hit the bottom of the ball into the air then caught it as it came down. (4)
Naruto's team cheered as they won the game, they came over and began to clap his back like he accomplished something big, he tried to ignore the visions that he saw. But I'm sure seeing 9 (Haku. He doesn't get visions from Haku often) visions that you could go without would catch anyone's attention.
Naruto forced his way out of the small group and over to Haku. “Haku every single vision I got from them was of them getting whispered in their ear by the guy with the sake tattoo and then their eyes glowing then them trying to kill us.”
(1). These are all characters from Naruto.
(2). That's how we play at my school.
(3). I've done his before I thought it was fun to do.
(4). My friend Doug did that and he won the game.
(5). Most of the people on their teams are people who actually try to kill them.
Once again here goes the new and improved chapter we barely changed anything on this one but oh well. To new readers please review and to second timers what do you think?