Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Why Orange? ❯ Rotten Sushi ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Here's chapter 3. Thanks to all my reviewers. This chapter will begin the disturbing discoveries.(dun dun dun) Okay that was cheesy I admit it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of it's characters.


Chapter 3 Rotten Sushi


Naruto treated Sakura and Sasuke to lunch and even let them choose the restaurant, a sushi place. He picked at his food but only Sasuke noticed. Naruto was thanking Sakura for coming along and helping out when Sasuke snatched a piece of sushi off his plate.

"Teme put that back!"

Sasuke smirked, "Why? You're obviously not eating and I'm still hungry."

Naruto paled and grabbed Sasuke's wrist saying quietly, "Trust me Sasuke you don't want to eat that. If you're still hungry order more for yourself, okay?"

Sasuke's eyes narrowed as Naruto let go of his wrist. He brought the piece of sushi to his nose and sniffed. His eyes widened in shock, it was rotten.

"Is all the sushi on your plate like this?"

Naruto just closed his eyes and nodded. Sakura looked confusedly at Sasuke's furious expression, "Like what Sasuke-kun?"

"This sushi's rotten Sakura."

"Then order some more I'm sure they'll replace it."

Naruto looked at her, "No Sakura-chan it won't matter. Ichiraku is the only restaurant that will serve me food that isn't rotten."

"What! Why!"

"The you-know-what."

Sakura's eyes narrowed and she would have made a scene if Naruto hadn't asked her not to.

When they got up Naruto handed Sasuke his wallet, "Here will you give the money to the cashier? If I try to do it I'll be ignored."

Sasuke was trembling with rage as he paid the bill, completely infuriated by the villager's treatment of Naruto.'I'm going to have to do something about this and soon,' he thought as he rejoined Naruto and Sakura outside.

Sakura hugged Naruto, "Thanks for treating me to lunch even though you didn't get to eat.

Naruto gave her a quick squeeze, "I like to treat you guys from time to time."

"I need to get to work at the hospital now. I'll see you two later."

With that she walked away scheming about how to get the restaurants to treat Naruto with respect.

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Naruto and Sasuke walked to Naruto's apartment to put the clothes up. Naruto opened his door, "Uh make yourself as comfortable as you can while I put these in my closet."

Sasuke had been in Naruto's one room apartment before but had never paid much attention to the decor, or rather the lack of it. The kitchen half had a tiny sink, a portable electric burner in place of a stove, an old beat up mini fridge and a pyramid of instant ramen. The living room half had a warped piece of plywood on top of two milk crates for a table and two milk crates for chairs. Sasuke followed Naruto into his bedroom which was really an area sectioned off from the kitchen/living room with a sheet.

Naruto was putting the clothes into a special armored steel cabinet and under the single window was a rolled up sleeping bag. Sasuke peered into Naruto's metal 'closet' and saw a ton of scrolls, books, weapons, and a few knickknacks.

"Why do you have this thing," Sasuke kicked the 'closet', "and not any furniture?"

Naruto squirmed, "Well people break in and trash my place regularly so I keep my important things in the armored lockbox and I can't afford furniture because I have to spend a lot of money on repairs. Also there's not much point in paying for furniture that's just gonna get trashed."

Sasuke paled at this little glimpse into the hell that is Naruto's daily life. It hurt to know that Naruto had been suffering so long and he'd never known or helped. To distract himself Sasuke went into a little alcove that turned out to be the bathroom. There was barely enough room to turn around. The shower was one of those square standing room only deals, and the sink was directly across from it. To get to the toilet you had to walk sideways between the shower and sink. It was depressing to say the least. Sasuke went back into the main room and saw Naruto grimacing at a steaming cup of instant ramen before wolfing it down.

Naruto suppressed a shiver of disgust, "Oh Yuck."

"I thought you liked ramen?"

Naruto jumped at Sasuke's questioning voice. He turned to see Sasuke frowning in confusion.

"I do but only Ichiraku's ramen. Instant ramen's gross."

"Then why do you eat so much of it?"

"Same reason I don't eat at restaurants, the food I buy at the grocers seems to become mysteriously rotten as soon as it's rung up, is broken into uselessness, or is ruined in some other way. Instant ramen is the only thing they can't ruin."

Sasuke walked over to Naruto, cupped his cheek and leaned his forehead against Naruto's. Their hitai-ates clinked and Naruto's eyes widened. Sasuke looked into the bright blue eyes of his best friend, "I'm so sorry you've had to deal with so much pain and that I've never done anything to help."

Naruto was speechless, Sasuke's voice was so regretful and gentle, and his eyes were full of sorrow and concern. Naruto raised a hand to thread his fingers through Sasuke's hair gently, "You have helped. You've acknowledged me, befriended me, and you chase the loneliness away."

Sasuke kissed him then, needing to kiss Naruto as much as he needed air at that moment. Naruto closed his eyes and leaned into the kiss bringing his other hand up to Sasuke's hair, holding him close as his tongue slipped into Naruto's mouth. Sasuke had his arms around Naruto, one hand in his hair and the other on his backside. The kiss continued for an indeterminate amount of time before the two had to separate for air.

Naruto panted, hands still in Sasuke's hair. Sasuke's own hands were on either side of Naruto's hips and he had his face in the crook between Naruto's neck and shoulder.


Sasuke chuckled, "You taste like ramen and strawberries dobe."

Naruto bristled, "Well you taste like green apples and vanilla teme!"

Sasuke raised his head, "I don't want to fight right now Naruto."

"Sasuke what does this mean?"

"Usuratonkachi. I want you. I'm going to steal your heart and make you love me."

With that startling announcement Sasuke left Naruto alone so he could absorb Sasuke's words.


Okay I hope you liked the new chapter. Please review and let me know what you thought and if you have any questions. Ja ne!