Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ When Heavens Fall upon the Night ❯ The Mission ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 1 - The Mission
A/N: Before, I was pretty determined to write this story from Hyuuga Neji's point of view. However, now I realize that there are some points that the Hyuuga, as a character, cannot explain as proficiently as the Uchiha. So, from this point on I will be switching from the thoughts of the Hyuuga to the thoughts of the Uchiha, depending on who shall better relay the story. For example, if the chapter has to deal with the Akatsuki and Itachi's dealings, I'd have to use Sasuke's point of view since he has a better schema of the Akatsuki. Now on with the story… (by the way this is Sasuke who is narrating the story)
By the way, my knowledge is based on the TV series and I didn't know that Neji was already appointed to Jounin in the manga… oh well… but anyway, Sasuke and Neji are going to be promoted (yay!) by Tsunade-hime. The story will strongly revolve around these two as protagonists and Akatsuki as the group of antagonists. So in later chapters I'll really be isolating Neji and Sasuke from the other Naruto characters. But with regards to relying on the facts presented by the manga, I'd guess you'd have to bare with me in bending it a little bit. Thanks for the review, BakaBokken and to FFRG as well.
The wind was tickling my hair on that heavily moonlighted evening, as I followed Shizune-san to the Hokage's office, leaping on treetops and rooftops, careful not to make a sound so as not to disturb the neighbourhood. It wasn't too late in the night, about half past nine, when most people would be preparing for bed. I presumed that it must be an important mission, since it is unusual for the Hokage to assign missions during the night.
On the way, I saw Hyuuga Neji heading towards the same direction. I believed he would be my partner. We have been outdoing all other Chuunins within the past weeks. But it doesn't really matter who ends up as my partner, as long as he does not end up being a burden in the end. I wondered if the Hokage would be assigning a third member in our team, since that was usually the practice.
I arrived at the Hokage's heavy wooden doors, decorated with ornate ancient designs that help you to imagine a young Konoha. The Hokage's office has a very intricate design, an authentic architecture that speaks of Konoha's past and its burgeoning future.
I lock my gaze on the faded pupils on the pale eyes of the Hyuuga. On his paler face, I could see a small hint of a smile. Not even a small syllable was said for greeting between us. We have somehow mutually agreed that eye-contact could pass as greeting and respect. Indeed, we are men of few words.
“The Hyuuga and the Uchiha have arrived, Tsunade-sama,” Shizune-san announced. “Hai, hai, let them enter and have a seat,” said the blond lady. Neji and I both entered and bowed in respect before we took our seats.
The Hokage's office was spacious. It was quite empty, save for Tsunade's desk, burdened by stacks of reports and other paper works. Tsunade stood to receive us, and sat down once again, eyeing a document. You could smell the Sake that filled the air with its fermented aroma.
“I have a grievously important assignment for the both of you, Hyuuga Neji and Uchiha Sasuke. I believe that you are both trained in the arts of reconnaissance as well in sudden assassination. You both have grown as effective stealth ninja, effective for many types of assignments. But I warn you that this mission is S-level, and probably one of the toughest I'll be assigning to you since you two became Chuunins,” explained the Hokage.
Neji and I both nodded, signaling Tsunade-hime to continue her briefing.
“This will be your first mission together as members of the ANBU corps,” Tsunade-hime said bluntly, pausing a while to provide us enough time for digestion.
“You are promoting us to ANBU? So soon?” Neji asked, half impressed and half disbelieving.
“Yes. I consider you as one of the best Ninjas in our village, and have decided that you be promoted to ANBU. Both of you are more than qualified for these positions,” the blond slug-tamer stated.
Neji and I looked at each other, mentally signaling the other a silent agreement for the situation.
“Now, since you are both ANBU, your mission is very confidential, and it concerns the dealings of the Akatsuki organization. I cannot give any more details unless you accept the mission. Are you willing to put your very lives at risk for our village in this mission?”
The Akatsuki organization… the one that my brother is a devoted disciple of…
I can feel my heartbeat becoming more frequent and my breathing becoming more laboured...
My brother Itachi…
Tsunade's honey eyes fell heavily with concern upon me. She must have expected a tense reaction from me, considering the fact that I wanted revenge for my clan, and that I wanted to hunt down Itachi.
For all that brother did, I have tried to forget his insanity. However, I cannot escape the passion that I had hoarded for many years in my adolescence. I cannot belittle the passion I had to kill him, as well as the commitment to avenge my family and my clan, to avenge all that I have loved and lost under his sword and strength. Nevertheless, my heart also burned another passion: to find that brother whom I have lost since that accident, to find that one person with the same blood as mine, and hoping to regain his fraternal affection, after all his insanity.
“I shall accept only if Uchiha-san will accompany me,” Neji said as he eyed me, a bit of concern hidden in his face.
“Saa, Sasuke-kun, do you accept the mission?” Tsunade-hime had more concern than authority in her expression.
I was reluctant, and both the Hyuuga and the Hokage could see it in my eyes. I was fearful of Itachi, yet I was also compelled to fuel my passion to hate him, and ultimately kill him. But maybe I'm not ready yet. Although I have been taught by the Sannin Orochimaru himself, one has to admit that the snake-tamer showed hints of fearing my brother. Though I have already acquired the Mangekyou Sharingan, I cannot guarantee a victory since I am still in the process of perfecting the skills needed for Mangekyou.
“I… I… I accept the mission.” I said after winning the last battle against regret. I need to deal with my brother myself. I wanted no one else to take this mission from me. My brother is my responsibility.
“Very well, then. Now please listen carefully as I shall give you the details of your mission. I will entertain questions once I have finished discussing,” Tsunade said in a declarative manner. She had a serious mask on her face.
“You will have to spy on the Akatsuki organization. I can only give you some information on some of the members,” Tsunade-hime said as she gave us some data from file of Itachi and Kisame. “You can have the chance to read that tonight. Your mission will start three days from now. Your objective is simple: to determine the Akatsuki organization's motives, to identify their members and measure their strength. You must pinpoint their base of operations.
You must also conceal yourselves, and kill any that may find you. You may need to consult other villages to get information on the members of Akatsuki.
From time to time, you shall be in contact with messengers sent by me. You will answer to only those who know a secret greeting, gesture and password.
Do you have any questions?”
Both the Hyuuga and I did not say a word.
“I guess that means we have no problems,” Tsunade-hime said.
Suddenly, I felt a chakra presence nearby. There were no guards on the Hokage's doors, as the office was supposed to be closed this time of the night. Shizune-san and Neji's escort had left the building earlier. Whoever was nearby would be a spy. The Hyuuga, having felt the chakra signal, silently rushed to the doors and opened them, revealing an eavesdropping ninja. Neji activated his Juuken and paralyzed the intruder.
The Hokage was both impressed and shocked. She herself did not notice the chakra signal. Now she neared the intruder with a scary look on her face.
The intruder was wearing all black, coupled with a black mask. He could easily be concealed in the dark. Surprisingly, he did not wear any hitai-ate, further protecting his identity and origin. This shinobi really intended to spy on us, and was not just someone who was passing by. It is a mystery how he had infiltrated the ANBU, who always monitored whoever went in and out of the building when the Hokage was in it, albeit from a distance.
Tsunade was pouting as she unmasked the intruder, revealing a young man with blue eyes, pale skin and jet black hair. She held the intruder and suspended him in the air, slapping him to wake him up. “Who sent you?” Her tone was mean and implied severe pain if it was not answered.
“Uhhhh…” The intruder only moaned. Tsunade-hime is famed for her short temper, and she stomped the floor, causing a tremendous yet localized shock. “I'll ask again before I'll make your life a living hell. Who sent you?”
The intruder fumbled through his belt to withdraw a small fan knife, hopelessly trying to loosen himself from Tsunade's grasp. Tsunade, in order to dodge the knife, released of the man. After the man was free, he immediately sliced his own neck, ending his life as well as the access to the information he knew. Tsunade-hime was shocked, so were Neji and I. The intruder must have been trained to sacrifice his life for the person who sent him. It was a waste, since he was in the prime of his life and could have done more achievements in his life. But he died honourably as a shinobi, no matter who he worked for.
“I shall have the other ANBU members examine this immediately. As for you two, please spend the next three days studying those files I gave you. A little training can also help. Pack only the things that you severely need for your flight. You are dismissed,” the Hokage said as she approached the dead body in her office, obviously pissed at having the pool of blood accumulating on the wooden floor.
“Ha!” Neji and I both disappeared with a puff, teleporting to a nearby street. “See you in three days, Sasuke,” Neji said before leaving for his own home.
It was half past ten when I arrived at the Uchiha Manor, immediately heading towards the study room, which used to be my room when I was a kid. Now, I used it as a place for research and studying. It is where I stock my books on different ninja techniques, including the kinjutsus and Sharingan techniques which are locked away in a hidden compartment. The room retained the same light blue colour that was there when I was a child. It had a desk and a good thinking chair. One corner was where the book shelves were. The room was well-lighted and was bright in the day. In another corner was a place for meditation, with a mat and candles. It was a place I designated for thinking.
I laid down the profiles given by Tsunade-hime and anxiously perused the data of my brother:
“Uchiha Itachi, S-rank criminal, Nukenin from Konohagakure. Currently twenty-four years old, Itachi graduated top of his Academy class at age 7 and became proficient with the bloodline limit skill Sharingan by age 8. At age 10, he became a Chuunin and three years later was appointed as an ANBU captain. Itachi had left Konohagakure at age 15, after gruesomely murdering his entire clan, except his younger brother, Uchiha Sasuke. The reason why Itachi massacred his clan but left Sasuke alive is not yet understood.
He is capable of attaining Mangekyou Sharingan, an ultimately dangerous level of the Sharingan bloodline limit. He also has a vast knowledge of different taijutsus, ninjutsus and genjutsus. He is considered very dangerous, and utmost caution must be enforced when approaching him.”
Unconsciously, I compared myself to my prodigy brother. I am Uchiha Sasuke, now an ANBU at the age of 18. I graduated top of my Academy class at age 12, and learned the Sharingan at the same age, and I became a Chuunin not long after. I am also capable of the Mangekyou Sharingan, and am known for my knowledge of kinjutsus, and my expertise in assassination.
Although I hopelessly estimate that my brother and I are now equal when it comes to skill, there are more variables in this game that I call vengeance. My brother is known to be very fast at casting ninjutsu and genjutsu, though I may be able to observe it with my Sharingan. However, when it comes to battle tactics, strategies and experience, my brother exceeds me since he had become an ANBU captain, while I'm very much a rookie in ANBU. While I am more used to stealth and assassination, I am not as capable when it comes to hand-to-hand combat.
I slammed the dark hardwood table in my frustration. `I shall need to train hard in the next three days so that I can increase my hand-to-hand combat capability,' I said to myself. `I need to train with the Hyuuga.'
As the sun slowly crept in through the window, I was roused by the sudden ray of light and found myself in the study room. I was here the whole night, reading Itachi's and Kisame's profiles, and researching on their known jutsus and the best way to counter these jutsus. I read the clock on the desk and it was quarter past five in the morning. I had three hours left till my training would begin. I would go to Neji and ask him to train with me. But for that moment, I went back to my room to sleep and remedy my stiffened neck and back.
When 8 am came I was on my way to the Hyuuga Mansion. I saw Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi-sensei on the road.
“Sasuke!” Naruto yelled with utmost enthusiasm. His voice was almost taunting, as if it was challenging me to another sparring. His face was as bright as the sun, hiding any hint of rivalry.
Although Naruto discarded his orange jumpsuit, he didn't stop wearing bright-coloured clothes, jackets, shirts. It previewed his bright personality.
Right beside him was Sakura, who had grown her hair to shoulder length again. She had blossomed perfectly in the past few years. She always wears a red sleeveless dress with her family's symbol, the white circle.
Both Naruto and she had become close friends that especially developed when I left Konoha.
Kakashi-sensei would train with them today, not as a mentor, but as their equal. But maybe Kakashi-sensei was still a good adviser to both of them. He had not taken any genin teams since he took team 7. I guess he got fed up with teaching geniuses coupled with dobes.
I stopped to greet them. I thought that some pleasantries won't be much of a delay.
“Ohayo gozaimasu, Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi-sensei.”
“Stop calling me sensei, Sasuke. You and I are not student and teacher anymore. We are equals already,” Kakashi-sensei complained.
“Whatever,” I retorted. It was a hard habit to dispose of, for it was Kakashi-sensei and no one else who taught me a wholesome lot about the Sharingan.
“Ne, Sasuke, are you coming to train with us today? Sakura and I will be practicing our Kuchiyose no jutsu,” Naruto said.
“No, dobe.”
“Stop calling me that!” Naruto fumed with silly anger. I always delighted in instigating a duel between him and me. Whether it would be name-calling, wrestling, sparring or what not, it was a pleasure to share a healthy rivalry and competition between Naruto and me. Indeed, I have admitted to myself that Naruto is my best friend, but this bond is never obvious. We are competitors, opponents, rivals. That, in itself, is a healthy relationship.
“What will you be doing today, Sasuke? And where are you heading?” Sakura was curious and concerned at the same time. She was smiling invitingly, as if she was trying to seduce me. I realize the girl still has a crush on me.
“Hn.” Girls… I could never understand them. They always come to me, praising me for my good looks, and worshipping me as the one to rebuild of the Uchiha clan. Never had I met a girl who treated me like any other guy. They always had presumptions about me, and most of those presumptions were wrong. They think they understand me but all that they can comprehend is the image that they themselves have created.
“Anyway, I have to go now. Ogenki de,” I said as I continued on my way to Neji's house.
“Teme!!!” Naruto shouted as I went on, not minding if they noticed me leave or not even giving them the chance to say good bye.
On my way, I heard Kakashi-sensei explaining to them that I was promoted to ANBU and that I had three days to train for a top secret mission. About two blocks away I still heard Naruto and Sakura's disbelieving screams.
I approached the grand Hyuuga Mansion and knocked on the heavy wooden doors. It was a majestic compound, about twice as large as the Uchiha Manor. The Hyuuga clan prospered for the last six years, and they have about three genins that have just graduated from the academy.
Hinata answered the door. She was on her way to training but decided to look after the guest that had just arrived.
“Ohayo, Sasuke-kun. What brings you here?” Hinata was surprised to see me, but was delighted in meeting one of her academy classmates once again. We haven't been gathering around so often these days, since we all had our own missions to attend to.
“Ohayo gozaimasu! Can I talk to Neji, please?”
“Hai, douzo. Please come in and take a seat. I shall call for him,” Hinata said as she showed me into the living room.
Hinata had really grown since the Chuunin exams. She has become more confident in herself. Although still shy, she is as deadly as Neji in missions.
Hinata came back with Neji behind her. The two have grown close as cousins, and have been training together with Hinata's father.
“Sumimasen, I have to go for training. Itte kimasu!” Hinata rushed to meet her team.
“Itte irrashai,” Neji said gently as Hinata left. He then faced towards me. “Ohayo, Sasuke. What is it that you want to talk to me about?”
“Ohayo, Neji. I was thinking if we could train together. You know, for our mission…”
“That would be interesting. Can we start this afternoon? I will be training with my father this morning,” said the Hyuuga.
“Hai, that would be nice. Arigato! I'll meet you at the training grounds at 3 o'clock in the afternoon,” I replied.
“See you then,” Neji said as he patted my shoulder. He ushered me to the door and bade good bye.
I spent the rest of the morning training on my own. I went to the mountains beyond Konoha's walls to train my kinjutsu. There were places that I have designated for training kinjutsu away from Konoha village. These places are barren, with numerous rock formations and hills. But every time I would train in these places, the landscape would drastically change.
Orochimaru had taught me lots of kinjutsus, and all are very deadly, with most ensuring quick, one-hit victories in battle. But I know that a battle against Itachi would need a lot of kinjutsus, even a combination of them together with Mangekyou Sharingan would only give me a little advantage.
I trained with wooden dummies, setting up strategic traps using kinjutsu and amaterasu or
Raikiri. Kinjutsu can be as tricky as using genjutsu. Tactically, I designed a kinjutsu plan to confuse and trap the enemy, and I would use amaterasu to deliver a fatal blow.
I also practiced my genjutsu, which will be heavily used in the mission for spying and to maintain stealth.
I headed back to the Uchiha manor for lunch and tea, and went directly to the Training grounds to meet Neji.
Yay!! That's all for now… I hope you like it. Please write me reviews! The next chapter will contain action scenes from Sasuke and Neji's training.
Nukenin - Missing-nin
Ohayo / Ohayo gozaimasu - good morning
Douzo - Please (accept)
Itte kimasu - good-bye said by someone leaving but intends to come back (especially when one leaves home, lit. “I shall go and come back”
Itte irrashai - good-bye to someone leaving but intends to come back, lit. “Go and come back”
Raikiri - Lightning Edge technique, originally used by Kakashi; a higher form of Chidori.