Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ When Heavens Fall upon the Night ❯ Dark and Night ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Prologue 2 - Dark and Night
This chapter is Uchiha-eccentric. I'd like to emphasize that this story has Neji and Sasuke as main characters, so I'm trying my best to personify these characters and narrate the story from their point of view. So enter Sasuke.
It's Sunday evening and I'm alone in the Uchiha Manor. Since I've recently turned 18, the Uchiha heirlooms that were left behind untouched by Itachi were passed on to me, after being withdrawn by Konohagakure for safekeeping. All investments made by the Uchiha clan prospered well since the massacre, and Konohagakure was kind enough to take only what was needed when it was needed. This has left me with the Uchiha Manor, complete with all its furniture. The gardens that Mom used to tend were retouched to their former glory. And above all, I'm a dirty rich bastard, with a steady large income from the investments that Dad had made.
But it will never be the same… ever since that night when Itachi insanely spared me from the bloodshed, I knew that things will never be the same. Mom will never come back to tend her gardens, or cook her fine dinners, or tell me that I should have my bruise bandaged. I hired a gardener and cook to work for me, but they only do their jobs and after that they go home to their own families. Dad will never be there to command respect from me, or teach me a new jutsu, or challenge me to surpass Itachi… Itachi-niisan… The Itachi-niisan I knew maybe was just a dream… I could remember vague memories of me and my brother playing together. It was very rare for him to spend time with me, or to teach me shuriken-throwing and some taijutsu, but I couldn't forget those fraternal moments. But the Itachi-niisan I knew will never be but a dream. The Itachi I know now… is a bakemono… is insane, blood lusted, terrorizing… I could never forgive him.
I wince at the flashback of forbidden memories, as a cold draft infiltrates my black Yukata. I stand from the porch and approach the dining table, prepared with the dishes that the cook had laid out before going home. She would come early in the morning and cook breakfast, and then she would prepare lunch, then afternoon tea, and finally dinner, after which she would leave for home. The food was inviting: tuna sushi and salmon sashimi for appetizers, Miso soup, Sukiyaki made with Shimofuri Beef for the main course, and some sliced pears for dessert, with some Hot Sake. All in all it was a pleasant dinner but saddening nonetheless, with no one to share it with. Thankfully, the portions were neither too much nor too little.
After consuming my meal, I went back to the porch to finish my sake. This place was somehow my most favourite spot for idyll, for the Jasmines would embrace the air and tickle my nose, as the breeze would play with my hair. The moon would give me ample light while the stars would often sympathize with me, sending light sparkles as I often contemplate, whether it be about the past or the uncertain tomorrow.
It has been 3 years since I returned from the sound, and Konoha has not doubted my loyalty. Tsunade-hime only welcomed me back. After that were the Chuunin exams, which were heralded as a glorious feat, with 9 Genins being promoted to Chuunins because of their over-qualified skills and tactics.
I was surprised that Naruto and Sakura learned so much from Jiraiya-sama and Tsunade-hime, respectively. Indeed, we have become the protégés of the Legendary Sannin. Naruto has inherited Jiraiya's defensive techniques and has become a skilled frog-tamer, and he has also learned a few techniques that I don't know the origin of. Jiraiya-sama says that he inherits the techniques of the late Yondaime Hokage. Of that I am very envious. Sakura, on the other hand, has become an effective medic-nin and a slug-tamer. Tsunade-hime, though being Hokage, had found time to train her as her rightful prodigy. Other than this, she has pursued learning genjutsu, which she does very professionally; one's weak and gullible is all that Sakura needs to destroy him.
As for me, Orochimaru did proclaim me as his prodigy. He has taught me many kinjutsus, and has trained me to be a snake-summoner. I was willing to give up my knowledge of kinjutsus to the Hokage once I came back, but maybe she saw the loyalty in my eyes. She told me to keep the kinjutsus to myself, and never to use them whenever inside the village, but I was free to utilize them during external missions. Orochimaru also hired assassins that are the best in their field to train me as an assassin, and I have had several S-class missions while under his service. He did not see any need to promote me to a Chuunin or Jounin or as his special Hunter-nin or ANBU. He told me these were unnecessary for a special case such as me.
Why did I leave the sound? The reason is simple. I joined Orochimaru for him to teach me and give me power. I planned that once I had extracted this power from him, and I would surpass him, I would kill him and return to Konoha.
It was three years ago that Orochimaru sensed the spirit of betrayal in me. He trained me but already feared that I could surpass him. The Sannin and Onkyoukage sent spies to confirm, but no spy had surveyed on me and survived. I killed all of them. Orochimaru couldn't bring it up in front of me either. He already feared me and if he would confront me he knew it would end up violently.
On the fateful night, Orochimaru finally had the guts to confront my dubious loyalty. He found enough courage not in himself, but with a band of ANBU that escorted him, Kabuto included. It disgusted me to realize that my mentor was such a coward. Indeed, I knew that he wanted me so that he could surpass Itachi. Once he found out that I would not cooperate in his plans, he feared me deeply. His forbidden jutsu to transfer souls was planned three months away from that confrontation. Had I known about his real plans earlier, I would have killed him soon enough.
“Sasuke-kun, it seems that you are planning to betray me?” Orochimaru hissed as he glared at me with serpentine eyes, frowning. “Why is it that my protégé would want to betray his mentor? With all the spies that you have killed for the past few weeks, I could not overlook this matter.”
“Orochimaru-sensei, it is true that I am indebted to you for teaching me different new jutsus and making me strong. But, you'll never know what is in me before I show it to you…” Orochimaru hissed, and his ANBU hardened in fighting stances, waiting for his command.
“Sasuke-kun, you were the container of my dreams and ambitions. How could you turn away from such an honourable position? I command you to cooperate now, and tell me what it is that you have been planning secretly from me,” Orochimaru said in an impudent voice. He glared at me and I felt the genjutsu almost taking its effect. I dispelled it, the same genjutsu that he used on Sakura and Me during the Chuunin exams. He hissed after knowing that his sly mental attack was deflected.
“You had shown me power, Orochimaru-sensei, but I guess even your knowledge is limited. I have surpassed you, and now I shall have to kill you before you get in my way. I know that more power is waiting for me in Konoha,” I said bitterly.
“Kill Him!” Orochimaru commanded.
“Unfortunately, you know that there are some skills that I taught myself, that no other but the Uchiha can use,” I bluffed as the ANBU came dangerously close to my neck.
“Mangekyou Sharingan!”
Yes, I had mastered the Mangekyou Sharingan without killing my best friend. I had simulated that situation in a genjutsu in order to force my brain to think that I had actually killed Naruto. I fooled myself with the forbidden genjutsu, and killed Naruto while in a trance. It was tough and I expended all of my chakra in an illusionary battle with Naruto. I used all the kinjutsu I knew on him. The jutsus I used were real, not simulated, so I had to be isolated in order to prevent damage and unwanted eyes as I battled a Naruto illusion. The Mangekyou Sharingan activated instantly, after seeing the illusion of Naruto's dismembered body, with his blood all over my skin. I passed out, recovering a week later, when I found myself in the Sound hospital. Orochimaru knew I used the forbidden genjutsu, but he was not certain why I had used it and only blamed it at my recklessness, thinking that I used it for training. But a few days later he started to send his spies on me.
All the ANBU stopped dead in their tracks, lying lifeless between Orochimaru and me. They had spent only an hour in my Mangekyou realm, and most had died within the first 40 minutes. Kabuto was shaking as I released the special genjutsu. He was skilled enough, but I doubt he would be anymore use to Orochimaru in that battle.
“Amaterasu!” I called out as the sun goddess came forth with her black flames, scorching Kabuto, killing him, while disintegrating the bodies in front of me.
“Namami kakuheki no jutsu!” Orochimaru said as a wall of living, squirming human bodies came up and blocked Amaterasu from burning the snake master.
“Shinja kusari no jutsu!” I jumped as several chains of snakes reached out and tried to bind me. I used my shuriken to severe their heads. I looked at Orochimaru who was grinning.
“Kaze reikyuu no jutsu!” A wall of air compressed my form, and I was stuck. “Kaze toburai no jutsu!” Orochimaru practically laughed as the air pressure inside me was suddenly lowered. The bubble was released, and the jutsu was similar to Gaara's desert funeral, except that it used a wind cell to encase the enemies and pressure to blow up the enemy's body. It was good but not good enough.
Orochimaru sneered as mud was splattered on his face. He was expecting flesh and blood, not mud. He only crushed a terra-cotta replacement.
I took hold of Orochimaru's shoulder and spun him around. “Mangekyou Sharingan!” Orochimaru tried to close his eyes but he was too late.
Orochimaru would definitely survive the Mangekyou realm no matter how I tortured him. I released him and while he was dazed I resorted to finishing him off fast.
“Tsuki-Yumi!” I shouted as the moon god was summoned. Orochimaru had no chance in evading the attack, which was more powerful than Amaterasu, which was not too effective during the night.
Orochimaru was consumed by the cold darkness. I ensured that I could not sense his chakra, and immediately left for Konoha.
Now, three years later, I am in Konoha, the land that I presumed would give me more power. But my power has only increased by a small multiplier. The increment was very small. I doubt that I should leave again to find more power. My recent state cannot beat Itachi, for Orochimaru never had the potential to beat Itachi.
Suddenly, I realized that I have been ignoring the persistent knocks on the front gate. I sense someone walking towards me, and I draw the hidden kunai inside my Yukata, hurling it at him before I could examine the intruder's face.
The kunai was deflected by some sembon, and I realized that it was Shizune-san. “Sumimasen, Sasuke-kun… you did not answer the gates. The Hokage wants to meet you in her office immediately. She says that is very important.”
I stare at her. “Wakatta.” I went to my room to dress quickly, and went with Shizune to the Hokage. I saw the Hyuuga on his way as well.
To be continued…
So what did you think? I hope you like the Sasuke vs. Orochimaru battle. The story introduces Sasuke as the main character. Yet it's another contemplative piece… I hope it's not much of a bore.
The real story will begin in Chapter 3.
Please write me reviews! Please, please, please!!
Niisan - elder brother
Shimofuri - Best beef for Beef sukiyaki. Contains lots of fat, but it is very tender. It is also very expensive.
Onkyoukage - (please correct me if I'm wrong) Kage of the sound
Amaterasu - sun goddess, one of the primary deities of Shintoism
Namami kakuheki no jutsu - summons a wall of living human bodies to protect the summoner
Shinja kusari no jutsu - snake chains technique
Kaze reikyuu no jutsu - wind coffin technique
Kaze toburai no jutsu - wind funeral technique
Tsuki-Yumi - moon god, minor deity of Shintoism