Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Who's The Daddy? ❯ Chapter 4: Here Nor There ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Who's The Daddy?

A/N- Next chapt is finally here, sorry about the wait on it...hope you all enjoy this, after all, I thought that Naruto deserved a little time off from Tsunade and his son, don't you think? Besides, the guy hardly was in the last chapt!

Disclaimer- I don't own Naruto and never will, so leave me alone until next time... T.T

Well, it's time to begin...this chapt should clear up a couple little mysteries too, so enjoy!!


'Kyuubi/Shakaku Talking/Thoughts'


< u>Chapter 4:

Here Nor There

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The walk to the Inazuka household had been rather uneventful, save the few curses shouted his way, or the angry looks.

Frankly Naruto was rather used to it all by now, it was sad truth, but he actually found it kind of welcoming. After all, it meant that he still held a place in this village, that the people still knew him and had not forgotten him after all these years.

Shaking his head at his thoughts, Naruto spared another glance down at the little girl at his side. He didn't know what it was, but there was something about her that seemed eerily familiar.

Hearing a deep howl nearby, Naruto glanced in that direction and couldn't help but smile when he saw a rather large looking wolf-dog bounding towards them.

It seemed that Akamaru hadn't only gotten bigger but had also gotten fatter.

He couldn't help but chuckle lightly when Miyuki let down the pup she carried; it took off like a bolt, running straight to its parent. Who strangely didn't stop, in fact, it looked as though it was coming straight at him.

Eyes widening, Naruto looked for an escape but he was too late and next thing he knew, he was tackled to the ground once again. An occurrence that seemed to be well liked around here.

As Akamaru tried to drown him via slobber, Naruto sensed other's approaching. A low whistle sounded and Akamaru immediately backed off, letting Naruto sit up only to cough roughly, attempting to dislodge all of that dog drool.

"Well well, I wondered why he was acting so excited, but it was only you Blondie. Figures!" The male voice was deep and chiding, but it held no hate, in fact it held some smugness.

Shaking his head Naruto got back to his feet, brushing himself off in the process, "is that the kind of hello that I can expect from now on Kiba? Or is this just a onetime deal?"

Looking up, Naruto froze for a moment. He blinked in utter surprise as his eyes took in not only Kiba's aged form, but the woman and the small infant that she held at his side.

Yes, she truly had grown into a rather breathtaking creature and Naruto couldn't stop a slight blush from crossing his cheeks, even as he smiled softly. It was good to see her again, even after all these years.

It was no wonder that Miyuki had seemed familiar to him, for before him stood Hinata Hyuuga.

"I guess that depends on the manner of your visit Uzumaki. After all, you've only just now come to see us...I should feel insulted, but you never were normal now were you?"

Chuckling at that, Naruto just shook his head, "I suppose so." Reaching out Naruto took Kiba's hand and smiled deeply as they embraced briefly, turning to Hinata, Naruto took in her blushing face. It seemed some things would never change.

"It's good to see you as well Hinata, may I?"

Motioning towards the little one in her arms, Hinata's blush only deepened, "ye...yes." Lifting her son Hinata placed him softly in Naruto's arms, a smile lighting her lips when he rubbed noses with the infant, making him giggle.

"So...what's his name?" Raising an eyebrow, Naruto rocked the child on his hip and smiled softly when he squealed in joy while reaching his little hands out to grab at his hair, tugging one of the forelocks painfully.

Gently loosening his grip, Naruto made soft cooing noises as he held the child close to his heart. He was savoring the moment while he had it.

Tilting her head at Naruto's clearly maternal manner, Hinata brushed her finger over her son's cheek gently, "Hoyuri. I see that you seem familiar with children Naruto, have any of your own?"

Smirking at that, Naruto couldn't believe that the truth hadn't spread like wildfire yet, he was sure that everyone in the village knew by now.

"Yes actually, I have a son, he's almost eight." He could tell by the surprised expressions on both Kiba and Hinata's faces that they were probably wondering when he'd gotten a girlfriend when he left eight years ago.

"If you’re wondering, no I'm not married nor have I ever been with a woman," trailing off, Naruto shifted Hoyuri to his other hip as he waited for the questions that were bound to come.

"Uzumaki-san is Hibiki-kun's mother!"

All three adults blinked at Miyuki's sudden interjection, all their eyes going to her smiling face before turning upon each other once again.

" that true Naruto?" Nodding his head, Naruto tilted his head back focusing upon the sky above them. It looked like night would soon be falling and he needed to get back to Hibiki, "yes it is."

Giving the child he held one last look, Naruto held him out to his mother and once Hinata had taken him, Naruto let one of his fox-like grins cross his lips.
"Well, I'd best be getting back. My kits' going to be mad enough at me as it is, it was good to see you two again. Hopefully we'll get more chances to catch up; I'll see you both later!"

Not even waiting for a response, Naruto waved at them, before turning full circle and taking off at a run. Leaving two very confused adults, one beaming child and a pouting infant behind.

"He hasn't changed..." Kiba muttered under his breath as he reached down to scoop up his daughter, making her squeal.

Shaking her head, Hinata looked down at her son, who was still longingly stretching his arms out after Naruto. "No, he hasn't."


Once he was out of sight, Naruto slowed down to a stop, just letting the wind whip about him.

"It seems that I'm almost ready again, doesn't it?" A dark chuckle from within answered his self-posed question.

'Right you are clearly enjoyed holding that little one didn't you? Are you truly wishing for more?'

Sighing, Naruto kicked a stray rock at his feet, "it felt so good to hold a baby yes...I suppose I do want more children...only thing is..." 'Discovering who your mate is.'


Scratching his neck, Naruto glanced at the trees about him. He really needed to get back and get going on making dinner for himself and his son. No matter how lovely it felt out here, he still had his priorities.

"Well, let's go fetch the brat then." 'Yes, we cannot leave him there for too long, Sakura might rub off on him.'

Chuckling at that, Naruto took off running again, "Amen to that."

Once he'd disappeared a silent figure stepped from the tree line and into the spot where Naruto had just stood, his green eyes bored into the ground at his feet.

'Don't just stand here. If you desire him, then go after him or are you a weakling who will let him slip through your fingers, again?'

Narrowing his eyes even further at his demon's words, Gaara lifted his head and without a word he hurried after Naruto. It was about time that they had a 'talk.'

He had almost reached Sakura's house, when he noticed it. He was being followed.

Reaching into his shirt, Naruto gripped the handle of one of his kunai as he slowed slightly. Letting his 'guest' gain on him.

Preparing himself, Naruto stopped suddenly and watched as his shadow leapt past him, coming to a sliding stop before him. Blinking in slight surprise when his eyes met those of Gaara, Naruto released his hold upon his kunai.

Crossing his arms before him, he raised an eyebrow in silent questioning. When it seemed that the other wouldn't be forthcoming, Naruto sighed, "Did you have something to tell me Gaara? Because, I'm kind of in a hurry."

The red-head didn't respond all he did was stride forward to come to a stop before Naruto. All the while keeping eye contact with Naruto.

A little worried with Gaara's weird behavior, Naruto tilted his head, "is something wrong Gaara?" As if in answer, Gaara did something unexpected.

His hand shooting out to grip the blonde by the back of the neck, growling darkly, Gaara pressed his lips firmly to Naruto's. A few moments ticked by before Gaara broke the kiss, but he didn't release the fox.

Naruto couldn't only stare at Gaara, his eyes wide even as a blush rose slightly upon his cheeks. Feeling as if he was about to collapse, Naruto wrapped one of his arms about Gaara's back to keep himself steady.

", what?"

Struggling to keep a smile from crossing his lips, Gaara settled for a slight smirk instead. The fact that he could fluster the blonde so much from just kissing him gave Gaara a slim hope, one he hoped would turn into something more.

"Would you come with me to get something to eat...alone?" He wasn't used to doing things like this and frankly, he could only do his best. But hearing Shakaku laughing at him was really starting to get on his nerves.

Jaw dropping at those quietly spoken words, Naruto wondered if Gaara had possibly hit his head on something. But then he noticed the slight fear behind those hard green eyes and it all fell into place.

'Well kit, why not go for it?' Narrowing his eyes Naruto thought it over, 'what about Hibiki? I promised him I'd return.' A snort answered him, 'I'll go. After all, you haven't let me out in a while...besides, you need this.'

He was slightly suspicious about Kyuubi's prodding, but Naruto wouldn't complain. He was right; he did need some time away from Hibiki, even if he'd be with Gaara instead.

"Alright Gaara, your on. Just let me do something real quick alright?" Nodding his head, Gaara released Naruto and took a step back. He'd easily recognized that look on the blondes face; after all, he had his own demon as well.

Closing his eyes, Naruto formed the hand sign and within moments next to him stood Kyuubi, a big grin on his face. "Well then, I'll be on my way then." Stretching his back as he winked at Naruto and Gaara, Kyuubi turned on his foot and dashed off.

"Have fun you love birds!" The laughter filled voice drifted back, causing Naruto to blush heavily. 'Damn fox!'

Turning towards Gaara after a moment of silence, Naruto let a small smile cross his lips, "so...uh, I guess we'd better get this show on the road then."

Not even responding, Gaara gripped Naruto's hand and stomped off in a random direction, dragging the rather bemused blonde behind him.

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A/N- Yep, that's where I'm ending it. Yes I'm evil and yes, the next chapt is in the works...right now I seem to be on a roll, but don't hold your breath.

After all, I'm still having troubles trying to get a new computer. What with no money and all, it's turning out to be a real pain.

Anyway, hope you all like this chapt, next time it will be the date!! And time for a little bit of revealing...can you guess what's gonna happen?

So until next time, please review and I'll worry about getting up the next chapt sooner.

Till then!

Ja Ne!