Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ We Always Know ❯ LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION!! ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Since my updates have dropped dramatically I've decided to put a lemon into this chapter as well as to make it my longest chapter EVER. So if this doesn't make up for me not updating I don't know what does, and I'm REALLY SORRY. I know most of you if not all of you want to bite my head off I realize that. So if you want to yell at me for taking forever to update I truly under stand
Last Time
“Naruto you're mylittle brother it's my job tolook after you from the crazy boyfriend to the pedophile.”
“Well don't you'll only get into the way.”
Haku only stared at his brother in shock. `He can't honestly believe that, can he?
I can't believe I'm doing this. But I have to. For their lives I have to do this. I waited to find out what was going on when the Kakashi walked onto the stage…late as usual. Everyone soon was silent and waiting for Kakashi to say something.
“Okay I can happily say that I have found my two main leads for this play, which is Romeo and Juliet with a modern day twist, and also to make it our own it's going to be a musical. Now can I have Naruto Umino, and Itachi Uchiha, to the stage?”
I rose from my seat a proceeded to the stage I had a strong feeling that the next few words out of his mouth weren't goin to be that encouraging. I now stood on Kakashi's right and Itachi his left facing out into the crowd.
“You two lucky guys have scored the leading roles.” The crowed clapped. But I still felt uneasy, even as a little played across my lips. Then I really began to think about what play we were actually doing.
“Wait we need a girl. We aren't girls. Who's gonna play the girl?” I asked confused.
“Well since you brought this little dilemma to my attention you have the honor of playing our leading lady.” Kakashi said with a smile.
Whoopee for me.” I say with a forced smile, and a voice draped in sarcasm. (Really what did Iruka see in him he's nothing but a perv) Kakashi walks off of the stage for a moment and comes back with a box filled with scripts. I grabbed a script and opened to the first page to see the roles.
Me: Ranpu (Juliet), Itachi: Kuro (Romeo), Sasuke: Yoru (Mercutio), Haku: Dei (Paris), and Neji: Awai (Friar Lawrence) (Naru: When did Neji audition? V.K. I dunno.), to name a few, Not only was I playing a girl, I was supposed to marry my brother, I had to play the girl in love with Itachi. Isn't my life perfect? (Note the sarcasm.)
Sasuke sat in his seat inwardly fuming. Itachi got the leading role next to HIS Naruto. With Kakashi as the director he knew they were going to have to kiss…or worse. He couldn't believe that this was happening. He had to sit by and watch as they had to (eventually) kiss. He was going to have to change that when the time came.
The rest of the day was filled with play explanations, measuring for future costumes, and lots and lots of Sasuke glaring.
/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*//*/*/**/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/ */*/*/*/*
Naruto lied in his bed typing on his laptop, trying to tire himself out, but was failing miserably. He looked at the clock which read 12:45am he couldn't sleep even if his life depended on it. He heard is cell phone vibrating on his dresser. He sighed and reluctantly rose to see who was texting him so late (or early depending on how you look at it.).
It was a text from Sasuke. `What does he want so late?' Naruto opened the text and read it. `Open to door I'm downstairsand I know you aren't sleep,I saw a light on in your room probably your laptop huh? -Sasuke-'
Naruto sighed, closed his cell phone, put a pair of Spongebob pajama pants on over his boxers, and proceeded to go downstairs as quietly as he could, as not to wake up Haku, or Iruka as he quickly made his way to the front door.
He opened the door and frowned at Sasuke. “What are you doing he-mph!? Naruto was quickly cut off as Sasuke immediately attached himself to Naruto's lips. Naruto, although occupied, softly closed to door and was roughly pushed into a wall with a dull thud. Sasuke soon was attached to his neck, causing Naruto to moan out. “W-what are you doing Sasuke?” Naruto asked while closing his eyes against Sasukes assault.
“I can't wait anymore I need you now Naruto.” Sasuke answered while running his hands along Naruto's chest then stopped to play with a nipple. Naruto arched into the touch causing Sasuke to smirk.
“My brother and dad are asleep upstairs.” Naruto all but moaned out.
“I guess that means we'll have to be quiet huh?” Sasuke said while lifting Naruto up some, which in response Naruto wrapped his legs around his waist, and met Sasuke for a lust filled kiss. Naruto or Sasuke for that matter wasn't sure how it happened but they were soon lying in Naruto's bed letting out hushed moans.
Sasuke pulled the ridiculous, in his opinion, Spongebob pants off of Naruto to reveal a pair of Spongebob boxers tented over Naruto arousal. He then began to slowly pull off his own shirt, and pants leaving them both in nothing but boxers.
Sasuke moved to straddle Naruto, looking deeply into Naruto's lustful, anticipating, and another emotion he couldn't figure out, filled eyes. He smiled and placed kiss on his lips moving to his jaw, then neck, then dusty nipple. He lingered there for a moment relishing in the muffled noise that escaped Naruto lips.
Naruto closed his eyes to the assault. He shouldn't be doing this, did he realize how much trouble he'd be in if he got caught? Wait…IF he got caught, there was no guarantee he would. All thoughts vanished from his mind as a hand snuck into his boxers.
“Oh fuck.” Naruto moaned out. “S-Sasuke…you have to stop before w-we get caught.”
“Do you really want me to?” Sasuke said while reattaching himself to Naruto's neck. Naruto gasped and arched. “I'll take that as no.” Sasuke gave Naruto one final tug before he decided to rid Naruto and himself of their boxers.
Sasuke lowered himself to Naruto's weeping cock, and licked the tip, before he engulfed him completely. “FU-mph!” Naruto clamped a hand over is mouth to muffle the yell.
Sasuke looked up to see Naruto had clamped his hand over his mouth. He arched an eyebrow and smirked and increased suction. He lightly grazed his teeth along the shaft as he moved up and down. He was rewarded with a loud groan and a hand coming to grab at his hair.
Sasuke removed himself from the shaft and captured Naruto in a Kiss. He nipped at his bottom lip asking for entrance, once granted, he was assaulted with the taste that was Naruto a taste he had come to love.
Sasuke detached himself from Naruto's lips and moved to his neck. He placed three fingers to Naruto's lip, a silent command, to suck. Naruto took the appendages into his mouth and began to suck, swirling around them with his tongue, sucking lightly.
Sasuke reached down and grasped Naruto's cock and began to pump him lightly. Naruto wrapped his legs around Sasuke's waist on impulse. Sasuke removed his fingers from the confines of his mouth and placed one at Naruto's entrance and slowly inserted it.
“Mmng…” Naruto moaned lightly as the feeling of the finger inside of him. He began to rock against the finger. “AH-!” A second finger was added and his scream was covered by Sasuke's mouth. Naruto clenched his eyes shut and tensed.
“Relax, tensing only makes it worse.” Sasuke whispered into Naruto's ear.
He slowly began to pump his finger in and out. Naruto relaxed but barely, Sasuke noticed this. “Do you want me to stop?” he asked while still thrusting his fingers in and out while moving them in a scissoring motion.
Naruto almost shook his head yes until he saw white; Sasuke had struck something buried deep inside. Naruto let out a sound that was a mix of a cough, and a moan. “No…oh god no…” he moaned out
A third finger was added and Sasuke made sure each thrust was aimed at his sweet spot. Naruto began to thrust back against the finger and a tightening sensation began to build in the pit of his stomach. “Sasuke…oh god.” Naruto moaned out as he threw his head back his sweet spot was being hit over and over until…it stopped, until something much bigger than fingers was thrusted in through his entrance.
“AH-mph!” another scream muffled by Sasuke's lips. Sasuke pulled away to see a single tear roll down one of Naruto's cheeks.
“Relax.” Sasuke whispered. “It'll get better, but only if you relax.”
Naruto nodded and completely relaxed. Sasuke began a steady pace, slow but not to slow, hard but not to hard. He soon found Naruto's sweet spot again and Naruto was putty
“Harder, faster…please.” Naruto moaned, tightening his legs around Sasuke's waist.
And who was Sasuke to deny? Sasuke placed both hands on either side of Naruto's head and began a brutal pace. Naruto's eyes rolled to the back of his head, his eyes closed, and his toes curled. “Sasuke…oh my god Sasuke…” Naruto let out in short pants.
Naruto could hear the springs squeak in his bed, and heard the head board hitting the wall but he didn't care, all he knew was he wanted more. “Faster, harder…please!” Naruto begged.
Sasuke complied and set an unimaginable pace. Naruto bit down harshly on his bottom lip to stop his moans from becoming to loud. Sasuke captured Naruto in a kiss and entered the moist cavern. Their was a light copper taste telling Sasuke that Naruto bit his lip to hard but that didn't stop Sasuke from thrusting brutally into his willing partner.
“So fucking good Naruto…so damn tight.” Sasuke moaned against his lips.
Sweat began to drop from their bodies, and Naruto's once spiky hair now lay matted against his face and on the pillow below. Sasuke's once duck butt hair now brushed against his shoulders with each thrust
“Sasuke I'm gonna…gonna…”
“Cum for me Naruto, scream my name.” Sasuke forgetting that they were supposed to be quiet, encouraged Naruto to scram, and boy did he. Naruto threw his head back and let out a scream, “SASUKE!!!” Naruto's cum covered his and Sasuke's chest while his muscles spasmed rapidly bringing Sasuke to his orgasm. “FUCK!” Sasuke spilled himself inside of his lover not missing a drop.
Naruto temporarily blacked out and when he realized he had just let out a yell he looked to see Sasuke collapse next to him teetering on consciousness and sweet sleep. Naruto waited to hear the sound of footsteps to come to his door but when 10 minuets went by and no one ever came he realized he wasn't in trouble. He allowed exhaustion to consume him, and he joined Sasuke in much needed rest.
He woke the following morning to find himself alone but there was a note on the pillow where Sasuke once slept.
I didn't want you to get into trouble so I left. I picked you out some clothes for school, and left you some meds and water on your nightstand it's should help with the pain. Last night was great. See you later
P.S. Don't forget to shower!
Naruto rolled his eyes and smiled, Sasuke was an idiot, but he loved his idiot. 'Wait... LOVE?'
*&*&*&*&* (TIME SKIP) &*&*&*&
It was the day of the play and Naruto was about ready to shit himself. The plain rehearsals and dress rehearsals were great even though he didn't like kissing Itachi but he didn't want out of the play either. Naruto began to naw on his bottom lip, a bad habit since he was little.
Naruto jumped when someone came behind him. “Relax Naruto you look great and your gonna do fine.” Naruto smiled at Itachi. He had to agree he did look nice (even if he was dressed as a girl). He wore a baby blue half kimono top that stopped right above his belly button, and was wide sleeved had a built in bra that was stuffed to give him roughly a `C' cup, and a pair of black short shorts.
He had on blue eye shadow, black eyeliner, and 8 bangles on his left wrist. His long hair was curled into spirals, he had a French manicure, and blue stilettos that wrapped up his legs to right below his knees. Itachi looked just as good.
Itachi wore a white t-shirt that had Pooh spray painted on it, Pooh was thugged out, he had on a red fitted with a white head band underneath, a red white and black Cincinnati shirt with matching sneakers, with a silver chain that touched the floor and had his name on it. (1)He had on a pair of black jeans and a black arm band on his right wrist.
“Thanks. You too.” Naruto said and turned back around. The play soon started and Naruto sat behind stage and waited for his time to enter.
So far so good they were a little past halfway through, and nothing had happened things were looking up. The lights dimmed signaling intermission was over, and that Naruto was needed on stage.
This was one of the many dreaded scenes, where he and Itachi kissed. Naruto's attire was similar excepted he now wore sneakers, and his hair was in a ponytail.
“And Kuro what exactly am I supposed to give you as a parting gift?”
“A kiss Ranpu, don't be shy we've kissed plenty of times, why are you scared now?”
“I'm not scared I just don't want you to go, kisses often are meant as goodbyes.” Naruto said with a smile.
“This won't be a goodbye it'll mean I'll return to have another.” Itachi gently grasped Naruto's chin with his thumb and pointer and tilted his head up. He captured his lips in a light kiss they were going to pull away when they both remembered what Kakashi told them at rehearsals. “This kiss really is goodbye; remember he's going to be on the run since he has killed her cousin. Make it as realistic as possible think as if you're…kissing your lover for the last time!” Itachi slowly closed his eyes and deepened the kiss.
Naruto eye's widened in shock and a squeak escaped his lips in sock. He did want to freak in front of everyone so he wrapped his arms around Itachi's neck moaned and granted Itachi access to his mouth when Itachi nipped at his bottom lip. Itachi delved into the moist cavern as if his life demanded it. The kiss became deeper until the two realized who they were actually kissing and eyes shot open and the parted.
Naruto looked into Itachi's eyes and saw they were glazed over, his own were probably the same. Naruto looked to the right to see Sasuke standing behind the curtains fists clenched. Itachi didn't notice for he was looking the other way at Haku who stood there eyes wide.
The two remained attached to each other, Naruto's arms around Itachi's neck and Itachi's hands on Naruto's waist. Everyone stared, waiting for something to happen, and it did but not what hey expected.
The auditorium doors flew open with a strong gust of wind. Suddenly hundreds if not thousands of snakes suddenly began to slither across the floor. The audience began to scream and panic. Naruto moved to form fire to at least clear a pathway for people to get out but a hand grabbed his wrist. He looked back to find Itachi holding him back.
“To many innocent people someone might get hurt.”
Naruto was going to protest until many cloaked figures dropped down and surrounded himself and Itachi. Naruto reacted in instinct and released balls of fire at the cloaked men (or woman he really didn't know). Nothing happened the fire disappeared before it even mad contact with it's intended target.
Naruto was confused as to why it didn't work. When he saw sand come and surround one of the figures and what appeared to be a coffin he winced at the sound of cracking bones. He smiled when he saw Gaara but it quickly faded when he realized he couldn't' move. He tried to form fire in the palm of his hand but he couldn't.
Pain sparked at the base of his spine then shot to his head. He let out a yell that could make even the toughest of men cry. The pain was quickly to much and he dropped to the floor. Itachi went to help but was stopped when a choking sensation surrounded his neck. He grabbed the invisible hand around his neck, and then was knocked unconscious by a swift blow to the neck.
The two of the cloaked figures stepped forward and one picked up Naruto the other Itachi and threw them over their shoulders. Now you might be wondering `Why aren't Sasuke, Haku, and Gaara helping?' In all honesty they were every single thing they tried failed every attack was stopped just short of their intended target. No matter what they did.
They could only watch as their brothers, lovers, and friends were carried away and nothing in their power could stop it. The cloaked figures went to escape through the hole they caused on entry but was stopped when a strong gust of wind knocked them to the floor.
Everyone's attention turned to Haku as his eyes turned an icy blue, and wind began to swirl around him. “Gota eles! (2) Haku commanded.
The cloaked figures only faced him. “Gota eles agora (3)!!” He yelled out, making the room shake.
The figures once again stood their ground. Suddenly 3 of the figures charged Haku. One of the figures pulled out a sward and swung. Haku dunked, formed and ice spear, he kicked the legs from under the attacker and quickly stabbed him in the heart.
The second figure grabbed Haku from behind and began to choke him. Haku elbowed them in the side which only caused them to tighten their grip. He formed a shard of ice the looked similar to a Kunai and stabbed his attacker in the arm. He released a hissing noise. Haku was quickly kicked and sent flying into a wall.
He lied there for a second before he stood. “Tu vontade não tomada eles. (4)” Haku ground out.
Nós já tenha (5).” The cloaked figure hissed.
Haku's icy eyes snapped to the roof where he saw them escaping with his brother and lover. “NO!” He released another gust of wind but it didn't stop their escape.
A voice that sounded as if it were carried through the air whispered. “Veja que acontecer quando tu fazer não escute?” The voice chuckled. (6) “Come and save them Haku, be the king you are meant to be.”
Everyone looked at Haku as his eyes went from icy blue to back brown, and tears rolled down his face. “This is my entire fault.”
SO THERE YOU HAVE IT!! 3,164 wordsof that are pure worksof art Lol. Well I hope you enjoyed it considering I haven't updated in ever. Please review and tell me what you think okay? THANK YOU!
(1) I swear to god this is a real picture AND my brother has it on his t-shirt this is a link to the page if it doesn't work let me know.
(2) Gota eles! - Drop them!
(3)Gota eles agora! - Drop them now!
(4) Tu vontade não tomada eles. - You will not take them.
(5) Nós já tenha- We already have.
(6) Veja que acontecer quando tu fazer não escute? - See what happens when you do not listen?