Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ When They Choose You ❯ Sakura and Hinata Make a Choice ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer - I do not own Naruto and will not be making any money from this in any way shape or form.
A/N - This is a work in progress and I do not really know how long it will be, so don't ask. The story is already set in stone, so to speak, so recommendations or requests will only waste time. This story will contain sex and involve multiple female to one male relationships; if you will find this offensive please just do not read and don't flame me. This is my third attempt at writing and my first real posted story so please be kind.
Sakura and Hinata were sitting at Ichiruka again with the same neutral, but obviously sad, expressions on their faces. It had been four and a half years since they had both lost what they now refer to as their `precious gem' to forces that they could not even begin to understand. Being together and sometimes coming to eat ramen was the only solace they seemed to find any more.
It had been four years since the gem had left their lives and it had been three since they found hope in one another. Sakura had known of Hinata's `secret' love and Hinata had been able to see the unacknowledged love. It really wasn't a secret any longer that the two women were together. Over the last three years they had never been caught kissing or feeling each other in those perverted ways all the men liked to think about but they did everything they could together and they would only smile if the other was near. It had been Hinata that broke the ice in the end; Konoha had received word from Jiraiya after eleven months of being gone that Naruto had managed to kill Sasuke but that the hunt for Orochimaru was still on. Sakura had been devastated to hear about Sasuke's death and it seemed that only Hinata was able to bring her out of her slump afterwards.
“Hokage-sama asked me again.” Hinata said as she glanced to her left to Sakura. “Are you ever going to tell her or are you going to make me go through this for however long it takes?” she asked with an annoyed look on her face that would never have been there three years earlier.
Sakura finished her mouthful of food before turning to look Hinata in the eyes and saying, “I told you why I don't want to tell her and you promised to keep it a secret until the right time comes along and we don't know when that will be. You could always just tell her that you hate it when she asks you.”
Hinata had the audacity to blanch at the idea of trying to give an answer like that to the Hokage of their village; the very idea of just telling the Hokage that you didn't like to be asked a question seemed like a very un-shinobi like attitude. “I'm sure she would just all the more often if I said that and you know it Sakura-chan.” Hinata said with a sidelong glare to her companion. “If I didn't know any better I would think you like the idea of Hokage-sama asking me every day just to annoy me.”
Sakura couldn't help the slight smile that curved the edge of her lips at the game they were playing; they had played this same game about this question so many times it seemed like a waste of time to play because they both knew what the other would be saying long before it was said. Sakura deliberately took another bite of food to prolong the silence before finally turning to Hinata with a face that spoke of well practiced innocence and said, “You know I would never approve of the idea that Hokage-sama keeps asking you because it means that she still doesn't think I would tell her the truth if she came to me instead.” This wasn't true in the least and Hinata knew it but it was a part of their game and it seemed like the game was the only thing that could lift their spirits until the day they were waiting for finally arrived.
“I don't know why she keeps asking me though; I can't see how she would think that I could know the answer in the first place. You don't talk to me about anything that you don't talk to her or Shizune-chan about. I'm starting to think that you asked her to ask me just so that you could have fun watching me suffer for it.” Hinata quipped as she turned slightly away from Sakura and lifted her chin in an affronted manner.
Sakura couldn't help but smile at how quickly their games would come to this in one form or another; it was a comfort to know that Hinata still wanted it. Moving smoothly to her feet Sakura stood behind Hinata and wrapped her in a hug to put her head on Hinata's shoulder. “You know I would never do that to you Hinata-chan. I would rather just see you smile than be angry because of this, and you know I mean that.” Sakura whispered into her ear as Hinata melted into the hug. “You know I don't want Hokage-sama to know because I want it to be a surprise for her as well. I planned this so that there wouldn't be anything to mess it up and if she knows then that just leaves one more way for things to go wrong.”
Hinata had smiled the moment she had felt Sakura's hug but let her finish before whispering back, “I know, but it is annoying to have her so completely baffled because of an envelope. I think she is still trying to find a way to break the seal herself so that she can read what is inside though. I still don't know how you managed to make the chakra seal so person specific though.”
Sakura was a bit surprised at the last bit of curiosity; Hinata had never asked to know how it was done before. “It was easy. I made the seal by employing a technique that I am never going to tell you Tsunade-sama.” Sakura said as she stepped back from the stool Tsunade was sitting on in the guise of Hinata.
“How did you know it was me? I did everything right and my disguise was perfect... even the shampoo should have smelled right.” Tsunade said as she dropped her elaborate henge with a pout on her face.
Sakura could only grin at her mentor over her victory. “I told you no, and that is final. If you can't wait to find out what is inside all you have to do is open the envelope and incinerate the contents so that you can know that there was paper inside.”
Tsunade hung her head as she got up from the stool and sulked all the way back to her office where the envelope in question sat in a glass case on the wall of her office labeled to one Uzumaki Naruto. For the last two years Tsunade had been trying to open the seal on that envelope and still couldn't seem to do it. “How is it she came up with a seal nobody can trick open? This makes no sense; I am a Hokage and her teacher and I still can't undo this seal. Why is she doing this to me? This is YOUR fault!” Tsunade finally yelled as she turned to point at the bound and gagged Hinata. “All you have to do is tell me what is in there and I promise I won't do anything.”
Hinata could only glare at Tsunade from her prone position on the offices couch. This was the third time in the last month that Hinata had been captured by her own leader over this one envelope and it was beginning to become a nuisance. `I don't know why she can't just wait for once… it isn't as though we aren't waiting too.' Hinata thought as she waited to be released.
Kakashi just kept standing in the corner reading his newest little orange book while on his latest assignment. He had been doing the same thing for the last hour but was quite happy to be paid to just keep Hinata tied up as his `A-ranked Mission' of the day.
“Hokage-sama, I don't mean to question your judgment, but is this really a valuable use of Leaf personnel?” Shizune asked as she entered the office to untie the `prisoner' and try to get some real work done. “I want to know what is so important too, but this is ridiculous. We have tried everything we can to open that seal but it isn't going to happen until Naruto-san gets back and I think we should forget about it until then. Besides, tying up Hinata once a week isn't doing anybody any good except to fill Kakashi's wallet with money he doesn't have to do any work to earn.” Shizune finished with a glare at the masked man in the corner of the room.
Kakashi actually looked up from his book as he heard the slanderous words being spoken about his job. “I will have you know that I do plenty of work to track her down and capture her without getting caught.” he said in defense.
Shizune's glare only seemed to intensify at Kakashi as she finished releasing Hinata from bondage. “So going down to her office and telling her it is that time of the week again is hard tracking and capture work, huh?” she snapped.
“Enough.” Tsunade said to end the argument she had heard before. “Hinata, you may go. Kakashi, go get your pay and be on your way. Shizune, I need sake and time to sulk.”
The three other occupants of the room all quirked an eyebrow at this new behavior from the office's owner; normally Hinata is questioned for another thirty minutes before being set free and Kakashi and Shizune are allowed to argue through the whole thing, but now it looked as though Tsunade was finally giving up.
Hinata was the first to finally speak. “Does this mean that you are finally going to stop worrying about the envelope Hokage-sama?” she asked the downtrodden woman.
“Yes Hinata,” Tsunade said with a sigh, “I will stop trying to get you and Sakura to tell me what is in the envelope that is so important that you don't want anybody else to know about it.”
Shizune couldn't help the happy smile that graced her features at the thought of finally getting to forget about all the extra work this one endeavor caused every week while Kakashi looked about ready to cry from finding that his favorite weekly cash cow was being put to pasture. Hinata jumped for joy as she skipped out of the office secure in the knowledge that these weekly `appointments' were finally going to end and she could actually make lunch plans without possibly going hungry because the Hokage wouldn't let her go to lunch after the interrogation was over.
Hinata was just thinking about a way to tell Sakura that the nightmare of the envelope might finally be over when she saw the one thing that could make her blood run cold with the most dreadful anticipation: Gamatatsu with a note tied to his neck while he chanted `potato chip' over and over as he moved to the Hokage's office. Without pausing to think if she would be welcome or not Hinata turned to follow the man-sized toad back into her recent prison.
Tsunade had been letting her forehead rest against her cool desk as she wallowed in her misery about having to wait for the envelope to be opened when she heard the sound that always made her excited yet fearful all at once. It was only a moment before the chanting toad burst through her door and yelled “Potato Chips!” while his tongue moved the scroll from his neck to her desk.
Tsunade had never been able to figure out how the toads could manage the trick with talking with the tongues out of their mouths, but figured it wasn't important right now if there was word from the only two that could summon a toad. “Shizune, take care of Gamatatsu's payment.” She said as she unrolled the letter and began to read with an ever expanding eye. Tsunade had read the letter twice and was still not sure she was reading this right when, to her horror, Hinata entered the room with a look that said she knew that news was there about Naruto.
Shizune had passed off dealing with the toad to the first aid she could get her hands on and was moving back into the office when there was a violet blur that tore past her down the hallway and towards the building entrance. A moment later she was staring with her eyes and jaw wide as Kakashi handed money over to Tsunade with the obvious feel that she had actually won a bet and that it could only mean one thing if the blur had been any indication…
Sakura was waiting at her shared apartment preparing to take a nap to pass the next few hours before Hinata would be back when suddenly she was tackled onto her bed by a frantic, babbling, violet waif of a Hyuga.
Sakura could only blink of the bubbling mass that was her current bedmate while she tried to decipher what she had just been told. “Did you say three days?” she finally asked to the frenzied nodding of the trembling Hinata. Sakura could only stare into Hinata's eyes as the realization of what was about to happen sunk into her head and she fainted, to Hinata's chagrin.
Elsewhere in the village Tsunade was grinning like a mad woman as Kakashi fished more money out of his wallet to give to the Hokage while they stared at the crystal ball that showed an unconscious pink haired woman and a still bouncing violet haired one. Shizune could not help the tremor that ran up her spine as the omen of Tsunade winning two bets in a row reared its head to loom on the horizon.
Tsunade was wondering why she had agreed to Sakura's rules for the envelope as she stared out her window to watch the gate for the village. It had been three days and according to the note Naruto would be back sometime in the middle of the day. She had been antsy all morning and had surprised even Shizune by being awake and doing paperwork before anybody else had come in. It had been an obvious attempt to try and be distracted and it had worked for all of thirty minutes, but it had only taken that long for the somehow unending flow of paperwork to suddenly find an end. Most of the staff had been flabbergasted at the idea that they were caught up on paperwork for the first time since Tsunade had taken office.
Shizune sighed as she though about the last three days and how the news had been taken as it spread through the village. The knowledge that Naruto was coming back had not found many supporters, but the ones that were happy about it were still in much better positions of influence than the majority. It had not been a pleasant few days as villagers, clan leaders and even some council members all attempted to share their view of the danger that letting `the monster' back into the village would leave everybody in. Tsunade had, of course, sent any such people packing with the impression that their lives were in a little more danger for speaking ill of Naruto than they were with him around.
The only warning Tsunade and Shizune had that something was terribly wrong were the sudden screams of terror and cries about spirits of the dead. It only took Tsunade a moment to sigh at having to deal with something that didn't involve watching for her precious Naruto.
`What the heck is wrong with these people?' he thought as he walked through the streets. `It seems like people are going nuts everywhere we go lately. I swear, the snake bastard looked like he was going to have a heart attack when I told him I would end his life as promised and now all these people are just screaming their heads off. It's almost as if these people have never seen a shinobi before.' Deciding to try and avoid any more screaming people he jumped to the rooftops nearby and took the slightly faster route to the Hokage Tower.
Tsunade was grumbling as she marched her way back into her office; her trip to see what the commotion had been about had been less than informative and then to top it off it seemed as though everybody in the tower were just masses of babbling flesh with the way they acted as she entered the tower to go back to her office. It wasn't until she reached Shizune's desk outside her office that she got the impression that something was wrong and was put on high alert; Shizune was unconscious on the floor and the office door had been left open a crack. With all the grace and finesse that Tsunade usually used she smashed the doors to the office open and almost fainted herself at what she saw; in the middle of the room with a large white something over it's shoulder and a smaller bag hanging from his other hand stood Namikaze Minato.
Naruto had been expecting Tsunade to yell at him and pound him, but he thought that would come after he told her what had happened and why Jiraiya was out cold. Dropping both the old pervert and his bag of trophies, Naruto turned to the woman he considered the closest thing to a grandmother and disappeared.
Tsunade was in shock at the sight of the long dead Minato and was even more shocked when he suddenly appeared in front of her and hugged her as though it had been something he had been waiting to do for a long time. It wasn't until he spoke that she finally understood what had happened.
Naruto was fighting not to let his tears fall as he hugged Tsunade and finally whispered, “I missed you baa-chan.” He couldn't have been happier than when he finally felt Tsunade return the hug and nearly squeeze the life out of him; it was good to know she was there for him. He finally did start to cry when Tsunade pulled back so that she could kiss his forehead again though. He had missed the old woman so much over the last four years and now he had his family back again.
Tsunade couldn't stop her tears of joy as she held Naruto in her arms again; it was like ending a nightmare she didn't know she had been having; she didn't even care that he had called her than name again.
The village had finally calmed down after a few more ours and now it was a buzz throughout the village that the spirit of the Fourth Hokage had been seen walking through the village. The only people not talking about the event were the four people in the Hokage office and two suspiciously absent women. It had been hours since the incident and it was just starting to get dark outside when another surprising event occurred that was thought to be done with, if not for as long as Minato: a loud yell of `pervert' was heard before there was a crash and a suspicious white ball went soaring overhead towards the village gate.
Tsunade was bright red as she held her pose after throwing Jiraiya through the wall. `I am going to have to ban that man from ever coming back if he keeps doing things like that.' she thought as she watched him fall out of sight. Turning back to the other two occupants of the room she could feel one of them cringe at what had happened to his idle while the other smiled as though it was the greatest thing he had ever seen. “There is one more thing you have to do before your mission is officially over Naruto.” Tsunade said to the smiling man as she gave a baleful look at Kakashi. “For the last two years I have had a puzzle on my hands that I have not been able to solve because it involves a seal I have no been able to break. In fact, nobody in the entire village has been able to break the seal since it was created and the contents were locked away. The envelope was told to be given to you after you had arrived back in the village and that you would be able to open it.” she said as she retrieved the envelope in question from its glass case. Handing the envelope to Naruto she went back to her seat behind her desk and finished with, “All you have to do is open it and tell me what is inside and you will be free to go.”
Naruto stared at the envelope and the intricate seal placed over the seam. `This is a very specific seal; whoever made this knew my chakra so well that I think the only person that might have been able to fool this seal would be the child I don't have. Oh well, here goes.' Naruto thought as he channeled a small amount of chakra to his fingers and ran them along the seal to activate the release.
Tsunade watched as her favorite shinobi opened the envelope she had wanted to open for the last two years and pull out three pieces of paper. Tsunade and Kakashi watched as Naruto read and reread all three papers four or five times before he stared at the window as though he had just seen a ghost. It was Kakashi that made the first move to see if he could read the papers to only be thrown back by the burning chakra surge of the Kyubi that Naruto didn't seem in any hurry to control. Just as Tsunade was about to try and get Naruto's attention he looked at her with a tear filled smile and asked for her pen. Tsunade and Kakashi watched as Naruto took the pen and looked at the last piece of paper again before writing something down and standing. He seemed to look over the papers again and come to his decision before he placed the pen and the papers down on the desk before disappearing out the Jiraiya shaped hole in the wall. After watching the hole for another minute the two looked down to see the papers still sitting on the desk. Kakashi watched as Tsunade picked up the papers and began to read followed soon after by her fainting once finished with the final piece of paper.
Nerve-racking wouldn't begin to describe how Sakura and Hinata felt the last few days had been. They had both been so excited and scared that now they both visibly trembled as they held each other while waiting for the door to open. It had been like this all afternoon for the duo as they sat and waited for their `precious gem' to accept their decision. It had been noon when the two had settled down to wait and they had not moved, except for the trembling, for the last unknown amount of time. They knew it had grown dark outside because there was no longer any light coming from the shaded window. The two were just about to give up hope that their gem would come when they heard the tell-tale sign of a key in the lock to their apartment. They could hear the door open and then shut with the overly loud click of the lock being put back into place. Sakura and Hinata only glanced at each other long enough to smile before turning their gazes back to the doorway that suddenly held their shinning gem.
Naruto was speechless as he entered the apartment to find clothing on the floor. He had thought to pick it up when he noticed that the clothing wasn't everywhere, only right here and in a seeming trail headed for a door on the left. Moving to the door he couldn't help but move his hand to the small box he had in his jacket pocket. He had been spending the last thirty minutes trying to remember the exact position he had left it but had found it in the end with the satisfaction of finding your most prized possession. Now he was in the door way looking at the most beautiful sight in the world: Sakura and Hinata in nothing but underwear as they held each other on a bed.
Sakura and Hinata were not surprised in the least when Naruto stood before them; they only had to look at his eyes to know that it was him and to know that they could be happy. It had taken the duo six months to make the choice about sharing Naruto and one another but had taken anther six to figure out how they wanted to go about making it happen. They had thought that the direct approach would work best but also knew that they could not do it to his face themselves and had come up with the envelope idea. Obtaining a marriage license that would allow all three of them to be married was actually a lot simpler than they had imagined considering that they both worked in the Hokage Tower; it had been the letters that had taken so much time to write and be happy with. The first letter had been from Hinata…
My dearest Naruto,
You never knew how much I cared for you or how much I wanted you to care for me. You called me a friend right before you left and it broke my heart because I never thought you would be able to love me they way I have and will always love you. As I write this I can only hope that you will understand how my heart soared to find that you really did love me, even if you didn't know it was me. Before you left you told Sakura that you still loved her but that you would also feel this connection for the woman of a waterfall that you saw under the full moon on a mission. What you didn't know about that woman was that she was me. I was the woman you saw dancing naked on the water by the waterfall that night; I had been practicing my own ultimate defense which looks much like dancing. Sakura told me that seeing you talk about that woman she realized that you were already in love with her; with me. Sakura and I made a choice while you were gone, and I can only hope you will accept our choice.
All my love and devotion to you,
Naruto had read that letter five times and still couldn't understand how he had missed Hinata's love for him now that he thought back on all the times he had spent with her since the academy days. It was Sakura's letter, the second one that had really given him pause to think though…
Even as I write this I can't help but cry over my stupidity from the last few years. I have come to a decision with Hinata about what I have to do and only now do I finally feel free to tell you the truth from my heart. I love you Naruto. I have loved you for a long time and I have done nothing but deny it under the illusion that I couldn't love you because you were Naruto and that would just be wrong. I don't know when it was you managed to worm your way into my heart, but you did it and now I can't think of a time that you weren't there to give me your love. When Sasuke left I thought he was the one I loved and that I would never find love unless you brought him back to me, but when we were told that you had finally killed him I couldn't stop myself from feeling happy that you were the one that lived through the battle. I fought with myself over it for months before Hinata finally made me see the truth and helped me to make the choice we shared. I do remember the rings you told me about once, the ones you said would be for you and the one you married. I hope you will change your mind after you read this and know that we have thought about that already and only need you to trust us. Please accept our choice Naruto.
All my love and devotion to you,
The idea that both Sakura and Hinata loved him but that both were telling him had been nothing but confusing until he had looked at the last piece of paper and noticed the marriage license with three names written and two signatures. It was after seeing this that he had known what their choice was and had needed to think about what it would mean for all three of them; he had even gone to see the fox and ask what it thought to only be told to screw whoever he wanted as long as he stopped bugging him for unimportant mortal matters; the fox had even flared his chakra to try and drive the point home. Of course, with the fox, that was as close to an approval as anything and left Naruto free to make his choice with the blessing of his tenant. Naruto had only needed to think about it for another few moments before asking for the pen to sign the license with and then go on his mission to find the rings he would have forgotten if not for Sakura.
He had gone to the old training grounds to find his hiding place among the trees. It had been an accident to find the small hole just under a tree to hide the rings in the first place. He had needed a safe place to keep them for not only the sentimental value they held for him but for the actual value they held. Each ring was simple to a fault. The band was a solid black metal that Naruto had chosen only because of the gems inlaid in them. There was only one gem in each ring but they were considered to be some of the most valuable gems in the world; especially to shinobi. The gem didn't really have a name, but they had a property that when chakra was channeled to them, the chakra would change the gem's color to match the person the chakra came from. This process would only work once though so Naruto had planned on only using the rings once he found the girl and keep them hidden until that time. Now the rings were in his pocket and he realized that his not having one of his own didn't bother him so much now that the girls, his new wives, would each have one.
Sakura and Hinata watched as Naruto reached into his pocket to pull out a small box and walk to the bed. He didn't even slow down as he seemed to just drop all of his clothing on the way until he was in nothing but his boxers and climbed up on the bed right between then on his knees. They gasped as he opened the box to show them the rings and saw how ordinary they looked. They knew what the truth behind the rings was though and couldn't believe that Naruto had managed to find something so valuable. None of them had said a word and it didn't seem as though words were appropriate to the situation.
Naruto couldn't stop the pounding in his chest as he placed the box on the bed between the two girls and held out a hand to each. He watched as they both reached out to take his offered hand. Using his hand to guide them he set them up so that one finger was lined up with his while the rest were intertwined. With this accomplished he began to channel a small amount of chakra to the tips of his outstretched fingers and waited for the girls to catch on; it was only a few seconds later that he was touching the tips of their fingers onto the stones in the box. He watched as both stones flashed white before a pattern began to emerge on the stones to give Naruto a shock as he realized that the stones were identical instead of being different. He had been told that to channel two chakras at once would cause a pattern involving the two colors of the chakra, but these had three. The round gem had been split into thirds like somebody would do to a pie or cake. In one portion the color was a very solid blue that matched Naruto's eyes, in the next portion the color was the exact shade of violet as Hinata's hair, and the last section was a pink that matched Sakura's. It took Naruto another few seconds to realize that the girls were still holding each other and that the contact had channeled all three chakras into the stones, but the girls seemed happy with the outcome, and he couldn't bring himself to think of this as a failure; after all, it was the three of them that were married, not just them each married to him individually.
Sakura slowly let the tears fall as she let go of Naruto's hand and picked up her new wedding ring. As she slipped it on her finger she could feel the power within the ring resonate in a way that could only leave her smiling. Hinata was feeling much the same as she placed the ring on her finger as well; the power within the ring felt almost like a beating heart.
After admiring the new rings for another moment the girls looked at one another and nodded their agreement on the time. Reaching behind her, Hinata pulled a small box out from under the pillows on the bed and opened it to show Naruto another ring; one that looked like the ones that were in the box he had brought only moments before. He could only look to the girls with a questioning look as he thought about them having made a ring just for him. After they nodded to his question they reached out for his hand and proceeded to make a three sided point with their fingers before channeling chakra and touching the stone.
All three gasped at the outcome of the ring that was presented to them; they had been expecting another ring like the ones that were made for the girls, but this one was different. The colors were the same, after all, the chakra hadn't changed, but the pattern was different this time. This time the pattern was a spiral that started at the edges of the gem and worked their way inward to a solid white point in the middle.
Naruto gasped as he picked up the ring and slid it onto his finger; he felt as though he could just feel the love the two women had for him and each other coming from his ring. He only admired it for another few seconds before he leapt forward to tackle the two girls onto their backs in a hug to show how much they meant to him. He cried as he realized the family he had wanted for so long was finally his until he felt the fox surge up as if to dispute the thought before being pulled into his mind and placed in front of the cage that held Kyubi.
“They are not yours yet kit.” the fox stated as he watched the boy in front of him. “You wish to claim them as your mates, and I do not object to that decision, but you are forgetting that you hold me within you and that things are never as simple as you think because of it. We have merged over the last few years as you well know, but that also means that my demon heritage is within you and the laws of demons must be appeased before they are yours.”
Naruto couldn't help the fear that passed through him as he thought that he might lose either or both of his loves just because of the fox. Sasuke was dead, Orochimaru was dead, Akatsuki was no longer hunting him after his single handed defeat of two of its members and now he still might not be able to find happiness.
The fox rolled his eyes as he listed to the fears of the boys thought before interrupting the pessimistic moment. “You will not loose them boy, you will just have to perform a ritual before you can have them. Mating is serious among my kind and is permanent. If you wish to mate with these females you will have to obey the laws of demons or all three of you will die very painfully.” Kyubi said. As he shifted positions within his cell he watched the boy visibly calm down before speaking again. “The instincts that I give you will guide you through the ceremony, but you have to make a conscious choice to start it or it will not work. All you have to do is bite them and leave your mark and the rest will take care of itself. Now go, I am tired of looking at you.” Kyubi dismissed before Naruto found himself wrapped in the arms of his soon to be mates.
`I have to mark them or we will die. I guess there are worse things to do.' Naruto thought as he shifted his head to tell the girls what he had learned. He had been in the process of opening his mouth when the realization that they didn't know about Kyubi struck him and he realized what he had done.
The sudden fear in his eyes made Sakura and Hinata realize that something was wrong before he even began to try and escape from their hold on him. It took everything the girls had to hold him down and demand that he tell them what was going on. Naruto was struggling so much that they almost lost their grips a few times before Hinata discovered the way to stop him in his tracks. She hadn't meant to sound so mean but she couldn't complain once it worked. “Naruto stop it. We are your wives and you will tell us what is wrong right now!” Hinata had said and even punctuated the point by smacking his arm while she frowned at him.
The slap to his arm had been nothing compared to the words stabbing his heart as Naruto froze at Hinata's words. She had called herself and Sakura his wives and he couldn't help the guilt that gnawed at his heart for not thinking about what this would mean for them. “I can't believe I did this to you.” was all he said as be broke down and cried between them.
The girls shifted positions so that he was facing Hinata as Sakura squished into him from behind. “You didn't do anything to us Naruto, not yet anyway. Hinata and I have been waiting for our wedding night for the last two years. You were happy a minute ago, what happened?” Sakura asked as she used one hand to stroke his arm.
Hinata was blushing at the mention of their wedding night and all it implied, but she was just as worried about Naruto as Sakura was. She had just gotten her husband, literally, and now it seemed like he was trying to run and hide from them. “Sakura is right Naruto-kun,” Hinata said as she whipped the tears from his face, “you didn't do anything to us besides give us these perfect rings, and I will never see that as a bad thing.” She was still whipping the continuing tears from Naruto's face but now she was starting to become scared that he wasn't calming down.
Naruto could feel Sakura's and Hinata's words eating at his heart while he thought about how he hadn't even thought to tell them about Kyubi before marrying them and making their leaving all the more difficult. “You two don't understand what I did; I should have told you first so that you could run.” he cried into Hinata's shoulder to bring his face out of her line of sight. “I'm a monster and you don't even know it yet. I'm a demon that is hunted for no other reason than the fact I exist. I'm the cage of the Kyubi; I keep him locked up inside of me.” Naruto cried expecting for Sakura and Hinata to jump away from him and run for their lives to let him cry. “You should just go to Tsunade's office and burn that license before anybody else can see it.” he wailed.
To say that Hinata and Sakura were shocked was an understatement; they were on the edge of exploding from the fear that had gripped them.
Naruto's eyes shot open as he felt Sakura bite his ear while Hinata moved to lick his cheek. He had just been thinking about what he would put in his letter to Tsunade before he killed himself for doing something so wrong to Sakura and Hinata that the affection the girls showed in that moment made him go completely blank.
Hinata was blushing again at her bold move to calm Naruto down but forced herself to smile. “We already know Naruto-kun. I was told many years ago by my father that I should stay away from you because you were a demon.” Hinata said as she looked to Sakura for help.
Sakura easily picked up on the plan Hinata had and continued for her. “I worked with you on Team 7 for a long time Naruto and I was able to see that red chakra of yours a couple of times. I never knew what it was or what it meant, but I knew it was a secret you were keeping from everybody.”
“When Sakura and I started talking about you those few years ago we talked about everything we could think of, including what my father said and what Sakura had seen.” Hinata said as she watched Naruto listen with the tears on pause.
Sakura piped in again with, “When we realized that the two bits of information were close enough to be linked we did some digging and found that your files were classified in a rather suspicious pattern; one that led us to Tsunade-sama.”
“We finally confronted her with what we knew and demanded that she tell us the truth. We wanted to know because if it was something bad we wanted to help in any way we could. We wanted to be there for you if it was something we could help with.” Hinata said in a small voice to show her nervousness at telling him what had happened.
Sakura took on the mantle again as she spoke. “When she realized that any cover story that might have been ready wouldn't work with what we knew she told us everything from beginning to end. She told us about Kyubi being sealed in you and what kind of power that was. We were so wrapped up in it that when she said that she would always feel bad for your curse we didn't understand so she told us about your life. She told us about how you didn't have a family and that you were hated by the village and that being a ninja was the only good thing that ever happened in your life.”
“We thought about everything we knew about your life and realized that beyond the academy we could only remember our parents telling us not to go near you. I even remembered seeing you get hit in the head with a rock once and nobody seemed to care that you were bleeding.” Hinata said as tears welled up in her eyes over he hurt that Naruto had experienced.
“We were leaving the office when Tsunade said something that gave us this idea; she said that it seemed like a family would never be yours if the older generations of the village kept things the way they were. Hinata and I can to the decision that we would be your family, but that we both loved you as well. It somehow only seemed right to give ourselves to you and hope you would take us.” Sakura said before she went to nibble on his ear again.
Hinata took the hint and leaned forward to lick his cheek again before saying, “We knew that you were not a demon because you were our friend. You had been around so many people and you never tried to hurt somebody for no reason. We knew the village was wrong and we decided to do whatever we could to make up for that. We chose to marry you and be the family you deserved so that we could love you. If anything we are being selfish because nobody else ever had any idea that this is what we were planning so nobody else could try and stop us or get in the way for any reason.” Hinata couldn't think of anything else to say and just went to nuzzling Naruto's cheek.
Naruto was feeling his heart flutter and his body melt at the words he had heard and the things that were being done to him. “I want this family.” he finally gasped out. “I want to love you both and never let anything take you away from me. There is just one more thing we have to do now. I have a demon in me and I have to follow their rules as well as ours. In the demon world a mating is permanent and we would never be able to leave each other for anything, but Kyubi says I have to mark you as my mates before anything else or we will all die.”
Both girls stopped in confusion at the idea of being marked somehow and it was Sakura that asked, “What do you mean mark? You better not plan on peeing on me `cause I won't do it.”
Naruto cringed at the idea and shook his head in response. “No, I have to bite you. Kyubi said that all I had to do was make the choice and instinct would do the rest, but I do not know anything beyond that.” Naruto said to the sigh of both girls.
“Do it.” Both kunoichi said at once.
Naruto focused on his desire to mark his females and an idea popped into his head about what to do. Moving himself to a sitting position he told the girls what to do until they were forming a triangle on the bed as the sat knee to knee. Then leaning forward he turned his head to the right and leaned into Hinata's left shoulder where he had easy access to her neck. Next Hinata did the same to Sakura and Sakura did the same to Naruto. It was without warning that Naruto struck and sank his elongated canines into Hinata's neck where it met her shoulder. In an instant Naruto felt a mixture of his and Kyubi's chakra begin to flow into Hinata. Hinata felt the sting of the bight and then a blazing heat that went straight to her stomach and she suddenly knew what to do; without thinking she bit Sakura in the same place Naruto had bitten her and started the process of pouring out chakra through her teeth. Sakura had been startled by the bite from Hinata but the sudden flame in the pit of her stomach forced her eyes to open and her mouth to latch onto Naruto and complete the circle. The three of them remained locked in that position for five minutes just pouring chakra into one another but accepting chakra in return. In a flash all three let go of their bites and lunged to their lefts just to suddenly reverse the circle and bite down on the one that had just had their fangs in them. This time the circle didn't last nearly as long but two minutes later all three let go of their bites and sat panting while looking back and forth between their companions.
Naruto could feel the pulse in his system as the fire in his stomach began to grow until it filled his whole body before suddenly going cold. Something had changed with that fire and he couldn't quite tell what but noticed that at some point he had closed his eyes.
As he opened them he was given a sight he would never forget: in front of him were Sakura and Hinata, but they had changed in a way he would only call a transformation to goddess-hood. Sakura's skin seemed to glow as her hair had lengthened to sit around mid back. Her eyes had changed to hold slit pupils and her fangs had stayed. The biggest changes were the big fluffy pink tail and the obscenely cute black fox ears on top of her head.
Quickly turning to Hinata, Naruto noticed that similar changes had occurred to her as well. Hinata's porcelain skin seemed to glow differently than Sakura's, but it didn't seem as though either glow was wrong. Her hair was also longer but had gone past Sakura and now hung down to the base of her new fluffy violet tail. Her slit pupil eyes and fangs almost seemed insignificant when her right white fox ear twitched and drew attention to it and its twin.
Sakura was in shock at the sight before her; he was a god and she was absolutely edible. Sakura had know that by sharing Naruto she would also be married to Hinata and the idea had not been unpleasant, but until that moment she had not thought that she would have feelings for Hinata like that of an actual lover. However, while she realized that she was now going to be having an even deeper relationship with Hinata from now on, she was fixated on the perfect man before her. His eyes were still as blue as ever but now they had slit pupils. The fangs he had always seemed to have before were now longer and peeked out from under his lips in a surprisingly attractive manner. His wild hair had not calmed down any but was not halfway down his back and being swished a little by the red fluffy tail he now had to match the fox ears on top of his head. All in all, she could now only think of him as a walking wet dream.
Hinata wasn't thinking clearly at all. Her body was on fire and it was only getting worse as she sat there with her eyes closed. Once she opened her eyes though, she no longer had any thought besides her male mate sitting next to her. She wasn't even going to try and contemplate the change that had occurred in him and Sakura, only that he could end this fire that was burning in her stomach and her loins. In the blink of an eye she was latched onto him with her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck as she fisted his hair and kissed him. Hinata was one big raw nerve as she felt the skin contact between them and only felt her fire intensify.
Naruto had been contemplating the smells of the room and why the one coming from Hinata seemed so strong when she was suddenly in his lap and kissing his as though she couldn't stop. It only took a few seconds for him to realize that he didn't care about her scent any more as long as she kept kissing him like that.
Sakura watched as animal instinct took over her two mates. She only needed to watch for a second before she realized that she knew what was happening as if the knowledge had always been there; Hinata was in heat and Naruto needed to sate her. `I guess that solves the issue of who goes first.' Sakura thought with a mental shrug and the realization that it didn't matter to her that it happened this way. Shifting position she pushed herself up against Hinata's back and began to softly lick one of her white fox ears only to feel Hinata buck onto Naruto.
Hinata couldn't end the heat that had enveloped her. As she bucked onto Naruto's now rock hard erection she could only understand that she needed him to use that to stop the burning she was feeling. Just as she was going to pull her mouth from Naruto's and demand he help her, she reached orgasm from the sudden pinch her nipple received from Sakura as Naruto pulled her butt harder into him. She screamed as her body convulsed from the pleasure her body felt. After thirty seconds the orgasm had subsided enough that she looked Naruto in the eye and said, “Mate me now!”
It hadn't been a question and it hadn't been a request... it was a demand and he was going to follow through with it. Naruto couldn't understand why this seemed so right when he was sure that he should be taking his time and making love to these beauties. Instead, he leaned down and ripped the front of Hinata's bra from her body with his fangs before attacking the left nipple with his lips and tongue.
Sakura had heard Hinata's command and couldn't help but feel she needed to assist in making it happen soon. Working in counterpoint to Naruto's destruction of Hinata's bra, she focused on tearing the panties from Hinata's lower half and moving aside to give them room afterwards.
Hinata was frantic, she had been freed from her clothing and she needed Naruto to make the fire go away or she might go insane. Shoving herself away from him and into the spot Sakura had been occupying up until a moment earlier Hinata flipped up and around onto her hands and knees and presented her wet and burning core to her mate with a flick of her tail for invitation.
Naruto had seen red when his mate had show her submission to him by presenting herself for his taking. He was about to jump up and mount his submissive mate when he felt his boxers being ripped to shreds and something soft and warm engulfing the head of his cock. Looking down Naruto could see that Sakura was doing her part to ensure his readiness to mate; he only let her suck on him for a few seconds though because Hinata was making it hard for him as her position became more and more submissive the more she lowered herself to the bed while leaving her behind in the air. It had only been fifteen seconds since Hinata had taken her position for mounting before Naruto was behind her and shoving his whole nine and a half inches into her with one smooth stroke.
Hinata couldn't believe how much better her climax felt now that her mate was in her and filling her up to her cervix. The full body convulsions as she felt her inner walls tightening around him were just on the wrong side of perfection because her fire wasn't being put out. The need to be soaked was the only idea that came to mind and she would die before Naruto didn't make that happen. She was only able to think about her need for another three thrusts before her mind went blank from another orgasm.
Sakura could only watch as Hinata seemed to have the best sexual experience any woman could hope for and Sakura couldn't help but feel hot and needy for the same treatment as soon as her male mate could oblige.
Naruto was in heaven with what he was feeling from Hinata. He had entered her with the thought that he would have to wait for her to adjust but it turned out that she was so primed she was climaxing the first stroke and didn't seem to be stopping. He had hopes that he could last a while for his mate and get to feel this perfectly sized wet molten glove, but Hinata's convulsing inner walls were quickly driving him to orgasm and he could not even think of denying it to her. He had only been pounding into Hinata for a minute when he could feel his climax only moments away. Without so much as a questioning thought Naruto reached down and pulled Hinata up onto her knees with her back to his chest before his fangs sank into his bite mark for a third time that night. It only took another two strokes and he was filling Hinata in the one way that she wanted to be filled.
Hinata was seeing nothing but white as she howled her pleasure to the world as her mate filled her womb with his seed. She had been climaxing almost non-stop for the last minute and now it seemed as though she were on another level of pleasure as her mate filled her with his seed and his chakra. Quickly, while he was still pulsing within her she placed her hands over her abdomen, right above their joining, and pushed as much chakra to that spot as she could manage.
Sakura could only stare in awe as she watched her mates attempt to form a life with their first joining. She could feel the power crackle as she he watched while they held the mating pose for a full two minutes before Hinata gave out and fainted.
Naruto could feel his mate loose the battle to try and make life as she lost consciousness but knew that there would be other chances in the future. Carefully he released his mating hold on her neck and lowered her to the bed before removing his now softening cock from her overfilled cunt.
Sakura couldn't understand why Hinata had failed to make a child for their family but decided that it would happen eventually and that it shouldn't be fretted over. Moving slowly Sakura moved behind Naruto and held him from behind so that she could listen to his heartbeat through his back. She was just feeling lulled by the thudding sound resonating through her body in tune with her own heart when she was quickly thrown to be lying down on her back with Naruto staring into her eyes while his tail remained wrapped around her waist to tickle and play with her own.
Naruto's initiated staring contest only lasted a few seconds before Sakura closed her eyes and lifted her chin in submission to his dominant role in the mating. Lowering his mouth to her throat he carefully kissed and licked her neck on her pulse points and her esophagus before lightly running his new fangs over the front of her throat to feel her shudder, lift her chin more and slightly push up. Naruto couldn't help but appreciate the fact that both of his mates were submissive to him and he liked how right it felt to have it that way.
Sakura was now in love with the control she felt; her mate had control of her very life and it was only serving to make her want him to claim her for the first time all the more quickly. In fact, he seemed to almost be going to slow now, he had her pinned down with both his tail and his arms, his fangs were pushing her near orgasm with their show of force over her very life and now he didn't seem to be in any hurry to claim her. Letting her instincts take over Sakura heard herself whimper in a way she knew to mean `take me' to her mate and then just in case he didn't seem to understand she moaned out, “Please mate, I am giving myself to you. Please take me.”
Naruto chuckled at the pathetic show his mate was putting into her pleading but decided to move ahead a little bit to let her think she was getting what she wanted. Lowering his body a little he pulled the bra she was wearing away from her body in taters in a fashion he had used on Hinata only ten minutes earlier. After tossing the garment to the side he slid his body back to its previous position and went back to torturing Sakura's throat while he let some of his weight rest on her now uncovered breasts.
Sakura couldn't stop the pleading whimpers that escaped her lips now, he was torturing her in a manner she loved and hated all at the same time. For a moment her strong nature flashed to the front to question why she wasn't trying to make things go faster the way she wanted, but then she realized that somewhere along the line she had made the choice to be submissive to her mate and wouldn't reconsider that choice for the rest of her life, his control was like a safety net now and it was to important to let go of. As if in response to her reaffirmation of this control Sakura shifted her arms an inch and felt his hands tighten on her wrists and move them above her head so that more of his weight was pinning her down and his dominance was all the more complete.
Naruto was feeling a bit confused at Sakura's complete submission to him but knew that if she wanted to submit so fully he would dominate her all the more to make her happy. When he felt her try and shift her arms just the tiniest bit he quickly tightened his grip on her wrists and lifted her arms above her head to let more of his weight press her into the mattress. Right when his weight dropped and his fangs pressed slightly more into Sakura's exposed weak throat she exploded into orgasm. She wasn't convulsing near as much as Hinata had been but it seemed that Sakura was coming just as hard as and maybe longer than Hinata had been.
Sakura was lightly shuddering as her orgasm subsided and left her feeling extremely sensitive to what her dominant mate was doing to her body. He had only shifted his lower body during her orgasm but now her mound was rubbing right against his leg and the sensitivity was quickly bringing her to another climax.
Now that he had made him mate climax Naruto decided it was time to move to the next step in the mating. Being sure to keep as much body contact as possible, Naruto moved lower on Sakura's body so that he was now at her breasts once more and began by licking around the outside edge of her breasts and making slow circles inward. He could feel his make squirming, bucking, pushing and whining as he tortured her breasts but left the nipples alone. He had been ignoring her nipples and areola for the last five minutes of licking and could feel Sakura shudder in a mini-orgasm when he attacked the right nipple with his teeth and tongue.
Sakura felt like a living nerve ending with how much she was feeling while her mate licked her breasts but left her engorged and needy nipples alone; he had even been leaving the areolas out of his tongues path when she was finally pushed over the edge of a mini-orgasm. As the small tremor ran through her body she thought that there might be relief for a few moments when her right nipple was suddenly all she could feel besides the shocks being sent from her nipple to her clit. The mini-orgasm never ended but expanded on itself as she exploded into another mind-numbing climax. Sometime in the middle of the climax Naruto switched nipples and extended the orgasm yet again and left Sakura a simpering mess as she was suddenly crying from the immense pleasure.
Naruto nearly had a panic attack when he saw his mate in tears and was quickly in comfort mode as he released her wrists and hugged her to him while he licked her tears away and whispered his love up to her trembling black fox ears. For the next five minutes Naruto was a nervous wreck as he waited for his mate to calm down and tell him what he had done wrong.
Sakura was in heaven as her mate tried to comfort her from a problem that didn't exist. She could feel his love for her as he held her and licked away her tears but it wasn't until she distinctly knew he was worried that he had hurt her in some way that she realized that he was empathically sending every bit of calm he didn't feel just to make her feel better. After letting Naruto hold her for five minutes Sakura was able to stop crying and tell him that everything was okay and that the tears were only from the pleasure he had brought to her. She could only giggle at his sigh of relief but soon gasped as she felt the sudden intrusion of two fingers into her still burning cunt. The feeling of having something in her was not entirely new to Sakura because of her infrequent attempts at masturbation but this was still much more intense than anything she had felt before.
Naruto was glad beyond words to know that his mate was fine and that he had only managed to overload her with pleasure so he felt a bit justified when he snuck his hand into her panties and quickly pushed two fingers into her. As Sakura gasped at his probing digits he began to piston them in and out of her as she squirmed in his arms before her hips began to buck at his fingers in a matching rhythm to his thrusts. Naruto watched for only a few minutes before Sakura was breathing in gasps and her counterthrusts were becoming erratic.
Sakura was on edge as Naruto removed his fingers from her cunt to lick his fingers as she clung to him while her hips kept thrusting in the hopes of finding something to reach the climax she was so close to. She quickly concentrated everything she had into whining and begging Naruto to help her until she finally cried out, “Oh Kami, Master please.”
Naruto's jaw actually dropped as he heard Sakura's cry for her master, him, to help her reach the edge she wanted so desperately to go over. In a fit of lust at the title Sakura had used for him he ripped her panties from her body as though they were paper and quickly shoved three fingers back into her cunt while his thumb rubbed her clit to bring her to a shuddering orgasm before as she cried for her Master over and over.
It was like a switch had been thrown in Sakura's head the second she had called Naruto her Master, she was his willing slave and he was her perfect life controlling Master who would always take care of her and her sister as soon as she realized that she was his slave as well. After shuttering for over a minute to try and regain composure Sakura finally turned to look her Master in the eye as she begged, “Please take me Master and make me yours forever; I promise to be good for you Master, I promise.” she said as her heart believed every word.
Naruto didn't want to stop himself from agreeing to his slave/mate's request. Moving her off of his lap he placed her on her hands and knees facing away from him and watched as she leaned forward to give him all the more access to her while her tail swished back and forth in anticipation. Moving to his knees behind his Sakura he lined himself up and drove his whole dick to the hilt inside her cunt.
Sakura could never remember being happier than she was in the moment her Master claimed her for himself. She could feel his whole length pulse inside of her as she relished the full feeling he created in her while her soul cried in joy. It was as her Master pulled out slowly only to slam back into her that she realized that her Master would always be there for her. As soon as Naruto made his third stroke into her Sakura came yet again as her Master set a steady rhythm that left her rolling from the high of one orgasm into the beginning of another.
Naruto watched his slave/mate as she cried out orgasm after orgasm while he continued at a pace he knew would allow him to last a long time. He was happy to see that instead of having her orgasms link together to become one long one she was have distinct orgasms every time.
It was not until ten minutes later that Sakura had passed out for the second time only to be brought back to consciousness by her loins throbbing into another orgasm. Her Master was the perfect lover and she would never be able to settle for anybody else now so it was with great satisfaction she felt him speed up as he raced to finally reach his own climax. Sakura practically glowed in the knowledge that her Master would find pleasure in her and finally screamed herself hoarse as she felt him reaching his end.
Naruto had been pounding away at his slave/mate for nearly fifteen minutes when he felt his climax approaching. Sakura had already passed out twice and was now loosing her voice from the screams of ecstasy as he sped up for his finish. Sakura's cunt had been a constant ripple effect along his dick since she began orgasm but now she was squeezing him as he drove home one more time with a yell to announce his dominance. He could feel his dick pulse for almost thirty seconds before he collapsed onto Sakura's back while she anted her new `Master' mantra over and over. Thinking for a moment let Naruto realize that while he might not have wanted to be a Master to his mates, he didn't have a problem with the fact that it occurred. Hinata hadn't said that she was his slave and that he was her Master, but that seemed to be only a formality if her submissive nature during their mating had been any indication.
Sakura felt only love as she panted for her Master as he rested from the mating on top of her. She could feel his dick slowly shrinking within her and wished it would stay hard if only to feel it within her cunt for as long as possible. After almost five minutes Naruto's dick had fallen out of her and he rolled over towards Hinata before she was pulled by the tail that was around her waist. Sakura could only mewl herself to sleep as she realized that she and her slave sister were being allowed to snuggle up to their master for the night.
Hinata had awaked long enough to feel Naruto pull her to snuggle with him for the night as they slept before she fell asleep to the idea of needing to tell him how much she just wished to submit to him.
Naruto laid in the dark with his eyes closed as he listened to his slave/mates purr in their sleep. Naruto thought about how he had never even considered having anybody be his slave in any way before but now it seemed as though it was right to have his mates acting as such. As he fell asleep he could have sworn he heard the Kyubi laughing about how much better behaved demon mates were.
A/N - Thanks for reading the first chapter. Please review and tell me if it is any good or not. Thanks.