Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ We Always Know ❯ History ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sorry for the super long wait if you want to kill me go ahead `cause I wanna kill myself for making you guys wait for this crummy chapter.
Haku walked into his house followed by a infuriated Iruka, a confused Kakashi, and indifferent Gaara and a pissed off Sasuke. Haku sat on the living room couch and buried his face in his hands and left out an aggravated sigh. “What the hell am I going to do now?”
“Start telling us what the hell is going on!” Sasuke yelled out.
“Haku why didn't you tell us what was going on! We could've helped!” Iruka said with a slight yell.
“What the hell was I supposed to say, oh yeah I forgot tell you Iruka when you adopted us you were keeping us away from a pedophile hoping to use as his ticket back to our home. Oh not just any home a home for people who living examples of the unexplainable. Most of those people being the things that go bump at night! And oh don't let me forget when we turn 18 your life is going to become a living hell if we aren't back home. Yeah great conversation starter.” Haku said his voice draped in sarcasm.
Sasuke lost his control and pulled Haku up from his seat and punched him square in the face. Haku fell to the floor and licked the blood from the side of his mouth. Haku stood and tackled Sasuke to the floor and began to throw blows. The wrestled on the ground and traded blow for blow.
Slowly sand creped, unnoticed, between the two. They were forced apart and pinned to a wall. Gaara sat arms crossed, silently fuming. “You two need to cut it out.”
“He started it.” Haku mumbled.
“If you weren't being such an ass I wouldn't have had to!” Sasuke yelled hearing Haku's side remark.
“The only ass in here is you!” Haku yelled back.
“Shut up you fucking-mmph!” Sand came to form over Sasuke's mouth stopping him in the middle of his rant.
“'Bout time someone shut you up.” Haku said with a smirk that faded when Gaara gave him a look that said `You can easily join him'.
“I don't have all day, now tell us what the hell is going on.” Gaara sated in a `That's that' tone.
Haku sighed. “Okay here's what happened.”
Naruto's eyes snapped open, and the first thing he realized he was on something soft, and that he as very comfortable which is strange considering what had just happened. He sat up and heard the sound of rustling fabric. He looked down to see that he was covered in a red silk blanket.
He yanked the covers off of himself to see that he was in a pair of boxers, and that his right ankle was chained, great. He looked to the left and saw Itachi chained to a wall, watching him.
“What the hell is going on Naruto?”
“It's so much to explain.” Naruto sighed out.
“It's not like I have much other than to hang around.” Itachi said giving a slight tug on the metal chain. Wait…metal. Naruto quickly moved towards the end of the chain. “Naruto what are you doing?” Itachi asked completely out of the loop.
“The chains their metal right?”
“Yes.” Itachi answered still confused.
“Metal melts. If I can get a flame hot enough then I can just melt the chain and we'll be free to go.” Naruto stated as if it were the simplest thing in the world. Naruto concentrated on creating a hot enough fire in the palm of his hand. `
Nothing happened; he tried harder ending in the same result. He flopped back on the bed and let out a sound that was somewhere between a growl and a yell. “Why the fuck isn't it working!!”
“I don't know.”
“Fine I guess I'll tell you what happened to pass the unknown hours and possibly days we have in this hell hole. Okay here's how it all started…”
“Our father was Enzeru Hokori, he was a handsome man, doe brown eyes, just past his shoulders blue-black hair, a little over 6 feet tall, a little pale , well built. Supposedly I look a lot like him. He was originally the personal guard for our mother.” They looked up to make sure the others were listening. “Now things get complicated, our mother was Arashi Uzamaki, who was also known as Yondaime. And yes our mother was male, where we come from it doesn't matter if you're male or female, you are able to carry children.”
“Our mother Arashi supposedly looks a lot like Naruto, bright blond hair, dazzling blue eyes, same personality; the only difference between them is the whisker marks on their cheek.”
“Our mother was the ruler over Pulau an island about the size of texas full of people you could only dream of. People who could manipulate the elements like water, earth, fire, and air. Mind readers, mind manipulators, shape shifters, people who were so in touch with certain animals they could change into it. So many things that most wouldn't even dream about.
“Pulau was divided into lands, the western, the southern, the eastern, and the northern lands. Each land functions as if it was a state, but whatever they did that would have a great impact on everyone had to go through who ever was ruler at the time, who lived in a palace where all for land boarder met. Our mother felt it was stupid to be divided into land so before he became ruler he was thinking of a way to make everything whole. But before our mother there was Orochimaru. He felt as if he was superior to everyone.
“He manipulated the lands into warring against each other and doing nothing to stop it, only things to fuel it, for his own entertainment. Thousands were slaughtered men, woman, children no one was safe. The only place that was safe was a camp that very few knew about, the only way to the camp was by foot, and the only way to find it was if you accidentally ran into someone who was out gathering supplies, but even then many were denied entry due to the fact that there was the possibility that someone was only trying to get in to slaughter those who had made it to safety.
“Nearly 3 years after the war began word got out that a group of roughly 90 men had joined together and planned on taking him out. Now considering Orochimaru and many more followers he laughed the whole thing off and practically welcomed them into his domain. Once they arrived Orochimaru was surprised to find that those 90 men were stronger than they appeared. The group was apparently composed of the best of the best, and leading the group was our mother.
“He and Orochimaru fought a vicious battle, a battle that nearly cost our mother his life. He could've easily killed Orochimaru for he was far worse off, but there was that stupid rule that no one can be sentenced to death unless they had taken a life, if they haven't taken a life they are forced to banishment until proven reliable, or life in prison, many chose banishment.
“Orochimaru hadn't technically taken a life those foolish enough to listen to him had killed each other. So instead he was forcefully banished, and is trying to use us as his ticket back in.
“Since our father was the one who defeated him he was the new leader. Who would've thought a 16 year old boy could defeat a many well into his twenties? So at the age of sixteen our father became the youngest person in history to rule. It took him 6 years to fix the damage Orochimaru had managed to create in his 5 years of ruling.
“Our mother met our father when he was 18, the plans to fix the damage and bring them together as one had come to a short stand still when multiple attempts were made for our mothers life so one of the elders hired him a personally body guard. It was love at first sight. A year after things were finally peaceful they were married. Four years after they were married they had us…”
“…their beautiful twin boys.” Haku says while looking up to see shocked expressions.
“Wait twins?!” Iruka asks shocked.
“Yes we're twins but Naruto doesn't know that and let's keep it that way.
“Wait Naruto that doesn't make sense.” Itachi interrupted.
“What doesn't?” Naruto asked confused.
Four years later they had you two that means that your dad was cheating on your mother because you and Haku are the same age right? I mean you said he was older than you by 2 months and four days correct?”
“Yes. Your point being what?”
“Naruto if Haku is your brother there is no way in HELL he's only 2 months and 4 days older that you.”
“So what are you trying to say Haku isn't my brother?”
“That or your math is off.”
The door to the room flung and in walked the pedophile himself, Orochimaru. “Ahh what a beautiful sight, two lovely boys at my disposal.”
“Your disposal my ass. You aren't going to touch me.” Naruto barked out.
“And this is where you and me don't see eye to eye Naruto.” Orochimaru sat on the bed that Naruto currently on and Naruto quickly stood not caring about his lack of dress. “With you chained to this bed with just over 12 feet of slack and him chained to the wall with just 7 feet of slack you aren't going very far. And with the extra help of the drugs in your system you'll be more than willing for my touch.”
“What the hell are you blathering on about you idiot?” Naruto growled out.
Instead of answering Orochimaru stood up and headed over to Itachi who stood in a defensive position. Itachi threw a kick that was easily blocked followed by a punch that was caught. Itachi held his face firm even as a tingly sensation traveled down his arm o settle in the pit of his stomach.
Orochimaru pinned Itachi's arm to the wall, and slid his arm down Itachi's bare chest. Itachi ground his teeth against the urge to moan and let the man do what ever he pleased to him. “What…did you…do to me?” Itachi ground out.
“Nothing much just a simple drug that heightens the pleasure senses 30 fold, so that almost every touch gives you some form of pleasure, weather it be small,” Orochimaru gently ran his fingers of Itachis nipples who in turn clenched his eyes shut. “Or great.” At this Orochimaru grabbed Itachi's crotch gently and massaged him. Itachi began to struggle.
“Get the fuck off me!” Itachi took a cheap shot and kneed Orochimaru in the balls. Orochimaru stiffened and backed away. Itachi thought he was victorious until a fist connected with his jaw. Although the punch hurt like a bitch he did notice that Orochimarus words were true although it was small Itachi felt the small pulse of pleasure flow through him.
“You're one sick fuck Orochimaru.” Naruto spat out in disgust.
“Yes, but who's going to stop me?”
`Haku what ever the hell you're doing you need to end it fast and help me out of this' .Naruto thought. “Why don't you just let him go, our fight has nothing to do with him.”
“And that where you're wrong Naruto, this fight as everything to do with him because without him who will your brother come to save, his brother is one thing, but his lover now that's a whole different story.”
Orochimaru went to deliver a blow to itachi when Naruto quickly ran in front of the hit. Naruto was sent sailing into the wall by a window and hitting his head harshly against the wall, he took a quick look out the window and saw that he could see the peninsula, meaning they were by the lake. `I hope this works. HAKU HELP!!!!!!'
&$&$&$&$&$&$$&$HAKU ETC. &$&$$&$&$&$&$
“On our 18th birthday we will be coming of age meaning our powers will reach their highest potential, and making us eligible for courting. If we were to engage in sex before we are of age the one who took our virginity would be our husband or wife no matter if they are married or not.
“But sadly there's more. There's a story passed down generation to generation the story of Fogo meaning Fire and Gelo meaning Ice. The story of Fire and Ice bothers damned to a life apart not meant to be together but find a way. Not meant to be as one two separate world come to pull them apart. They make it to one another even if they are hated. Once happiness is found it doesn't last the snake of despair slithers into their live once again the battle is for them to decide for the book has no end.
“Not one of the happier bedtime stories.” Iruka says as an afterthought.
“Enough beating around the bush look, If me and Naruto aren't back home in 3 days you can kiss your family and your home goodbye, on our 18th birthday we're going to completely loose it and the one one's who are going to be able to stop us are people who gave us our gifts meaning our parents.”
“So what are we supposed to do?”
“We're going to save my brother, and Itachi.” Haku stood from his seat and began to head to the stairs he was up three steps when a sudden wave of dizziness hit him. HAKU HELP!!!!!!' An image of a lake and a peninsula passed before his vision before he fell backwards down the stairs.
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I know I haven't updated in what seams to be forever and I'm sorry. But I got summer job working for my cousin and it only let me be free on Saturday. I need to stay up until 4 am to do something for my sister so I might do something crazy like….update everything to keep busy so umm yeah I hope u like this chapter and if not……SORRY!!!!!!!!