Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Promise To Love Me ❯ Trail Of Heart ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of its characters, but I would love to that way there would only be yaoi couples and maybe NarutoxHinata,lol.
Warnings: This is a Yaoi/ Shounen ai fic
. As much as it is concerned, most of the fic is PG-13 with occasional R. For violence, mature themes/ sexual content, and language.
Chapter One
Trail Of Heart
A pond entering high school, I, Naruto Uzumaki, swore on my honor that I would surpass everyone at everything, so why in the world do I give a care about what they think of me.
"Naruto, you are so amazing."
"You're smart, athletic and everybody thinks you are funny. It's hard to believe someone can really be so perfect!
So, I guess that's who my classmates really think I am. Someone special who stands out from the crowd. But I wonder what they would really think of me if I told them the truth about me being the nail tailed fox. So I love to stand out from the crowd and be noticed. But ever since I got to high school, there's been one nagging problem I can't get rid of. It's so irritating all because of...
"Sasuke's the best!"
"I am so glad Sasuke's in my class."
That jerk Uchiha Sasuke! After all my hard work. The refine me is just camouflage. It's my easy going personality that's the big lie. I may seem laid back, but the truth is I can't handle not being on top. I need to feel worshipped, noticed, and accepted. And so I study ridiculous hours. I train in secret to be the best athlete in gym class. But other than that I'm rude and stubborn. But I am not a loser! I refuse to be second-best to Sasuke! For the first time in my life, a true threat has appeared. I've never had a real challenge before now.
The problem starts with our high school entrance ceremony. I wanted to get the highest score on the entrance exam. But I didn't pull it off. I studied as hard and was ready to mangle whoever beat me! My plan was to become the class representative and stake my claims in our new school, the plan, however was doomed.
"The freshman class representative will be...Uchiha Sasuke!" And in like seconds the jerk took al of the class's attention. Since that day I swore that, that jerk would pay!
The morning began as usual for Naruto, wake up, wash, eat, and leave, so why did today seem different. Lazily walking to his homeroom class, Naruto groaned just as he opened the door to a surprisingly unwelcome face.
"Good Morning, Naruto." The jet black hair Uchiha said sarcastically. He smirked at the awkward astonished look on Naruto's face as he walked inside the room.
Oh, no! "Good Morning, Sasuke." The blonde chirped trying to sound as pleasant as he could regardless of his utter most anger dwelling inside. This guy's the last person I want to see in the morning!
"You get here so early every day. No one is even here yet." Sasuke mumbled returning his stare to the text book laying across his desk.
"Well, what about you?"
"Basketball practice let's out way before class. We train from 6 in the morning until 8 at night." Sasuke explained, keeping his eyes on the text and still manages to lean back in his chair; balancing on the two back legs.
"That's crazy!" Naruto yelled. He sat by Sasuke's desk and put on an innocent smile. "And with all that, you still manage o do your homework? You must work really hard. You work so hard as the class Rep. It's hard to believe you can handle everything you do." Naruto complemented trying to make it sound more of a big deal. "Maybe you should lay of and take a break." He smiled politely. How foolish of you Sasuke! This smile is the last thing you'll see before I send you straight down!
Sasuke just laughed. "And I'm sure that what you want me to do, Naruto." Naruto nearly jumped out of his seat in astonishment. How did he know? Sasuke removed his eyes quickly from the book and looked at the startled blonde. He smirked. "You're such a loser, Naruto. I'm not as dumb as you think." And with that, the bell rung, along with it the crowd of students rushed to their seats.
As usual, Naruto finished his work way before any of the other students, except Sasuke.
"Ooh, I can't do this. Sasuke! Can you help me with this problem?" Sakura, the pink haired shinobi, Naruto happened to have his heart set on; got up from her seat and went over the Sasuke. Naruto nearly gagged when he saw bright red blush across her face as the Uchiha explained to her how the problem should be done. It was unbearable to watch, yet Naruto couldn't resist seeing how all the other girls followed suit of Sakura and asked help from Sasuke. Almost the whole class except Hinata Hyuuga went to the black haired idol for help.
It used to be my job to rack up praise and adoration! If he weren't here! I've been reduced to everyday rubble. How am I suppose to be worshipped and idolized with him here? Darn you, Sasuke. Just you wait! My pain will only make my vengeance sweeter!
The next day the whole school was left speechless. The midterm exam scores finally came back and it would decide who would be the next to be idolized and praised. Naruto raced to the board with excitement, only to find a shock. His eyes read over the list carefully:
Midterm Exam Scores
1.) Uzumaki Naruto A 695
2.) Uchiha Sasuke A 691
"Wow, Naruto! You're awesome!" A couple of mindless, wishy washy fan girls yelled, collecting into a group around Naruto.
"I thought Sasuke was amazing, but you beat his score."
"I never knew you were so smart. I mean back in middle school you were completely clueless."
After much complements, the phenomenon finally hit Naruto. Yes! It's been a while since I felt the joy of victory. It feels so good! I defeated Sasuke! Uzumaki Naruto number one!
"Hey, Naruto!" Sasuke suddenly said, appearing out of nowhere beside Naruto. The blonde immediately broke from his self-adoration and looked at the smiling Uchiha. Ha, your fifteen minutes are up, you has-been! "I'm impressed. I knew there would be some time in your life where you wouldn't be completely useless." Surprisingly, Sasuke didn't sound like his normal teasing self, the words were actually meaningful. He actually meant it to be...kind?
What? What in the world was that? Naruto drew back whatever hurtful gloat he was about to yelled in Sasuke's face and instead murmured 'thanks'. ...wasn't expecting this. I beat him! I beat him! So...why dos he make me feel like I didn't win anything? This sucks! I won, but I'm not even happy. Actually…I'm the one who was obsessed with surpassing him and getting the best grades. Maybe Sasuke really didn't care about that. People notice him even if he didn't really try to win.
Naruto left for his next class quickly after that. Sliding the door slowly and walking to his seat, he sighed loudly. This feeling sucks. Maybe It'll be better if I just avoid Sasuke. Coming late to school could work. I need some water. Naruto walked back over to the door just as it opened and the person coming in rammed into him.
"Ouch!" Naruto yelled rubbing his rear after falling to the ground.
"Naruto? I'm sorry, I didn't see-"
Naruto rushed to his feet, blushing as he rushed out of the room. "I'm sorry."
"Naruto wait!" The swift Uchiha, rapidly grabbed the blonde by the shoulder. "You don't need to be embarrassed. I care about your well being."
"What?" Blushing more, the blonde gently shoved Sasuke's hand away. "Sasuke...I..."
Why? Why Sasuke? Why did you treat me different you were actually proud of me? Why did you make me feel all warm and the mere touch of you? And why does my heart race now whenever I think about you?
"Huh? Oh yes, Iruka Sensei?" Naruto quickly jumped, recollecting his thoughts enough to remember he was at home having dinner with Iruka and Kakashi.
"You haven't even touched your ramen. Are you feeling ok?" Iruka asked curiously walking over to the boy he had taken in as his own. He reached over and placed the back of his hand gently on Naruto's forehead. And almost immediately he removed it. "Wow, you are burning up. What happened?" He leaned over and carefully examine the red blush coming across the blonde's cheeks. "Are you sick, Naruto?"
Naruto blushed more and looked down. Why is it if I do anything out of the ordinary he thinks I'm sick? "I'm fine Iruka Sensei." He gave a quick and straight to the point answer.
Kakashi giggled to himself. "He's sick alright, but not what your thinking."
"What? So he is sick?" Iruka questioned approaching Kakashi and seating down on his lap. "Then tell me."
Naruto looked up at them. It was embarassing to have two male guardians but have them act as intimate and young as they did was even more humiliating.
Kakashi smiled and leaned over to Iruka's ear. Nibbling it softly as he explained. Naruto watched in astonishment as Iruka's face turned red and he snickered to Kakashi's remark.
"Hey. No secrets!" Naruto stood up from his seat suddenly.
"Naruto is love sick." Iruka smiled and pointed at him childishly. "No only that, you have your heart set on a special guy." He teased laughing to Kakashi.
"Shout up! I do not!" Naruto yelled, rushing out of the room.
Iruka giggled, snuggling up to Kakashi while since on his lap. "Look what you did Kakashi-kun, you made him angry."
"Me? You were the one who told him. And I was briefly telling you the truth." Kakshi explained, landing a gentle kiss on Iruka's cheek.
"Damn them! How did Kakashi know? I thought I was completely convincing and its not like its true. I don't like Sasuke Uchiha. What he said to me today had no affect on me." Naruto yelled punching into a tree trunk farther in a forest away from home. He continued taking his anger out on the defenseless tree until the thoughts finally over took him. Without realizing it, Naruto's punches got stronger, deepening in the tree more. His eyes turned blood shot red and his fangs grew out. His claws appeared and his voice became more huskier.
"Naruto?" A voice emerge from the silence of Naruto's relentless pounding.
Naruto jumped back, using his ninja reflexes, which were quicker now that he was in his demon fox form. His eyes widened, "Sasuke?" He watched in shook as the raven haired Uchiha over looked the rough appearance. His eyes widened as well, he knew his secret.