Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ We Always Know ❯ What In The Seven Hells?! ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

CHAPTER 9 What In The Seven Hells?
The three raced down the stairs and into the dressing room to see Naruto unconscious and the man holding him by the throat with burn marks on his wrists.
A short argument ensues and Haku walks forward.
“Pare! Tu haver não por aqui!” Haku yelled.
The man turned to growl at Haku. “Menino saber onde tu celeiro.”
“Mim saber onde mim. SOBRE TU!” Haku yelled back. The man dropped Naruto on the floor and walked in front of Haku.
“Que seja tu Alguém carregue?” the man asked.
“Sim.” Haku said head down.
The man pointed to Naruto. “Ele não saber?”
“No. Diga ele não agradar?”
The man snickered and spoke in English. “I should tell him…but then he would run even further and we would have no choice but to kill you.” The man lifted Haku's head up to force Haku to look at him.
Haku frowned and spit in his face. Then blew cold air to freeze it then smirked at the look of disgust on the man face. The man let go of Haku's face then backhanded him causing Haku's head to jerk to the left due to the force of the blow.
The man disappeared in a puddle. (You know like in movies when people turn to puddles.)
Sasuke and Itachi stared in shock at what played out in front of them. Haku had just talked to a man that had just attempted to kill his brother, to make it even better he had the conversation in a whole different language!(1)
“What in the seven hells was that all about?”
“I can't answer that,” Haku said while walking over to Naruto. “But what I can tell you is that Naruto isn't safe. He's gonna have stuff happen to him until after the play probably even after that. The same goes for me. Orochimaru has found out about us…about what we can do,” Haku formed a small piece of ice and placed it in Naruto's mouth. “He's determined to make us known or to make us go back.”
“Back go back where?” Itachi asked concerned.
“I can't tell you if I did they would kill me…they killed the one who told me about it. All I can tell you is that you guys are in for a shit load this year.”
“DAMN IT, HAKU!” Haku didn't flinch at Itachi's outburst. “If you don't tell me what's going on so help me-”
“SO HELP YOU NOTHING! I'M SAVING YOUR LIFE BY NOT TELLING YOU! IF I TOLD YOU THEY WOULD-” Haku stopped in the middle of his rant to take a few deep breaths and look at Naruto. “Look Itachi just trust me when I say I can't tell you okay, if I did they would kill you.”
“'They!' `They' WHO dammit? Haku you want me to trust you but you can't trust me. Trust is a two way thing if you didn't know.”
Haku frowned at the sudden look of discomfort in Naruto's face. “I know. Sasuke can you please do me a favor and carry Naruto home? I would do it but I have to carry his stuff. And since you're carrying him I guess your stuff too.”
Sasuke walked over to Naruto and picked him up bridal style and carried him up the stairs to begin the walk home.
Sasuke wonders what's going on as he carries Naruto off of school grounds. He thinks back to all that happened after he finished singing with Naruto.
Me and Sasuke made it behind stage and I didn't even get a chance to come back down from being so into my singing before Sasuke attached himself to my lips. I gasp in surprise as he puts his tongue in my mouth. I pull away for a much needed breath. He quickly pushes me against a wall and begins to nip and suck on my neck. I let out a moan as I close my eyes.
“Sasuke…” I try to tell him stop but all that comes out is his name. He grinds his hips into mine and my eyes open as I let out a deep moan. I feel him smile against my neck.
“S-Sasuke w-we h-have to st-stop before w-we get caught.” I push against his chest and look into his eyes. I know he doesn't want to stop but he does, for me.
“I have to pee.” He lies. I know what he really has to do. I smirk and let him go. I turn my attention to the stage. I watch about five more performances then it's my brothers' turn.
They exchange quick words with Tsunade and then start to sing. As soon as Itachi starts to sing a hand comes and clamps around my mouth muffling any protests I can make. At first I think it's Sasuke being an ass but his grip doesn't let up and I begin to struggle. He's leading me up the stairs what the hell is he thinking?
I struggle out of his grip and turn to face him. “You! What the hell are you doing here? Leave us alone! We want nothing to do with you! Why can't you people leave us in peace!” Naruto shouted. “We already told you that we won't help you with your twisted plans so leave! Before I fry your ass!”
“You think YOU can hurt me little fire starter? Our Master is very interested in you and your brother. So quit playing coy and come with me.” The Fish-faced man says lunging for me. I dodge his clumsy attack and aim a kick for his head. He ducks and kicks my legs out from under me. I jump up ready to run. I don't want to fight him here. Innocent people could get hurt.
He grabs onto my arm and whips me around. “LET ME GO!” I shout, firing a shot of flames and I turn and run, praying to whatever Gods may be listening that he doesn't catch me. I see a ladder leading down into the stage area. I race down the steps as fast as I can go. I hear Sasuke's and Haku's yell. I keep running and can only hope they haven't caught Fishy Faces attention.
$Normal POV$
Naruto reaches the bottom and lets his eyes scan the gloom. He runs in the direction he sees light but is brought up short by a rough hand on his collar.
“Thought you could get away from me, huh? Not likely. As I said our Master is interested in your powers. So be a good boy and come with me or your little boyfriend and your brother will pay the price. And don't even think about trying to `fry my ass' because flames can't hurt me.” His voice came, an icy threat in every word.
“Flames can't hurt you? How about a little HEAT!” Naruto grabs the mans wrists and focus's the flames of his anger into white hot gloves of power around his hands. Fish-face screams in agony as the heat gets through his shields. A shout is heard and it distracts Naruto long enough for the man to knock him unconscious.
“Naruto! Who the hell are you? Leave him alone!” Sasuke shouts trying to lunge but Haku's cold grip stops him before he takes a step.
“I will handle this Sasuke. This doesn't concern you.” Haku's voice sends chills down his spine but he ignores it in favor of yelling. “'Doesn't concern me'! How the hell does this not concern me! He hurt Naruto and he's gotta pay for it!”
“He will. Just let me handle it.” Haku says calmly but the look of death in his eyes is enough to make Sasuke believe him.
Itachi places a hand on Haku's shoulder and murmurs quietly. “Be careful, okay?”
“I will be.”
Oh my god my head…again. Wasn't it like two weeks ago the last time I was out like this and I had that fucked up vision? I shot straight up and opened my eyes to see where I was and I was surprised to see that it wasn't black like last time. In fact it looked like I was in paradise.
I look around to see I was on a beach. How the hell I got there… don't ask. I stand up and dust the sand off my butt. I walk along the beach looking for any signs of life. I walk over to a small cliff and climb up them about half way up I hear something.
“Naruto.” It was a whisper but I heard it loud and clear. I look up to see a figure. It was a he that much I was sure of since the only thing I could tell he had on was a blue and black sarong. I climb a little bit faster when I see the man begin to back up.
I was almost to the top when my foot slipped. I quickly grabbed a rock and held on tight. After a few seconds I regained my footing and began climbing again. I make it to the top to see the man looking into a pond. And pond on a cliff? Yeah I thought it was kinda weird too.
I watch the man stand up then watch him look back at me before he falls into the water. I run over to him and try to save him but I don't see him once I make it to the water. I stare at my reflection in the water then I furrow my eyes as I see something slowly appear.
It was him and Haku, they were no older than three and were running around on a beach. Haku had his hair in a bun, and was in a black and purple sarong, the colors fading in and out of each other, and was chasing Naruto. Naruto had on a orange and yellow sarong with the same color effect, and had his hair in a ponytail, he had one bang on his left side of his face that was red.
A man came out of a small hut and Naruto smiled and ran to him. Naruto tackled the man and laughed as they hit the ground.
The man laughed and patted Naruto on his head. “Hey squirt where's your brother?” Naruto pointed behind him and the man saw Haku standing watching Naruto. “Come here Haku.” Haku did as he was told and walked over to the man. “You two know me and your father have to go away for a while right?” The two nodded. “And you know you two are gonna have to be separated right?” the two once again nodded.
They really didn't understand what he meant but they knew they would have to answer yes. The man smiled a sad smile the stood up.
“Go inside and eat. Three hours until you have to go to sleep.”
The two boys nodded and ran inside. The man pouted and looked towards the water. A tear slipped down his cheek as he thought about never seeing his children again. A pair of arms wrapped themselves around his waist.
“You know Yondaime, Naruto and Haku are the rightful heir's to our kingdom, of our people, and as such we have to send them away until he is of age, and make sure he never knows about where he comes from.”
“I know Enzeru but I can't just let our sons forget about where they come from, about how they're supposed to live, about what they're capable of. I won't even be able to tell them about who we are. Our people will be lost with out them. As Kings it is our duty to make sure our people have a leader.”
“Yondaime you're thinking this over to much. All we have to do is send them to the human islands and hope Orochimaru doesn't find them, and that the man we send Haku to will tell him about this place. Haku will tell Naruto about the dangerous people out there. Then on their 18th birthday's we find them and bring them back.” Enzeru brushed his lips over Yondaime's neck, his deep, melodious voice husky with pain as he continued.
“We have to send them away tonight.”
“I know Enzeru don't remind me.”
“I put sleeping powder in their food.” He confessed.
“YOU WHAT? You could've waited until they were asleep!” Yondaime pulled out of his lovers embrace. He whirled to face the taller man, bright blue eyes pleading with soft doe brown ones. His lover sighed, running a hand through his blue-black locks.
“If we did that the powder used for them to forget this place won't work, they wouldn't be in a deep enough sleep.”
Yondaime sighed, and kissed his lover on one pale cheek. “I'm going to change their clothes and get them ready for the leave. You prepare the transportation and I'll see you soon.”
Enzeru nodded and did what he was told. Yondaime walked into the hut and got his sons out of the highchairs and placed them on a couch. He then walked to a nearby cupboard and pulled out a grey powder. He whispered “esquecer-se” (1) and the powder turned bright green. He took a small amount and put it on the palm of his hand and gently blew it in the air, and watched as his son's features changed.
Naruto's blond and red hair turned all blond and his tan grew slightly darker and he was sure it covered his young son's whole body. Haku's black and blue hair turned all black and his skin turned pale. Yondaime sighed at the changes that over took his sons and grabbed a change of clothes for them, and prepared them for their leave.
Naruto splashed the water in front of him and blurred the vision he was seeing and began to cry. “My whole life is a lie.”
Naruto shot up in his bed and threw the covers off of himself. His hand quickly became engulfed in fire but he quickly put it out realizing he was safe. `That was…weird. I can't remember anything. Oh well mustn't have been that important.' Naruto stood up from his bed and left his room and started down the stairs but before he reached the bottom voices reached his ears.
“Haku, please tell me what's going on! Naruto's been out for almost 3 hours! I'm really getting worried. What if that asshole seriously hurt him? Naruto could be in a coma and need to go to the hospital and he could be dying but you don't want him to go just 'cause he could wake up thinking that he's still being attacked and set the hospital on fire and if he did-” Sasuke was babbling and was cut off by his brother.
“Sasuke, calm down! Geez you act like Naruto is a puppy or something. He's a tough kid, and if Haku thinks that Naruto will be alright then he'll be alright.” Itachi was lounging on the couch with Haku lying across his lap. Haku's eyes were still closed when he announced, “Naruto will be just fine. He's out in the hall listening to you babble Sasuke.”
“Naruto! Are you alright, how are you feeling?” Sasuke started babbling again when he saw Naruto slowly made his way into the room and to the couch.
Haku and Itachi watched in amusement as Sasuke forgot that he was an Uchiha and acted like a lovesick fool. “My brother is making quite a spectacle of himself, don't you think? He is forgetting that we are here. Why don't we leave them alone and go somewhere a… little more private?” Itachi whispered in Haku's ear nibbling on the juncture of Haku's neck and shoulder, drawing a quiet moan from those rose-pale lips. “Later for us, Lover. Naruto always has questions after he gets knocked out.”
Those words proved to be true as Naruto woke from the daze induced by listening to Sasuke babble.
“I'm fine, Sasuke. I'm just a little confused. What happened exactly? I remember Fishy Face and setting him on fire but after that I can't remember anything. What did he want? We told them that we weren't interested the last time they showed up. What business could they have with us now?” Naruto looked up expectantly to Haku and watched as he went still.
Itachi: when am I going to have my little Haku? (Gropes Haku)
Haku: Itachi not nOOOww…uhhhhh
Naruto: EW! EW! EW! Stop! Quit molesting my brother!
Sasuke: why should he? I'm gonna molest you…(grabs Naruto and drags him out of the room)
V-K: Stop it you guys you're starting to distract Arie and piss her off.
Arie: Sasuke is never gonna get Naruto if he keeps pissing me off! grumbles
V-K: Itachi stop it right now! Arie! Make `em stop!
Arie: I'm gonna go work on a Itachi/Haku lemon. I actually LIKE them! (Sasuke comes back)
Sasuke: Hey! When am I gonna get my little Naru-chan?
V-K: See Arie look what you did. You were supposed to Make `em stop, not encourage them.
Arie: Haku, Itachi come here and help me or your never gonna get together!
Kagome: Arie no fair!
Arie: Sorry everyone. I'm just really tired. Sasuke You'll have your shot at Naruto soon I promise. For now lets let the nice people go and read the next chapter.
Gaara: They're busy so it's up to me. Review please. Arie worked hard on this chapter to help out our authoress. Give her some good reviews. She's new.
I don't think I changed anything in here except mechanical mistakes. But anyway please review.