Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ We Always Know ❯ Oh GOD!! ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“Soo,” Naruto said while trying to tune out Sasuke's incessant babble. “What happened while I was out?” The question was said like he was talking to everyone but it was aimed for Haku.
“Orochimaru encontrado outcross a siga ele.” (Orochimaru found another to follow him.) Haku said while sitting up out of Itachi's lap. “He's not gonna stop.”
Haku mumbled. “I wish,” before he spoke louder. “Yeah, there are others like us but we are the only princes. Naruto he was banished from the royal families for his unjust ways of rule. He wants to come back Naruto and the only way for that is for him to get one of us to marry him.”
“It's not fair.” Naruto pouted.
Haku got up and walked over to Naruto and kneeled in front of him and placed a hand on each of his cheeks so he'd have to look him in the eyes. “Nada em vida justo.” (Nothing in life is fair)
“Me saiba.” (I know) He said softly while gently removing Haku's hands from his face.
Sasuke regained his Uchiha ways and stared impassively at the brother to brother conversation. Then looked at Itachi. “Why didn't we stay like that?”
“We didn't stay that way because dad decided it wasn`t an Uchiha way.” Itachi said looking Sasuke in the eye.
Naruto looked at Sasuke the Itachi then back to Haku. “So…it's Tuesday we have no test to study for, we won't get who was in the play until Friday so what do you guys wanna d-” Naruto was cut off by his cell phone vibrating. The number came up private but he answered any way.
“Hello?” He said while getting up and going into the kitchen.
“Yeah, who is this?”
“It's Neji I-I need your help.”
“You need my help? For what?”
“I need your help to plan a date for me and Gaara this Saturday and it has to be perfect.”
“How am I exactly supposed to do that?” Naruto said elbows resting on a nearby counter and his back to the door.
“Well I was hoping that maybe you could…I dunno help me book some stuff, and possibly call Gaara and tell him to meet me on Saturday.”
“And you can't do this yourself because why?”
“Mine and Gaara's fathers aren't exactly on speaking terms since we were 12. I can't exactly call and say `Hey this is Neji; I'm your son's boyfriend and the son of the guy you hate.' Now can I?”
“Well no you can't so-”
“Great thanks for your help I'll see you tomorrow.” And Neji hung up.
“I suppose I can help you.” Naruto finished his sentence even though he knew Neji wasn't on the other line. He grabbed his phone and turned around and was surprised to see Sasuke behind him. Naruto sent fire at Sasuke but Sasuke narrowly dodged the fist of fire coming straight at his face. “I'M SO SORRY!” Naruto said as he watched Sasuke stand back up.
“It's okay nothing a kiss can't fix.” Sasuke said while leaning in for a kiss. Naruto smiled as Sasuke kissed him. Sasuke gently nibbled on Naruto's bottom lip asking for entrance, that Naruto gladly obliged. He wrapped his arms around Sasuke's neck while Sasuke put his arms around his waist. Naruto's phone began to vibrate, and he swore as he checked to see who it was. It was Gaara. `How the hell did he and Neji get my cell number? I could've sworn the only people who knew that was Dad and Haku.' Naruto reluctantly pulled away from Sasuke, turned around and answered his cell.
“Naruto. I really need to talk to you.”
“You are.” Naruto said with his eyes closed as Sasuke began to nibble and kiss his neck.
“I mean just you and me. Not you, me, and Sasuke kissing you while we talk which, I might add, is a bit weird even for my standards.”
“C-Can it wait?” Naruto stumbled out as Sasuke started to rub his hands along Naruto's back.
“No it can't. It's about Orochimaru.”
Naruto's eyes shot open as he turned and pushed Sasuke away, walking out of the kitchen and walked into the living room where Itachi and Haku were lounging on the couch. He put his cell on speaker and placed it on a table.
“Now say that again.”
“It's Orochimaru. I know what he's gonna do.”
The man that was chasing Naruto was kneeled in front of him. “Orochimaru, I have failed to obtain the two boys for you.”
“It is okay Kisame. I have found a way for them to crumble at my knees.”
“You have?”
“Yes I have. You see one of their friends has any ability to know everything about a person just by talking to them but I have found away around that to make him believe that I was going to go through with the plan two weeks before I actually do. So right about now he is probably telling them my planted, false information.”
“Sir…w-what are you going to do once we have them in our captivity, to make them agree with us?”
“I have about six things that I know for sure that can absolutely change their mind.”
“Are you sure Gaara?”
“I'm positive Naruto. He going to do it two weeks before the play he going to hold you prisoner until you give him what he wants.”
“Thanks bye.” Naruto said.
“So I guess that means we have a lot of time to prepare for his little appearance, and in the mean time how about Haku and I go and to a place a little more private?” Itachi said while he slid his fingers over Haku's sides.
“Aniki! Leave him alone! We need to figure out how we're going to stop Orochimaru, and save them both. We should think about what we can do.” Sasuke tried reasoning with his brother, while trying valiantly to ignore Itachi's attempts to stick his tongue down Haku's throat. It was a magnificent failure. Sasuke and Naruto both stared as Itachi ran his hands down Haku's sides. Haku let out a low moan. He was losing himself in Itachi's kiss. With his last coherent thought he pulled away from Itachi and said, “We're gonna go and discuss theories for how we can protect ourselves. You two have fun now!”
With that Haku pulled Itachi out of the room. Naruto stood there stunned, then ran after the two yelling, “Haku! You need to protect yourself! I am NOT gonna take care of your mistake!”
“I know, I KNOW! Leave us alone for awhile. I really wanna pay attention to my boyfriend right now.” Haku murmured with a sultry little smile. Itachi felt a little light-headed as all the blood in his body began rushing through his veins. He heard the roar in his ears. He just knew that he would love what Haku had in-store for him.
$Sasuke POV$
“Oh man! Now what are we gonna do? I REALLY don't wanna be here when those two go at it. How about we leave them alone and go somewhere else?” As soon as those words were out of his mouth Naruto's phone went off once more.
“Damn it's my Dad! Hello? Hey Dad. Yeah well you see the thing is ano…Haku's wasn't feeling all that good so we decided that he should come home and get some rest. He told me that he felt really sick and that he didn't want to be home all alone so I came home to. Uh-huh. Yeah…no problem. Yeah I'll tell him. O.k. No we didn't. Uh-huh. Right, later Dad.” I watched in amazement as Naruto lost it. He throw his phone on the couch so hard that when it crashed to the floor it went skidding on the hardwood, through the kitchen door and crashed into the back door breaking the antenna. My surprise in watching Naruto's phone was overshadowed by my surprise in hearing Naruto swear…badly.
“God DAMNIT IRUKA! Why did you have to say THAT! Now we can't leave! That BASTARD! I hope he rots in Hell! He's a piece of shit REJECTED from the Deepest Darkest Corridor of Satan's ASS! I'm gonna KILL that damn Dolphin!”(1)
“Naruto calm DOWN! Geez it's like listening to a retarded 4-year-old. What did he say?” Sasuke berated his boyfriend, trying desperately to ignore the feeling in his gut and the sound coming from the upstairs. He failed on both counts.
“My DAD has decided that since one of us got hurt and the others here that he can go ahead and go on a date even though he SAYS that he has a lot of paperwork to finish. He's a GYM teacher how the HELL could he have paperwork! And he said I couldn't leave `cause I'm still grounded for setting Sakura's cat on fire, DAMNIT I WAS 15! We're STUCK here listening to them ALL `CAUSE OF MY DAD'S LIBIDO!” Naruto shouted and he was turning the most lovely shade of purple. “And this is gonna be pure torture `cause Haku knows what this is doing to me and he is still GETTING IT IN WITH YOUR BROTHER! He KNOWS that I'm an empath and he still doesn't care! He just wants me to lose my virginity and get laid! Oh DAMNIT!”
“You're a virgin!??”
$Haku POV$
I lead Itachi up the stairs and into my room. As soon as I close the door he's pulled me close and attacked my mouth. Oh he tastes like bitter dark chocolate and oranges. I've always been partial to dark chocolate but in his mouth it takes on a new complexity. I wonder if it will be as good as Naruto explained?
$Normal POV$
Itachi attached himself to Haku's mouth and ran his hands up his back. A long moan came from his mouth at the flavor of his kiss. Haku started to push him closer to the bed and shoved him down. He pulled away from Itachi's mouth and ran his tongue over his neck. A long moan spilled from his mouth and he gasped Haku's name.
“How far do you want this to go? Tell me so I can stop if I need to. Hurry, I don't think I'm gonna be able to hold back for much longer.” Haku gasped, running his hands over Itachi's shirt, pulling it up to run his hands over the bronzed chest.
Itachi moaned as Haku tweaked a nipple then flipped them over so Haku was on bottom. Haku smirked at Itachi then nibbled on Itachi's bottom lip, while sliding his hands down his chest to the brim of his pants. He unbuttoned, and unzipped then slipped his hand into Itachi's boxers electing a hiss from Itachi's lips.
Haku gently grabbed Itachi again before he decided to remove the pants and boxers all together. Now it was a nude Itachi above a very clothed Haku.
“We can't do this.” Itachi said looking Haku in the eye.
“And why the hell not?” Haku said with a pout.
“You're still dressed.” Itachi said smiling
Haku smirked and tried to take off his shirt, and with the key word being tried he didn't do it. Itachi grabbed his hand and held them next his head on the bed. Itachi slid his hands down Haku's body until he reached the bottom of his shirt he slowly pulled it over Haku's head and leant down to kiss Haku.
Haku let out a moan as Itachi pinched a nipple and arched into the kiss.
Naruto sat on the couch his legs tightly crossed, his eyes squeezed shut, and finger tapping quickly on the arm of the chair. Sasuke looked at Naruto's obvious discomfort and sighed. “You know I could help you with that.” He said to Naruto.
Naruto only opened his eyes to glare at Sasuke. “I don't want your help. At least not with this.”
“Oh so you like being a Virgin?”
Naruto glared harder at Sasuke. “Shut up.” Naruto said and closed his eyes again and put his head back against the headrest.
He almost screamed when he suddenly felt Sasuke in his lap. Sasuke began to nip and kiss at Naruto's neck. Naruto let out a low moan. “Get off Sasukeeeee.”
Sasuke shook his head no and nipped at Naruto's bottom lip. Naruto sighed and began to kiss Sasuke back with great force.
Itachi began to trail kisses down Haku's stomach. And stopped when he reached the hem of his pants, Itachi looked up at Haku, who was looking down, and smiled. He unbuttoned his pants, and unzipped them with his teeth, then pulled them down leaving Haku in a pair of Dark purple silk boxers.
“It's my favorite color, sue me.”
Itachi rolled his eyes, and slowly oh so slowly began to remove Haku's boxers. Haku pouted at how slow Itachi was taking off his boxers. “Hey stop teasing.” Itachi smirked and pulled Haku's boxers the rest of the way off.
Itachi looked Haku up and down and stopped at his groin and raised an eyebrow. “Well well excited are we?” Then he began to kiss down Haku's chest. He stopped to capture Haku's nipples in his mouth receiving a moan.
Itachi kissed the rest of the way down skipping his erection and going to Haku thighs.
“Itachi…please.” Haku begged. For what he wasn't entirely sure.
“What do you want? Do you want my mouth? My hands? Or maybe just my tongue?” Itachi ran his tongue over his navel briefly slipping his tongue into Haku's belly button and over the toned muscles on his hips. He grabbed onto Haku's hips and suddenly deep throated his bulging erection.
A strangled scream erupted from Haku's throat as that delicious warmth surrounded him. He tried to push deeper into that perfect paradise of pleasure that enveloped him in wonderful sensations. Pleasured cries fell from his lips like diamonds and he quickly approached the brink. “'Tachi stop! I'm gonna, gonna…”
Itachi only increased the suction, bobbing his head up and down. He felt the explosion and softly moaned as he savored every drop that made up HIS Haku. Releasing Haku's cock from his mouth he attached himself to Haku's neck and lightly bit the skin. “Are you up for round two?”
Haku reached over into a nearby drawer and pulled out a bottle of lube. It was a gag gift on his 17th birthday tha he had kept.
And handed it to Itachi, he quickly coated his fingers and inserted one into Haku's puckered entrance. Haku's body tensed.
“Relax love it only makes it worse, besides it gets better.”
Haku did as he was told and relaxed against the finger and began to moan as he soon found pleasure. Itachi added a second finger and Haku's breath slightly hitched, he still moaned as Itachi began a scissoring motion. Haku suddenly arched feeling searing blind pleasure. “Found it.” Itachi said with a smirk.
Itachi entered a third finger, but brushed against Haku's sweet spot and kissing him to distract him from any possible pain. He removed his fingers after a few thrusts and smirked at Haku's whimper. “Trust me when I say it gets better.”
He covered his erection in a generous amount of lube and positioned himself at his entrance. He pushed his head in and waited for a sign of discomfort from Haku when he received none he pushed in half way then stopped and waited for Haku to adjust. Haku was so tight it was hard for him to hold back.
Their was no way one person could feel so full. Haku quickly adjusted to the new length inside of him and gave Itachi a nod signaling that he could move in the rest of the way. Haku moaned at he feeling of being so full. It should be a sin to feel as complete as he did at that very moment.
Itachi pulled out and slammed back in brushing against Haku's sweet spot. Haku let out a stifled moan. Itachi smirked and changed his position slightly pulled out and slammed back in hitting Haku's sweet spot, causing a mangled version of his name to fall from Haku's lips. “'chi…p-please…harder…faster.”
And who was Itachi to deny something his lover needed and quickly complied. Feeling himself coming close to the end he began to pump Haku erection in tune with his thrusts. Itachis thrust became harder and faster as he could feel a tightening in the pit of his stomach. Haku was thrashing his head side to side against the pillows as he tried to hold back is orgasm but the more he held back the harder he knew it was going to be. Finally unable to hold back anymore he came with a scream covering Itachi and his own chest with his seed.
Haku's muscle spasms drove Itachi over the edge and he quickly followed Haku into the world of orgasmic bliss.
Sasuke broke the kiss when he heard a scream come from the upstairs. “That sounded like Haku. What's happening up there?”
“Your brother just gave mine his first not self induced orgasm. And he brought me close to mine. You really gonna help me with that?” Naruto asked, his dark blue eyes an even deeper color, twinkling with hunger.
“Oh you want my help now?” Sasuke teased, running his hand over the bulge contained in Naruto's jeans. “Uhhnnnnn… oh god Sasukeeee…” Was Naruto's brilliant answer. Sasuke palmed open his jeans and slipped his hands into the waiting heat. Inarticulate moans issued from Naruto's mouth and he bucked his hips into Sasuke's hand. Moments later he came, coating Sasuke's hand in a warm thick cream.
Sasuke brought his hand to his lips and slowly licked off Naruto's essence. “Mmm. Delicious. I wonder how the rest of you tastes…” As Sasuke leaned down to capture Naruto's lips the front door banged open to reveal a Very PISSED Gaara.
“What the fuck are you trying to do to me, you damn BASTARD!”
1) Iruka means dolphin for the people who didn't know. (B/N The curse is something that my sister came up with a coupla years ago.)
2) Naru knows Haku can but not himself. (If you're still lost read the translations over)
I added a better lemon to this chapter so it moved from a lime to a full on lemon. To 1st timers please review and to 2nd timers what do you think?