Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ When They Choose You ❯ Kyubi's Choice ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Drip… drip… drip…
Naruto fought the need to wake to that dreadful dripping sound as he reached out to find what had happened to the mates he had thought he was holding.
Drip… drip… drip…
Naruto's eyes shot open as he realized that his mates were not in his arms and that he shouldn't be hearing a dripping sound in a bedroom. As he looked around the tunnel he was in he didn't try to stop the curse that escaped his lips as he recognized the tunnel outside of the Kyubi's cage room. After only a moment he stood up and began the short trek to see the Kyubi so that it would be over and he could go back to snuggling with his mates.
Kyubi watched as the small not-so mortal boy entered the new cage room for the first time. It watched as he took in what looked to be a gate guarding over the entrance to a forest. “I must thank your mates for giving me a much better prison as soon as you bring them to see me for their training. I was tired of not having anything new, and now I have a whole forest to explore and make my own.” Kyubi said with a small chuckle as the boy continued to stare at the room and not pay any attention to him.
Naruto was in shock at the sight before him: the Kyubi's cage room had never been like this before. Naruto continued to examine the room even as he thought he heard the Kyubi talking to him. The new room looked like the arena floor of some coliseum and the gate holding back the Kyubi seemed look weaker for some reason. It wasn't until Naruto looked at the paper seal that had held the gate shut for years did he realize why the gate seemed so weak; the seal looked as though half of it had been burned away. “What the hell is going on?” Naruto yelled as his mind tried to think of ways to explain all the changes.
Kyubi was growing tired of the boy's ignorance and decided that the new situation warranted a new prospective for the boy to focus on. Calming his mind he focused on the change he hadn't performed in a very long time. He could feel his power flare and pulse as the slight woozy feeling took hold from the vertigo of a sudden drop in height. Opening his eyes Kyubi looked out at Naruto to see the boy staring in complete awe of the humanoid form he now held. “I take…” Kyubi began only to snap his mouth shut and clasp his hands over it in surprise of what he himself had heard. Fearing to look and see what he was sure was the case Kyubi moved one hand down his neck to yank it back up with a squeak at what he had found.
Naruto didn't know what to make of this newest change to the cage room he was in. He had watched the Kyubi change and still wanted to try and blink away the illusion before his eyes, for before him now, was a completely naked and absolutely terrified looking woman.
`I can't have changed into that form; I'm the more powerful here and I should be male.' Kyubi ranted to herself as she tried to think of the reason she was now in the submissive female form. `Okay, I can make this work and then I will change back into my rightful form; I just have to think. The more powerful is the dominant one in the relationship. The dominant one is the male. So how it is that I am suddenly a female when I should be a domin…' Kyubi's mind blanked in that one instant of clarity; she wasn't dominant because she was the one caged. “No… this can't be… I'm supposed to be…” Kyubi began before trailing off as she felt tears coming to her face for the first time in her life. She had always been male before. Being the most powerful Bijuu had given her the dominant role in any situation, and even though she had never tried to take a mate, her role was always the dominant male. Now Kyubi was feeling the female personality taking hold for the first time in her life and couldn't seem to stop the tears that began cascading down her cheeks at the loss of position.
Naruto didn't bother to think when he moved to comfort the saddened female; it was instinct to prevent females from pain. Naruto didn't stop as he approached the gate and just passed right through it to wrap the crying woman in his arms. He cooed to her as he let a small rumble begin in his chest to try and lull the woman back to happiness.
Kyubi tried to suppress the purr that began in response to Naruto's attempt at comfort but found that her instinct were right about her new position and now she was responding to those same instincts to let the dominant male in the situation help her.
Naruto had been holding the woman as she stopped crying for nearly ten minutes before realizing what he had done and who he was suddenly with. He tried to remain calm as he pulled away from the woman that was leaning on him for support so that he could make a dash for the gate when she backed away and moved to her knees with her head down, ears flat and tail as low and tucked into herself as possible.
Kyubi hated the idea of showing submission to anybody, but it couldn't be helped as her demon instincts demanded she appease the male's apprehension. “I will not hurt you Naruto.” Kyubi said in a quiet tone as she watched the feet that were still in front of her. “I promise I cannot hurt you any longer; demon law has seen to that. Even if I change back into my normal form I would not be able to act against you. I had brought you into your mind to explain the demon laws that you are now under and I suppose now it will be all the more important or things could become very bad for both of us.”
Naruto looked at the Kyubi woman that was kneeling on the floor and could feel his instincts tell him that it was all fine and that she would not lie to him. Deciding that his instincts had been right so far, Naruto just plopped down right in front of the woman and lifted her chin so that she was looking at him instead of his legs. “I don't know how I know you aren't lying to me for once but I'm guessing it has something to do with my change. I do have one question though; since when are you a girl?” Naruto questioned as his head cocked to the side slightly.
Kyubi giggled femininely into her hand at the expression before looking him in the eye and saying, “That is actually your fault. Because you are my prison, demon law says that you are dominant and that I must be the submissive female now that I have let the change happen. I had thought I would remain the dominant male because of my greater power but didn't think about the prison dynamic as making that a moot point. Had I known that I would take this form I would have never done it. This is very new to me; I have never been a female before and I am finding the different outlook and feelings to be quite… they are a little… they…” Kyubi tried to say but was finding it difficult to admit the truth.
Naruto reacted to the in-articulation by reaching out and touching Kyubi's cheek and telling her, “You can tell me; I won't judge you. I promise.” Naruto tried to think of why he was acting this way but figured it had something to do with Kyubi's upcoming story so he quit trying to think of the reasoning himself.
Kyubi felt the reassurance of Naruto's touch and words bolstering her nerves to finally finish her sentence. “They scare me Naruto. I'm afraid for the first time in my life and I can't do anything about it.” Kyubi admitted as her shoulders slumped just a bit. Thinking about everything that she needed to tell Naruto she gritted her teeth and decided to distract herself from the fear by focusing on facts. “I really should tell you about everything I did though so that we can start to make sure that problems do not arise on accident. I should start by telling you that you and your mates are now physically better off than you have ever been in your lives thanks to the demon mating you took part in. Your life will now be longer and you should be invulnerable to illness. There are stipulations to that last bit, but we can talk about that later. As of a little while ago you and your mates became half demon. I guess I should tell you now that you didn't really need to do the demon mating and that I had only said it because I thought it would be fun and give me more freedom.”
Naruto's anger spiked at hearing that he had been tricked into changing himself and his mates when it wasn't necessary. Just as he considered lashing out Kyubi dropped as flat on the floor as possible and tears began to roll down her cheeks. He watched as she seemed to plead with her whimpers to dull his ire. “You tricked me, and for that I should punish you, but you also gave me a connection to my mates I could never have dreamed of until now so I will forgive you for this mistake. I suggest you make any more confessions that you need to now while I am in a forgiving mood or things will become most unpleasant later.” Naruto growled out as his rage subsided into a small throb in his head.
Kyubi had felt the boys anger flare and had submitted instantly to his new authority over her. She listened to his demands for contrition and quickly snuck forward to rub her cheek against his knee as she said, “I promise that I have not lied about anything else. I won't do it again; please forgive me. Please don't be angry with me. I swear I will be good from now on; I promise I will be good.” Kyubi was pleading as she nuzzled her new dominant male for forgiveness; she was so terrified of his anger she would have promised him anything to make the fear go away.
Naruto calmed down as he watched the female show her true repentance for acting out of turn and felt weird trying to reconcile his own feeling between what the Kyubi had been and what she was now. Before now Kyubi had been a big, powerful, evil that had resided within him and been the target of much hate and loathing. Now Kyubi was a female and seemed so completely different than what she was before that it seemed like complete conflict.
Kyubi could feel Naruto trying to find a balance between his feelings and his memories and tried to help lean him into not making her scared. “The instincts you have now are telling you that I am a submissive female that you can trust to do what you say but you are thinking about how evil I was to you before and I swear that the instincts are right. Because of demon law I am now a submissive female to you while before the law hadn't been put into effect. I will explain everything if you let me and then you will know that I am not lying to you. Please let me fix my mistake for you. I promise that I will do whatever you think is needed to assure that I will not deceive you; just please don't be mad at me. I'm so scared.”
Naruto listed to the frightened woman that was practically curled up on his lap and grinned at his next idea. “Would you consent to being my slave/mate just to appease my anger?” he asked with a smirk on his face.
Kyubi's head snapped back to let her look at his eyes as her stomach fluttered. “I swear I would if it were possible. In here we are not physical bodies; only mind manifestations. We cannot mate because there would be no real connection between us. A mating is as much a physical act and state as it is a state of mind. That is also why your mates will be so submissive to your will; when you told them that it was either accepting your terms for mating or there would be no mating, you forced them to submit to your mating rules.” Kyubi said as she looked into Naruto's eyes in a surprisingly unwavering manner. “I don't know why the pink haired one accepted the new instincts so quickly and went so far as to declare slave/mate status, but I would guess that it might have been an unconscious need to let go of control and submit to somebody she loved to find happiness. I would not be surprised if the other one accepts slave/mate status soon as well, but she was thrown into heat right from the start and her instincts were so strong she wouldn't have been able to fight them if she had wanted to. Your choices in mates were good because it seems there will be no conflict between the demon instincts and their personalities.”
Naruto listened to every word Kyubi said as he felt his control over the woman almost become tangible as he allowed their gazes to lock while she explained what she would do if possible and the reasoning behind his two mates. As she finished talking he could tell that she was still locked by his eyes and realized that she had not only been telling the truth, but she would not be able to lie about anything. “Are you absolutely certain that you cannot become my slave/mate in here?” he asked to make sure that she hadn't forgotten anything.
Kyubi heard the question and considered her answer before feeling the truth being ripped from her throat as if she didn't have any control. “I am fairly certain that it isn't possible, but given our unique situation I cannot say it is an absolute fact. If we found another of the demon carriers and they say that they have done it successfully or failed, then I would be able to tell you the facts. As it stands right now, I wouldn't completely like to try ourselves because I do not know what all the consequences would be from either success or failure. It could be possible that it just wouldn't work and there would be no harm done or there could be feedback from even making the attempt. I just don't know.” Kyubi said as she felt as though her soul were being held by his gaze.
Naruto weighed the options before him and decided that while he could trust Kyubi right now, once her fear had a chance to subside she might try and find a way to turn the tables so that he was no longer holding the dominant position and his new instincts warred with that very idea. Without giving her a chance to change her mind about her acceptance Naruto pushed her away from him until she was laying on her back with him looming over her and bit down on her neck. He flared his chakra and forced it into his bite as he felt Kyubi shudder beneath him.
`Dominant male claiming me; let me submit, please, I want to submit to you Master.' Kyubi's instincts roared as she felt Naruto staking his claim on her. She waited while her mind ranted for her Master to let her submit for five minutes before Naruto let go and she sprang into action. He already had his first two mates' claims on his neck and quickly ripped the front of his shirt off to bite down on the front of the shoulder at the end of the collar bone. `I am yours now and forever Master.' Kyubi vowed in her mind as she let her chakra flow through her bite to complete her submission.
Naruto waited for Kyubi to release her bite before he picked up her surprisingly petit body and cradled her in his lap. He watched as she snuggled as close as she could get before whispering to her, “Your Master is pleased with you now Slave; you should find contentment now.” Naruto watched as Kyubi stiffened slightly and then became like Jell-o in his hands.
Kyubi didn't try to fight her submissive instincts and just accepted her new Master so that he could take her fear away. When he told her he was happy and that she could be content, Kyubi had what she could only describe as a spiritual orgasm as all of her emotional turmoil just seemed to be wiped out as her Master let her be content. “Thank you Master, I don't know what I would do without you now Master.”
“You would be an emotional wreck that I couldn't trust to stay loyal if I hadn't taken proper control of you.” Naruto said as he felt his instincts guide him on how to act for his newest slave/mate. “Now I don't have to worry because I know my Slave will do whatever she can to make me happy; she will tell me nothing but the truth about everything that is going on and even do her best to warn me if something bad even looks as though it might happen. Am I right about that Slave Kyubi? I sure hope you will not give me an answer that displeases me either.”
Kyubi could feel the undefined threats in her Master's words and knew that even without the threats she would have done exactly as he wanted without question. “I will my Master, my mate, my love. I wouldn't want anything to disrupt this hold you have on me that has given me more peace now than I ever had, even when I was in the dominant male position.” Kyubi responded as she tucked her head under his jaw and let his domination envelope her. “I will only ever be this way to you now Master. Even if I were to face another that were in a dominant male position I would not submit to him even if he demanded it. Your other mates will react in the same way and be submissive only to you. We will behave as we did before now, but with a need for justification to ourselves that it will not jeopardize our relationships with you. Your other mates and I will have to come to terms with our dominance among one another unless you tell us what our places are in relation to each other, but seeing as we are all going to be claiming slave/mate status, I think it will be more like sisters than adversaries.”
Naruto thought over Kyubi's words and figured that he could fix any problems that might arise and decided to move back to what he had wanted answers to in the first place. “Kyubi, what has happened to your cell room? I know you said earlier that it had something to do with Sakura and Hinata, but I wasn't really paying attention.”
Kyubi felt like purring as her Master/Mate held her and seemed to feel that she was valuable enough to treat nicely as he questioned her. “When you initiated the demon mating with Sakura-chan and Hinata-chan, you needed to use my demon chakra to make it work since you didn't have any of your own. Because of that, my chakra helped to not only link you in the mating, but it let me link to them as well and use their minds to augment my cell. You never noticed it Master, but the room outside my cell has three doors now. All of you can enter that room and my prison, but you will not be able to go through one another's doors. In a sense, you can now talk to each other with your minds, but it isn't practical because you must be unconscious to make it work.”
Naruto turned his head to look out of the bars to confirm what Kyubi had said and smiled at the doors he could see on the sides of the room. Without needing to see either of them enter the room he could tell that the door on the right was Hinata's while the door on the left was Sakura's; there were no distinguishing marks to symbolize which door was which, but Naruto knew. “How do you feel about your new forest Kyubi? Do you think you deserve this forest after tricking me into getting it for you?” Naruto asked as he felt the small woman tense in his arms.
Kyubi felt the panic hit her as her Master/Mate pointed out her mistake. “I am sorry I tricked you Master, but I would not change what I did because it led to my belonging to you. I love my new forest, but I would not have it any longer if it meant that you would be upset with me Master/Mate. I cannot have anything that you do not wish me to have any longer and therefore the forest is yours to do with as you please.” Kyubi said as a tear rolled down her cheek at the thought of loosing her new forest.
Naruto had not been considering doing anything to the forest until Kyubi brought it up, but it didn't seem to feel as though it was so important considering that she was right about how it was her misdeed that brought her into his care. “You will keep your forest my mate; it is your reward for submission.” Naruto whispered into her ear as she shuddered from the feeling of his breath on the sensitive appendage. “What do I need to know about all of our transformations? I can already tell that many of my senses are already better than they were before, but are there any surprises I should be aware of?” he asked to the still trembling woman.
Kyubi shook her head as her Master/Mate continued to build her want for him. “No Master/Mate. The physical changes are mostly aesthetic to show your new fox heritage and do not hold much power beyond the enhanced senses. Your bodies might be in slightly better shape and hold more physical strength than before, but the changes were mostly for your hearts, minds and souls. The demon mating is mostly to link you to your chosen mate or mates in a way that will never be breakable because it affects your mind, heart and even your soul. The four of us will now be linked through the ages as our souls seek each other if separated.” Kyubi shuddered and moaned as she finished her explanation as she felt her lower lips dripping in need to be claimed by her new Master/Mate.
Naruto smiled as he smelled Kyubi's need growing as he held her. He watched as she squirmed in his lap and rubbed her thighs together to try and find some relief to her burning core. “Is there something wrong my pet? You are squirming around and awful lot and you might want to stop rubbing your legs together so much or you might chaff the inside of your thighs.”
Kyubi could feel the order that Naruto had given her take hold as she stopped rubbing her legs together and nearly bucked out of his lap as the ache in her loins seemed to intensify instantly. “The mating ceremony involves sex most of the time. The only times I can think of in which it doesn't end in sex is when the dominant male has claimed the female for nothing more than honor or duty and he does not really wish to be mated to her. It is usually torture for the female because the mating forces her libido to spontaneously increase to maximum and she remains that way for almost a day or until sated by her new mate. My body is crying for you to claim it Master/Mate. Please take me Master/Mate. It hurts so much right now and you are the only one that could do something to stop it. Please claim my body.” Kyubi said as tears began to fall from her eyes at the burning she felt in the pit of her stomach.
Naruto didn't bother to acknowledge Kyubi's request before shoving her from his lap. In the blink of an eye he had ripped his pants off and shoved himself into Kyubi from behind as he bent over her and sunk his fangs into her neck once more.
Kyubi screamed her orgasm as it ripped through her body and turned her insides to mush. She couldn't believe the sensation of having her Master/Mate rip through her virginity in such a manner as her inner walls contracted to welcome him. Kyubi reveled in he feeling of being one with her Master/Mate as his dick rubbed enticingly against her cervix with each of her breaths; she wished it would last forever.
Naruto waited for Kyubi to regain focus and come off of the high of her climax before starting his thrusts. He set a slow pace to start with and felt Kyubi shoving back at him in an effort to make him go faster. Naruto tightened the grip his jaw had on the back of her neck as he maintained his pace and felt Kyubi convulse in the pleasure of his forceful domination. He wondered about the incredible tightness Kyubi's cunt had and hoped it would stay this tight forever as he thrust his full length in and out of the moaning body beneath him.
Kyubi tried to moan her pleasure all the louder as she felt the control of her life being held in her Master/Mate's hands. He was controlling their mating completely as she submitted to his pace and felt the overly large bubble forming in her stomach. He had been thrusting into her for over ten minutes when she finally felt Naruto speed his pace and push her over the edge. Kyubi watched her vision turn white as the orgasm brought her to the brink of unconsciousness before being brought back by the sudden rush of having her Master/Mate fill her insides with his essence.
Naruto grunted as he came within Kyubi then shifted so that he could let go of his bite and fall to the side. “You said something about needing to teach Sakura and Hinata about the mating. I trust you will do that as soon as possible. You three will be on equal footing Kyubi; you will not be above them and they will not be above you. I should hope that you three can come to an understanding quickly; I would hate to deal with problems.” Naruto said in a panting tone.
Kyubi had snuggled onto her Master/Mate as soon as she had been able to move and was trying to lay as much on top of him as she could while she listened to his orders about his other Mates. “I will. I promise not to cause trouble Master/Mate; I will be good.” Kyubi said in a purr as she felt herself falling asleep.
Naruto closed his eyes to rest as he let the weight of Kyubi's slight form press down on his chest. After a few moments he could feel Kyubi falling asleep and decided that he wasn't quite done with his questions. “Are there any demon powers that we will have now? I know that you can transform between this human form and your beast form; will we be able to do that as well?” he asked to the obvious pout of Kyubi at having to stay awake longer.
Kyubi wanted to complain about being kept awake but knew that it was not her place to complain about anything her Master/Mate chose and settled for a pout as she answered his questions. “No, you will not be able to transform because you have to be a full demon to have that ability. It would be nice if you could mate me in the demon form to, but this is perfect for me, as long as I have you Master/Mate.” Kyubi slurred out slightly from her fatigue.
Naruto smiled at Kyubi's slightly slurred speech but knew that there was at least one more matter he needed to ask about before he could let them both rest. “Why do you keep calling me Master/Mate? Wouldn't it be easier to just pick one and use it?” he asked to Kyubi's small whine at still having to stay awake.
Kyubi was so close to going to sleep she wished she could just say that it was bed time, but she had submitted to this man and now she would have to do things on his terms. Kyubi smiled as she thought about that and realized that she was in a better position than she had expected though because he could have just taken her for a slave and not sated her desires at all. “Because you are both my Master and my Mate. I cannot acknowledge one without the other because both are true and I have no right to just pick the one I like most; not that I could really decide which I like better anyway.” Kyubi said.
Naruto thought about that for a moment before looking down at the demon on top of him and asking, “Will Sakura and Hinata do the same thing? Sakura was just calling me Master as the night ended and didn't even seem inclined to acknowledge the fact that I was her mate as well.”
Kyubi chuckled at hearing the tidbit, even if she had already known from watching the mating as it happened. “It was her euphoria at letting go and committing to you that let her do that, but yes, she and Hinata-chan will both start calling you Master/Mate as well. Hinata-chan might still take some time to reach that point since she hasn't already done so or she might start right away if her mind does not fight it at all.”
Naruto felt that having Sakura and Hinata calling him Master/Mate in public might cause problems in the future and needed to find a way to stop that from happening. “Is there something we can do to prevent that? I think it will only cause a panic if people hear them talking like that; they will think I'm brainwashing them or something because of you.”
Kyubi flinched at being reminded that it was her fault that her Master/Mate was treated so badly and quickly shifted to place small kisses on his chest in some kind of apology. “You can always tell them how to address you Master/Mate. They will do anything you tell them to and feel nothing but happiness at following your commands and making you happy with them. You could even have them walking around the village naked while shouting for everybody to look at them and while they would feel embarrassed at the exposure, they would never feel unhappy about it.”
Naruto was a bit startled at the possessive growl that escaped him at the thought of his mates being seen like that by others. “They will never do something like that because I won't allow them to.” he said through clenched teeth. “I will not have somebody else looking at the bodies of my mates without ripping those offending eyes out and forcing them down his throat. They are mine, and I am the only one allowed to enjoy their naked bodies.”
Kyubi trembled at the anger she had aroused in Naruto but didn't stop showering him with kisses before saying, “I know that nobody will see them Master/Mate. It was only an example of something you could make them do if you wanted, but I knew that you would never do that to them. Please don't be angry Master/Mate. I promise not to say something like that again. I promise.” Kyubi said before stretching up some to nuzzle the top of her head into his jaw.
Naruto relaxed under Kyubi's words and ministrations, but he could still feel a slight boil in his gut at the idea of his women being seen naked by anybody else. “I want you to stop calling me that clumsy name already; you can just call me Mate from now on, but if you are going to ask for something you will call me Master. Is that understood?”
Kyubi could feel the happy tears sitting in her eyes as she was given her instructions. “Yes my Mate. I will do as you command.”
Naruto nodded slightly and felt his chin bump the top of Kyubi's head but decided to go to sleep and let his newest mate rest as well.
Hinata shifted as she tried to avoid the stupid light that was trying to wake her up. After almost a minute of adjustments she was finally able to tuck her head into some kind of corner to hide her eyes from the annoying light.
Naruto cracked his eye open a sliver as he felt his mate's distress but relaxed once she had hidden her face in his neck and seemed to calm down. Just as he was about to let himself fall asleep again he felt Hinata bite down on his neck with her fangs, but not do anything. He waited to see what she was planning on doing but could only feel her sleeping as her tongue gently licked the few drops of blood that escaped the punctures.
Hinata liked this dream as it took over her mind. She was in a field of flowers near the edge of a river about thirty yards from a waterfall and now she had Naruto there giving her something to drink that she couldn't help but find as the most delicious substance she had ever tasted; it even outranked her favorite blend of herbal tea. She had let Naruto put a few drops from the goblet he held onto his finger and drip it into her mouth but was feeling so relaxed from just those few drops that she didn't care that he was only holding her and not giving her more.
Naruto felt Hinata move deeper into sleep as her bite remained firm. `I hope this doesn't become a habit of hers or I might have a problem with getting to sleep.' Naruto thought as he lay awake while looking at the ceiling and casting his senses out to see what he could do with them. He could already feel Sakura clinging to his other side, but as he focused his hearing to try and listen to the room better he found that he could not only hear the slight feminine snore that Sakura seemed to have, but he could hear the heartbeats of both of his mates.
Naruto let the sound of their heartbeats sooth him into a more relaxed stated before moving on to his sense of smell. Taking a nice deep breath he felt inundated by the drugs that were his mates. He noticed Hinata's scent first and could only think to identify it as something like waterfalls and lavender, which seemed to fit her just right. Sakura's sent was something akin to cherry blossoms and cinnamon which seemed an odd combination, but still was pulled off flawlessly by her pores.
Sakura had been awake since Hinata had begun fidgeting from the sun in her face and smiled as she realized that she would be able to sleep in since for once, Hinata seemed to find a way to not let it wake her. She had felt Naruto tense slightly as Hinata calmed down but figured it was because she had awoken him. She hadn't done anything for the last five minutes as they all lay on the bed with Hinata being the only one in blissful slumber when she both heard and felt Naruto take a deep breath. Feeling that a deep breath might help to relax her back to sleep she copied her Master/Mate and inhaled a lungful of air.
Hinata was startled from her dream as she felt a sudden movement on the bed and sat up blinking her eyes tiredly as she watched Sakura franticly looking over Naruto. It was only a few seconds later that the memories of the night before came back and she realized that it had not been a dream after all.
Naruto was feeling somewhat silly as Sakura examined his body as though she were looking for something that she could not seem to find. Chuckling at the ticklish way she smoothed her hands over his ribs he finally decided to break the silence. “Sakura, is there something I can help you with?”
Sakura felt herself recoil at the words from her Master/Mate as she realized how calm he was. “I smelled your blood. Where are you hurt, I know I can smell it?” Sakura practically pleaded as she felt small tears in the corners of her eyes from fright that he might be injured.
Hinata just sat in shock as the night before replayed in her head over and over. She had finally given herself to Mate and now she would never have to let him go. She was so absorbed in the memories of she and Naruto trying to get her pregnant that hearing Sakura mention his blood was like a slap in the face and she was instantly next to the woman trying to find what was wrong.
Naruto actually laughed at the comical nature of the situation while his mates tried to find the cause of his blood while a small bit of it was still sitting on Hinata's upper lip. Putting his hands up and pushing them back a bit he sat up and told them to calm down as their eyes continued to rove his visible body. “If you are really so worried Sakura, you could always look to Hinata's beautiful lips to calm down.” He said to the obvious confusion of Sakura and flush of pride from Hinata.
Sakura couldn't understand why Hinata's lips would make the situation any better but looked over to her other mate just the same. It took her a moment to spot the small amount of blood that was sitting on the top lip of Hinata's mouth but finally smiled as the answer just seemed to pop into her mind; Hinata had bitten Naruto in her sleep, drawn some blood and that was why he had tensed. It was almost funny enough to make her laugh but she decided that there was something more important to do in that moment; she leaned across Naruto's lap and quickly began sucking on Hinata's upper lip to taste the blood that had smelled so good.
Hinata didn't waste any time kissing Sakura back for the sudden attack on her lips but was a little miffed at the focus being placed on her upper lip and nothing else. Finally breaking the kiss she pouted at Sakura's dazed expression and said, “What was that for? You didn't even kiss me right and you still look like you just had the best kiss of your life.”
Naruto found Hinata's comment comical but made it up to her by moving forward and placing his lips on hers in a passionate kiss. He waited a few seconds before licking her lower lip to ask for entrance and was quickly rewarded with a duel of tongues that Hinata quickly lost. As he finally pulled back with slightly heavier breathing he could see the daze that Sakura had sported a minute ago now adorning Hinata's eyes. “I hope that makes up for Sakura only trying to clean the blood off of you lip Hinata.” he said and waited for the words to sink in.
Hinata was feeling as though she were floating in the clouds when her brain processed what her mate had said to her. Hinata went from euphoric to angry faster than one of Rock Lee's taijutsu moves as she glared at Sakura. “Is he telling me that you weren't even trying to kiss me? That is so mean Sakura-chan.” Hinata said as her anger transformed to sadness at not being wanted enough to be kissed by her second mate.
Sakura had just been coming out of her daze from tasting Naruto's blood when she heard Hinata's sad statement. Without thinking she moved across the bed and hugged the nearly crying girl while placing small kisses on her cheeks. “I wasn't trying to be mean Hinata-chan, but you had some of Master/Mates blood on your lip and it looked so good and I tasted so good that I…” Sakura had been saying until Hinata turned her head to latch their lips together in a loving kiss.
Hinata was glad that Sakura was not trying to ignore her and was happy that they were sharing a real kiss this time.
Naruto watched as his two mates kissed and made up before finally interjecting by moving to the edge of the bed and standing up to stretch. He waited as he stretched for a few second before turning to give a cheeky grin to the two women that were now gawking at him. “I don't know about the two beautiful naked mates on the bed, but I could use a shower.” he said as he started walking towards the bathroom. Just as he was walking through the door he said in an offhanded tone, “I wonder just how much room there is in there.”
Sakura and Hinata were off the bed like bullets as they flew into the bathroom to only be grabbed by Naruto and thrown under the still warming water of the shower. The both of them felt the shivers run up their spines as their tails bristled a bit before becoming to soggy to stand on end. Naruto looked at his two drowned rats before moving into the shower next to them and pulling them close to share his warmth as the water continued to stay to cold.
Hinata was the first of the three to actually do anything beyond stand in their three way hug as she reached over and pulled soap and a washrag from the edge of the tub. Lathering the rag she let the soap fall to the floor before moving back from her mates and beginning her cleaning of Naruto's body. She had just finished one arm when Sakura began to do the same thing to his other side.
The two women worked in tandem to scrub every square inch of skin they could find before rinsing him off and grabbing the shampoo bottles. Working slowly now the comates began with his tail. They were only half done when a sudden rumbling sound forced them to pause what they were doing and look to the source as he purred with his eyes closed. Finishing the shampoo job for his tail, they moved to the hair on his head and were careful to avoid the ears. It wasn't until they had finished everything else that they each latched onto an ear and began to massage the soft appendages.
Naruto hadn't known the bliss he could get from just a shower, but he felt like he would flow down the drain as his mates rubbed his ears. He let them continue to rub his ears for a full two or three minutes before he finally pulled his head back and let the water begin to rinse his hair and tail.
Sakura and Hinata watched as Naruto rinsed himself off before giving them each a devious smirk. Grabbing Sakura and spinning them around so that they had switched places he said, “I think it is your turn to be first.” It was then that the girls realized that they were going to be getting a two person scrub down as well.
As Naruto and Hinata grabbed the washrags to begin their work on Sakura, Naruto took a good look at the woman before him since he hadn't taken the time to do so the night before. Sakura had grown over the years he had been gone. She hadn't gained too much height, but that was just fine because now her eyes would be looking at his chin and he couldn't be made fun of for being short. He watched the water run over her new curves as he admired how she had filled out nicely in his absence. Her B-cup breasts fit her proportions perfectly and just seemed as though any other size would be wrong. She had a slight flare to her hips that most certainly marked her as a woman but it was her legs that really drew him. Sakura seemed to be sporting a pair of perfect athletes' legs. All of the muscles in Sakura's legs were toned and seemed to ripple in unison whenever she shifted her weight. Soon enough he moved to clean her back and was blown away by the perfect butt that was placed before him. Sakura had obviously taken good care of her body while he had been away and now it was all his to enjoy.
Sakura felt like going back to sleep as her mates cleaned every little spot on her body; even the bottoms of her feet. It seemed strange that she had not become aroused while they had cleaned her erogenous zones, but shrugged it off as pure trust in her mates to focus on cleaning. She felt the cloth covered hands massaging the soap into her skin and then their bare hands working through all he hair in her tail and scalp. It was just as she expected a couple of minutes of heaven from her ears as she had seen Naruto enjoy when her explosion came.
Naruto's eyes shot open as he witnessed Sakura practically falling to the floor of the tub as he and Hinata rubbed her ears. He knew that it wasn't causing pain, but it took him a moment to realize that she was bucking her hips and she writhed under the touches to her ears. He smiled greedily to Hinata as he said, “If I didn't know any better I would say that Sakura was enjoying this just a little too much. Maybe we should stop Hinata.”
Sakura couldn't speak as her orgasm stayed just out of reach and her Master/Mate and comate considered stopping and leaving her so close and yet unfulfilled. In her lustful haze she just whimpered and pushed up into the hands that were playing her body so effectively.
Hinata watched as her comate bucked under her hands and pleadingly whined Hinafor the contact to continue. She watched as the woman before her held the sides of the tub to keep from falling to the floor even further and couldn't do anything to bring herself over the edge she seemed so close to reaching. Looking at Naruto with a sad look in her eyes she beamed as he nodded to her and she let him take over the work of massaging both ears while she knelt in from of her comate to help push her over.
Sakura felt helpless as she was bombarded with the needs of her body. She wanted to leg go of the tub and pinch her nipples or flick her clit or shove a few fingers into her burning honey pot. Just as her first tears of frustration began to fall and mix with the water on her body she felt a sensation that had her screaming her release to the echoes of the bathroom.
Hinata had watched Sakura for about five seconds before going for a multiple sex spot attack. Darting forward she had latched her teeth onto Sakura's left nipple and pulled it outward a little while she used one hand to push two fingers into Sakura's humping cunny and the other hand moved with the first to do nothing but attack Sakura's clit with a circular flicking motion. Sakura hadn't stood a chance.
Naruto had let go of Sakura's ears the moment she had begun her orgasm and watched as his perfect blossom was kept in a sexual high for almost two minutes by the effort of his precious pearl. He watched as Sakura's body convulsed and shook with the waves of pleasure coming from her very core and saw Hinata doing her best to make those waves all the more pleasurable.
Sakura was finally coming down from her high when she finally noticed the sensations that had pushed her body over the edge. She could feel teeth pulling on her right nipple as fingers thrust into her and massaged her clit. She was feeling completely spent and hoped that she would be left to rest for a few minutes when her knees finally gave out and her body fell backward and away from whomever had been manipulating her body. Sakura opened her eyes after her fall had left her propped against something and she could see Hinata kneeling in front of her with a happy expression on her face.
Hinata smiled at the blitzed out look Sakura had when her eyes finally opened. She had fallen back and was now leaning against their mate but she would obviously need some time before she would be able to move on her own. “I think you might have to wash me by yourself mate, Sakura-chan doesn't look as though she will be able to help for now.” Hinata said to Naruto's obvious amusement. `Besides, I wouldn't mind experiencing that myself.' She thought as she stopped herself from reaching for her own ears.
Naruto felt a little pride for Hinata as she stayed on her knees in the tub as Sakura panted her way back to normal; she was making an assumption, and it seemed about time to make things go where he wanted them to so that he could fix the problem for both of his mates at once. “Sakura, do you think that Hinata is presuming a little much about what is going to happen next?” he asked as he lifted his foot to tap once on her back in he hopes that she would catch onto he old code quickly.
Sakura tried to make her muddled mind work as Naruto addressed her when she felt the one quick nudge at the small of her back. With a smile spreading across her face she turned a little to nuzzle into Naruto's leg before answering. “I believe you are right Master/Mate.” She said as her mind convinced her of the truth behind the statement. `He is our Master/Mate, and that means that she is a slave like me and should not presume anything when it comes to what our Master/Mate will and will not do.'
Naruto smile at the betrayed look on Hinata's face but continued so as to make his plan work. “Sakura, do you think it was nice of Hinata to think that she could convince me to pleasure her just because she did it to you?” he asked with a double tap to Sakura's back this time.
Sakura didn't understand why her Master/Mate was controlling the conversation this way but figured that at one point or another he was going to ask a question and request an answer that didn't make sense. “No Master/Mate, Hinata-chan should never try and manipulate you like that; slaves are never supposed to manipulate their masters.”
Hinata's eyes shot wide open as she heard Sakura refer to her as a slave. `Sakura-chan thinks I am a slave to Mate. Sakura-chan thinks we are both slaves if her calling him Master is the truth.' Hinata thought as her mind tried to make sense of why she didn't want to argue. `Sakura-chan says we are Mate's slaves, but we are also his mates because she says that too. He is so commanding and I do love him. Am I his slave? Did I really want to be his slave?' Hinata thought as she watched her two mates looking at her sitting under the water of the shower. “Yes.” Hinata finally whispered in a hiss before collapsing onto the floor crying.
Naruto knew that Hinata was now accepting being his slave and now made to make her feel better so that he could fix the problem he had become aware of the night before. Moving from behind Sakura who could now sit up on her own Naruto moved under the cold water and sat down to pull Hinata into his lap in the same position he had held Kyubi in his mind.
Hinata didn't wait for the scolding she was certain was coming before she began to apologize while wrapping herself into as tight a ball as possible with her tail between her legs and ears flat against her skull. “I didn't mean to be out of place Master/Mate. I should have known better and I won't do it again Master/Mate, I promise. I promise I won't be bad, just don't hate me Master/Mate.” she blubbered out as she cried. She knew she was in the wrong and would probably need to be punished, but she was hoping that he would go easy on her if she could beg enough forgiveness.
Naruto was feeling a little bad for having to trick Hinata in such a manner, but knew that he would make it up to her as soon as she understood that it had been required. “I could never hate one of my precious mates Hinata. I would never hate you for anything that wasn't your fault. You never did anything wrong, I was only making Sakura say those things to help you realize how you truly felt about me. I knew that you would be my slave, but you had not come to the conclusion as quickly as your comate.” Naruto said as he bent down to lick a couple of tears off of the cheek he could see. “I knew you would be my good little pearl and catch on quickly and now I couldn't be more proud of you for finding the truth than I am right now.”
Hinata had been crying so hard that she had almost missed what her Master/Mate had been saying and she was instantly feeling as though her heart would beat out of her chest in pride. Hinata was so happy that she pulled herself up to lick her Master/Mates chin as a show of her new profound realization. He had been right in her lack of realizing the truth, but now she would be his slave/mate without a second thought. “I will always be yours Master/Mate; nothing will ever tear me away from you but death.” she pledged as she cuddled as deep into his lap as possible.
Sakura couldn't understand how her telling the truth about Hinata's misdeeds could mean that the woman had done nothing wrong, but she figured that it was fine if her Master/Mate said it was. It wasn't until Hinata made her pledge that she felt compelled to join the couple from her place only a foot away and repeat Hinata's pledge for herself. She wished that she could join her comate in their Master/Mate's lap but settled for leaning forward to place her head in Hinata's arms.
Naruto let his mates feel his love for them for a few minutes before sitting up straighter and clearing his throat. “I think it is about time we give Hinata that scrub down.” He said to the girls. Hinata was out of his lap and already standing in position with a smile so wide it went from ear to ear before Sakura or Naruto could blink. “I guess that means she likes the idea.” Naruto joked as he stood and reached for a washrag.
Naruto took the time to really look at Hinata as he began his scrubbing on her shoulders and worked his way down. She hadn't gained much height over the years, and was still shorter than Sakura; the top of her head could fit nicely under his chin. She might have been shorter, but her body held more of a lean look that Sakura's had. Hinata seemed to have remained relatively flat-chested and was holding somewhere between an A-cup and B-cup. Her whole body seemed sleek as her hips had flared only a little and she looked as though she had almost been streamlined to show nothing but grace and poise. Her butt was the tightest and cutest thing Naruto had ever seen or touched as he cleaned it with a few firm gropes for good measure that almost had Hinata staggering in surprise pleasure. Her legs seemed to enhance the sleek look her whole body possessed as they were clearly the perfect dancers' legs.
Naruto and Sakura quickly went through the cleaning of Hinata's tail and managed to have her purring by the time they were finished with it. The purring only seemed to intensify as they washed her hair and massaged her scalp. Hinata was holding her breath as the moment arrived to `clean' her ears and nearly jumped out of her skin in horror when they didn't cause a reaction like the one Sakura had experienced. She could feel how nice it was to have the still sensitive appendages manipulated, but it didn't seem to do anything sexual for her in the least. After giving up hope Hinata pulled away from her mates to let the freezing water rinse her body of all the soap.
Sakura could tell that her comate was disappointed at not having ears as sensitive as her own, but decided that it must have been luck of the draw considering that their Master/Mate's ears hadn't done anything sexual for him either.
As they all grabbed a towel from the small pile next to the now inactive tub they paused as they each felt as though their bodies were heating up to much. It was only a moment before Sakura was going through hand-signs to activate one of her many medical diagnosis jutsu when they all relaxed as things went back to normal. Sakura had paused mid hand-sign and was now looking in shock at her own hands.
Naruto grinned as he appreciated the new ability they seemed to have gained from the demon mating; their bodies were self-drying now. He did laugh when he looked at his two mates and noticed that while they were as dry as he was, their hair looked as through it would still need a good brushing before being `presentable' to the world. He kept on laughing until the girls joined him as they each stared at his own hair and he figured that he probably didn't look any better than they did.
Hinata took the lead as she grabbed both of her mates' hands and pulled them into the bedroom and to the bed before moving to a vanity in a corner of the room and bringing back two brushes. Handing one to Sakura she moved onto the bed and was moving to begin her work on Naruto when his hand shot out and grabbed the one she was still holding.
Naruto watched as Hinata stared in shock as he moved to begin working the brush through her tail and let Sakura start on her hair. Seeing that Hinata still didn't seem to be understanding what was occurring, he smiled as he said, “I think it is only fair after all that disappointment about your ears. Besides, I'm used to knots in my hair I think we should do the two of you before it dries too much and becomes uncomfortable.” Not waiting for a response he made the first pass of the brush through Hinata's tail and saw her eyes flutter closed as she relaxed.
Sakura didn't mind letting Hinata be brushed first, but she was still feeling bad that Hinata had not been given the same pleasure because of her ears. She brushed Hinata's hair as she thought about ways to try and make sure that her comate wouldn't become affected when it happened again but quickly became focused so that she could do a good job. Sakura found that she was getting so into the brushing she almost hadn't realized that she and Naruto were finished and that it was her turn.
Naruto waited for the girls to switch places and began to brush Sakura's tail in the same manner he had Hinata's. He let his hands trail over the fur after the brush had gone through it and reveled in how soft and velvety it was, but not quite as silky as Hinata's. `I guess they each deserve their own gifts from this.' He thought as he continued to brush the fur until he had finished with every bit of the now dry and fluffy tail.
Sakura quickly moved out of the way to let Naruto take her place and moved to his tail while letting her fingers rake through the smooth fur. She noted that Hinata seemed to have much silkier fur than Naruto, but that was usually the case between boys and girls and it didn't seem as though it was important. She worked hard to brush his tail and not pull to hard on the knots but it was becoming more and more difficult as time went by and his fur became drier in the cool bedroom air.
Hinata was becoming frustrated as she brushed Naruto's new long hair and couldn't seem to get very far with all the knots she was finding. Finally giving up she placed the brush down roughly with a huff as she stood from the bed and moved to the bathroom; only a moment later she was coming back to the bed with a triumphant smile and a spray bottle full of water. She let Sakura use the spray bottle on his tail while she used it on his hair and was happy to see that the work was progressing much quicker now that his hair had some moisture in it.
Naruto had let the girls brush his hair and thought they had been done for a while but they kept on brushing as though they were still trying to get the knots out. He had been letting the two women work for almost five minutes before he noticed that Hinata was going over the same portion of hair for the third time that morning. “I think you two are done now. If I didn't know better I would say that my mates were plotting to keep me here under the guise of needing my hair and tail brushed until eternity.” he joked as he grabbed the brushes and placed them back on the vanity. He almost collapsed in laughter at the flirting guilty looks both Sakura and Hinata were sporting as he turned back to the bed and he felt his heart swell at the sight of both women completely naked and clean sitting on the bed.
Sakura could see the joy in Naruto's eyes as he came back to the bed and gave them each a kiss but pouted as he didn't move to join them again. “Are you sure you do not want to come back and cuddle with us Master/Mate? I don't think we could be happier if we couldn't just hold you.” she said in as sultry a voice as she could manage. She watched as he pulled out a scroll and used a few hand-signs to call a clean set of clothes from them and send his old dirty ones away.
Naruto could feel the temptation of taking Sakura up on her offer but knew that if they didn't go in soon Tsunade would come to fetch them; or at least send somebody to do it for her. “No, we need to go and see Baa-chan or I have a feeling we will be getting a party crasher. Besides, I am starving and I can't say that a hunt for food goes over very well when people are naked; too much distraction.” he said with a wink and watched the blush appear on the cheeks of both Hinata and Sakura. “I also need to talk to you two about some things and I think it might be easier for all of us to focus in we have some clothes on and not so much skin showing to cause distractions.”
Hinata watched as her Master/Mate put his clothes on while talking about something but only heard something about distractions at the end of it when he had put on his boxers, pants and a shirt. Shaking her head to clear the fantasies out of her mind she refocused her gaze on Naruto to only perk up at his no longer being where he was. Looking around, she nearly flew to the ceiling when he happened to be next to her with a scrutinizing gaze fixed upon her.
Naruto had watched Hinata come out of her daze while he was putting his clothes on and as soon as she shook her head he moved to take a closer look at her eyes that held her new slightly red slit pupils. “Hinata, do you have any idea what I was just talking about, or were you thinking of something naughty that a Hyuga heir shouldn't be thinking about?” he asked as Hinata diverted her gaze and began blushing as if she were back to the Hinata he had left behind to travel with Jiraiya. “That is exactly what I thought you naughty kunoichi.” He grinned as he reached out and swatted her on the rump to watch her jump off the bed away from him with a very cute squeak.
Hinata wasn't quite sure what to do as she looked to Sakura for help. Their Master/Mate was still new to them and she couldn't tell if he was playing or not because he had spanked her, even if it wasn't very hard. Sakura didn't seem to be any help because she was just looking down at the bed, proving hat she had been just as guilty of not paying attention. Reverting to the teaching she had received as a child she stood up, folded her hands in front of her and bowed her head with her eyes closed as she said, “I'm sorry Master/Mate, I will pay attention, I promise.”
Naruto watched as his perfect naked, porcelain, pearl stood with her head bowed and her shoulders hunched like some scolded little girl and felt his anger actually rise for the first time in his life at her. Diving across the bed he had tackled her to the floor and was pinning her down while holding her chin up to glare into her eyes. “I don't ever want such a pathetic display from my Mate again! Even if you did something wrong you should never act so weak just to placate somebody else. If you can't look somebody in the eye to show your remorse, how can they ever believe what you say?” he nearly shouted into her face. He could see the fear in her eyes as she gulped down the lump in her throat. Lightening up considerably he lowered his body to merely cover hers as he snaked his arms under her to hold her tight. “You are stronger than any of that Hinata; you did manage to propose something that most would think of as being totally unacceptable. I don't know what you told your family, but you and Sakura and I are married now and that shows that you don't need to hide yourself away. Just look to us and we will be there for you. I just don't want you to ever think that you can't look me in the eyes Hinata.”
Sakura found herself near tears as her mates held one another while Naruto scolded Hinata. Sakura had been ready to beg her Master/Mate to not punish Hinata, but instead she could only feel her heart throbbing as, even in anger, Naruto tried to help Hinata be better than she was. He was always doing things like that when they had bee kids, and he was doing it now as their Master/Mate. `We never could have a made a wrong choice with him.' she thought as she moved to join in the pile on the floor.
Hinata couldn't understand how she had gone from being the target of anger to the receiver of love, but she didn't really care as her mates both held her. They had both been strong. Naruto, her Master/Mate, had always been somebody she admired because he never gave up and he didn't let others give up either; even if he had to carry them himself. Sakura had not had such a great start with all her focus on Sasuke, but now she was the third best medic in Konoha and could hold her own in a fight better than most in her profession. “I will be stronger for you my Master/Mate. I won't let you down.” she promised herself, not realizing she had spoken aloud.
Naruto chuckled as he heard Hinata's promise and decided that it was time to correct the biggest obstacle to their mating before he forgot again. “I do have one more thing that I need you both to do for me or I doubt I will live to sleep with either of you again.” he started to the quickly rapt attention of his two devoted mates. “Could you just call me Mate and leave the Master for when we are alone; I don't want people to think I have been brainwashing you.”
Sakura snorted at the idea of Naruto brainwashing her into being his slave. `I gave myself to my Master/Mate willingly and there is nothing they can do to ever make me take it back; but I guess he is right about other people not understanding.' she thought while still hugging him and Hinata. “Fine, but only because other people are idiots and I would never bring you trouble if I could help it.”
Hinata was in no frame of mind to think about the consequences and could think of no reason to dispute the order other than the fact that he was her Master as well as her Mate and it seemed wrong to put one over the other. “I wish I didn't have to; I love your being my Master and I don't care who knows, but if you don't want me to tell anybody I won't.” Hinata said with a pout as both her mates gave her a bemused expression.
“So, now that that is settled, we might want to hurry and go see Baa-chan before it gets any later. I have a feeling she is going to be mad that we waited this long to come in.” Naruto said to the questioning looks of his beautiful mates. “I guess neither of you have looked at the clock lately, but it is already ten in the morning because we spent almost three hours taking a shower and brushing our hair and fur. Somehow I doubt Baa-chan will accept that as an excuse.” he said in an offhanded tone to the blushing faces of Sakura and Hinata.
It was only a few minutes later that the three were fully dressed and leaving the apartment that they would be sharing; at Sakura and Hinata's request to their Master.
A/N - Well, here we are. The second chapter is now up and I even remembered to put in this authors note. Please review and tell me how I am doing. I will let you know that I already know what is going to happen so making requests or suggestions would be a waste of time. Please don't flame me either because all you would be doing is wasting your typed breath.