Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ We Always Know ❯ Fine! I Give Up. ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Last Chapter
Naruto changed and came back out, and went to the trash can and pulled out the note and handed it to Gaara. “You guys we're in DEEEEEEP dog shit.” Naruto said and flopped on the bed.
Chapter 8 Fine! I Give Up.
“Come on Gaara please?”
“Come on we've been at this for 2 weeks four days, 7 hours, and 12 minuets but hey whose counting.”
“Neji for the 20th time NO!” Gaara said agitated.
“Gaara please I really like you and I swear it won't be anything like last time.”
A seven year old Neji was running through the house around maids and ducking under tables.
NEJI PLEASE! We have to get you ready for your father guests you can't run around nude.” A maid said trying to catch Neji.
No I don't wanna go to that stupid thing with stupid people there won't be anyone to play with!” Neji yell from under a table.
The maid got on her knees and bent down to see under the table. “Neji the Suna's are bringing their youngest son along with them he's eight so you'll have someone to play with.” The maid said looking under a now unoccupied space under the table. She sat back up and nearly screamed at what she saw standing on top of the table.
Neji…in the nude…with all his goods in her face. “Do you promise he's coming?”
The maid handed the boy a pair of small boxers and turned her head. “Yes now will you please go to get dressed?”
Neji stood behind his father's leg and watched as a limo pulled up to the house. Neji watched as a man and a woman stepped out of the car and began approaching the house, but the woman stopped and turned back around. She reached into the limo and pulled out a hand, well actually she pulled out a boy who was pouting and was refusing to move.
She knelt down to his level and said something and he nodded and began to head to the house after his father. Neji looked at the boy, he had spiky red hair, emerald eyes and a something that looked kinda funny on the left side of his forehead.
The boy walked up behind his father and mimicked Neji's position and hid behind his fathers' leg as their fathers exchanged words.
Hizashi long time no see, so how's my favorite Hyuuga?”
Oh I know and I've been fine…so Shukaku where is this son of yours I've heard so much about?”
Shukaku placed a hand on his son's head and made him walk in front of him. “This is my son, Gaara.”
Hizashi took in his appearance. “Don't you think he's a little young for a tattoo?”
Oh that…it's temporary. So can I meet your son Neji?”
Neji walked in front of his father and looked at Gaara. “So Neji why don't you show Gaara your room while me and his father get reacquainted?” Neji's father gave him a gentle nudge forward and Neji began to move to his room when he realized Gaara wasn't following. He turned around and gently grabbed Gaara's hand and started to his room.
Gaara couldn't help but feel the shiver but he had no idea what he was shivering for.
A 12 year old Neji sat on his bed looking through his cell phone, he had gotten plenty of phone calls but none he was looking to forward to returning. He scrolled through the numbers until he phone began to vibrate, a private number was calling him.
Who is this?”
Gaara! You know we aren't allowed to talk to each other.”
Look, just because our dads' suddenly hate each other doesn't mean we have to.”
I know but I could get into so much trouble. Wait where are you calling from?”
My cell phone.”
Duh, I mean where are you at?”
Outside your house.”
Look out your window.”
Neji stood up and looked out his window. “Dude you walked all the way here?”
Yep. Now sneak out so we can go somewhere.”
Dude its eleven o'clock I'm sure my parents are up.”
And in comes the window.
I'm right above my parents' room!”
You can make it.”
Neji sighed and opened his window and began to climb out. He made it without being caught and the two ran down the street unaware of the eyes watching them.
Neji's' sneaking out became a daily routine. But on his fourteenth birthday that all changed. He had just snuck out to meet Gaara half way when a man stepped in front him, Neji looked at the man.
Shouldn't you be in bed Neji?”
Who are you, to tell me what I should and shouldn't be doing?”
Your bodyguard.”
That's what I said is it not?”
Since when did I have a body guard!?”
Since the first time you snuck out, and well you see I have these pictures, and I really think you should look.”
Neji looked at the pictures, they were pictures of his holding Gaara's hand, of him kissing him, and hugging him, and many other things. “But I never did any of these things!” Neji yelled. “All these pictures were doctored.”
Yes they were, but your father doesn't know that. I've given a copy of these pictures to your friends and told them they were doctored and if you don't break it off with Gaara at school tomorrow that they are to use these, show them to your father and make your life a living hell.”
The next day Neji told Gaara he couldn't hang with him anymore and that was the end of it.
Gaara watched as Neji got on his knees in the middle of class, and begged him.
“Gaara Suna I am begging you, I'm down on my knees. Will you please go out with me?”
Gaara looked at the many amused and confused faces that were staring at him and Neji.
“Uhh…Okay fine I give up I'll go out with you. But if you screw up one time so help me god I will hate you so much. And it won't be the normal hate it'll be the `I wanna cut your head off with a tooth brush' kinda hate.”
Neji nodded. “I swear I won't mess up.” The rest of class saw and was shocked by the stupid smile Neji had plastered on he face. He never smiled in school.
`I wonder how Haku and Naruto are doing in science.'
Naruto/Haku in Science.
“EW! EW! EW! Make `em stop! Make `em stop!” Naruto said while covering his eyes from one of Haku and Itachi's make out sessions. “Haku you seriously have to stop I'm getting a little bit of `discomfort' over here.” Naruto said while repeatedly tapping his fingers on the table.
Haku smirked in the middle of the kiss and pulled away from Itachi. “Well if you quit fighting against Sasuke and finally date him you wouldn't have to worry about what I'm doing.”
Naruto pouted. “Even if I would date Sasuke WHICH I WON'T I would still do the same thing because of the Orochimaru…” Naruto looked at Haku and they spoke. (In their minds)
`You know ever since the letter in the hospital you've been jumpy. That was weeks ago let it go, besides he hasn't tried anything yet.' Haku thought while playing with Itachi's ponytail.
Naruto sighed. `That's just it he hasn't tried anything. Haku I know he's planning something I can feel it. I had a vision when he touched me, well bumped me in the hall. He's planning something and it's gonna happen during the play.'
`Well all that means is we have to get a part in the play to stop his psychotic ass now don't we?' And with that Haku broke eye contact.
Naruto sighed at the hopelessness of the situation. Haku always manages to put things off to the last minute no matter what it is. He thought back to the conversation with the letter.
Naruto changed and came back out, and went to the trash can and pulled out the note and handed it to Gaara. “You
guys we're in DEEEEEEP dog shit.” Naruto said and flopped on the bed.
Haku and Gaara read over the letter.
Gaara looked puzzled for a minute. “How does he know you're a fire starter?”
I have no idea. Haku do you know?”
No.” Haku said, while looking off to the side.
Naruto looked at Haku weird. He knew Haku wasn't lying but it wasn't the total truth either. “Well whatever the case may be he's gonna try to kill me.”
Why don't you tell the police?” Gaara said as if it were a duh answer.
He said don't tell the police or anyone.”
Well you already broke the `not telling anyone' part so why not tell the police too?” Haku said while rereading the letter.
Because I don't want to push my luck.” Naruto said with his hand covering his eyes. “You guys aren't seeing the magnitude of the situation. Orochimaru has something that he knows he could use against me in the future. Like you Haku or Dad or somethin'.”
Naruto do you remember anything before you were brought to the orphanage?” Gaara asked Naruto.
No I was brought there when I was four and I don't remember anything about the time between I got there or before that…wait. There was this one time I was at the park with my guardian. I told him I was thirsty, we only lived around the corner so he said he would be right back. He ran home to get something for us to drink. This man came up to me. He didn't' do anything he just kinda stared at me. I started to zone out and focus on him but my guardian came back, and I turned to him, and when I looked back he was gone. It was right before my guardian died I wasn't in his care that long. But what does that have to do with now?”
I don't know maybe that was Orochimaru. Or maybe it was just a coincidence. Have you ever looked up possible information on your parents?”
I looked through the newspapers my mom died giving birth to me and my dad died on duty, he was a cop. But that's all I know about them.” Naruto said sitting up. “But it doesn't make any sense to me.” he mumbled to himself.
Haku you're awful quiet. You okay?” Gaara says.
Yeah I'm fine…just thinking.”
Gaara nodded. “Well we should be leaving now; we don't want the others to worry.”
Naruto and Haku nodded and they left the hospital.
Naruto was startled by his thoughts as the bell rung signaling for their dismissal. Naruto walked out of the class room and to his locker in a daze, distantly aware of the world around him. He snapped to reality as a pair of lips crashed down onto his.
Naruto pushes away from the lips and start to yell. “WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PPROBLEM SASUKE??!!”
“Nothing I was calling your name for the past five minutes.” He answered.
“Well what the hell do you want?”
“To tell you they're doing auditions today.”
“For the play? Where?”
“In the auditorium, but there's something I need you to do.”
“Duh I have no choice I have to audition.”
“No I mean sing…with me.” Sasuke said.
“Uhh…I guess but don't pick a stupid song. And don't try anything perverted either.”
“I won't.” Sasuke said with a smirk on his face.
They made it to the auditorium and it was filled with people. Of course the auditorium is pretty big so it was roughly 200 people in the room.
Naruto whistled. “This is a lot of people.”
Sasuke nodded and grabbed his hand, pulling him to the stage and went behind the curtains to the backstage area. “Sasuke what's your prob-” Naruto was cut off by a pair of lips on his. He struggled against Sasuke but soon stopped when Sasuke gently nibbled on his lip asking for entrance. Naruto melted into the kiss and granted Sasuke's request. He moaned into the kiss and whimpered at the loss of contact as Sasuke pulled away.
“Thought you didn't like me?” Sasuke said with a smirk.
“I lied.” Naruto said and pulled Sasuke back for another kiss. Naruto pulled away from the kiss flushed and panting.
“So you were playing a childish game…ha! I didn't even know I was playing and I still won.” Sasuke smirked. “So what ever did you do with the rings, necklaces, clothes, and roses I gave you as bribery?”
“I kept the jewelry and clothes in a box under my bed, and gave the flowers to Iruka. Why?”
Sasuke whispered in his ear. “Just curious as to what you did with it.”
Naruto was only half listening. He really wanted to kiss Sasuke again. He was so close yet so far. He tried to go in for another kiss but Sasuke put his fingers to his lips. “Say it.”
“Say what?” Naruto says confused.
“Say `I lost.'”
“NO!” Naruto turned his head to the right exposing his neck and refusing to answer. Sasuke used this to his advantage he ghosted lip above Naruto's neck making Naruto whimper in want.
“Say it and you can have what you want.” Sasuke said while nipping at Naruto's ear.
“…” Naruto held firm to not answering.
Sasuke, wanting to have Naruto answer laid a butterfly kiss on his neck and nibbled gently.
“Fine! I give up! I lost! Now kiss me.” Naruto whined.
Sasuke complied but was cut short by his name being called to the stage.
“Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Umino it's your turn for auditions.”
“Wait I didn't sign up to audition.”
“I know. I did it for you.” Sasuke said as they pulled away from each other from their short kiss.
Naruto rolled his eyes and pushed Sasuke away from him and made it to the stage with Sasuke following.
“Umm do you two have the sheet music?” Tsunade said to Sasuke and Naruto. Sasuke dug in his pocket and pulled out a couple pieces of folded paper. Tsunade looked at the music then handed the sheets to the correct people ( A drummer, and guitarist.). “Whenever you two are ready.”
Sasuke nodded and the music started.
Naruto gave his lyrics a once over before he began to sing.
“Don't even think about calling me crazy. You know you peeped that lady (Yeah, yeah yeah. Yeah Yeah).Then when I turned and looked at you, you tried to play it off. But I could tell that you 2 were friends. She was just too nervous. And she was looking like she was hurt. Like a memory had surfaced. It kinda got her pissed. I'm kinda wondering myself and you're really no help to me.” Naruto sang while looking Sasuke up and down.
“How you 2 know each other so well? Cause I wanna know now. You better start talking.”
Naruto walked up to Sasuke as if he was accusing him of something and continued with his lyrics.
“Who is she to you? Don't lie to me. Who is she to you? My eyes can see. There's something going on between you two. I think you better let me know, that's for sure.”
Sasuke put his hands up as if to defend himself. “Who is she to me? Nobody babe. Who is she to me? No need to explain. I ain't done nothing wrong. I swear to you. Ain't nothing going on but us. That's whats up.” Sasuke looked at Naruto as if he were confused
Sasuke got on his knees. “See I don't know why home girl keeps on lying on everything. I'm not lying (No, no, no. Oh no. No, no, no, no). You make it worse acting all insecure. She see you bugging so that's why she wants to be spotted, yeah. Go 'head and say you don't trust me! (trust me) Always going outta your way to bust me! You come up empty-handed. You don't understand it. You better go 'head and listen! You got it twisted. Don't be paying that broad no attention. Cause you the one I'm with. Don't be asking me...”
Naruto reproached Sasuke as if he didn't believe him and sang.
“Who is she to you? Don't lie to me. Who is she to you? My eyes can see. There's something going on between you 2. I think you better let me know, that's for sure.”
Sasuke sang as if he was frustrated in explaining himself.
“Who is she to me? Nobody babe. Who is she to me? No need to explain. I ain't done nothing wrong. I swear to you. Ain't nothing going on but us. That's whats up.”
Naruto acted as if he was fed up. “Damn right, I wanna know her name”
“Why?” Sasuke sang.
“Tell me how you know her babe.” Naruto sang assertively.
“I don't.” Sasuke sang sadly.
“Why did you make that face? You look so ashamed.” Naruto sang as if he had just caught him in a lie.
“I'm not ashamed, I'm surprised you think of me as that guy. I've never done you wrong. What's going on! I don't know who she is.” Sasuke sang as if he were hurt.
“Who is she to you? Don't lie to me. Who is she to you? My eyes can see. There's something going on between you 2. I think you better let me know, that's for sure.”
“Who is she to me? Nobody babe. Who is she to me? No need to explain. I ain't done nothing wrong. I swear to you. Ain't nothing going on but us. That's whats up.”
The music cut off and the auditorium broke out in an applause that made it sound as if they were in a stadium. Naruto smiled and scratched the back of his head then went back behind stage. Naruto watched about five other people until it was his brothers' turn. He watched the performance alone due to the fact Sasuke had to pee.
Itachi and Haku walked in stage…well Itachi walked in stage Haku well he jumped on stage. Itachi rolled his eyes at Haku's antics and handed over the sheet music and waited for Haku to calm down before the music started.
Haku took a quick glance at the lyrics and sang a little practice round. “It's been five months since (Ohhhh) you went away. God send me an angel. God send me an angel from the heaven's above. Send me an angel to heal my broken heart from being in love. Cause all I do is cry .God send me an angel to wipe the tears from my eyes.” Haku smiled “This seems like it'll be good!”
Haku: See it's been five months since you went away. Left without a word and nothing to say. Want to will out want to up and leave. See it's all about you it's not about me. Break me down from in and out. See I knew from the jump you had some doubts. Should have known then you would never stay true. Should have known then that I could never change you. Now I'm on my knees and I'm begging god please. Take away this pain that I'm feeling cause it's just too much for me. And I try to open up my eyes I sure do try to see. But this man got my heart in a box and I can't even find the key godplease.
“God send me an angel from the heaven's above. Send me an angel to heal my broken heart from being in love. Cause all I do is cry. God send me an angel to wipe the tears from my eyes.”
Itachi: Come on that's right come on. No matter what I do it stays the same. Told me I got to leave because I wouldn't change. Still I couldn't see I was stuck in the game. Told me to leave my key or
the locks gonna change. You want a new day one without me. But I'm stuck with this pain while you yelling get out leave. What happens when your ride or die is living every night with some good bye ish. Inside I'm dying Just want to kiss your eye lids Help the pretty brown eyes stop crying.
Itachi's eyebrows furrowed as be continued to sing something wasn't right someone was here he could feel it.
Itachi: One more chance take a trip to Hawaii you just looked at me and started sighing I guess this is good bye then. Still not realizing what it all means Still got the dreams that included you and me Got me on one knee willing to do anything to make it right I'm trying to get doctor Phil's number for advice.
Haku: I never thought twice when I rolled the dice. Never thought so many times you'd make me cry. Deep down in my heart I used to believe, that I was meant for you, and you was meant for me. But without trust there is no love. And I'm sure gonna miss them kisses and hugs. Got to let go or I never will. Can't wait for the nights where I can't stay still. Love ain't for free got to pay the bills. Say that you won't but I know that you will. Deep in my heart I know you'll never change and everything that you do I'll always be the blame
Haku: God send me an angel from the heaven's above Send me an angel to heal my broken heart from being in love Cause all I do is cry God send me an angel to wipe the tears from my eyes
Both: God send me an angel from the heaven's above Send me an angel to heal my broken heart from being in love Cause all I do is cry God send me an angel to wipe the tears from my eyes
The music slowly died out and Haku smiled at everyone and went behind stage, he was surprised to see only Sasuke behind there. “Sasuke where's Naruto?” Haku asked.
“I was going to ask you the same question.”
“LET ME GO!” that was Naruto.
“NARUTO!” Haku and Sasuke yelled.
They heard the shaking of metal and looked up just in time to see Naruto shoot a fire ball at the man's face and that distraction was enough for Naruto to run. He ran to the stairs and ran down them as fast as he could the only problem with that is the stairs the closest set to him was a spiral staircase, and went straight down into the basement which was changed into a dressing room.(2)
Naruto ran down the steps skipping some along the way and disappeared into the dressing rooms, and the man looked over the rail. They saw the man face and was surprised to see that the man wasn't Orochimaru but a guy who looked like a shark?
He quickly took to the stairs and got down them in half the time it took Naruto.
The trio stopped staring and soon took off through a door that would lead down to the dressing rooms.(1)
(1) That's how the stage is in my auditorium because we are able to lift people into the air and they can go straight to there instead of having to take side routs.
Me: Well how'd you like it?
Itachi : I thought it sucked.
Arie: I loved it. Itachi and Haku forever! (to much sugar)
Me: Why?
Itachi: because the song makes me O.O.C
Me: So. I can really make you O.O.C by putting you in a pink tutu.
Arie: hehehehehehehe pink tutu.
Itachi: glares
Haku: Relax Itachi if you really want to feel better your gonna find out next chapter.
Sasu/Itac: REALLY!
Me: If I feel like it, but more than likely really.
Sasu/Itac: Jump up and down
Arie: Hey I have an idea about that! *drags Kagome to the computer* Itachi in a pink tutu!
Itachi: Get off that stupid tutu kick!
Arie: glares
Itachi: Never mind.
Naru: Hey I'm still being chased by fish face over here!
Me: Uhh Haku go help out Naruto.
Haku: Do I have to?
Me: Yes.
Sasuke: since I'm the only free one will you people please review?
I changed the song they sang from Black Buddalfly ft fabulous- Bad Girl, to Brandy ft. Usher- Who is She to You. My sister helped me pick out the song. Anyway to 1st timers please review, and 2nd timers I hope you enjoyed.